Microbiology Chapter 10 Q/A

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Cyanobacteria are (A) ________. Large filamentous aggregates of thousands of Cyanobacterial cells that develop into biofilms are likely classified in (B) which genus? (A) autotrophs or heterotrophs (B) Oscillatoria, Synechococcus, or Prochlorococcus

(A) autotrophs (B) Oscillatoria

What unifying cellular property do the organisms classified as Firmicutes possess? A. All have a thick peptidoglycan cell wall and Gram-stain purple B. All have a strong and chemically complex outer membrane C. All are Gram-negative and Gram-stain pink D. All have a very high GC genetic content

A. All have a thick peptidoglycan cell wall and Gram-stain purple.

Which two organisms are least likely to grow in the same environment? A. Chlamydia and Nitrobacter B. Streptomyces coelicolor and Escherichia coli C. Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycoplasma pneumoniae D. Clostridium botulism and Bacillus subtilis E. Lactococcus and Lactobacillus

A. Chlamydia and Nitrobacter.

Why have Chlamydia infections been linked to infertility? A. Chlamydia cells invade fallopian tube cells, cause inflammation, and obstruct egg mobility. B. Chlamydia cells create a uterine biofilm that impedes fertilized egg implantation. C. Chlamydia cells invade the fertilized agh and disrupt its ability to replicate. D. Chlamydia cells enter sperm cells, invade mitochondria, and reduce their flagella capability.

A. Chlamydia cells invade fallopian tube cells, cause inflammation, and obstruct egg mobility.

Which of these microbial properties describes the uniqueness of Cyanobacteria? A. Cyanobacteria contain pigmentation that allow them to photosynthesis. B. Cyanobacteria are heterotrophs that require a source of organic carbon to survive C. Cyanobacteria colonize the cow stomach and are linked with methane production D. Cyanobacteria are human pathogens that are resistant to a multitude of antibiotics

A. Cyanobacteria contain pigmentation that allow them to photosynthesis.

Which group of organisms provides oxygen for us to breathe? A. Cyanobacteria B. Gram-negative bacteria C. Spirochetes D. Chlamydias

A. Cyanobacteria.

Which life stage is absent from chlamydiae? A. Endospore B. Reticulate body C. Stage with netlike uncondensed DNA D. Elementary body

A. Endospore.

Which two genera are evolutionarily most closely related? A. Escherichia and Pseudomonas B. Helicobacter and Nitrospira C. Helicobacter and Rickettsia D. Bacillus and Synechococcus

A. Escherichia and Pseudomonas.

Which Gram-positive bacterium/bacteria endanger human health instead of providing benefits? A. Listeria species, which grow milk and cheese, even in the refrigerator B. Lactobacillus species, which grow in milk during Production of yogurt and cheese C. Streptomyces species, which produce antibiotics such as streptomycin D. Staphylococcus epidermidis, which is found in the human skin

A. Listeria species, which grow milk and cheese, even in the refrigerator.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes Actinobacteria? A. Most have an acid-fast property associated with unusual cell wall lipids that also protect them from hosts defenses and antibiotics. B. All Actinobacteria are considered to be pathogens in humans or other animals. C. Most Actinobacteria are non pathogenic in humans but cause serious diseases in other animals. D. Many Actinobacteria produce endospores that allow them to survive for thousands of years.

A. Most have an acid-fast property associated with unusual cell wall lipids that also protect them from hosts defenses and antibiotics.

Which structural funding in a microscope would rule out the organism that causes Lyme disease? A. Round, coccoid cells B. Flexible, tightly coiled cells C. Under electron microscopy, intercellular flagella D. Cell motility

A. Round, coccoid cells.

Which of the following is true about Cyanobacteria? A. They are the only bacteria that produce oxygen. B. They appear red because of their chlorophylls. C. They do very little for the ecosystem. D. They are pathogenic.

A. They are the only bacteria that produce oxygen.

The agent of Lyme disease is transmitted by which vector? A. Ticks B. Termites C. Bats D. Amebas

A. Ticks.

Select all the true statements regarding chlamydias. A. Chlamydia species replicate easily inside or outside the host cell. B. Chlamydias alternates between two developmental stages with different functions: elementary bodies and reticulate bodies. C. Different Chlamydia species can cause sexually transmitted infection, trachoma, pneumonia, and likely cardiovascular disease as well. D. Chlamydiae is a large group of bacteria with cell walls that lack peptidoglycan.

B. Chlamydias alternates between two developmental stages with different functions: elementary bodies and reticulate bodies. C. Different Chlamydia species can cause sexually transmitted infection, trachoma, pneumonia, and likely cardiovascular disease as well.

Which organelle of eukaryotes descended from a common ancestor of Cyanobacteria? A. Mitochondrion B. Chloroplasts C. Golgi body D. Nucleus

B. Chloroplasts.

A lichen is a symbiotic relationship that exists between which of the following pairs? A. Cyanobacteria and plants B. Cyanobacteria and fungi C. Cyanobacteria and Protozoa D. Spirochetes and fungi

B. Cyanobacteria and fungi.

Which of the following is a characteristic found in all Enterobacteria? A. A cell wall that stains Gram positive B. Facultative anaerobic rods C. Motility provided by flagella D. Obligate anaerobic rods

B. Facultative anaerobic rods.

An isolate _______ likely indicates a Gram-positive bacterium and excludes other bacteria. A. Is found in a soil sample B. Forms dormant endospores C. Is an intracellular pathogen D. Produces oxygen

B. Forms dormant endospores.

Which of the following is unique to Gram-negative bacteria? A. Peptidoglycan B. Lipopolysaccharide C. Teichoic acid D. Flagella

B. Lipopolysaccharide.

Which bacterium/bacteria oxidize minerals instead of organic food? A. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a common wound contaminant B. Nitrobacter species, growing in soil C. Neisseria meningitis, a cause of meningitis D. Bradyrhizobium, a genus of nitrogen-fixing bacteria

B. Nitrobacter species, growing in soil.

Which of the following is used to measure the relatedness of organisms? A. Fossil records of bacteria B. Sequencing and comparing ribosomal RNA C. Comparing phenotypic differences between cells D. Determining which bacteria are able to interbreed

B. Sequencing and comparing ribosomal RNA.

Yaws is a disease caused by which of the following spirochetes? A. Yersinia pestis B. Treponema pallidum C. Rhodospirillum rubrum D. Borellia burgdorferi

B. Treponema pallidum.

Which of the following is/are classified as a spirochete? A. Chlamydia travhomatis B. Treponema pallidum C. Escherichia coli D. Streptomyces coelicolor E. Borrelia burgdorferi

B. Treponema pallidum. E. Borrelia burgdorferi.

The mycelia of Streptomyces and other actinomycetes are known to produce? A. Lactic acid B. Endospores C. Antibiotics D. Statins

C. Antibiotics.

Which bacteria have tightly coiled cells with internal flagella? A. Cyanobacteria B. Gram-negative bacteria C. Spirochetes D. Chlamydias

C. Spirochetes.

Which organisms possess mutualistic spirochetes? A. Humans B. Lichens C. Termites D. Amebas

C. Termites.

Which bacterial structures do chlamydiae lack? A. Ribosomes B. Outer membrane C. Thick peptidoglycan cell wall D. Inner membrane

C. Thick peptidoglycan cell wall.

Which of the following genera represents "deeply branching bacteria"? A. Chlorobium B. Acidobacterium C. Neisseria D. Aquifex

D. Aquifex.

Which human-associated Gram-negative bacterium/bacteria grow only with extremely low oxygen? A. Helicobacter pylori, the cause of gastritis B. Yersinia pestis, the cause of plague C. Salmonella enterica, a cause of food poisoning D. Bacteroides, enteric bacteria that help digest our food but cause abscesses if they escape the intestine and enter surrounding tissues

D. Bacteroides, enteric bacteria that help digest our food but cause abscesses if they escape the intestine and enter surrounding tissues.

Which one of the following diseases is NOT caused by Actinobacteria? A. Tuberculosis B. Leprosy C. Diphtheria D. Botulism

D. Botulism.

Bacteria can be used in bioremediation, the process of using bacteria to clean up or detoxify certain substances that may persist in the environment. __________ is a genus of bacteria that resists extremely high doses of ionizing radiation and are therefore ideal candidates to remediate from nuclear power plants. A. Clostridium B. Neisseria C. Aquifex D. Deinococcus

D. Deinococcus.

Which trait do Cyanobacteria lack? A. Production of oxygen through photosynthesis B. Nitrogen fixation C. Growth in globular clusters D. Intracellular flagella

D. Intracellular flagella.

Which of the following Proteobacteria regularly uses intracellular pathogenesis of macrophages as part of the infection cycle? A. Neisseria meningitis B. Escherichia coli C. Yersinia pestis D. Legionella pneumophila

D. Legionella pneumophila.

Which of the following does NOT accurately describe Pseudomonas aeruginosa? A. Causes opportunists infections in human surgical wounds. B. May form biofilms on pulmonary lining of Cystic fibrosis patients. C. Commonly grows in soil as a decomposer. D. May infect fleas, which transmit P. Aeruginosa to humans.

D. May infect fleas, which transmit P. Aeruginosa to humans.

Which member of the Firmicutes lacks a tick cell wall that excludes many antibiotics? A. Clostridium botulinum, the cause of botulism B. Clostridioides difficile, an enteric organism that thrives when normal enteric biota have been eliminated by use of antibiotics C. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the cause of tuberculosis D. Mycoplasma pneumoniae, a cause of pneumonia

D. Mycoplasma pneumoniae, a cause of pneumonia .

Poor dental hygiene can lead to _______ infections, which are infections involving diverse kinds of bacteria. This can include up to tens and hundreds of types of bacterial species. A. Dimicrobial B. Unimicrobial C. Trimicrobial D. Polymicrobial

D. Polymicrobial

Which of the following statements accurately describes the transmission of one Chlamydia species in human populations? A. Reticulate bodies in secretions from one individual attach to membranes in his or her sexual partner. B. Reticulate bodies remain dormant in the environment for years and attach to host cells when humans come in contact with them. C. Elementary bodies undergo replication within the gut of fleas and infect human cells when fleas bite humans. D. Reticulate bodies replicate inside host cells and develop into elementary bodies that are released when cells lyse.

D. Reticulate bodies replicate inside host cells and develop into elementary bodies that are released when cells lyse.

Sort the following Gram-negative pathogens based on whether they are Proteobacteria or Bacteroidetes. S. Enterica B. Melitensis V. Cholerae P. Gingivalis B. Fragilis N. Gonorrhoeae

Proteobacteria N. Gonorrhoeae V. Cholerae B. Melitensis S. Enterica Bacteroidetes P. Gingivalis B. Fragilis

Not all spirochetes are pathogenic to their hosts. True or false?


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