MGT 331 Essay Questions

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1) Explain each of the following flexible work arrangements: compressed work schedule, flexible work schedule (flextime), part-time work, and telecommuting (flexplace). Also describe one unique advantage and one unique disadvantage for each alternative work arrangement.

Compressed work schedule (flex time) Work schedule in which employees work a full forty-hour week in fewer than the traditional five days. Example, 4 10 hour days. Advantages: added leisure time, lower absenteeism and improves recruiting of new employees Disadvantage: increased fatigue and family adjustment problems. Work scheduling problems, customer complaints, possible union opposition flexible work schedule Give employees more personal control over the hours they work each day. Have to work full time, and there are mandatory times you have to be there Advantage: shorter communter time, more job satisfaction, greater sense of responsibility, more commitment, higher performance, less tardiness Disadvantages: difficult for management to be present, change in management process, employees need to be self motivated part time work;(work load) temporary or permenant, temporary works less that the 40 hour work week, typically seasonal workers, permanent classified as part of the workforce but still works less than 40 hours Advantages: appeals to people who want to work more than full time with multiple jobs, or don't want to work full time lower labor costs, ability to accommodate for changes in business cycle. Disadvantages: added stress and potentially diminished performance if holding to many jobs, also don't qualify for benefits and paid less telecommuting (flex place) may still have set work hours Work arrangement in which employees spend part of their time working off-site. Advantages: flexibility, comforts of home, choice of location that work with lifestyle, saves time, cost saving, efficiency, employee satisfaction Disadvantages: isolated, decrease identification with coworkers, not noticed at work can hold back career, tech difficulties. distractions

1) Goals lead to higher performance through their influence on motivation. However, goals work better under some conditions than others. Name and explain the five conditions (aka moderators or guidelines) under which goal setting is most effective.

Goal difficulty: Difficult goals are more likely to lead to higher performance than are less difficult ones Goal specificity: Specific goals are more likely to lead to higher performance than are no goals or vague or very general ones (e.g., "do your best goals") Goals are most likely to lead to higher performance when people have the abilities and the feelings of self-efficacy required to accomplish the goal Task feedback, or knowledge of results, lets people know where they stand in reference to goal Goals are most likely to motivate people toward higher performance when there is goal acceptance and goal commitment Participating in the goal-setting process helps build acceptance and commitment Assigned goals can be equally effective

1) Explain how/why people are motivated according to the two-factor (motivator-hygiene) theory.

Hygiene factors are sources of dissatisfaction, extrinsic to the work itself. I.e. organizational polices, poor work conditions, lack of status and security, in the context of the job itself If improved, makes employees, neutral/less dissatisfied Motivator factors impact job satisfaction, desirable and fulfilling tasks, opportunity for growth If these are provided for then employees can be satisfied The best way to have satisfied employees is to improve hygiene factors first and then help provide for motivator factors.

1) Expectancy theory is comprised of three important components. Name and define/explain each of the components. Explain how they work together to influence motivation. When is motivation the highest?

Is a result of rational expectations. People are motivated by how much they want something and their confidence that they will reach that goal. • Expectancy - Perceived probability of effort yielding acceptable performance • Instrumentality - Perceived probability of performance leading to outcomes • Valence - Perceived relative value or attractiveness of the outcomes • Motivational implications of expectancy theory - Motivation is sharply reduced when, expectancy, instrumentality, or valence approach zero - Motivation is high when expectancy and instrumentality are high and valence is strongly positive

1) What does it mean that organizations are "open systems"? Describe the components/elements of the open system and how they are related to one another.

Open systems pull things from the environment, do something to it, and then puts something back into the environment. Elements: Resource Inputs, Transformational Process, Product Outputs. Resource Inputs: information, materials, technology, facilities, money, people. Transformational process: activities being engaged in the organization. Feedback loop: customers buy product and that makes financial resource grow (and vice versa).

1) Name the Big Five personality traits and explain/define each of them. Provide an example of how each trait is important in organizations (e.g., give an example of how each might be related to success in different jobs or in the organization).

Openness: (to experience) more imaginative, like variety, curious, broad-minded (engineer, actor) Conscientiousness: responsible, dependable, and persistent (boss, lawyer) Extraversion/Introversion: outgoing, sociable, assertive (sales person, actor) Agreeableness: ability to get along with others, kinder, understanding, friendly, optimistic, trusting (HR) Neuroticism (emotional stability): anxious, irritable, aggressive, moody. (high stress, counselor)

1) Name and clearly describe the five levels of the needs hierarchy theory. According to the theory, how do these five levels work together to influence motivation?

Physiological/biological: most basic of all needs, needed for survival Safety: need for protection, stability, order, absence of pain and illness Belongingness/love: need for love, relationships, family Esteem: need for achievement, status, respect, prestige, self esteem Self actualization: personal growth and fulfillment, achieve terminal values Work together? Lower order needs are the most important, must satisfy each level in order to move up through the levels.

Name and clearly describe each of the four functions of management.

Planning: choosing goals and means to achieve them. Define goals, actions, and strategies Organizing: creating structures and systems. Design and group jobs. Establish patterns of authority. Leading: influencing and motivating others. How to get everyone to collectively achieve the goal of the organization. Controlling: monitoring performance and taking corrective action if needed. Making sure progress toward goals is being achieved.

Name and clearly describe the three components of attitudes. How are the components related to one another?

a. Cognitive: thought beliefs opinions and knowledge about someone or something. Can be subjective b. Affective: feeling toward something (affect) c. Behavioral: direct result of attitude (intent) i. Think something, feel something, do something ii. Thoughts influence feelings which influence intended behavior

1) Name and clearly explain the four key work behaviors in organizations? Give an example of each of the four work behaviors for the job of professor.

a. Job performance: doing what you are supposed to do in regard to your job i. Teach a class b. Organizational citizenship behavior: going above and beyond the role that is prescribed for you, actions that benefit others that you don't have to do i. Letters of recommendation, extra study sessions c. Absenteeism: (voluntary or involuntary) not showing up for the job given to you i. canceling class for conference, maternity leave d. Turnover: leaving the job i. getting a job at another school

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