MH TEST 2: CH 8,9,11,13,14,17,22

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A patient is having difficulty making a decision. The nurse has mixed feelings about whether to provide advice. Which principle usually applies? Giving advice a. is rarely helpful. b. fosters independence. c. lifts the burden of personal decision making. d. helps the patient develop feelings of personal adequacy.

A Giving advice fosters dependence on the nurse and interferes with a patient's right to make personal decisions. It robs the patient of the opportunity to weigh alternatives and develop problem-solving skills. Furthermore, it may contribute to a patient's feelings of personal inadequacy. Giving advice also keeps the nurse in control and feeling powerful.

A patient says, "Please don't share information about me with the other people." How should the nurse respond? a. "I will not share information with your family or friends without your permission, but I will share information about you with other staff." b. "A therapeutic relationship is just between the nurse and the patient. It is up to you to tell others what you want them to know." c. "It depends on what you choose to tell me. I will be glad to disclose at the end of each session what I will report to others." d. "I cannot tell anyone about you. It will be as though I am talking about my own problems, and we can help each other by keeping it between us."

A A patient has the right to know with whom the nurse will share information and that confidentiality will be protected. Although the relationship is primarily between the nurse and patient, other staff needs to know pertinent data. The other incorrect responses promote incomplete disclosure on the part of the patient, require daily renegotiation of an issue that should be resolved as the nurse-patient contract is established, and suggest mutual problem solving. The relationship must be patient centered. See relationship to audience response question.

A community mental health nurse has worked with a patient for 3 years but is moving out of the city and terminates the relationship. When a novice nurse begins work with this patient, what is the starting point for the relationship? a. Begin at the orientation phase. b. Resume the working relationship. c. Initially establish a social relationship. d. Return to the emotional catharsis phase.

A After termination of a long-term relationship, the patient and new nurse usually have to begin at ground zero, the orientation phase, to build a new relationship. If termination is successfully completed, the orientation phase sometimes progresses quickly to the working phase. Other times, even after successful termination, the orientation phase may be prolonged.

A patient diagnosed with acute mania has distributed pamphlets about a new business venture on a street corner for 2 days. Which nursing diagnosis has priority? a. Risk for injury b. Ineffective coping c. Impaired social interaction d. Ineffective therapeutic regimen management

A Although each of the nursing diagnoses listed is appropriate for a patient having a manic episode, the priority lies with the patient's physiological safety. Hyperactivity and poor judgment put the patient at risk for injury.

The child prescribed an antipsychotic medication to manage violent behavior is one most likely diagnosed with a. ADHD. b. posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). c. communication disorder. d. an anxiety disorder.

A Antipsychotic medication is useful for managing aggressive or violent behavior in some children diagnosed with ADHD. If medication were prescribed for a child with an anxiety disorder, it would be a benzodiazepine. Medications are generally not needed for children with communication disorder. Treatment of PTSD is more often associated with SSRI medications.

A patient says, "I've done a lot of cheating and manipulating in my relationships." Select a nonjudgmental response by the nurse. a. "How do you feel about that?" b. "I am glad that you realize this." c. "That's not a good way to behave." d. "Have you outgrown that type of behavior?"

A Asking a patient to reflect on feelings about his or her actions does not imply any judgment about those actions, and it encourages the patient to explore feelings and values. The remaining options offer negative judgments.

A child diagnosed with ADHD will begin medication therapy. The nurse should prepare a plan to teach the family about which classification of medications? a. CNS stimulants b. Tricyclic antidepressants c. Antipsychotics d. Anxiolytics

A CNS stimulants, such as methylphenidate and pemoline (Cylert), increase blood flow to the brain and have proved helpful in reducing hyperactivity in children and adolescents with ADHD. The other medication categories listed would not be appropriate

Which nursing diagnosis is universally applicable for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders? a. Impaired social interaction related to difficulty maintaining relationships b. Chronic low self-esteem related to excessive negative feedback c. Deficient fluid volume related to abnormal eating habits d. Anxiety related to nightmares and repetitive activities

A Children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders display profoundly disturbed social relatedness. They seem aloof and indifferent to others, often preferring inanimate objects to human interaction. Language is often delayed and deviant, further complicating relationship issues. The other nursing diagnoses might not be appropriate in all cases.

Which assessment finding would cause the nurse to consider a child to be most at risk for the development of mental illness? a. The child has been raised by a parent with recurring major depressive disorder. b. The child's best friend was absent from the child's birthday party. c. The child was not promoted to the next grade one year. d. The child moved to three new homes over a 2-year period.

A Children raised by a depressed parent have an increased risk of developing an emotional disorder. Familial risk factors correlate with child psychiatric disorders, including severe marital discord, low socioeconomic status, large families and overcrowding, parental criminality, maternal psychiatric disorders, and foster-care placement. The chronicity of the parent's depression means it has been a consistent stressor. The other factors are not as risk-enhancing.

Which statement shows a nurse has empathy for a patient who made a suicide attempt? a. "You must have been very upset when you tried to hurt yourself." b. "It makes me sad to see you going through such a difficult experience." c. "If you tell me what is troubling you, I can help you solve your problems." d. "Suicide is a drastic solution to a problem that may not be such a serious matter."

A Empathy permits the nurse to see an event from the patient's perspective, understand the patient's feelings, and communicate this to the patient. The incorrect responses are nurse-centered (focusing on the nurse's feelings rather than the patient's), belittling, and sympathetic.

While talking with a patient diagnosed with major depressive disorder, a nurse notices the patient is unable to maintain eye contact. The patient's chin lowers to the chest. The patient looks at the floor. Which aspect of communication has the nurse assessed? a. Nonverbal communication b. A message filter c. A cultural barrier d. Social skills

A Eye contact and body movements are considered nonverbal communication. There are insufficient data to determine the level of the patient's social skills or an existing cultural barrier.

During a one-on-one interaction with the nurse, a patient frequently looks nervously at the door. Select the best comment by the nurse regarding this nonverbal communication. a. "I notice you keep looking toward the door." b. "This is our time together. No one is going to interrupt us." c. "It looks as if you are eager to end our discussion for today." d. "If you are uncomfortable in this room, we can move someplace else."

A Making observations and encouraging the patient to describe perceptions are useful therapeutic communication techniques for this situation. The other responses are assumptions made by the nurse.

The nurse receives a laboratory report indicating a patient's serum level is 1 mEq/L. The patient's last dose of lithium was 8 hours ago. This result is a. within therapeutic limits. b. below therapeutic limits. c. above therapeutic limits. d. invalid because of the time lapse since the last dose.

A Normal range for a blood sample taken 8 to 12 hours after the last dose of lithium is 0.6 to 1.2 mEq/L.

A nurse explains to the family of a mentally ill patient how a nurse-patient relationship differs from social relationships. Which is the best explanation? a. "The focus is on the patient. Problems are discussed by the nurse and patient, but solutions are implemented by the patient." b. "The focus shifts from nurse to patient as the relationship develops. Advice is given by both, and solutions are implemented." c. "The focus of the relationship is socialization. Mutual needs are met, and feelings are shared openly." d. "The focus is creation of a partnership in which each member is concerned withgrowth and satisfaction of the other."

A Only the correct response describes elements of a therapeutic relationship. The remaining responses describe events that occur in social or intimate relationships.

A parent diagnosed with schizophrenia and 13-year-old child live in a homeless shelter. The child formed a trusting relationship with a shelter volunteer. The child says, "My three friends and I got an A on our school science project." The nurse can assess that the child a. displays resiliency. b. has a passive temperament. c. is at risk for PTSD. d. uses intellectualization to deal with problems.

A Resiliency enables a child to handle the stresses of a difficult childhood. Resilient children can adapt to changes in the environment, take advantage of nurturing relationships with adults other than parents, distance themselves from emotional chaos occurring within the family, learn, and use problem-solving skills.

Which technique will best communicate to a patient that the nurse is interested in listening? a. Restating a feeling or thought the patient has expressed. b. Asking a direct question, such as "Did you feel angry?" c. Making a judgment about the patient's problem. d. Saying, "I understand what you're saying."

A Restating allows the patient to validate the nurse's understanding of what has been communicated. Restating is an active listening technique. Judgments should be suspended in a nurse-patient relationship. Close-ended questions such as "Did you feel angry?" ask for specific information rather than showing understanding. When the nurse simply states that he or she understands the patient's words, the patient has no way of measuring the understanding.

The exact cause of bipolar disorder has not been determined; however, for most patients a. several factors, including genetics, are implicated. b. brain structures were altered by stress early in life. c. excess sensitivity in dopamine receptors may trigger episodes. d. inadequate norepinephrine reuptake disturbs circadian rhythms.

A The best explanation at this time is that bipolar disorder is most likely caused by interplay of complex independent variables. Various theories implicate genetics, endocrine imbalance, environmental stressors, and neurotransmitter imbalances.

A patient diagnosed with bipolar disorder commands other patients, "Get me a book. Take this stuff out of here," and other similar demands. The nurse wants to interrupt this behavior without entering into a power struggle. Which initial approach should the nurse select? a. Distraction: "Let's go to the dining room for a snack." b. Humor: "How much are you paying servants these days?" c. Limit setting: "You must stop ordering other patients around." d. Honest feedback: "Your controlling behavior is annoying others."

A The distractibility characteristic of manic episodes can assist the nurse to direct the patient toward more appropriate, constructive activities without entering into power struggles. Humor usually backfires by either encouraging the patient or inciting anger. Limit setting and honest feedback may seem heavy-handed and may incite anger.

When a female Mexican American patient and a female nurse sit together, the patient often holds the nurse's hand. The patient also links arms with the nurse when they walk. The nurse is uncomfortable with this behavior. Which analysis is most accurate? a. The patient is accustomed to touch during conversation, as are members of many Hispanic subcultures. b. The patient understands that touch makes the nurse uncomfortable and controls the relationship based on that factor. c. The patient is afraid of being alone. When touching the nurse, the patient is reassured and comforted. d. The patient is trying to manipulate the nurse using nonverbal techniques.

A The most likely answer is that the patient's behavior is culturally influenced. Hispanic women frequently touch women they consider to be their friends. Although the other options are possible, they are less likely.

As a nurse discharges a patient, the patient gives the nurse a card of appreciation made in an arts and crafts group. What is the nurse's best action? a. Recognize the effectiveness of the relationship and patient's thoughtfulness. Accept the card. b. Inform the patient that accepting gifts violates policies of the facility. Decline the card. c. Acknowledge the patient's transition through the termination phase but decline the card. d. Accept the card and invite the patient to return to participate in other arts and crafts groups.

A The nurse must consider the meaning, timing, and value of the gift. In this instance, the nurse should accept the patient's expression of gratitude. See relationship to audience response question.

A patient with acute depression states, "God is punishing me for my past sins." What is the nurse's most therapeutic response? a. "You sound very upset about this." b. "God always forgives us for our sins." c. "Why do you think you are being punished?" d. "If you feel this way, you should talk to your minister."

A The nurse reflects the patient's comment, a therapeutic technique to encourage sharing for perceptions and feelings. The incorrect responses reflect probing, closed-ended comments, and giving advice, all of which are nontherapeutic

At what point in the nurse-patient relationship should a nurse plan to first address termination? a. During the orientation phase b. At the end of the working phase c. Near the beginning of the termination phase d. When the patient initially brings up the topic

A The patient has a right to know the conditions of the nurse-patient relationship. If the relationship is to be time-limited, the patient should be informed of the number of sessions. If it is open-ended, the termination date will not be known at the outset, and the patient should know that the issue will be negotiated at a later date. The nurse is responsible for bringing up the topic of termination early in the relationship, usually during the orientation phase.

A patient diagnosed with bipolar disorder is dressed in a red leotard and bright scarves. The patient twirls and shadow boxes. The patient says gaily, "Do you like my scarves? Here they are my gift to you." How should the nurse document the patient's mood? a. Euphoric b. Irritable c. Suspicious d. Confident

A The patient has demonstrated clang associations and pleasant, happy behavior. Excessive happiness indicates euphoria. Irritability, belligerence, excessive happiness, and confidence are not the best terms for the patient's mood. Suspiciousness is not evident.

Soon after parents announced they were divorcing, a child stopped participating in sports, sat alone at lunch, and avoided former friends. The child told the school nurse, "If my parents loved me, they would work out their problems." Which nursing diagnosis has the highest priority? a. Social isolation b. Decisional conflict c. Chronic low self-esteem d. Disturbed personal identity

A This child shows difficulty coping with problems associated with the family. Social isolation refers to aloneness that the patient perceives negatively, even when self-imposed. The other options are not supported by data in the scenario

A nurse says, "I am the only one who truly understands this patient. Other staff members are too critical." The nurse's statement indicates a. boundary blurring. b. sexual harassment. c. positive regard. d. advocacy.

A When the role of the nurse and the role of the patient shift, boundary blurring may arise. In this situation the nurse is becoming overinvolved with the patient as a probable result of unrecognized countertransference. When boundary issues occur, the need for supervision exists. The situation does not describe sexual harassment. Data are not present to suggest positive regard or advocacy.

A nurse ends a relationship with a patient. Which actions by the nurse should be included in the termination phase? (Select all that apply.) a. Focus dialogues with the patient on problems that may occur in the future. b. Help the patient express feelings about the relationship with the nurse. c. Help the patient prioritize and modify socially unacceptable behaviors. d. Reinforce expectations regarding the parameters of the relationship. e. Help the patient to identify strengths, limitations, and problems.

A, B The correct actions are part of the termination phase. The other actions would be used in the working and orientation phases.

Which benefits are most associated with use of telehealth technologies? (Select all that apply.) a. Cost savings for patients b. Maximize care management c. Access to services for patients in rural areas d. Prompt reimbursement by third-party payers e. Rapid development of trusting relationships with patients

A, B, C Telehealth has shown that it can maximize health and improve disease management skills and confidence with the disease process. Many rural parents have felt disconnected from services; telehealth technologies can solve those problems. Although telehealth's improved health outcomes regularly show cost savings for payers, one significant barrier is the current lack of reimbursement for remote patient monitoring by third-party payers. Telehealth technologies have not shown rapid development of trusting relationships

A nurse interacts with patients diagnosed with various mental illnesses. Which statements reflect use of therapeutic communication? (Select all that apply.) a. "Tell me more about that situation." b. "Let's talk about something else." c. "I notice you are pacing a lot." d. "I'll stay with you a while." e. "Why did you do that?"

A, C, D The correct responses demonstrate use of the therapeutic techniques making an observation and showing empathy. The incorrect responses demonstrate changing the subject and probing, which are nontherapeutic techniques

A novice psychiatric nurse has a parent diagnosed with bipolar disorder. This nurse angrily recalls feelings of embarrassment about the parent's behavior in the community. Select the best ways for this nurse to cope with these feelings. (Select all that apply.) a. Seek ways to use the understanding gained from childhood to help patients cope with their own illnesses. b. Recognize that these feelings are unhealthy. The nurse should try to suppress them when working with patients. c. Recognize that psychiatric nursing is not an appropriate career choice. Explore other nursing specialties. d. The nurse should begin new patient relationships by saying, "My own parent had mental illness, so I accept it without stigma." e. Recognize that the feelings may add sensitivity to the nurse's practice, but supervision is important.

A, E The nurse needs support to explore these feelings. An experienced psychiatric nurse is a resource that may be helpful. The knowledge and experience gained from the nurse's relationship with a mentally ill parent may contribute sensitivity to compassionate practice. Self-disclosure and suppression are not adaptive coping strategies. The nurse should not give up on this area of practice without first seeking ways to cope with the memories

A nurse wants to demonstrate genuineness with a patient diagnosed with schizophrenia. The nurse should a. restate what the patient says. b. use congruent communication strategies. c. use self-revelation in patient interactions. d. consistently interpret the patient's behaviors.

B Genuineness is a desirable characteristic involving awareness of one's own feelings as they arise and the ability to communicate them when appropriate. The incorrect options are undesirable in a therapeutic relationship.

Which assessment findings present familial risks for a child to develop a psychiatric disorder? (Select all that apply.) a. Having a mother diagnosed with schizophrenia b. Being the oldest child in a family c. Living with an alcoholic parent d. Being an only child e. Living in an urban community

A,C Familial risk factors that correlate with child psychiatric disorders include severe marital discord, low socioeconomic status, large families and overcrowding, parental criminality, maternal psychiatric disorders, and foster-care placement. Having a parent with a substance abuse problem increases the risk of marital discord. A family history of schizophrenia presents a genetic risk. Being in a middle-income family, living in an urban community, and being an only or oldest child do not represent adversity.

A nurse introduces the matter of a contract during the first session with a new patient because contracts a. specify what the nurse will do for the patient. b. spell out the participation and responsibilities of each party. c. indicate the feeling tone established between the participants. d. are binding and prevent either party from prematurely ending the relationship.

B A contract emphasizes that the nurse works with the patient rather than doing something for the patient. "Working with" is a process that suggests each party is expected to participate and share responsibility for outcomes. Contracts do not, however, stipulate roles or feeling tone, and premature termination is forbidden.

A nurse assesses a confused older adult. The nurse experiences sadness and reflects, "This patient is like one of my grandparents ... so helpless." Which response is the nurse demonstrating? a. Transference b. Countertransference c. Catastrophic reaction d. Defensive coping reaction

B Countertransference is the nurse's transference or response to a patient that is based on the nurse's unconscious needs, conflicts, problems, or view of the world. See relationship to audience response question.

An advanced practice nurse observes a novice nurse expressing irritability regarding a patient with a long history of alcoholism and suspects the new nurse is experiencing countertransference. Which comment by the new nurse confirms this suspicion? a. "This patient continues to deny problems resulting from drinking." b. "My parents were alcoholics and often neglected our family." c. "The patient cannot identify any goals for improvement." d. "The patient said I have many traits like her mother."

B Countertransference occurs when the nurse unconsciously and inappropriately displaces onto the patient feelings and behaviors related to significant figures in the nurse's past. In this instance, the new nurse's irritability stems from relationships with parents. The distracters indicate transference or accurate analysis of the patient's behavior.

The spouse of a patient diagnosed with bipolar disorder asks what evidence supports the possibility of genetic transmission of bipolar disorders. Which response should the nurse provide? a. "A high proportion of patients with bipolar disorders are found among creative writers." b. "A higher rate of relatives with bipolar disorder is found among patients with bipolar disorder." c. "Patients with bipolar disorder have higher rates of relatives who respond in an exaggerated way to daily stress." d. "More individuals with bipolar disorder come from high socioeconomic and educational backgrounds."

B Evidence of genetic transmission is supported by lifetime prevalence statistics. The incorrect options do not support the theory of genetic transmission and other factors involved in the etiology of bipolar disorder.

A black patient says to a white nurse, "There's no sense talking about how I feel. You wouldn't understand because you live in a white world." The nurse's best action would be to a. explain, "Yes, I do understand. Everyone goes through the same experiences." b. say, "Please give an example of something you think I wouldn't understand." c. reassure the patient that nurses interact with people from all cultures. d. change the subject to one that is less emotionally disturbing

B Having the patient speak in specifics rather than globally will help the nurse understand the patient's perspective. This approach will help the nurse engage the patient. Reassurance and changing the subject are not therapeutic techniques.

This nursing diagnosis applies to a patient experiencing acute mania: Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements related to insufficient caloric intake and hyperactivity as evidenced by 5-pound weight loss in 4 days. Select an appropriate outcome. The patient will a. ask staff for assistance with feeding within 4 days. b. drink six servings of a high-calorie, high-protein drink each day. c. consistently sit with others for at least 30 minutes at meal time within 1 week. d. consistently wear appropriate attire for age and sex within 1 week while on the psychiatric unit.

B High-calorie, high-protein food supplements will provide the additional calories needed to offset the patient's extreme hyperactivity. Sitting with others or asking for assistance does not mean the patient ate or drank. The other indicator is unrelated to the nursing diagnosis

A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia tells the nurse, "The Central Intelligence Agency is monitoring us through the fluorescent lights in this room. The CIA is everywhere, so be careful what you say." Which response by the nurse is most therapeutic? a. "Let's talk about something other than the CIA." b. "It sounds like you're concerned about your privacy." c. "The CIA is prohibited from operating in health care facilities." d. "You have lost touch with reality, which is a symptom of your illness."

B It is important not to challenge the patient's beliefs, even if they are unrealistic. Challenging undermines the patient's trust in the nurse. The nurse should try to understand the underlying feelings or thoughts the patient's message conveys. The correct response uses the therapeutic technique of reflection. The other comments are nontherapeutic. Asking to talk about something other than the concern at hand is changing the subject. Saying that the CIA is prohibited from operating in health care facilities gives false reassurance. Stating that the patient has lost touch with reality is truthful, but uncompassionate.

A patient demonstrating characteristics of acute mania relapsed after discontinuing lithium. New orders are written to resume lithium twice daily and begin olanzapine. What is the rationale for the addition of olanzapine to the medication regimen? It will a. minimize the side effects of lithium. b. bring hyperactivity under rapid control. c. enhance the antimanic actions of lithium. d. be used for long-term control of hyperactivity.

B Manic symptoms are controlled by lithium only after a therapeutic serum level is attained. Because this takes several days to accomplish, a drug with rapid onset is necessary to reduce the hyperactivity initially. Antipsychotic drugs neither enhance lithium's antimanic activity nor minimize the side effects. Lithium will be used for long-term control

A nurse wants to enhance growth of a patient by showing positive regard. The nurse's action most likely to achieve this goal is a. making rounds daily. b. staying with a tearful patient. c. administering medication as prescribed. d. examining personal feelings about a patient.

B Staying with a crying patient offers support and shows positive regard. Administering daily medication and making rounds are tasks that could be part of an assignment and do not necessarily reflect positive regard. Examining feelings regarding a patient addresses the nurse's ability to be therapeutic

A child reports to the school nurse of being verbally bullied by an aggressive classmate. What is the nurse's best first action? a. Give notice to the chief administrator at the school regarding the events. b. Encourage the victimized child to share feelings about the experience. c. Encourage the victimized child to ignore the bullying behavior. d. Discuss the events with the aggressive classmate

B The behaviors by the bullying child create emotional pain and present the risk for physical pain. Encouraging the victimized child to share feelings about the experience provides the nurse an opportunity to further assess the situation as well as provide support to the child. The nurse should validate the child for reporting the events. Later, school authorities should be notified. School administrators are the most appropriate personnel to deal with the bullying child. The behavior should not be ignored; it will only get worse

At a unit meeting, the staff discusses decor for a special room for patients with acute mania. Which suggestion is appropriate? a. An extra-large window with a view of the street b. Neutral walls with pale, simple accessories c. Brightly colored walls and print drapes d. Deep colors for walls and upholstery

B The environment for a manic patient should be as simple and nonstimulating as possible. Manic patients are highly sensitive to environmental distractions and stimulation.

As a patient diagnosed with a mental illness is being discharged from a facility, a nurse invites the patient to the annual staff picnic. What is the best analysis of this scenario? a. The invitation facilitates dependency on the nurse. b. The nurse's action blurs the boundaries of the therapeutic relationship. c. The invitation is therapeutic for the patient's diversional activity deficit. d. The nurse's action assists the patient's integration into community living

B The invitation creates a social relationship rather than a therapeutic relationship.

The patient says, "My marriage is just great. My spouse and I always agree." The nurse observes the patient's foot moving continuously as the patient twirls a shirt button. The conclusion the nurse can draw is that the patient's communication is a. clear. b. distorted. c. incongruous. d. inadequate.

B The patient's verbal and nonverbal communication in this scenario are incongruous. Incongruous messages involve transmission of conflicting messages by the speaker. The patient's verbal message that all was well in the relationship was modified by the nonverbal behaviors denoting anxiety. Data are not present to support the choice of the verbal message being clear, explicit, or inadequate

What is the desirable outcome for the orientation stage of a nurse-patient relationship? The patient will demonstrate behaviors that indicate a. self-responsibility and autonomy. b. a greater sense of independence. c. rapport and trust with the nurse. d. resolved transference.

C Development of rapport and trust is necessary before the relationship can progress to the working phase. Behaviors indicating a greater sense of independence, self-responsibility, and resolved transference occur in the working phase

When a hyperactive patient diagnosed with acute mania is hospitalized, what is the initial nursing intervention? a. Allow the patient to act out feelings. b. Set limits on patient behavior as necessary. c. Provide verbal instructions to the patient to remain calm. d. Restrain the patient to reduce hyperactivity and aggression.

B This intervention provides support through the nurse's presence and provides structure as necessary while the patient's control is tenuous. Acting out may lead to loss of behavioral control. The patient will probably be unable to focus on instructions and comply. Restraint is used only after other interventions have proved ineffective

During the first interview with a parent whose child died in a car accident, the nurse feels empathic and reaches out to take the patient's hand. Select the correct analysis of the nurse's behavior. a. It shows empathy and compassion. It will encourage the patient to continue to express feelings. b. The gesture is premature. The patient's cultural and individual interpretation of touch is unknown. c. The patient will perceive the gesture as intrusive and overstepping boundaries. d. The action is inappropriate. Psychiatric patients should not be touched.

B Touch has various cultural and individual interpretations. Nurses should refrain from using touch until an assessment is completed regarding the way in which the patient will perceive touch. The incorrect options present prematurely drawn conclusions

A patient cries as the nurse explores the patient's feelings about the death of a close friend. The patient sobs, "I shouldn't be crying like this. It happened a long time ago." Which responses by the nurse facilitate communication? (Select all that apply.) a. "Why do you think you are so upset?" b. "I can see that you feel sad about this situation." c. "The loss of a close friend is very painful for you." d. "Crying is a way of expressing the hurt you are experiencing." e. "Let's talk about something else because this subject is upsetting you."

B, C, D Reflecting ("I can see that you feel sad," "This is very painful for you") and giving information ("Crying is a way of expressing hurt") are therapeutic techniques. "Why" questions often imply criticism or seem intrusive or judgmental. They are difficult to answer. Changing the subject is a barrier to communication

At the time of a home visit, the nurse notices that each parent and child in a family has his or her own personal online communication device. Each member of the family is in a different area of the home. Which nursing actions are appropriate? (Select all that apply.) a. Report the finding to the official child protection social services agency. b. Educate all members of the family about potential safety risks in online environments. c. Talk with the parents about parental controls on the children's communication devices. d. Encourage the family to schedule daily time together without communication devices. e. Obtain the family's network password and examine online sites family members have visited.

B, C, D The nurse's focus is safety, including online environments. Education and awareness-based approaches are indicated to reduce the risks of potentially harmful behavior, including risks associated with cyberbullying. Parental controls on the children's devices will support safe Internet use. Family time together will promote healthy bonding and a sense of security among members. There is no evidence of danger to the children, so a report to child protective agency is unnecessary. It would be inappropriate to seek the family's network password and an invasion of privacy to inspect sites family members have visited

A nurse prepares to lead a discussion at a community health center regarding children's health problems. The nurse wants to use current terminology when discussing these issues. Which terms are appropriate for the nurse to use? (Select all that apply.) a. Autism b. Bullying c. Mental retardation d. Autism spectrum disorder e. Intellectual development disorder

B, D, E Some dated terminology contributes to the stigma of mental illness and misconceptions about mental illness. It is important for the nurse to use current terminology.

A novice nurse tells a mentor, "I want to convey to my patients that I am interested in them and that I want to listen to what they have to say." Which behaviors will be helpful in meeting the nurse's goal? (Select all that apply.) a. Sitting behind a desk, facing the patient b. Introducing self to a patient and identifying own role c. Maintaining control of discussions by asking direct questions d. Using facial expressions to convey interest and encouragement e. Assuming an open body posture and sometimes mirror imaging

B, D, E Trust is fostered when the nurse gives an introduction and identifies his or her role. Facial expressions that convey interest and encouragement support the nurse's verbal statements to that effect and strengthen the message. An open body posture conveys openness to listening to what the patient has to say. Mirror imaging enhances patient comfort. A desk would place a physical barrier between the nurse and patient. A face-to-face stance should be avoided when possible and a less intense 90- or 120-degree angle used to permit either party to look away without discomfort.

Which behavior shows that a nurse values autonomy? The nurse a. suggests one-on-one supervision for a patient who has suicidal thoughts. b. informs a patient that the spouse will not be in during visiting hours. c. discusses options and helps the patient weigh the consequences. d. sets limits on a patient's romantic overtures toward the nurse

C A high level of valuing is acting on one's belief. Autonomy is supported when the nurse helps a patient weigh alternatives and their consequences before the patient makes a decision. Autonomy or self-determination is not the issue in any of the other behaviors.

As a nurse escorts a patient being discharged after treatment for major depression, the patient gives the nurse a necklace with a heart pendant and says, "Thank you for helping mend my broken heart." Which is the nurse's best response? a. "Accepting gifts violates the policies and procedures of the facility." b. "I'm glad you feel so much better now. Thank you for the beautiful necklace." c. "I'm glad I could help you, but I can't accept the gift. My reward is seeing you with a renewed sense of hope." d. "Helping people is what nursing is all about. It's rewarding to me when patients recognize how hard we work."

C Accepting a gift creates a social rather than therapeutic relationship with the patient and blurs the boundaries of the relationship. A caring nurse will acknowledge the patient's gesture of appreciation, but the gift should not be accepted. See relationship to audience response question.

A patient discloses several concerns and associated feelings. If the nurse wants to seek clarification, which comment would be appropriate? a. "What are the common elements here?" b. "Tell me again about your experiences." c. "Am I correct in understanding that." d. "Tell me everything from the beginning."

C Asking, "Am I correct in understanding that ..." permits clarification to ensure that both the nurse and patient share mutual understanding of the communication. Asking about common elements encourages comparison rather than clarification. The remaining responses are implied questions that suggest the nurse was not listening.

A kindergartener is disruptive in class. This child is unable to sit for expected lengths of time, inattentive to the teacher, screams while the teacher is talking, and is aggressive toward other children. The nurse plans interventions designed to a. promote integration of self-concept. b. provide inpatient treatment for the child. c. reduce loneliness and increase self-esteem. d. improve language and communication skills.

C Because of their disruptive behaviors, children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often receive negative feedback from parents, teachers, and peers, leading to self-esteem disturbance. These behaviors also cause peers to avoid the child with ADHD, leaving the child with ADHD vulnerable to loneliness. The child does not need inpatient treatment at this time. The incorrect options might or might not be relevant.

A patient tells the nurse, "I don't think I'll ever get out of here." Select the nurse's most therapeutic response. a. "Don't talk that way. Of course you will leave here!" b. "Keep up the good work, and you certainly will." c. "You don't think you're making progress?" d. "Everyone feels that way sometimes

C By asking if the patient does not believe that progress has been made, the nurse is reflecting or paraphrasing by putting into words what the patient is hinting. By making communication more explicit, issues are easier to identify and resolve. The remaining options are nontherapeutic techniques. Telling the patient not to "talk that way" is disapproving. Saying that everyone feels that way at times minimizes feelings. Telling the patient that good work will always result in success is falsely reassuring.

Which comment best indicates that a patient perceived the nurse was caring? "My nurse a. always asks me which type of juice I want to help me swallow my medication." b. explained my treatment plan to me and asked for my ideas about how to make it better." c. spends time listening to me talk about my problems. That helps me feel like I am not alone." d. told me that if I take all the medicines the doctor prescribes, then I will get discharged sooner."

C Caring evidences empathetic understanding as well as competency. It helps change pain and suffering into a shared experience, creating a human connection that alleviates feelings of isolation. The distracters give examples of statements that demonstrate advocacy or giving advice.

A nurse will prepare teaching materials for the parents of a child newly diagnosed with ADHD. Information will focus on which medication likely to be prescribed? a. Paroxetine b. Imipramine c. Methylphenidate d. Carbamazepine

C Central nervous system (CNS) stimulants are the drugs of choice for treating children diagnosed with ADHD. Methylphenidate and mixed amphetamine salts are most commonly used. None of the other drugs are psychostimulants used to treat ADHD.

During which phase of the nurse-patient relationship can the nurse anticipate that identified patient issues will be explored and resolved? a. Preorientation b. Orientation c. Working d. Termination

C During the working phase, the nurse strives to assist the patient in making connections among dysfunctional behaviors, thinking, and emotions and offers support while alternative coping behaviors are tried.

When group therapy is prescribed as a treatment modality, the nurse would suggest placement of a 9-year-old in a group that uses a. guided imagery. b. talk focused on a specific issue. c. play and talk about a play activity. d. group discussion about selected topics.

C Group therapy for young children takes the form of play. For elementary school children, therapy combines play and talk about the activity. For adolescents, group therapy involves more talking.

Which behavior indicates that the treatment plan for a child diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder was effective? The child a. plays with one toy for 30 minutes. b. repeats words spoken by a parent. c. holds the parent's hand while walking. d. spins around and claps hands while walking.

C Holding the hand of another person suggests relatedness. Usually, a child diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder would resist holding someone's hand and stand or walk alone, perhaps flapping arms or moving in a stereotyped pattern. The incorrect options reflect behaviors that are consistent with autism spectrum disorders

A person was online continuously for over 24 hours, posting rhymes on official government websites and inviting politicians to join social networks. The person has not slept or eaten for 3 days. What features of mania are evident? a. Increased muscle tension and anxiety b. Vegetative signs and poor grooming c. Poor judgment and hyperactivity d. Cognitive deficits and paranoia

C Hyperactivity (activity without sleep) and poor judgment (posting rhymes on government websites) are characteristic of manic episodes. The distracters do not specifically apply to mania.

A patient says, "I'm still on restriction, but I want to attend some off-unit activities. Would you ask the doctor to change my privileges?" What is the nurse's best response? a. "Why are you asking me when you're able to speak for yourself?" b. "I will be glad to address it when I see your doctor later today." c. "That's a good topic for you to discuss with your doctor." d. "Do you think you can't speak to a doctor?"

C Nurses should encourage patients to work at their optimal level of functioning, which in turn promotes autonomy. A nurse does not act for the patient unless it is necessary. Acting for a patient increases feelings of helplessness and dependency.

Which issues should a nurse address during the first interview with a patient with a psychiatric disorder? a. Trust, congruence, attitudes, and boundaries b. Goals, resistance, unconscious motivations, and diversion c. Relationship parameters, the contract, confidentiality, and termination d. Transference, countertransference, intimacy, and developing resources

C Relationship parameters, the contract, confidentiality, and termination are issues that should be considered during the orientation phase of the relationship. The remaining options are issues that are dealt with later.

A person was directing traffic on a busy street, rapidly shouting, "To work, you jerk, for perks" and making obscene gestures at cars. The person has not slept or eaten for 3 days. Which assessment findings will have priority concern for this patient's plan of care? a. Insulting, aggressive behavior b. Pressured speech and grandiosity c. Hyperactivity; not eating and sleeping d. Poor concentration and decision making

C Safety and physiological needs have the highest priority. Hyperactivity, poor nutrition, hydration, and not sleeping take priority in terms of the needs listed above because they threaten the physical integrity of the patient. The other behaviors are less threatening to the patient's life.

Which principle should guide the nurse in determining the extent of silence to use during patient interview sessions? a. A nurse is responsible for breaking silences. b. Patients withdraw if silences are prolonged. c. Silence can provide meaningful moments for reflection. d. Silence helps patients know that what they said was understood.

C Silence can be helpful to both participants by giving each an opportunity to contemplate what has transpired, weigh alternatives, and formulate ideas. A nurse breaking silences is not a principle related to silences. It is inaccurate to say that patients withdraw during long silences or that silence helps patients know that they are understood. Feedback helps patients know they have been understood.

A desired outcome for a 12-year-old diagnosed with ADHD is to improve relationships with other children. Which treatment modality should the nurse suggest for the plan of care? a. Reality therapy b. Simple restitution c. Social skills group d. Insight-oriented group therapy

C Social skills training teaches the child to recognize the impact of his or her behavior on others. It uses instruction, role playing, and positive reinforcement to enhance social outcomes. The other therapies would have lesser or no impact on peer relationships.

After several therapeutic encounters with a patient who recently attempted suicide, which occurrence should cause the nurse to consider the possibility of countertransference? a. The patient's reactions toward the nurse seem realistic and appropriate. b. The patient states, "Talking to you feels like talking to my parents." c. The nurse feels unusually happy when the patient's mood begins to lift. d. The nurse develops a trusting relationship with the patient.

C Strong positive or negative reactions toward a patient or over-identification with the patient indicate possible countertransference. Nurses must carefully monitor their own feelings and reactions to detect countertransference and then seek supervision. Realistic and appropriate reactions from a patient toward a nurse are desirable. One incorrect response suggests transference. A trusting relationship with the patient is desirable. See relationship to audience response question.

Termination of a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship has been successful when the nurse a. avoids upsetting the patient by shifting focus to other patients before the discharge. b. gives the patient a personal telephone number and permission to call after discharge. c. discusses with the patient changes that happened during the relationship and evaluates outcomes. d. offers to meet the patient for coffee and conversation three times a week after discharge.

C Summarizing and evaluating progress help validate the experience for the patient and the nurse and facilitate closure. Termination must be discussed; avoiding discussion by spending little time with the patient promotes feelings of abandonment. Successful termination requires that the relationship be brought to closure without the possibility of dependency-producing ongoing contact.

A child diagnosed with ADHD shows hyperactivity, aggression, and impaired play. The health care provider prescribed amphetamine salts (Adderall). The nurse should monitor for which desired behavior? a. Increased expressiveness in communication with others b. Abilities to identify anxiety and implement self-control strategies c. Improved abilities to participate in cooperative play with other children d. Tolerates social interactions for short periods without disruption or frustration

C The goal is improvement in the child's hyperactivity, aggression, and play. The remaining options are more relevant for a child with intellectual development disorder or an anxiety disorder.

What is the nurse's priority focused assessment for side effects in a child taking methylphenidate for ADHD? a. Dystonia, akinesia, and extrapyramidal symptoms b. Bradycardia and hypotensive episodes c. Sleep disturbances and weight loss d. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

C The most common side effects are gastrointestinal disturbances, reduced appetite, weight loss, urinary retention, dizziness, fatigue, and insomnia. Weight loss has the potential to interfere with the child's growth and development. The distracters relate to side effects of conventional antipsychotic medications.

Consider these three anticonvulsant medications: divalproex, carbamazepine, and gabapentin. Which medication also belongs to this classification? a. clonazepam b. risperidone c. lamotrigine d. aripiprazole

C The three drugs in the stem of the question are all anticonvulsants. Lamotrigine is also an anticonvulsant. Clonazepam is an anxiolytic; aripiprazole and risperidone are antipsychotic drugs.

Assessment data for a 7-year-old reveals an inability to take turns, blurting out answers to questions before a question is complete, and frequently interrupting others' conversations. How should the nurse document these behaviors? a. Disobedience b. Hyperactivity c. Impulsivity d. Anxiety

C These behaviors are most directly related to impulsivity. Hyperactive behaviors are more physical in nature, such as running, pushing, and the inability to sit. Inattention is demonstrated by failure to listen. Defiance is demonstrated by willfully doing what an authority figure has said not to do

The parent of a child diagnosed with Tourette's disorder says to the nurse, "I think my child is faking the tics because they come and go." Which response by the nurse is accurate? a. "Perhaps your child was misdiagnosed." b. "Your observation indicates the medication is effective." c. "Tics often change frequency or severity. That doesn't mean they aren't real." d. "This finding is unexpected. How have you been administering your child's medication?"

C Tics are sudden, rapid, involuntary, repetitive movements or vocalizations characteristic of Tourette's disorder. They often fluctuate in frequency, severity, and are reduced or absent during sleep.

When a 5-year-old is disruptive, the nurse says, "You must take a time-out." The expectation is that the child will a. go to a quiet room until called for the next activity. b. slowly count to 20 before returning to the group activity. c. sit on the edge of the activity until able to regain self-control. d. sit quietly on the lap of a staff member until able to apologize for the behavior.

C Time-out is designed so that staff can be consistent in their interventions. Time-out may require going to a designated room or sitting on the periphery of an activity until the child gains self-control and reviews the episode with a staff member. Time-out may not require going to a designated room and does not involve special attention such as holding. Counting to 10 or 20 is not sufficient.

A nurse works with a child who is sad and irritable because the child's parents are divorcing. Why is establishing a therapeutic alliance with this child a priority? a. Therapeutic relationships provide an outlet for tension. b. Focusing on the strengths increases a person's self-esteem. c. Acceptance and trust convey feelings of security to the child. d. The child should express feelings rather than internalize them.

C Trust is frequently an issue because the child may question their trusting relationship with the parents. In this situation, the trust the child once had in parents has been disrupted, reducing feelings of security. The correct answer is the most global response.

Documentation in a patient's chart shows, "Throughout a 5-minute interaction, patient fidgeted and tapped left foot, periodically covered face with hands, and looked under chair while stating, 'I enjoy spending time with you.'" Which analysis is most accurate? a. The patient is giving positive feedback about the nurse's communication techniques. b. The nurse is viewing the patient's behavior through a cultural filter. c. The patient's verbal and nonverbal messages are incongruent. d. The patient is demonstrating psychotic behaviors.

C When a verbal message is not reinforced with nonverbal behavior, the message is confusing and incongruent. It is inaccurate to say that the patient is giving positive feedback about the nurse's communication techniques. The concept of a cultural filter is not relevant to the situation because a cultural filter determines what we will pay attention to and what we will ignore. Data are insufficient to draw the conclusion that the patient is demonstrating psychotic behaviors.

A patient diagnosed with bipolar disorder becomes hyperactive after discontinuing lithium. The patient threatens to hit another patient. Which comment by the nurse is appropriate? a. "Stop that! No one did anything to provoke an attack by you." b. "If you do that one more time, you will be secluded immediately." c. "Do not hit anyone. If you are unable to control yourself, we will help you." d. "You know we will not let you hit anyone. Why do you continue this behavior?"

C When the patient is unable to control his or her behavior and violates or threatens to violate the rights of others, limits must be set in an effort to de-escalate the situation. Limits should be set in simple, concrete terms. The incorrect responses do not offer appropriate assistance to the patient, threaten the patient with seclusion as punishment, and ask a rhetorical question.

Which comments by a nurse demonstrate use of therapeutic communication techniques? (Select all that apply.) a. "Why do you think these events have happened to you?" b. "There are people with problems much worse than yours." c. "I'm glad you were able to tell me how you felt about your loss." d. "I noticed your hands trembling when you told me about your accident." e. "You look very nice today. I'm proud you took more time with your appearance."

C, D The correct responses demonstrate use of the therapeutic techniques making an observation and showing empathy. The incorrect responses demonstrate minimizing feelings, probing, and giving approval, which are nontherapeutic techniques.

A nurse prepares the plan of care for a 15-year-old diagnosed with moderate intellectual developmental disorder. What are the highest outcomes that are realistic for this patient? Within 5 years, the patient will (Select all that apply) a. graduate from high school. b. live independently in an apartment. c. independently perform own personal hygiene. d. obtain employment in a local sheltered workshop. e. correctly use public buses to travel in the community.

C,D,E Individuals with moderate intellectual developmental disorder progress academically to about the second grade. These people can learn to travel in familiar areas and perform unskilled or semiskilled work. With supervision, the person can function in the community, but independent living is not likely.

A nurse interacts with a newly hospitalized patient. Select the nurse's comment that applies the communication technique of "offering self." a. "I've also had traumatic life experiences. Maybe it would help if I told you about them." b. "Why do you think you had so much difficulty adjusting to this change in your life?" c. "I hope you will feel better after getting accustomed to how this unit operates." d. "I'd like to sit with you for a while to help you get comfortable talking to me."

D "Offering self" is a technique that should be used in the orientation phase of the nurse-patient relationship. Sitting with the patient, an example of "offering self," helps to build trust and convey that the nurse cares about the patient. Two incorrect responses are ineffective and nontherapeutic. The other incorrect response is therapeutic but is an example of "offering hope."

The parent of a 6-year-old says, "My child is in constant motion and talks all the time. My child isn't interested in toys but is out of bed every morning before me." The child's behavior is most consistent with diagnostic criteria for a. communication disorder. b. stereotypic movement disorder. c. intellectual development disorder. d. ADHD

D Excessive motion, distractibility, and excessive talkativeness are seen in ADHD. The behaviors presented in the scenario do not suggest intellectual development, stereotypic, or communication disorder.

A Puerto Rican American patient uses dramatic body language when describing emotional discomfort. Which analysis most likely explains the patient's behavior? The patient a. has a histrionic personality disorder. b. believes dramatic body language is sexually appealing. c. wishes to impress staff with the degree of emotional pain. d. belongs to a culture in which dramatic body language is the norm.

D Members of Hispanic American subcultures tend to use high affect and dramatic body language as they communicate. The other options are more remote possibilities.

A patient diagnosed with bipolar disorder has rapidly changing mood cycles. The health care provider prescribes an anticonvulsant medication. To prepare teaching materials, which drug should the nurse anticipate will be prescribed? a. phenytoin b. clonidine c. risperidone d. carbamazepine

D Some patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder, especially those who have only short periods between episodes, have a favorable response to the anticonvulsants carbamazepine and valproate. Carbamazepine seems to work better in patients with rapid cycling and in severely paranoid, angry manic patients. Phenytoin is also an anticonvulsant but not used for mood stabilization. Risperidone is not an anticonvulsant

Which child demonstrates behaviors indicative of a neurodevelopmental disorder? a. A 4-year-old who stuttered for 3 weeks after the birth of a sibling b. A 9-month-old who does not eat vegetables and likes to be rocked c. A 3-month-old who cries after feeding until burped and sucks a thumb d. A 3-year-old who is mute, passive toward adults, and twirls while walking

D Symptoms consistent with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) are evident in the correct answer. ASD is one type of neurodevelopmental disorder. The behaviors of the other children are within normal ranges.

A Filipino American patient had a nursing diagnosis of situational low self-esteem related to poor social skills as evidenced by lack of eye contact. Interventions were applied to increase the patient's self-esteem but after 3 weeks, the patient's eye contact did not improve. What is the most accurate analysis of this scenario? a. The patient's eye contact should have been directly addressed by role playing to increase comfort with eye contact. b. The nurse should not have independently embarked on assessment, diagnosis, and planning for this patient. c. The patient's poor eye contact is indicative of anger and hostility that were unaddressed. d. The nurse should have assessed the patient's culture before making this diagnosis and plan.

D The amount of eye contact a person engages in is often culturally determined. In some cultures, eye contact is considered insolent, whereas in others eye contact is expected. Asian Americans, including persons from the Philippines, often prefer not to engage in direct eye contact.

A 4-year-old cries for 5 minutes when the parents leave the child at preschool. The parents ask the nurse, "What should we do?" Select the nurse's best response. a. "Ask the teacher to let the child call you at play time." b. "Withdraw the child from preschool until maturity increases." c. "Remain with your child for the first hour of preschool time." d. "Give your child a kiss before you leave the preschool program."

D The child demonstrates age-appropriate behavior for a 4-year-old. The nurse should reassure the parents. The distracters are over-reactions.

A school age child tells the school nurse, "Other kids call me mean names and will not sit with me at lunch. Nobody likes me." Select the nurse's most therapeutic response. a. "Just ignore them and they will leave you alone." b. "You should make friends with other children." c. "Call them names if they do that to you." d. "Tell me more about how you feel."

D The correct response uses exploring, a therapeutic technique. The distracters give advice, a nontherapeutic technique

A child diagnosed with ADHD had this nursing diagnosis: impaired social interaction related to excessive neuronal activity as evidenced by aggression and demanding behavior with others. Which finding indicates the plan of care was effective? The child a. has an improved ability to identify anxiety and use self-control strategies. b. has increased expressiveness in communication with others. c. shows increased responsiveness to authority figures. d. engages in cooperative play with other children.

D The goal should be directly related to the defining characteristics of the nursing diagnosis, in this case, improvement in the child's aggressiveness and play. The distracters are more relevant for a child with autism spectrum or anxiety disorder.

A nurse caring for a withdrawn, suspicious patient recognizes development of feelings of anger toward the patient. The nurse should a. suppress the angry feelings. b. express the anger openly and directly with the patient. c. tell the nurse manager to assign the patient to another nurse. d. discuss the anger with a clinician during a supervisory session

D The nurse is accountable for the relationship. Objectivity is threatened by strong positive or negative feelings toward a patient. Supervision is necessary to work through countertransference feelings.

When a 5-year-old diagnosed with ADHD bounces out of a chair and runs over and slaps another child, what is the nurse's best action? a. Instruct the parents to take the aggressive child home. b. Direct the aggressive child to stop immediately. c. Call for emergency assistance from other staff. d. Take the aggressive child to another room

D The nurse should manage the milieu with structure and limit setting. Removing the aggressive child to another room is an appropriate consequence for the aggressiveness. Directing the child to stop will not be effective. This is not an emergency. Intervention is needed rather than sending the child home

A patient says to the nurse, "I dreamed I was stoned. When I woke up, I felt emotionally drained, as though I hadn't rested well." Which response should the nurse use to clarify the patient's comment? a. "It sounds as though you were uncomfortable with the content of your dream." b. "I understand what you're saying. Bad dreams leave me feeling tired, too." c. "So you feel as though you did not get enough quality sleep last night?" d. "Can you give me an example of what you mean by 'stoned'?"

D The technique of clarification is therapeutic and helps the nurse examine the meaning of the patient's statement. Asking for a definition of "stoned" directly asks for clarification. Restating that the patient is uncomfortable with the dream's content is parroting, a nontherapeutic technique. The other responses fail to clarify the meaning of the patient's comment.

Which remark by a patient indicates passage from orientation to the working phase of a nurse-patient relationship? a. "I don't have any problems." b. "It is so difficult for me to talk about problems." c. "I don't know how it will help to talk to you about my problems." d. "I want to find a way to deal with my anger without becoming violent."

D Thinking about a more constructive approach to dealing with anger indicates a readiness to make a behavioral change. Behavioral change is associated with the working phase of the relationship. Denial is often seen in the orientation phase. It is common early in the relationship, before rapport and trust are firmly established, for a patient to express difficulty in talking about problems. Stating skepticism about the effectiveness of the nurse-patient relationship is more typically a reaction during the orientation phase.

A patient says, "People should be allowed to commit suicide without interference from others." A nurse replies, "You're wrong. Nothing is bad enough to justify death." What is the best analysis of this interchange? a. The patient is correct. b. The nurse is correct. c. Neither person is correct. d. Differing values are reflected in the two statements.

D Values guide beliefs and actions. The individuals stating their positions place different values on life and autonomy. Nurses must be aware of their own values and be sensitive to the values of others.

During an interview, a patient attempts to shift the focus from self to the nurse by asking personal questions. The nurse should respond by saying: a. "Why do you keep asking about me?" b. "Nurses direct the interviews with patients." c. "Do not ask questions about my personal life." d. "The time we spend together is to discuss your concerns."

D When a patient tries to focus on the nurse, the nurse should refocus the discussion back onto the patient. Telling the patient that interview time should be used to discuss patient concerns refocuses discussion in a neutral way. Telling patients not to ask about the nurse's personal life shows indignation. Saying that nurses prefer to direct the interview reflects superiority. "Why" questions are probing and nontherapeutic.

A nurse is talking with a patient, and 5 minutes remain in the session. The patient has been silent most of the session. Another patient comes to the door of the room, interrupts, and says to the nurse, "I really need to talk to you." The nurse should a. invite the interrupting patient to join in the session with the current patient. b. say to the interrupting patient, "I am not available to talk with you at the present time." c. end the unproductive session with the current patient and spend time with the interrupting patient. d. tell the interrupting patient, "This session is 5 more minutes; then I will talk with you."

D When a specific duration for sessions has been set, the nurse must adhere to the schedule. Leaving the first patient would be equivalent to abandonment and would destroy any trust the patient had in the nurse. Adhering to the contract demonstrates that the nurse can be trusted and that the patient and the sessions are important. The incorrect responses preserve the nurse-patient relationship with the silent patient but may seem abrupt to the interrupting patient, abandon the silent patient, or fail to observe the contract with the silent patient.

A nurse assesses a 3-year-old diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. Which finding is most associated with the child's disorder? The child a. has occasional toileting accidents. b. interrupts or intrudes on others. c. cries when separated from a parent. d. continuously rocks in place for 30 minutes.

D Autism spectrum disorder involves distortions in development of social skills and language that include perception, motor movement, attention, and reality testing. Body rocking for extended periods suggests autism spectrum disorder. Occasional toileting accidents and crying when separated from a parents are expected findings for a 3-year-old. Interrupting or intruding on others are assessment findings associated with ADHD.

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