Microbio exam 6

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If a person has had gonorrhea, what is the best way to prevent the disease from recurring? -Immunization -Prophylactic (preventive) drugs -Oral contraceptives -Abstinence, monogamy, or use of condoms

Abstinence, monogamy, or use of condoms

All of these are mechanisms for transmission of oral herpes EXCEPT __________. -contaminated fomites -kissing an asymptomatic person -foodborne transmission -oral sex

foodborne transmission

Suppose a researcher thinks she has discovered a new DNA virus that causes hepatitis. What currently described hepatitis virus would be most similar to her apparent discovery? -hepatitis C virus -hepatitis A virus -hepatitis B virus -hepatitis E virus

hepatitis B virus

Which type of viral hepatitis is curable with sofosbuvir in about 90% of patients? -hepatitis C -hepatitis A -hepatitis E -hepatitis D

hepatitis C

A patient receives a long-term dose of powerful antibiotics that dramatically reduces the number of microbiota in his digestive system. Which of the following effects would you predict? -increased susceptibility to disease -increased susceptibility to disease and vitamin deficiency -vitamin deficiency -increased gas (flatus) production

increased susceptibility to disease and vitamin deficiency

Which of the following would you expect to increase the likelihood of cystitis? -being a male -consuming more than 4 liters of fluid daily -treatment with long-term antibiotics -insertion of a urinary catheter

insertion of a urinary catheter

In which population might we observe a higher incidence of thrush? -the elderly -pregnant women -college-age students -the sexually active

the elderly

Hepatitis C and hepatitis D viruses are similar in that -both are preventable with vaccines. -both are satellite viruses. -both are DNA viruses. -both are RNA viruses.

both are RNA viruses.

A patient has syphilitic gummas; which stage of syphilis does she have? -tertiary -secondary -latent -primary


Which of the following medications is typically used for superficial candidiasis in AIDS patients? -fluconazole -amphotericin B -ampicillin -acyclovir


Which virus causes genital warts? -adenoviruses -papillomaviruses -hepatitis viruses -HSV


Which structure is characteristic of Candida? -cell wall of chitin -pseudohyphae -filamentous hyphae -yeast buds


Greasy, frothy diarrhea with the smell of __________ may indicate giardiasis. -skunk -rotten eggs -fish -rotting flesh

rotten eggs

Which structure connects the kidney to the urinary bladder? -ureter -urethra -renal medulla -loop of Henle


To prevent infection with giardiasis, one should __________ when drinking from a possible contaminated water source. -take antacids -heat the water for 5 minutes -add a few drops of chlorine -use a filter

use a filter

In which part of the body would candidiasis present as curd-like? -vagina -toe nails -in the mouth -folds of skin


Which of the following are properties of exotoxins? -Exotoxins are protein molecules. -Very small amounts of exotoxin can be lethal. -Exotoxins are produced primarily by gram-negative bacteria. -Exotoxins are extremely heat stable. -Exotoxins target specific cellular structures or molecules. -Exotoxins are released from the cell during death or replication.

-Exotoxins are protein molecules. -Very small amounts of exotoxin can be lethal. -Exotoxins target specific cellular structures or molecules.

Disease research and epidemiology bring together many different facets to help us better understand disease pathology and spread. Which of the following statements are true? -The interactions that occur between a microbe and host influence the evolution of both. -The ID50 value refers to the number of microbes needed to cause half of an infected population to die. -Bacterial exotoxins can be altered to create toxoids, which can be used to produce protective immunity in a host. -The terms pathogenicity and virulence can be used interchangeably to describe the severity of an infection. -Intoxications result from a bacterial infection in which a large amount of bacterial toxin is produced. -Some pathogens are able to cause disease within a host without penetrating the body. Submit

-The interactions that occur between a microbe and host influence the evolution of both. -Bacterial exotoxins can be altered to create toxoids, which can be used to produce protective immunity in a host. -Some pathogens are able to cause disease within a host without penetrating the body.

Which of the following could Tori's physician choose as a treatment for her yeast infection? -an oral narrow-spectrum antibiotic, such as penicillin G -a single oral dose of fluconazole -an antiviral medication, such as acyclovir -a topical over-the-counter ointment, such as clotrimazole or miconazole

-a single oral dose of fluconazole -a topical over-the-counter ointment, such as clotrimazole or miconazole

The ability of Vibrio cholerae to cause disease depends on a number of factors. Which of the following are general requirements for any organism to cause disease within a host? -evasion of host defenses -depleting the host of nutrients at the site of infection -direct damage of host tissues -production of exotoxins -gaining access to the host via a portal of entry -adherence to host tissues

-evasion of host defenses -gaining access to the host via a portal of entry -adherence to host tissues

Which of the following infections are also caused by C. albicans? -genital warts -fulminating disease -syphilis -oral thrush

-fulminating disease -oral thrush

According to the CDC graph, __________ had one of the highest rates of initial doctor office visits for HPV. -1997 -1987 -1969 -2006


What percent of people harbor Candida naturally in their body without showing any signs or symptoms? -100% -40-80% -5-10% -less than 1%


Which is the active feeding stage of a protozoan? -An apicomplexan -A trophozoite -A cyst -A mitosome

A trophozoite

Although cholera can be treated with antibiotics, data suggest that antibiotic treatment alone is NOT the most effective therapy. Which of the following statements describes the most likely reason for supplementing antibiotic therapy? -As with V. cholerae, the acidic environment of the stomach can have a negative impact on antibiotic activity. -The production of cholera toxin helps V. cholerae resist antibiotic treatment. -Antibiotic therapy addresses only the growth of V. cholerae; it doesn't address the extreme dehydration suffered by a person infected with V. cholerae. -Because V. cholerae is a gram-negative organism, it is not very effectively treated with antibiotics.

Antibiotic therapy addresses only the growth of V. cholerae; it doesn't address the extreme dehydration suffered by a person infected with V. cholerae.

What structure do spirochetes use for motility? -Fimbriae -Cilia -Axial filament -Peritrichous flagella

Axial filament

How do blastoconidia and chlamydoconidia produced by yeast differ from bacterial endospores? -Blastoconidia and chlamydoconidia are male and female mating structures used for reproduction in yeasts, whereas bacterial endospores are asexual reproductive structures. -Blastoconidia and chlamydoconidia are produced only by yeasts in extreme conditions, whereas bacterial endospores are asexual reproductive structures. -Blastoconidia and chlamydoconidia are spore structures produced by budding in yeasts, whereas bacterial endospores are produced by bacteria under extreme conditions. -Blastoconidida and chlamydoconidia are identical to endospores.

Blastoconidia and chlamydoconidia are spore structures produced by budding in yeasts, whereas bacterial endospores are produced by bacteria under extreme conditions.

How do herpesviruses enter a host cell? -By direct injection of the capsid and its contents -By fusion of their viral envelope with the host cytoplasmic membrane -Through endocytosis -By injecting only its DNA into a host cell

By fusion of their viral envelope with the host cytoplasmic membrane

Which form of gastroenteritis is the most common reason people seek medical attention? -Shigellosis -Pseudomembranous colitis -Typhoid fever -Campylobacter diarrhea

Campylobacter diarrhea

Based on the lab results, which organism is most likely causing Tori's new symptoms? -Trichomonas vaginalis -Sporothrix schenckii -Gardnerella vaginalis -Candida albicans

Candida albicans

Which of the following habits might best prevent infection with Candida? -Irrigation of the vaginal cavity daily with a douching agent. -Change wet diapers often. -Use condoms during sexual intercourse. -Take vitamin C supplements.

Change wet diapers often.

What is the most common sexually transmitted bacterium? -Neisseria gonorrhoeae -Chlamydia trachomatis -Staphylococcus aureus -Treponema pallidum

Chlamydia trachomatis

Which sexually transmitted pathogen causes lymphogranuloma venereum? -Chlamydia trachomatis -Neisseria gonorrhoeae -Candida albicans -Treponema pallidum

Chlamydia trachomatis

Why did the man's sexual partners believe they were not infected with a STD? -Clinical signs and symptoms in females are often not detectable, especially early in the infection. -The female partners were on birth control pills and thought they were protected against STDs. -His partners had been drinking beer and felt they were invincible, but not very coherent. -Females develop signs of blindness and cataracts.

Clinical signs and symptoms in females are often not detectable, especially early in the infection.

Which parasite is diagnosed by applying transparent sticky tape to the anus and perianal region followed by microscopy? -Cysticerci -Enterobius -Anisakis -Cryptosporidium


Which microbe is the most common cause of urinary tract infections? -Staphylococcus aureus -Escherichia coli -Pseudomonas aeruginosa -Mycoplasma hominis

Escherichia coli

Which organism causes the form of gastroenteritis known as traveler's diarrhea? -Escherichia coli -Shigella dysenteriae -Salmonella enterica -Clostridium difficile

Escherichia coli

What is the primary source of infection for UTIs? -Dehydration -Sexual intercourse -Fecal contamination -Contaminated drinking water

Fecal contamination

Which demographic is most likely to develop a urinary tract infection? -Men with enlarged prostates -Diabetics -Females -Dehydrated persons


Which of the following statements best describes why the treatment for Tori's fungal infection may result in side effects to her own cells? -Fungal cells and human cells have a nucleus, multiple organelles, and 80S ribosomes for protein synthesis -Fungal cells and human host cells both have flagella for movement. -Fungal cells and human cells both reproduce via budding. -Fungal cells and human host cells both have cell walls made of cellulose.

Fungal cells and human cells have a nucleus, multiple organelles, and 80S ribosomes for protein synthesis

Which pathogen of the digestive system uses a ventral adhesive disk to attach to the intestinal wall, scarring the wall? -Giardia intestinalis -Enterobius vermicularis -Taenia solium -Cryptosporidium parvum

Giardia intestinalis

Which of these statements is true concerning the hepatitis A virus (HAV)? -Infection by HAV typically results in a chronic carrier state. -Infection by HAV is strongly correlated with liver cancer. -HAV is found in body fluids. -HAV is transmitted in fecally contaminated food or water.

HAV is transmitted in fecally contaminated food or water.

Which of these hepatitis viruses is transmitted more commonly through the fecal-oral route? -Hepatitis B virus -Hepatitis D virus -Hepatitis A virus -Hepatitis C virus

Hepatitis A virus

Which hepatitis virus causes most hepatitis deaths is in the United States? -Hepatitis A virus -Hepatitis C virus -Hepatitis B virus -Hepatitis E virus

Hepatitis C virus

Which of the following is the most common sexually transmitted pathogen in the United States? -Neisseria gonorrhoeae -Human herpesvirus 2 -Treponema pallidum -Human papillomavirus

Human papillomavirus

Which type of antibody produced by a mother can protect her unborn baby? -IgA -IgM -IgG -IgD


What is the best way to prevent cervical cancer? -Oral contraceptives -Safe sex -Immunization -Proper genital hygiene


What is cystitis? -Inflammation of the bladder -Inflammation of the kidneys -Inflammation of the prostate -Inflammation of the urethra

Inflammation of the bladder

What is the term used for viruses of eukaryotes that can remain in a cell for years without replicating until they are reactivated? -Stasis -Lysogeny -Persistence -Latency


Which of these pathogens CANNOT be transmitted congenitally or from mother to baby during childbirth? -Chlamydia trachomatis -human herpesvirus 2 -Leptospira interrogans -Treponema pallidum

Leptospira interrogans

What might a clinician expect to observe in the urinalysis of a patient with a UTI? -Leukocytes -Crystals -Epithelial cells -Dark urine


How serious cases of giardiasis currently treated in the United States? -Metronidazole -Statins -Inidazole -Amoxicillin


Which is the most common cause of viral gastroenteritis? -Rotavirus -Astrovirus -Calicivirus -Norovirus


The environment inside the human intestinal tract lacks oxygen. Name all of the following groups of microbes that can grow in the intestines. -Obligate anaerobes, facultative anaerobes, and aerotolerant anaerobes -Obligate anaerobes and facultative anaerobes -Microaerophiles, obligate anaerobes, and facultative anaerobes -Obligate anaerobes and aerotolerant anaerobes

Obligate anaerobes, facultative anaerobes, and aerotolerant anaerobes

What is the term used for microbiota that normally do not cause disease but that might cause disease when the balance of microbiota is disrupted by use of antimicrobial drugs? -Transient pathogens -Opportunistic pathogens -Commensal pathogens -True pathogens

Opportunistic pathogens

Genital warts are caused by __________. -Papillomaviridae -Haemophilus ducreyi -Neisseria gonorrhoeae -Chlamydia trachomatis -Trichomonas vaginalis


Which disease does the acidophile Helicobacter pylori cause? -Periodontal disease -Peptic ulcers -Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis -Osteomyelitis

Peptic ulcers

Why would an outbreak of viral gastroenteritis in a senior citizen's community more likely to be caused by norovirus than by rotavirus? -Norovirus is much smaller than rotavirus; therefore, it is easier to transmit. -Rotavirus has no portal of exit from the human body; therefore, it is not easily transmitted as norovirus. -Rotavirus is most common in infants and young children. -Rotavirus is transmitted via the oral-fecal route, while norovirus is transmitted via respiratory droplets.

Rotavirus is most common in infants and young children.

Which of the following is NOT true of syphilis? -The bacterium that causes syphilis cannot survive for a long time on surfaces outside the host. -A rash is a typical sign of secondary syphilis. -Syphilis is diagnosed by observing distinct colonies growing on blood agar plates. -Some infected individuals experience only the primary stage of the disease.

Syphilis is diagnosed by observing distinct colonies growing on blood agar plates.

Which viral gastroenteritis can be prevented by immunization? -That of astrovirus -That of rotavirus -That of norovirus -That of sapovirus

That of rotavirus

Which of the following best explains why Tori developed a new series of symptoms? -The initial antibiotics were not successful in clearing the respiratory infection, so the organism disseminated to the genitourinary tract. -The antibiotics that treated Tori's primary respiratory infection also removed some of her normal bacterial flora, resulting in an overgrowth of other organisms. -Tori contracted a sexually transmitted infection that was not related to the primary respiratory infection. -Tori's immune system was compromised because of her respiratory infection, and this resulted in a yeast infection.

The antibiotics that treated Tori's primary respiratory infection also removed some of her normal bacterial flora, resulting in an overgrowth of other organisms.

Which life stage of an intestinal protozoan is infective? -The cyst -The trophozoite -The apicomplexa -The flagellate

The cyst

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the normal microbiota of the urinary and reproductive systems? -The relative proportions of different species of normal microbiota in the vagina will be different at different times of the menstrual cycle. -Prepubescent girls are more likely to get vaginal infections than teenagers. -The male urethra contains more normal microbiota than the female urethra. -Lactobacilli are primarily responsible for creating the acidic pH in the vagina.

The male urethra contains more normal microbiota than the female urethra.

Some studies have indicated that the ID50 for Vibrio cholerae can be as high as 108 organisms. Which of the following most likely explains the requirement for this relatively high ID50? -To establish infection, V. cholerae must survive the host immune response and the acidic environment of the stomach. -Because the major virulence factor of V. cholerae is cholera toxin, large numbers of bacteria are required to produce enough toxin to cause disease. -Because V. cholerae cells are relatively small compared to host cells, thousands of bacteria must infect each cell to cause disease. -V. cholerae does not produce enough virulence factors to overcome the host response and cause disease.

To establish infection, V. cholerae must survive the host immune response and the acidic environment of the stomach.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of UTIs? -UTIs are more common in men than in women. -The presence of flagella and fimbriae make it easier for bacteria to cause a UTI. -Dysuria is the most common symptom of a UTI. -Enteric bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, are the most common cause of UTIs

UTIs are more common in men than in women.

When does the dormant cyst excyst in the human body? -When it contacts the stomach acid. -As it leaves the body in feces. -Upon entry into the intestines. -In the safe confines within the mouth.

Upon entry into the intestines.

Which pathogen causes extreme watery, colorless, odorless diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and death within a day? -Salmonella enterica -Vibrio cholerae -Clostridium difficile -Staphylococcus aureus

Vibrio cholerae

Which of the following measures would be most effective in preventing a UTI? -Daily use of topical antifungals -The use of a catheter -Wiping front to back after defecation -Drink cranberry juice

Wiping front to back after defecation

Which gonorrhea patients most often lack obvious symptoms? -Immunocompromised people -Men -The elderly -Women


How do pseudohyphae in yeasts differ from vegetative hyphae in filamentous fungi? -Yeasts use pseudohyphae for obtaining nutrients, whereas filamentous fungi use their vegetative hyphae to invade host tissues. -Yeasts use pseudohyphae as a means of obtaining nutrients, whereas filamentous fungi use vegetative hyphae as a means of reproduction. -Yeasts use pseudohyphae to invade host tissue, whereas filamentous fungi use their vegetative hyphae for obtaining nutrients. -Yeasts use pseudohyphae as a means of sexual reproduction, whereas parasitic fungi use their hyphae to invade host tissue.

Yeasts use pseudohyphae to invade host tissue, whereas filamentous fungi use their vegetative hyphae for obtaining nutrients

A patient is diagnosed with primary syphilis, he likely has -gummas. -sore throat, headache, mild fever, malaise, and a widespread rash. -latent syphilis. -a chancre.

a chancre.

Which of the following characteristics is NOT necessary for a bacterium to form dental caries? -biofilm formation -ability to survive in high pH -ability to ferment sugar -ability to produce lactic acid

ability to survive in high pH

Which of the following traits is shared by virulent Campylobacter jejuni and Salmonella enterica? -rarely infectious -Gram-positive -ability to survive inside cells -nonmotile

ability to survive inside cells

Which condition is associated with bacterial infection of the bladder? -cystitis -pyelonephritis -urethritis -bacteremia


What would be the effect of a mutation that inactivates Neisseria gonorrhoeae's genes for fimbriae? -antibiotic resistance -increased immune recognition -decreased ability to infect -increased ability to infect

decreased ability to infect

Which of these is a virulence factor of Staphylococcus that allows it to cause food intoxication? -enterotoxins -leukocidins -endotoxins -adhesins that allow the bacterium to attach to intestinal cells


Some strains of E. coli have __________ allowing them to bind and then enter into epithelial cells of the urethra. -cilia -flagella -gram-negative cell wall -fimbriae


Virulence factors associated with this organism include all of the following, EXCEPT __________. -fimbriae -endotoxin -flagella -capsule


Elizabeth is a Nurse Practitioner (NP) certified in the area of women's health. She works at a local Women's Care Center that is owned and run by two Ob-Gyn doctors. The center sees women at all stages of life, from their first pelvic exam through menopause. The center employs two NPs: Elizabeth works with nonpregnant women, primarily for routine check-ups, STD screening, and birth control; while Josephine, the other NP, works with the pregnant women, doing routine checkups and nutritional counseling. The doctors see all patients that have complex issues, they deliver the babies, and they do all the newborn exams themselves. Elizabeth and Josephine have been collaborating on the creation of new educational materials for the center. Elizabeth is updating the STD information and she is particularly interested in human papillomavirus (HPV) infections. Elizabeth's graduate studies included HPV research, which she chose because her sister had died of cervical cancer related to HPV.Elizabeth had asked the doctors whether she could create a short online quiz/tutorial about STDs and have it linked to the center's website. She is working on the tutorial today. 1. The photograph shows -genital warts -syphillis -gonorrhea -herpes

genital warts

Which of the following is LEAST likely to be treated with an antibiotic? -genital warts -chancroid -syphilis -chlamydial infections

genital warts

A college student visits his physician, complaining of painful urination and a pus-filled discharge from his penis. Examination of that discharge reveals Gram-negative diplococci. What is the likely diagnosis? -trichomoniasis -genital warts -gonorrhea -syphilis


What disease does this patient have? What is the common name for this disease? -chlamydia; "red eye" -gonorrhea; "the clap" -genital herpes; "crabs" -syphilis; "tabes"

gonorrhea; "the clap"

Which type of viral hepatitis is generally transmitted from patient to patient through the fecal-oral route? -hepatitis D -hepatitis C -hepatitis A -hepatitis B

hepatitis A

Genital warts are transmitted by __________. -indirect contact -a mosquito vector -autoinoculation -airborne particles -direct contact

-indirect contact -autoinoculation -direct contact

Which phase of syphilis presents with a rash, which may be on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet? -The latent phase -The primary phase -The secondary phase -The tertiary phase

The secondary phase

Pathogenically, how does Giardia produce symptoms in humans? -They produce enterotoxins. -They consume blood from the intestinal walls. -They enter the blood stream. -They attach to large areas of the intestines.

They attach to large areas of the intestines.

How can the bacteria that cause dental caries invade teeth? -Teeth have tiny pores through which bacteria can gain access to the dentin underneath the tooth enamel and the pulp on the inside. -They have specialized structures that can invade the hardened teeth enamel. -They produce acid, which dissolves tooth enamel, giving bacteria access to dentin and the pulp inside it. -They produce degradative enzymes that break down tooth enamel.

They produce acid, which dissolves tooth enamel, giving bacteria access to dentin and the pulp inside it

How is this disease transmitted? -This is a disease transmitted by eating contaminated hamburger. -This disease is most commonly transmitted by unprotected sex. -This disease is spread by aerosol transmission on a windy day. -This disease is spread through contaminated swimming pool water.

This disease is most commonly transmitted by unprotected sex.

Researchers culture Treponema pallidum in -carbohydrate broth tubes. -blood agar. -cell cultures. -tryptic soy agar.

cell cultures.

Based on the recommendations in this textbook, which antibiotic would be the treatment of choice for this disease? -erythromycin -cephalosporin -trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole -doxycycline


In the dormant cyst form, Giardia is protected from the environment by a shell composed of __________. -calcium phosphate -silica -chitin -keratin


Boys should receive the HPV vaccine because __________. -it can prevent pregnancy -boys are much more susceptible to HPV infection than girls -it can prevent herpes -it can prevent oropharyngeal cancer caused by having oral sex with a woman infected with HPV

it can prevent oropharyngeal cancer caused by having oral sex with a woman infected with HPV

The pathogen, Giardia intestinalis, is diplomonad meaning __________. -it has 2 morphologies -is aquatic -it reproduces by binary fission -it has 2 nuclei

it has 2 nuclei

The vaccine for the most common sexually transmitted papilloma viruses is recommended for girls because __________. -it may prevent pregnancy -it can also prevent the yearly flu -it may prevent cervical cancer -sexually transmitted papillomas are lethal

it may prevent cervical cancer

Transmission of the causative agent of syphilis across the placenta often causes birth defects, such as mental retardation and organ malformation, if the woman is in which phase? -primary -tertiary -latent -secondary


A 28-year-old male who is about to be married has been diagnosed with genital herpes. To avoid complications from the disease and to avoid transmitting the disease to his spouse, his doctor should recommend all of these EXCEPT __________. -always wearing a condom when having sexual intercourse -taking penicillin daily for the next year -washing hands frequently, especially after touching a lesion -taking acyclovir for a 6- to 12-month period

taking penicillin daily for the next year

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