MICRO: Chapter 14

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in the complement cascade system over ____blood proteins that work in concert to destroy bacteria and certain viruses


very small granules cannot easily be seen in blood smear stains, rounded nucleus


•___ ____ thin layer of off-white material which is WBC

Buffy coat:

in edema, ____ ____cause WBC to accumulate along the wall of the blood vessel making contact causing friction, the blood vessels change shape and the WBC change shape to fit through the blood vessel

Chemical mediators

the heart blood vessels that circulate blood make the

Circulatory system proper

- monocytes that have long processes on their outer surface, they are involved in engulfing pathogens and presenting their foreign proteins to other immune cells ("long lines_"

Dendritic cells

Benefits of Edema and Chemotaxis • ____toxic substances • Fibrin clot can trap microbes and prevent further ____ • Phagocytosis occurs _____by neutrophils • Certain bacteria are _____ (pus-forming)- attract neutrophils

Dilutes , spreading, immediately , pyogenic

• Develop from stem cells in the bone marrow • Lose their nucleus just prior to entering circulation


• Transport oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the tissues • Most numerous • No immune functions


• ____An abnormally elevated body temperature known to be associated with infection • ____ fevers of unknown origin

Fever: , FUO

- Examples of _____: • Alveolar macrophages • Kupffer cells in the liver • Dendritic cells in the skin • Macrophages in spleen, lymph nodes, bone marrow, kidney, bone, and brain


• Specialized macrophages that migrate to a certain tissue and remain there during their life span


Complement Cascade Steps: • ____- begins when first complement chemical bind receptor on the invading microbe • Amplification • Cascade • _____- forming the ring structure • Membrane attack - when ring makes ____ in membrane

Initiation, Polymerization, holes

•Plasma-like liquid formed when certain blood components move out of blood vessels into the extracellular spaces and diffuse or migrate into the lymphatic capillaries

Lymph (lymphatic fluid):

•filters for lymph, provides a place for the microbes where inflammation took place to interact and be filtered causing swelling in lymph nodes

Lymph nodes:

• ____ system: lymph nodes that circulate the lypmh


• ____system: compartmentalized network of vessels, cells, and specialized accessory organs


• Discharged by bone marrow into bloodstream, live as phagocytes for a few days, then differentiate into macrophages, long-lived


• Largest • Become macrophages


• Chief functions of inflammation • ____and attract immune components to the site of the injury • Set in motion mechanisms to __ ___ damage and localize and clear away harmful substances • ____microbes and block their further invasion

Mobilize, repair tissue, Destroy

The Body Compartments Systems Involved in Immune Defenses are _____ _____system

Mononuclear phagocyte

the membrane of the eye and digestive urinary and respiratory tracts provide a layer of protection at traps, moves, and prohibits the attachment of many organisms. these organisms are going to get stuck in this and they're going to follow it either out of the body-


pathogen associated molecular pattern on the foreign entities (what WBC look for in the body to engulf and break down)


pathogen recognition receptors on WBC


Function primarily in hemostasis and in releasing chemicals for blood clotting and inflammation


• Formed elements in circulating blood • Not whole cells •


Spleen • Primary function: removes worn-out ____ __ ___ from circulation • Immunological function: ____pathogens from the blood for phagocytosis by macrophages

RBCs, Filters

sweat is going to remove microbes physically it's also acidic and has a high salt content


• ___: plasma without clotting factors


filter for blood, removes worn out blood cells and microbes, they are the phagocytized


the three main functions of the immune system: o ____the body o _____ foreign intruders o _____ and or remove

Survey , Recognize, Destroy

where immature T cells mature due to hormones in thymus, they then leave to occupy other lymph organs


____ must distinguish self from nonself cells • Evaluates cells by examining ____ on their surfaces

White blood cells, markers

• ___: blood cells suspended in plasma

Whole blood

the Third line of defense is (acquired/innate) and (nonspecific/specific) that include specific host defenses that must be developed uniquely for each microbe through the action of specialized WBC

acquired, specific

T cells • B cells • Monocytes are what kind of leukocyte


very small granules cannot easily be seen in blood smear stains, rounded nucleus)


leukocytes (or WBC) are mad eup of ___ and _____

agranulocytes , granulocytes

• Resident microbiota: - Provides microbial _____ - Blocks access of pathogens to ____ surfaces - Creates ____ environments for pathogens

antagonism, epithelial surfaces, unfavorable

• Major aggregations of lymph noes are found: ___ nodes - under your arms ____ nodes - in your groin, _____ nodes - in your neck

axillary, inguinal, cervical

• Localized basophils (bound to tissue) and noncirculatory are called mast cells • Mast cells important in allergic responses


• Present in low numbers in the body - less than 0.5% of circulating WBCs • Function is similar to eosinophils


complement antimicrobial products is a ____ reaction as the first one activates the second, then the second activates the third and so on


vascular changes are controlled by nervous stimulation, ___ ___ and ____- released by blood cells, tissue cells, and platelets in the injured area

chemical mediators, and cytokines

phagocytosis stages 1. ____ 2. PRR bind ____with bacteria 3 Engulfment (Ingestion) 4. Making the Phagosome formation- called Lysosomal fusion or a _____ 5._____ 6. Waste _____

chemotaxis, bind , phagolysosome, destruction, elimination

located in the trachea in the bronchea constantly pushing contaminants up to be coughed


• End up with a membrane intact complex causing leaky membrane holes making them more set up for destruction

complement cascade

Accumulation of exudates causes ____ •


Associated with inflammation and allergies • Granules contain digestive enzymes, lysozyme, toxic proteins, and inflammatory chemicals


• Present in the bone marrow and spleen • Attack and destroy eukaryotic pathogens (helminths and fungi) •


• exist in the spaces in between cells, made up of extracellular matrix, when cells move out they can move through this

extracellular fluid

Name the major functions of the lymphatic system • Provide return of ____ ____to the circulatory system proper • Act as a ___-____system for the inflammatory response • Render _____,____ and _____ against foreign materials, through a system of lymphocytes, phagocytes, and antibodies

extracellular fluid , drain-off , surveillance, recognition, and protection

• Increases metabolism and stimulates immune reactions and naturally protective physiological processes


• Inhibits multiplication of temperature-sensitive microorganisms • Impedes the nutrition of bacteria by reducing the availability of iron


name the defense: • Always on guard • Do not improve with repeated exposure • Also involve inflammatory and phagocytic defenses

first line, innate, nonspecific

large cytoplasmic granules, seen in blood smear stains, lobed or u-shaped nucleus) - with or without color


• Neutrophils • Basophils • Eosinophils are what kind of leukocyte


• Initiation of fever: • Pyrogen sets the _____"thermostat" to a higher setting • Muscles increase heat production • Peripheral arterioles decrease heat loss through ____ • Pyrogens can be exogenous or endogenous

hypothalamic , vasoconstriction

stages of inflammation 1. Bezo constriction from___ ____ 2. _____reaction - blood vessel dilates 3. ____and pus (contains blood serum, dead bacteria, and dead WBC) formation 4. Resolution/___ ____

injury reactions,Vascular , Edema , scar formation

Host defenses can be ____ and ___ as the first line of defense are barriers that keep microbes from penetrating sterile body compartments

innate and nonspecifc

· Physical barrier · Microbiota barrier · Chemical barrier are all (acquired/innate), (nonspecific/specific) (first/second) line of defense

innate, nonspecific, first line of defense

· Phagocytosis · Inflammation · Fever · Antimicrobial products are all (acquired/innate), (nonspecific/specific) (first/second) line of defense

innate, nonspecific, second line of defense

• Bind to cell surfaces and induce changes in genetic expression • Can inhibit the expression of cancer genes and have tumor suppressor effects • Protection mechanism


protein that makes skin tough protective and waterproof

keratin protein:

Fever: An Adjunct to Inflammation • Ranges of fever: • ___grade: 37.7°C to 38.3°C (100°F to 101°F) • ____: 38.8°C to 39.4°C (102°F to 103°F) • ___-: 40.0°C to 41.1°C (104°F to 106°F)

low, Moderate, High

the lymphatic system transports ____ through a system of vessels and lymph nodes


• Transports numerous white blood cells, fats, cellular debris, and infectious agents that have gained access to tissue spaces


• Small, encapsulated, bean-shaped organs • Usually found in clusters along lymphatic channels and large blood vessels of the thoracic and abdominal cavities

lymph nodes

• Bundles of ____ ___ and _____ are located in the following areas: • Tonsils • Breasts of pregnant and lactating women • Gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) • Appendix • Lacteals • Peyer's patches • Mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) • Skin-associated lymphoid tissue (SALT) • Bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT)

lymph tissue and lymphocytes

• Along the lines of blood vessels • High numbers in hands, feet, and around the areola of the breast

lymphatic blood vessels

- Molecules on the surfaces of cells - Composed of proteins and/or sugars - Evaluated by cells of the immune system


the skin that sloughs off we lose our skin throughout the day every day it takes ____with it


monocytes go to these different areas of the body into the tissues and they survey for foreign materials so in the blood they're called ____ and in the tissues they're called ____ and again there are larger and they have better lysosomes

monocytes, macrophages

• Network of connective tissue fibers • Provides a passageway within and between tissues and organs • connective tissue pathway for immune system cells to travel throughout the body

mononuclear phagocyte system

- the __ ___in your nose traps larger particles and sneezes remove those particles and organisms quickly

nasal hair

• Slight to moderate fever is ___and benefit the body • High and prolonged are risky and should be ___-

natural , monitored

what are the three main types if phagocytes

neutrophiles, monocytes, macrophages

____ are • Present in high numbers in blood and tissue


• Phagocytizes bacteria - granules are digestive enzymes First to arrive during an immune response (inflammation


HCl in the stomach • Digestive juices and bile in the intestine • Semen- antimicrobial chemical • Acidic pH in the vagina are all ______ chemical defenses


• Sebaceous secretions • Lysozyme in tears and saliva - breaks down peptidoglycan • Lactic acid and electrolyte concentrations of sweat • Skin's acidic pH and fatty acid content are all ______ chemical defenses


• horse shoe or polymorphic nuclei • Most common leukocyte (55-90%)


Differences between lymph vessels and blood vessels • Flow of lymph is in ____ ___ direction from extremities toward the heart • Lymph is moved through the contraction of ____ muscles through which the lymphatic ducts wend their way • Lymph can build up causing ___

one direction only, skeletal , stiffness

• General activities of _____ • Survey the tissue compartments and discover microbes, particulate matter, and injured or dead cells • Ingest and eliminate these materials • Extract immunogenic information (antigens) from foreign matter


Bundles of lymph tissue and lymphocytes are located in portals of ____

portals of entry

Late Reactions of Inflammation • Long-lived inflammation attracts a collection of monocytes, lymphocytes, and macrophages to the ____ ____ • _____clear pus, cellular debris, dead neutrophils, and damaged tissue • B lymphocytes produce ____ • T lymphocytes kill intruders ____ • Late in the process the tissue is repaired or replaced by ____ tissue (scar)

reaction site, Macrophages, antibodies, directly, connective tissue

lymph's composition parallels that of plasma, but without _____ ___ __

red blood cells

All three interferon classes produced in ____to viruses, RNA, immune products, and various antigens


the _____ line of defense is composed of cellular and chemical system that comes immediately into play of infectious agents make it past the surface defenses


saliva carries microbes to the stomach are an example of what function of physical barriers


o genitourinary tract: the continuous trickle of urine through the ureters and the flushing of bladder emptying are an example of


o tears are going to flush the eyes blinking physically removes debris are an example of what physical barrier function


o the vaginal ___ provide cleansing of the lower reproductive tract in females so all of these are barrier defenses that keep organisms in check and keep them out of places that they shouldn't be


• White blood cells move throughout the body, searching for potential pathogens. - Trained to recognize____ (or body cells) and _____(bacterial cells or other invading pathogens)


monocytes are responsible for: • Many ___ and ____phagocytic and killing functions • Processing foreign molecules and ___-them to lymphocytes • _____biologically active compounds that assist, mediate, attract, and inhibit immune cells and reactions

specific and nonspecific , presenting , Secreting

Thymic hormones help thymocytes develop_____ to be released as mature T cells


• Lymphoid organ located in the upper left portion of the abdominal cavity • Similar to a lymph node except it filters blood instead of lymph


- monocytes are come from a common __ __ from the bone marrow and they form a "pro-monocyte" and then they develop into mature monocytes and go into the bloodstream - they will leave the bloodstream and go out into the ____ and then they develop into macrophages - as they develop into macrophages they enlarge so they get larger and they develop better ____

stem cell, tissues, lysosomes

• Monocyte is going to be in blood ____ • Macrophage is in the blood ____

stream, tissue

- the physical barriers are__ ___

thick skin

o with tightly packed cells that are cemented together o

thick skin:

The Human Immune system is a complex system with two different systems that contain ___ lines of defense


____ originates in the embryo


• High rates of activity and growth until puberty • Shrinks gradually through adulthood


what three organs make up the mononuclear phagocyte system

thymus, lymph nodes, spleen

because areas are covered in mucus when you're not sick, it's sticky and ____ organisms with cold and allergies the mucus flows and exerts a ____ action

traps, flushing

very few pathogens can penetrate the physical barrier as an ___ ____ as the skin is thick with few openings

unbroken layer

- short proteins between 12 and 50 amino acids.

• Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs)

• Insert themselves into microbial membranes marking them for death • Possible use as therapeutic drugs

• Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs)

- antibody-mediated immunity, b cells circulate that produce antibodies as they have been previously exposed

• B cells

___ _____ affect white blood cells • Cause fever, stimulate lymphocytes, prevent virus spread, and cause allergic symptoms

• Chemotactic factors (chemokines)

- phagocytes move towards PAMPS (pathogen- associated molecular patterns)

• Chemotaxis

_____ how WBCs leave the blood vessels and into tissue spaces in regards to edema

• Diapedesis:

name the 3 body compartment systems involved in Immune Defenses

• Extracellular fluid (ECF) • Bloodstream: • Lymphatic system

Contains plasma proteins, blood cells, and cellular debris • May be clear (serous) or may contain red blood cells or pus

• Exudates

_____: the fluid that escapes through gaps in the walls of postcapillary venules •

• Exudates

• Lymphoid tissue in the gut- part of immune system that is near areas of a portal of entry

• Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT):

• The study of all features of the body's second and third lines of defense • Central to the study of the fields of cancer and allergy

• Immunology:

: involved against viruses, other microbes, in immune regulation and intercommunication

• Interferon (IFN)

what are the three major types of antimicrobial products of interferons

• Interferon alpha • Interferon beta • Interferon gamma

• 2nd most common leukocyte • Thirdline of defense

• Lymphocytes

transformed into macro from out of the blood stream and into tissue due to chemotaxis and they grow in size then develop enhanced of lysosomes and other organelles

• Monocytes:

• Lymphoid tissue in the mucosa

• Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT):

: react early in inflammatory response to bacteria and damaged tissue, high neutrophil count means infection

• Neutrophils

___: has clotting factors

• Plasma

Name the classic signs and symptoms of the inflammatory resoponse

• Rubor (redness) • Calor (warmth) • Tumor (swelling) • Dolor (pain) • Fifth symptom has been added: loss of function

- cell-mediated immunity, kill invading cells

• T cells

An immune system response in one often effects (some/all) the other ones

• immune system response in one often effects all the other ones

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