Microbiology Exam 3
Lethal Mutation
Mutations that lead to cell dysfunction or death
Wild Type
A microorganism that exhibits a natural , non mutated characteristic
Spontaneous Mutation
A random change in DNA from errors in replication that occur randomly
An event where one bacterium donates DNA to another bacterium
Mutant Strain
An organism that bears a mutation
An organism that contains and expresses genes that originated in another organism
Any change to the nucleotide sequence in the genome
Bacterial cell accepts fragments of soluble DNA from surrounding environment
Cells that are capable of accepting genetic material through Transformation
Extrachromosomal DNA adept at moving between cells- allow transfer of DNA- Not necessary for survival
Genetic exchange where a genetic material is transferred from donor to cell via direct connection
Conjugation: Resistance factors
Have genes for resisting antibiotics, heavy metals , synthesizing virulence factors
Generalized Transduction
Random fragments of of host DNA are taken up by a phage during assembly
Induced Mutation
Result from exposure to known mutagens
Point Mutations
Small mutations that affect only a single base on a gene- addition, deletion, or substitution
The process where a bacteriophage serves as a carrier of DNA from donor cell to recipient, must be same species
Horizontal Gene Transfer
Transfer of DNA that results in organisms acquiring new genes that did not come directly from parent organisms