MGT Test 1- Chap 2

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List five behaviors you consider most important to participate actively in workplace meetings

-arrive early -come prepared -have a positive attitude -contribute respectively -wait for others to finish

understand how effective nonverbal communication can help you advance your career

-includes all unwritten and unspoken messages both intentional and unintentional -includes eye contact, facial expressions, hand gestures, use of time, space, and territory

discuss effective practices and technologies for planning and participating in face-to-face meetings and virtual meetings

-leaders should start meeting on time -conflict should be confronted openly -leaders should summarize, end on time, distribute minutes -virtual meetings save travel time, expenses, and reduce fatigue -audio,video, web conferencing

Understand the importance of teamwork in todays digital-era workplace, and explain how you can contribute positively to team performance

-many organizations are forming teams to stay competitive - go through four stages of development (forming, storming, norming, performing) -successful teams are small, diverse, able to agree on purpose, procedures, method of conflict resolution

improve your competitive advantage by developing professionalism and business etiquette skills

-this includes avoiding speech habits, writing carefully worded emails and other messages, voicemail, cell phone manners. - to gain a competitive edge use polite words and do a lot of other things

explain and apply active listening techniques

-we listen only 25 % efficiently -listening to bosses -take notes, avoid interruption, ask questions, paraphrase -listening to coworkers-recognize facts, listen to main ideas -listening to customers-defer judgement, pay attention to content, control emotions, affirmative statements

when in a team, what percent should be positive messages


Name at least five reasons that explain why organizations are forming teams,

Better decisions, faster response, increased productivity, greater buy-in, less resistance to change, improved employee morale, reduced risk

What is the best approach to address conflict in meetings?

address the root problem directly, make sure the problem doesnt happen in the first place

What are ten techniques for improving workplace listening? Be prepared to describe each?

already answered this

how to be a good team member

be positive, help offer info to solve problems, supportive remarks

What techniques can make virtual meetings as effective as face-to-face meetings

be precise, give straight forward answers, make sure to be clear

What are virtual teams, and how can they reduce misunderstandings among participants

collaborations in different cities or countries, must accomplish tasks virtually

soft skills include

commincation,listeing, nonverbal, being nice

Which forms of nonverbal communication or nonverbal cues send silent messages about us?

eye contact, facial expressions, posture and gestures, time, space, territory, appearance of business documents, appearance of people

group think occurs because

fear of independence, hazards of courage

what are the four phrases of team development as identified by psychologist B A Tuckman?

forming-select memebrs and get to know them storming-identify problems, collect and share, prioritize norming-discuss alternatives, evaluate outcomes performing-select alternative, analyze effects, impliment plan, manage project

listening is a ...

full time job

List ten techniques for improving nonverbal communication skills in the workplace.

good posture, good eye contact, allow space for others but still have some personal space, be on time, open palms to show that you are happy

What are soft skills and why are they increasingly important in the knowledge-based economy of the digital era?

include oral and written communication, active listening skills, appropriate nonverbal behavior, proper business ettiquette -want efficient and productive team members, having good soft skills lies with future career success

how to deal with conflict

listen, understand other position, concern for relationships, look for agreement, invent new problem solving option, reach fair agreement

Is listening automatic? how much time do we spend listening in the workplace?

not automatic, 3o-45% of job listening

how to avoid group think

open discussions, welcome all points of view

hard skills include

related to the job and know how to do the job

are hard or soft skills more important


How is projecting a professional image related to career success?

two candidates that have equal qualifications, the one who is more polished and professional is more likely to be hired and promoted

What five specific behaviors do you think would be most important in giving you an etiquette edge in your business career?

using polite words, expressing appreciation and praise, not putting people down, respecting coworkers space, choosing the high road

how is videoconferencing different from web conferencing?

video conferencing is like facetiming and web conferencing is in online chat rooms

According to experts, we ignore, forget, distort, or misunderstand 75% of everything we hear. Why are we such poor listeners?

we need to train ourselves to be good listeners, control distractions, become actively involved, identify important info, avoid interrupting, ask questions

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