Micro ch. 9

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A perfectly competitive firm will always maximize its profit or minimize its loss by a) setting marginal cost equal to marginal revenue in order to determine the optimal quantity of output. b) setting marginal cost above average cost. c) setting total cost minus total revenue at its maximum level. d) creating a unique product.


A short-run market supply curve in a competitive industry is derived by a) multiplying the quantity supplied by each identical firm in the industry times the number of firms at each relevant price. b) multiplying the quantity supplied by each differentiated firm in the industry times the number of firms at each relevant price. c) adding market supply and market demand at each relevant price. d) not usually upward sloping.


Each firm in a perfectly competitive market has long run average cost represented as AC(q) = 100q- 10+100/q. Long run marginal cost is MC=200q-10. The market demand is Qd = 2150-5P. Find the long run equilibrium output per firm, q*, the long run equilibrium price, P*, and the number of firms in the industry, n*. a) q*=1; P*=190; n*=1200 b) q*=2; P*=240; n*=1200 c) q*=50; P*=15; n*=200 d) q*=100; P*=9991; n*=500


Explain the truthfulness of the following statements I. A characteristic of a perfectly competitive market is that products are undifferentiated. That is, consumers perceive products to be identical. II. Equal access to resources is a condition in which all firms, including prospective entrants, have access to the same technology and inputs. a) Both I and II are true b) Both I and II are false c) I is true; II is false. d) I is false; II is true.


For a particular perfectly competitive firm and , where q is output. If the market price is equal to 40, at what level of output should the firm operate to maximize profit in the short run? a) 10 b) 20 c) 30 d) 40


For an individual firm operating in the long run, producer surplus equals a) the difference between total revenues and total opportunity costs. b) the difference between total revenues and total sunk costs. c) economic rent. d) The difference between market demand and market supply.


Identify the truthfulness of the following statements. A firm can earn a positive accounting profit but a negative economic profit. Opportunity cost is included in the definition of economic profit but not in the definition of accounting profit. a) Both I and II are true. b) Both I and II are false. c) I is true; II is false. d) I is false; II is true.


Identify the truthfulness of the following statements. Economic rent may equal economic profit. Economic rent may exceed economic profit. a) Both I and II are true. b) Both I and II are false. c) I is true; II is false. d) I is false; II is true.


Producer surplus is a) always equal to zero for a competitive firm in long run equilibrium. b) always greater than zero for a competitive firm in long run equilibrium. c) defined as the area below the supply curve and above the price. d) defined as the area above the supply curve and above the price.


Short-run perfectly competitive equilibrium is defined as a) The market price and quantity at which quantity demanded equals quantity supplied in the short term. b) The output level and price where all firms in the market are profit maximizing. c) The point at which all firms earn zero profits. d) The point where there is no incentive to enter the market.


Sunk costs a) will not affect any aspect of decision making by a competitive firm in the short run. b) are costs that can only be controlled by reducing labor input. c) affect the shutdown price in that higher sunk costs raise the shutdown price. d) do not affect the profit or losses of a firm.


Suppose that for last year, Sarah's small business earned an accounting profit of $70,000 and an economic profit of $20,000. What can we correctly infer about Sarah's business? a) The difference between Sarah's total opportunity costs and her accounting costs is $50,000. b) Sarah's explicit costs were $50,000 c) Sarah's total opportunity cost of her resources was $50,000. d) Sarah's firm cannot be maximizing profit.


Suppose that the tricorder industry is perfectly competitive. The firm of JL Picard is making a short-term economic profit. The firm of WT Riker decides to enter the tricorder industry. However, when the WT Riker firm enters the industry, it bids up some input prices. For this industry, we will likely observe a(n) a) upward-sloping long-run market supply curve. b) downward-sloping long-run market supply curve. c) horizontal long-run market supply curve. d) vertical long-run market supply curve.


The market for sweet potatoes consists of 1,000 identical firms. Each firm has a short-run total cost curve of STC = 100 + 100 q + 100q2, and a short-run marginal cost curve of SMC=100+200q where q is output. All fixed costs are sunk. What is the equation of the short-run market supply curve? a) Qs = 5P-500 for P≥100, and Qs=0 otherwise. b) P = 100000+200000q, P≥200, and Qs=0 otherwise. c) Qs = P/200 - .5 for P≥100, and Qs = 0 otherwise. d) Qs= 5P-500 for P ≥200, and Qs=0 otherwise.


The market for sweet potatoes consists of 1,000 identical firms. The market demand curve is given by Qd = 1000 - 5P. Each firm has a short-run total cost curve of STC = 100 + 100 q + 100q2, and a short-run marginal cost curve of SMC=100+200q, where q is output. All fixed costs are sunk. In short run market equilibrium, each individual firm will a) earn a short-run profit. b) earn a short-run loss. c) earn zero economic profit. d) produce an output of q = 4.


Which of the following statements about marginal revenue for a perfectly competitive firm is incorrect, where TR stands for total revenue, P stands for price and q stands for output? a) b) c) d) Marginal revenue is the rate at which total revenue changes with respect to changes in output.


A decreasing-cost industry is characterized by a) more firms than an increasing-cost industry. b) some type of economies of scale. c) accounting profit net of the minimum return on invested capital demanded by the firm's investors. d) some type of diseconomies of scale.


Economic rent is associated with __________; economic profit is associated with _______. a) a firm; a scarce input. b) a scarce input; a firm. c) a fixed input; a variable input. d) a scarce input; a fixed input.


For an entire perfectly competitive industry, which of the following statements is incorrect in the long run? a) Economic profit for the industry equals zero. b) Producer surplus equals economic rent. c) Economic profit equals total revenues less total costs. d) Producer surplus for the industry equals economic profit for the industry.


For the data in the following table, which level of q will maximize profit? q MR MC 0 0 0 10 40 10 20 30 20 30 20 30 40 10 40 50 5 50 a) 10 b) 20 c) 30 d) 40


If , , where q is output and all fixed costs are sunk, the firm's short-run supply curve is a) for P≥2 and zero otherwise. b) c) for P≥0 and zero otherwise. d)


If and where q is output, what is the minimum level of average variable cost? a) 0 b) 2 c) 6 d) 8


In a constant cost industry, which of the following statements is true? a) The long run market supply curve and the long run firm supply curve are both horizontal. b) While the long run market supply curve is horizontal, the long run firm supply curve generally is upwards-sloping. c) The long run market supply curve and the long run firm supply curve are both upwards-sloping. d) While the long run market supply curve is upwards-sloping, the long run firm supply curve is horizontal.


One characteristic of perfect competition is a) a differentiated product. b) many firms. c) restricted entry. d) preferred access to resources.


Suppose a $1 tax is levied on each unit of output in a perfectly competitive industry, we know that a) the number of firms in the industry will increase in the long run as long as the demand curve is downward sloping. b) the number of firms in the industry will decrease in the long run as long as the demand curve is downward sloping. c) firms will no longer produce at the bottom of the average cost curve in long run equilibrium. d) firms will no longer produce at the top of the average cost curve in long run equilibrium.


The market for sweet potatoes consists of 1,000 identical firms. Each firm has a short-run total cost curve of STC = 100 + 100 q + 100q2, and a short-run marginal cost curve of SMC=100+200q, where q is output. Suppose that sunk costs are 75 and non-sunk costs are 25. What is the equation of an individual firm's average non-sunk cost curve? a) b) c) d)


The market for sweet potatoes consists of 1,000 identical firms. Each firm has a short-run total cost curve of STC = 100 + 100 q + 100q2, and a short-run marginal cost curve of SMC=100+200q, where q is output. What is the equation of the firm's average variable cost curve? a) . b) . c) . d) .


Which of the following is not an assumption of a perfectly competitive market? a) Fragmented industry b) Differentiated product c) Perfect information d) Equal access to resources


and , where q is output. Sunk fixed costs are 56 and non-sunk fixed costs are 144. What is the minimum level of average non-sunk cost? a) 6 b) 50 c) 56 d) 144


29. Identify the truthfulness of the following statements. A profit-maximizing firm never produces where . A profit-maximizing firm never produces where . a) Both I and II are true. b) Both I and II are false. c) I is true; II is false. d) I is false; II is true.


An industry in which any potential entrant has access to the same technology and inputs as existing firms is said to be characterized by a) Open entry b) restricted entry c) free entry d) profitable entry


Characteristics of a short run perfectly competitive equilibrium always include a) zero profits. b) the condition that marginal cost is greater than average cost. c) the condition that homogeneous firms are producing the same level of output. d) the condition that sunk costs are zero.


Economic Value Added is defined as a) the same as accounting profit. b) total revenue less total explicit costs. c) Accounting profit net of the minimum return on invested capital demanded by the firm's investors. d) The same as economic profit.


For an individual firm operating in the short run, producer surplus equals the difference between total revenues and total non-sunk costs. Thus, a) producer surplus equals economic profit. b) producer surplus is less than economic profit. c) producer surplus is greater than economic profit. d) producer surplus equals economic rent.


In a perfectly competitive, increasing-cost industry in the long run, economic profit for the industry __________ and economic rent __________. a) can be positive; can be positive. b) can be positive; equals zero. c) equals zero; can be positive. d) equals zero; equals zero.


In an increasing cost industry, the long-run market supply curve is a) downward sloping b) horizontal c) upward sloping d) vertical


In the long run, free entry drives the market price to the minimum level of ________, and each firm supplies a quantity equal to its ____________. a) long-run average cost; price. b) marginal cost; minimum efficient scale. c) long-run average cost; minimum efficient scale. d) marginal cost; price.


Producer surplus for an entire market is a) the difference between quantity supplied and quantity demanded. b) the area below the market demand curve and above the market supply curve. c) the area below price and above the market supply curve. d) the area above price and below the market demand curve.


Producer surplus for an individual firm is a) total revenue less total variable cost. b) total revenue less total fixed cost. c) total revenue less total non-sunk cost. d) total revenue less total implicit cost.


Sometimes a firm will continue to operate even if that firm incurs short-run negative profits (losses). Which of the following characterizes this situation? a) . b) . c) where but . d) where but P < AVC.


Suppose that, at the current level of output, a firm in a perfectly competitive market is producing at a level such that price exceeds marginal cost, P > MC. Marginal cost is normally shaped (U-shaped). The firm a) is currently maximizing profit since it is charging a price higher than marginal cost. b) could increase profit by lowering the level of output. c) could increase profit by increasing the level of output. d) cannot increase profit without raising price.


The market for sweet potatoes consists of 1,000 identical firms. Each firm has a short-run total cost curve of STC = 100 + 100q + 100q2, and a short-run marginal cost curve of SMC=100+200q where q is output. What is the minimum level of average variable costs? a) AVC = 200. b) AVC = 0. c) AVC = 100. d) AVC = P.


When the average variable cost curve is "u-shaped" and not everywhere upward or downward sloping, marginal cost will a) never intersect the average variable cost curve. b) never equal marginal revenue. c) intersect or "bisect" the average variable cost curve at its minimum. d) always be increasing.


Which of the following is an example of a fixed cost that is also a sunk cost for a bakery as of January 15? a) The electric bill for the coming calendar year. b) An accountant's fees for tax preparation in April. c) The cost of a one-year lease on a building, signed January 1. d) The salary of the baker for the month of February.


Which of the following is not a characteristic of perfect competition? a) The industry is fragmented. b) Firms produce undifferentiated products. c) Consumers have imperfect information. d) Firms have equal access to resources.


Which of the following will not be true of a perfectly competitive market? a) Each individual buyer or seller has an imperceptible effect on the market price. b) A new firm may incur a cost upon entering a market, but has access to the same technology and inputs as established firms. c) Different consumers may pay different prices for the same product. d) Buyers and sellers take the market price as given when making purchasing or production decisions.


40. The short-run market supply curve is derived by ________ supplied of the individual firm supply curves. a) vertically summing the prices and quantities b) horizontally summing the prices and quantities c) vertically summing the quantities d) horizontally summing the quantities


A fixed cost that the firm cannot avoid if it shuts down and produces zero output must be: a) An accounting cost b) A marginal cost c) An equilibrium cost d) A sunk cost


A perfectly competitive firm's short-run supply curve is determined by the equation: a) P= AC where . Otherwise, supply is zero. b) P=AVC where . Otherwise, supply is zero. c) P=SMC where . Otherwise, supply is zero. d) where or or, depending on the level of sunk costs. Otherwise, supply is zero.


Economic rent can be defined as a) always the same as economic profit. b) the maximum amount that firms would be willing to pay for a fixed input. c) the minimum amount that firms actually have to pay for a fixed input. d) the difference between the maximum amount that firms would be willing to pay for a fixed input and the minimum amount that firms actually have to pay for that input.


For a particular perfectly competitive firm and . If the market price is equal to 40, what is the maximum profit the firm can earn? a) 400 b) 200 c) 100 d) 0


In a perfectly competitive industry, individual firms act as a) price makers. b) a single, cooperative entity. c) profit minimizers. d) price takers.


Suppose Joe starts his own business. In the first year the business earns $100,000 in revenue and incurs $85,000 in explicit costs. In addition, Joe has a standing offer to come work for his brother for $40,000 per year. Joe's accounting profit is _________ and Joe's economic profit is __________. a) -$25,000 and $15,000 b) $15,000 and $65,000 c) $15,000 and $60,000 d) $15,000 and -$25,000


The market for sweet potatoes consists of 1,000 identical firms. Each firm has a short-run total cost curve of STC = 100 + 100 q + 100q2, and a short-run marginal cost curve of SMC=100+200q where q is output. Suppose that sunk costs are 75 and non-sunk costs are 25. What is the equation of an individual firm's short-run supply curve? a) for P≥100, and q=0 otherwise. b) for P≥200, and q=0 otherwise. c) d) for P ≥200, and q=0 otherwise.


The short-run supply curve for a firm operating in perfect competition is a) the firm's marginal cost curve. b) the firm's average variable cost curve. c) the firm's average variable cost curve above marginal cost. d) the firm's marginal cost curve above the shut down price


Which of the following is not true in a long-run perfectly competitive equilibrium? a) , where P is market price and MC is the marginal cost of a firm. b) , where P is market price and AC is the average cost of a firm. c) , where is the supply of an individual firm, is the number of firms in the industry, and Qd is the market demand for a product. d) Firms may earn negative profits.


hich of the following does not represent a profit-maximizing condition for a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry? a) . b) . c) must be increasing. d) MC must be falling.


the market for sweet potatoes consists of 1,000 identical firms. Each firm has a short-run total cost curve of STC = 100 + 100q + 100q2, and a short-run marginal cost curve of where q is output. What is the equation of an individual firm's short run supply curve in this market? a) b) c) d) for P ≥100, and q=0 otherwise.


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