Microbiology Ch 12

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Identify the active part of the penicillin structure. Benzene Beta-lactam ring Phenol Thiazolidine

Beta-lactam ring

Which "formation" is produced by some microbes which in turn makes them resistant to some antimicrobial compounds and the shear force of moving liquids? L-form Biofilm Fimbriae Capsule


Which describes the spectrum of activity of the tetracyclines? Broad Narrow Medium


Tetracycline is an example of which type of drug? Narrow spectrum Visible spectrum Limited spectrum Broad spectrum

Broad spectrum

Use of which type of antibiotic can have far reaching affects on beneficial resident species? Narrow-spectrum Broad-spectrum Limited-spectrum


Which type of inhibition of an enzyme occurs when the enzyme is blocked from action after a substance that mimics the normal substrate binds to the active site? Feedback Oxidative Competitive Noncompetitive


Reverse transcriptase is a retroviral enzyme that does which of the following? Converts DNA to protein Converts protein to RNA Converts DNA to RNA Converts RNA to protein Converts RNA to DNA

Converts RNA to DNA

HIV integrase inhibitors prevent viral ___ from being incorporated or integrated into an host cell's chromosome.


What is a major side effect of tetracyclines? Damage to auditory nerves Aplastic anemia Allergic reactions Deposition in hard tissues

Deposition in hard tissues

Drugs that are effective against fungi have a strong possibility of being toxic to humans because both organisms are which of the following? Invertebrates Vertebrates Prokaryotes Eukaryotes


The antimicrobial silver sulfadiazine is prescribed for the treatment of which of the following? Eye infections Ringworm Burns Pneumocystis pneumonia Athletes foot Kidney infections

Eye infections Burns

True or false: Aminoglycosides are very narrow-spectrum antibiotics.


True or false: Drug resistance only arises from an organism gaining the genetic information for the resistance from another organism.


True or false: Most cephalosporins are administered orally.


True or false: Natural selection for drug-resistant forms of bacteria is rare.


True or false: The most effective drugs that treat infections caused by flukes, tapeworms, and roundworms eradicate the adult stages of the organisms.


Amphotericin B is considered highly versatile in that it is effective in treating most infections caused by which of the following? Fungi Protozoa Bacteria Helminths Viruses


Which of the following bacteria are normally not tested for drug susceptibility? Streptococcus pneumoniae Staphylococcus sp. Neisseria gonorrhoeae Group A streptococci

Group A streptococci

Which of the following is not a side effect associated with antimicrobial drugs? Host cell metabolism of drug Disruption of normal microflora Allergic reactions Damage to host tissues due to toxicity

Host cell metabolism of drug

An allergy is caused by a hypersensitive response from which system? Respiratory Immune Digestive Central nervous


Advantages of semisynthetic penicillins over natural penicillins include which of the following? Increased movement across gram-negative cell walls Decreased allergic reactions Increased susceptibility to penicillinases Increased spectrum

Increased movement across gram-negative cell walls Increased spectrum

Which groups of people may have greater risks to antimicrobials? Teens Infants Elderly Pregnant women

Infants Elderly Pregnant women

Which of the following antibiotics inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis? Erythromycin Vancomycin Cycloserine Streptomycin Ampicillin

Ampicillin Cycloserine Vancomycin

Which of the following is a substance produced by natural metabolic processes of some microorganisms that can inhibit or kill other microorganisms? Antithesis Antibody Antigen Antibiotic


Griseofulvin is which type of agent? Antibacterial Antiviral Antifungal


Identify the first tetracycline discovered. Aureomycin Tetracycline Terramycin Chloramphenicol


Which HIV enzyme is responsible for incorporating the viral DNA into the host cell's chromosomes? RNA polymerase Reverse transcriptase Protease Integrase


Which of the following is a normal human glycoprotein produced in response to immune stimuli and can be used therapeutically to fight viruses and cancer? Insulin Porin Reverse transcriptase Complement Interferon


Which of the following semisynthetic penicillins are useful in treating infections caused by penicillinase-producing bacteria? Nafcillin Penicillin G Cloxacillin Erythromycin Streptomycin Piperacillin

Nafcillin Cloxacillin

Bacitracin is an antibiotic with which spectra of activity? Narrow Visible Broad Selective


Which term describes the process of some microbes dying while others live in the presence of antimicrobial agents? Survival of the fittest Microbial antagonism Natural selection Evolution

Natural selection

Which of the following is an example of drug that blocks bacterial cell wall synthesis and exhibits excellent selective toxicity? Amphotericin B Tetracycline Penicillin Sulfa drugs


Which of the following is a natural fermentation product of Penicillin chrysogenum? Methicillin Ampicillin Penicillin V Penicillin G Penicillin A

Penicillin G

___ ___ serves as the parent compound for all "-cillin" drugs..

Penicillin G

Which of the following enzymes secreted by certain bacteria cleaves the beta-lactam ring of penicillins and provides for resistance against the antibiotic? Gamma interferon Penicillinase DNA polymerase Beta-lactamase Lipase Lactase

Penicillinase Beta-lactamase

Sulfisoxazole is not the preferred drug for treating which of the following diseases? Urinary tract infections Some protozoan infections Tuberculosis and leprosy Shigellosis

Tuberculosis and leprosy

Which of the following are nucleotide analogs that block DNA replication in some viruses, particularly the herpes simplex viruses (HHV)? Xofluza Penicyclovir Valcyclovir Acyclovir Famciclovir Relenza

Penicyclovir Valcyclovir Acyclovir Famciclovir

The mode of action of chloramphenicol is to block the formation of which of the following bonds? Ester Glycosidic Phosphodiester Peptide


The cell walls of most bacteria are composed primarily of which of the following? Chitin Peptidoglycan Starch Cellulose Lipopolysaccharide


Polymyxins interact with which of the following membrane component(s), causing leakage of cellular contents? Glycolipids Phospholipids Cholesterol Lipoproteins


Aztreonam is used to control which of the following conditions? Urinary tract infections Septicemia Gastroenteritis Pneumonia Tuberculosis

Pneumonia Septicemia Urinary tract infections

Two major problems for treatment with penicillin are that some patients experience which of the following? Resistant strains of pathogens Aplastic anemia Drug toxicity Intestinal bleeding Allergic responses

Resistant strains of pathogens Allergic responses

Which is descriptive of L-forms? Resistant to tetracycline Resistant to chloramphenicol Resistant to erythromycin Resistant to penicillin

Resistant to penicillin

What type of RNA virus can use its RNA as a template to produce DNA? Reverse virus Normal virus Retrovirus Hepatitis virus


The tetracyclines bind to which of the following structures? Cell wall Nucleoid Ribosome Cell membrane


Which of the following diseases can be treated with tetracyclines such as doxycycline and minocycline? Cholera Tuberculosis Mycoplasma pneumonia Rocky Mountain spotted fever Bubonic plague

Rocky Mountain spotted fever Mycoplasma pneumonia Cholera

___ penicillins are drugs that, after being naturally produced by bacteria, are chemically modified in the laboratory.


Sulfisoxazole is the best antimicrobial for treating which of the following diseases? Shigellosis Gastrointestinal infections Cholera Eye infections Urinary tract infections

Shigellosis Urinary tract infections

Which of the following ointments is prescribed for treatment of eye infections? Trimethoprim Oxazolidinone Silver sulfadiazine Sulfamethoxazole

Silver sulfadiazine

Synercid is effective against members of which genera? Pseudomonas Streptococcus Enterococcus Enterobacter Staphylococcus Proteus

Staphylococcus Enterococcus Streptococcus

Which of the following aminoglycosides is still the antibiotic of choice for treating bubonic plague and tularemia? Streptomycin Gentamicin Amikacin Kanamycin Tobramycin


Which of the following are antimicrobials that block the folic acid pathway in bacteria? Fosfomycin Sulfonamides Tetracyclines Isoniazids Penicillins


When antimicrobial therapy destroys beneficial resident microbes and allows an overgrowth of drug-resistant microorganisms, it is called which of the following? Biofilm Secondary infection Focal infection Primary infection Superinfection


Which anti-influenza medication blocks the initiation of viral RNA synthesis? Tamiflu Relenza Xofluza


Which bacteria are the most susceptible to antibiotics that target the cell wall? Young, growing Dormant Older, inactive

Young, growing

Patients taking penicillin may experience ___ reactions


Synercid binds to ribosomes inhibiting the process of ___

elongation translation protein synthesis peptide transfer

One mechanism by which microbes can become resistant to a drug is to produce a(n) ___ that alters the structure of the drug.


Interferon is produced primarily by ___ and ___ in response to various immune stimuli.

fibroblasts leukocytes

The antiparasitic agents mebendazole and thiabendazole disable several stages of roundworm development by blocking the utilization of ___


Polymyxins are a class of antibiotics that target the bacterial cell ___


The most effective drugs used to treat infections caused by flukes, tapeworms, and roundworms inhibit ___ at all stages of the life cycle rather than eradicating the adult worms.


Drug therapy may fail because the infection is caused by a(n) ___ culture (more than one species).


Drug resistance occurs with spontaneous ___ or gene transfer from another species.


An antibiotic that is only effective against a limited array of different microbes is called a(n) ___ spectrum antibiotic

narrow / limited

The outer membrane of some Gram- ___ bacteria act as natural barriers to some drugs.


Polymyxins work well on Gram- ___ cells and daptomycin shows selectivity for Gram- ___ cells

negative positive

___ reverse transcriptase inhibitors, such as nevirapine, bind directly to the reverse transcriptase enzyme and interfere with its activity.


Polyenes cause a loss of selective ___ in fungal membranes.


Daptomycin is a lipopeptide directed mainly against Gram- ___ bacteria


Many bacteria possess multidrug-resistant (MDR) ___ that actively transport drugs and other chemicals out of cells.


Drug ___ of microbes to specific drugs can increase as a result of genetic based changes in the target site (receptor) that the drug binds to.


Any RNA virus that can convert its own RNA into double-stranded DNA is called a(n) ___


A viral enzyme that converts single-stranded RNA into double-stranded DNA is called ___ ___

reverse transcriptase

Sulfonamides, or ___ drugs, are synthetic antimicrobial drugs that interfere with essential metabolic processes of bacteria and some fungi.


Erythromycin and clindamycin resistance is associated with an alteration of the drugs target on the organism's __________. Membrane transport receptors 50S ribosomal subunit Binding proteins in the cell wall 30S ribosomal subunit

50S ribosomal subunit

Approximately what percent of infections involve biofilms? 40% 80% 20% 60%


Which of the following is a hypersensitive response to a particular substance by the immune system? Allergy Tinea Cancer Xenograph


These antibiotics are amino sugars linked to 6-carbon rings. Macrolides Tetracyclines Quinolones Penicillins Aminoglycosides


When these two drugs are used in combination, nephrotoxic effects are increased. Aminoglycosides Macrolides Cephalosporins Polyenes

Aminoglycosides Cephalosporins

Which of the following is the consequence of exposure of a bacterium to an antibiotic that inhibits cell wall synthesis? Cell lysis Stasis Sporulation Cell division

Cell lysis

What is the cellular target of daptomycin? Cell wall formation DNA replication Cell membrane function Ribosomes

Cell membrane function

Antimicrobial drugs that damage cell membrane function usually do so by creating leaks in the membrane that disrupt which of the following? Genetic expression Cell metabolism Communication with other cells Osmotic tolerance

Cell metabolism Osmotic tolerance

Which of the following structures in bacteria protect the cell from lysis (rupture) in hypotonic environments? Cell membrane Fimbriae Glycocalyx Nucleoid Cell wall

Cell wall

Which of the following are primary sites for action of antimicrobial drugs in bacteria? Cell wall Cell membrane Nucleic acids Ribosomes Mitochondria Golgi apparatus (bodies)

Cell wall Cell membrane Nucleic acids Ribosomes

Cell wall inhibitors like penicillins and cephalosporins interfere with enzymes responsible for which of the following? Cell wall construction Protein synthesis Membrane transport DNA replication

Cell wall construction

Which of the following antibiotics contain the beta-lactam ring? Quinolones Cephalosporins Tetracyclines Penicillins

Cephalosporins Penicillins

___ is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that blocks peptide bond formation during protein synthesis and is solely synthetic.


Which of the following are side effects associated with antimicrobial drugs? Host cell metabolism of drug Disruption of normal microflora Allergic reactions Damage to host tissues due to toxicity

Disruption of normal microflora Allergic reactions Damage to host tissues due to toxicity

The tolerance of an antimicrobial agent at a level which would normally be inhibitory is called which of the following? Competitive exclusion Synergism Molecular rebound Drug resistance

Drug resistance

Which of the following bacteria are routinely tested for drug susceptibility? Group A streptococci Enterococcus faecalis Staphylococcus sp. Aerobic Gram-negative enteric bacilli Most anaerobic bacteria

Enterococcus faecalis Staphylococcus sp. Aerobic Gram-negative enteric bacilli

Microbes can inactivate drugs by producing which of the following that change the structure of the drug to a nontoxic form? Membrane channels Transport proteins Phospholipids Enzymes


Antacids reduce the absorption of which drug? Rifampin Isoniazid Amphotericin B Penicillin


What is the mechanism of action of Tamiflu? It prevents host cells from producing active viruses. It enhances interferon synthesis. It prevents DNA synthesis. It blocks cell wall formation of viral particles.

It prevents host cells from producing active viruses.

What term is used to describe bacteria lacking cell walls? Gram-positive L-form Gram-negative Pleomorphic


Polyenes bind to which of the following parts of fungi? Ribosomes DNA polymerases Membranes Cell wall components


___ analogs are structurally similar to the natural substrate and compete with it for the active site on the enzyme.


Which of the following genera produce aminoglycosides? Micromonospora Streptomyces Bacillus Neisseria

Micromonospora Streptomyces

Which of the following is not a primary site for action of antimicrobial drugs in bacteria? Cell wall Cell membrane Nucleic acids Ribosomes Mitochondria


Which of the following describes the cephalosporins? Most administered parenterally Most resistant to penicillinase Most injected into a muscle or a vein Narrow-spectrum Broad-spectrum Most taken orally

Most administered parenterally Most resistant to penicillinase Most injected into a muscle or a vein Broad-spectrum

In the treatment of HIV infections, ___ directly stop DNA synthesis by being incorporated into the DNA strand, and ___ bind directly to the reverse transcriptase enzyme and interfere with its activity.


Which of the following are quinolones? Norfloxacin Clindamycin Cephalosporin Ciprofloxacin

Norfloxacin Ciprofloxacin

What type of molecule is acyclovir? Nucleotide analog Fatty acid analog Amino acid analog Sugar analog

Nucleotide analog

___ is a route of drug administration that involves piercing the skin or mucous membranes.


Aztreonam is often used by patients who are allergic to which antibiotic? Penicillin Streptomycin Tetracycline Erythromycin Chloramphenicol


Identify the three major modes of action of antiviral drugs. Blocking virus binding to host cell receptors Preventing virus maturation Barring virus penetration into host cell Blocking incorporation of virus DNA into host genome Blocking virus transcription and translation

Preventing virus maturation Barring virus penetration into host cell Blocking virus transcription and translation

Which of the following drugs are currently in use against Plasmodium infections? Primaquine Mebendazole Chloroquine Piperazine

Primaquine Chloroquine

___ inhibitors have been shown to reduce HIV to undetectable levels by specifically preventing virus particle maturation.


Which type of anti-HIV drug blocks a specific enzyme and results in defective, immature, non-infective viruses to be produced? Protease inhibitors Reverse transcriptase inhibitors Fusion inhibitors Budding inhibitors

Protease inhibitors

Which is the mechanism used by multidrug-resistant (MDR) pumps to expel antimicrobial drugs and other toxic substances from a bacterial cell? Exocytosis Proton-motive force similar to ATP synthesis Negative feedback Inhibition of enzymes involved in uptake

Proton-motive force similar to ATP synthesis

In recent years quinine has been replaced in the treatment of malaria by drugs in which of the following categories? Azoles Quinicrines Tetracyclines Quinolines Sulfonamides


The ending -floxacin is used for which category of drugs? Quinolones Aminoglycosides Tetracyclines Synthetic drugs


Which of the following are the three factors that should be known before selecting an antimicrobial drug? The nature of the infecting agent The prevalence of the infecting agent in the community The sensitivity of the infecting agent The overall health of the patient The patient's prior history of exposure to the infecting agent

The nature of the infecting agent The sensitivity of the infecting agent The overall health of the patient

Identify two antiparasitic agents that disable several stages of roundworm development by blocking the utilization of glucose. Thiabendazole Mebendazole Piperazine Praziquantel Niclosamide Pyrantel

Thiabendazole Mebendazole

Which tetracycline is being used in hospitals to treat MRSA infections? Tigecycline Doxycycline Aureomycin Minocycline


What is the overall goal of antimicrobial chemotherapy? To boost the patients immune response in order to destroy the infective agent To provide the patient with immunity against future infections by the microbe To destroy the infective agent without harming the patient

To destroy the infective agent without harming the patient

True or false: Antiviral drugs prevent penetration into a host cell, block transcription and translation, and prevent maturation of viral particles.


True or false: Damage to the bacterial cell membrane can disrupt metabolism or lyse the cell.


True or false: Microorganisms that produce antibiotics in their natural habitat may have a selective advantage over neighboring microbes.


True or false: The nature and sensitivity of the microorganism need to be considered before antimicrobial treatment begins.


An antibiotic that is effective against a wide variety of microbial types is called a(n) ___ spectrum antibiotic.

broad / extended

The goal of antimicrobial chemotherapy is to ___ the infective agent without harming the ___

destroy host

The inability of a drug to ___ into a body compartment, such as the brain or joints, will render the drug ineffective.


Polymyxin B and E are toxic to the body's ______. kidneys brain liver bone marrow


The property of an antimicrobial agent to be highly toxic against its target microbe while being far less toxic to the cells of the host organism is called ___ toxicity


Amphotericin B is one of the few drugs that can be injected to treat ___ fungal infections such as cryptococcus meningitis.


The staining of teeth is one side effect of the antibiotic group known as the ___


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