Microbiology Final Questions - The Quizzes

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Match term and definition: 1. A disease which spreads simultaneously across the large region or even worldwide. 2. A disease affecting a large number of people in certain region. 3. A disease occurring only in a particular region, locality, or people. A. Endemic B. Epidemic C. Pandemic

1 --> C 2 --> B 3 --> A

1. Neutrophils 2. Eosinophils 3. Monocytes 4. Lymphocytes 5. Basophils 6. Erythrocytes 7. Thrombocytes A. Function in hemostasis and in releasing chemicals for coagulation B. Participate in gases exchange C. Have granules in their cytoplasm and phagocytize D. Attack and destroy eukaryotic parasites; initiate allergic reactions E. Differentiate into macrophages, responsible for specific and non-specific phagocytosis F. Involved with antigen recognition and antibody production G. Release histamine during the allergic reactions

1-->C 2-->D 3-->E 4-->F 5-->G 6-->B 7-->A

When patient tissues are transfected with viruses carrying a needed, normal human gene, the technique is called... A. Cloning B. Gene therapy C. Antisense therapeutic D. DNA fingerprinting C. None of the choices are correct

B. Gene therapy

In Gram stain procedure the mordant is a/an... A. Distilled water B. Iodine C. Crystal violent D. Safranin E. Malachite

B. Iodine

Which of the following should be used to remove the oil from slide and immersion objective, respectively? A. Kimwipe and bibulous paper B. Kimwipe and lens paper C. Lens paper only D. Bibulous paper and lens paper

B. Kimwipe and lens paper

Candida albicans caused a vaginal monilia in female patient treated for respiratory infection. This is an example of... A. True pathogenicity B. Opportunistic pathogenicity

B. Opportunistic pathogenicity

Disinfection of beverages such as apple juice, milk, and wine is optimally achieved by... A. Pasteurization B. Chlorination C. Moist heat autoclave D. Filtration E. Boiling

B. Pasteurization

A term "bacteremia" refers to a/an... A. Normal microflora of the blood B. Presence of bacteria in the blood C. Infectious disease D. Presence of bacteria in the blood followed by inflammation

B. Presence of bacteria in the blood

All the bacterial cells that result from the replication of a single original bacterial organism are said to be a... A. Population B. Pure culture C. Lag culture D. Mutant culture E. Growing culture

B. Pure culture

The process that destroys or removes all microorganisms and microbial forms including bacterial endospores on inanimate objects is called... A. Disinfection B. Sterilization C. Antisepsis D. Sanitization E. Degermation

B. Sterilization

Which bacteria would you expect to grow through both bacitracin A and optochin P discs? A. Streptococcus pyogenes B. Streptococcus agalactiae C. Streptococcus pneumoniae D. None of the above

B. Streptococcus agalactiae

This bacteria causes strep throat: A. Staphylococcus aureus B. Streptococcus pyogenes - beta-hemolytic, Group A C. Staphylococcus pyogenes - alpha-hemolytic, Group B D. Streptococcus pneumoniae

B. Streptococcus pyogenes - beta-hemolytic, Group A

The reasoning for a heat shock exposure is: A. To denature host DNA B. To maximize cell wall and membrane's permeability C. To switch on the arabinose operon D. To switch on pGLO plasmid

B. To maximize cell wall and membrane's permeability

All of the following is true except... A. When MCV is less the 80 fl, erythrocytes are microcytic. B. Erythrocytes are the most numerous cell type in the blood C. Macrocytic erythrocytes take a volume of 94 fl and more D. For measured Hct = 42, the Hgb expected to be about 16 g/dl

D. For measured Hct = 42, the Hgb expected to be about 16 g/dl

Which of the following is not included into inducible operons? A. Structure genes B. Operator C. Promoter D. Intron E. All of the above

D. Intron

Find the false statement: A. All types of blood cells develop from the same stem cells in the bone marrow B. Plasma is the part of blood separated from the blood cells C. Hyperchromic RBCs contain more hemoglobin D. Macrocytic RBCs contain less hemoglobin, than normal

D. Macrocytic RBCs contain less hemoglobin, than normal

The most abundant type of WBC is.. A. Monocytes B. Leukocytes C. Lymphocytes D. Neutrophils

D. Neutrophils

Which microscope allows sharp details to be observed on a gray background? A. Dark-field microscope B. Electronic microscope C. Bright field microscope D. Phase contrast microscope E. Atomic microscope

D. Phase contrast microscope

In a basic slide preparation procedure, which is the correct order? A. Fix, smear, stain B. Fix, stain, decolorize C. Smear, decolorize, stain D. Smear, fix, stain

D. Smear, fix, stain

How would you name a morphology of clump of rod-shaped bacteria? A. Streptobacillus B. Palisade C. Coccobacillus D. Staphylobacillus E. Sarcina

D. Staphylobacillus

Which bacteria does the CAMP test allow you to identify? A. Streptococcus viridans B. Streptococcus pyogenes C. Streptococcus pneumoniae D. Streptococcus agalactiae

D. Streptococcus agalactiae

Chemicals that are effective in killing Candida albicans are called... A. Bactericides B. Fungicides C. Sporicides D. Viricides E. Germicidies

B. Fungicides

_____________ is a control method of removing microorganisms rather than inhibiting or killing them. A. boiling B. Sterilization C. Irradiation D. Filtration E. Disinfection

D. Filration

The major criteria used in placing bacteria into two different groups (Gram positive and Gram negative) is based on differences in... A. Cell wall structure B. Cell membrane permeability C. Presence or absence of flagella D. Detergent susceptibility

A Cell wall structure

All is right about erythrocytes except that they... A. Can proliferate in the blood stream B. Have biconcave disc shape C. Can carry oxygen and carbon dioxide D. Can be microcytic and macrocytic

A. can proliferate in the blood stream

After spore staining procedure the spores look red, and the cells look green. A. True B. False

B. False

Household bleach is routinely used in dilution 1:10 A. True B. False

B. False

Hematocrit is a/an... A. % of red blood cells in blood B. Oxygen carrying molecules C. Ratio of red blood cells to white blood cells in a given volume D. Only measurement provided by the Coutler Counter

A. % of red blood cells in blood

Paper disc method is used to test a/an... A. Antimicrobial effectiveness of chemicals B. Ethylene oxide C. D Value D. Bactericidal characteristics of moist or dry heat E. Bacteriostatic effectiveness of irradiation

A. Antimicrobial effectiveness of chemicals

The correct order of reagents in the Gram staining protocol is the following: A. Crystal violet, iodine, alcohol, safranin B. Methylene blue, alcohol, safranin C. Crystal violet, alcohol, iodine, safranin D. Safranin, alcohol, methylene blue, iodine

A. Crystal violet, iodine, alcohol, safranin

How would you distinguish Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus viridans growing on the blood agar? A. Different types of hemolysis B. Gram Stain C. Cells morphology D. They would not grow so fast E. Those two species are indistinguishable

A. Different types of hemolysis

Which of the following can be considered a PPE? A. Gloves, lab coat, goggles B. Gloves, goggles, sharps container C. Biosafety cabinet D. Lab coat, mask, sterile swabs

A. Gloves, lab coat, goggles

Find the true statement about the person having diarrhea and vomiting: A. Hematocrit increases B. Hemoglobin increases C. Hemoglobin decreases D. Hematocrit decreases

A. Hematocrit increases

X and V factors are: A. Hemin and NAD B. Hemin and bile salts C. Hemoglobin and immunoglobulin D. Bacitracin and optochin

A. Hemin and NAD

Arabinose operon is... A. Inducible B. Repressible

A. Inducible

What is true about leukocytosis? A. It might indicate bacterial infection B. It is a term to describe a decrease level of WBCs C. It is a result of viral invasion to the cell D. It is characterized by appearing of unusual shaped leukocytes

A. It might indicate bacterial infection

Aseptic transfer is a complex of methods designed to... A. Prevent contamination of the culture and an operator B. Prepare a slide C. Transfer the genetic information from one microbe to another D. Endospore staining E. Incubate microbes

A. Prevent contamination of the culture and an operator

Immersion oil... A. Prevents the loss of light by refraction B. Makes objective gentle touching a slide C. Magnify x1000 D. Concentrates light coming from the bulb

A. Prevents the loss of light by refraction

Which bacteria belong to Group A Beta-hemolytic Streptococci (GAS): A. Streptococcus pyogenes B. Streptococcus viridans C. Streptococcus agalactiae D. Streptococcus pneumoniae

A. Streptococcus pyogenes

Inoculated agar plate should be incubated upside down because... A. That prevents water from condensation on the lid B. They won't be misplaced C. They take less space D. The lid is tightly closed preventing cross-contamination

A. That prevents water from condensation on the lid

Naked viruses are more resistant to control than enveloped ones. A. True B. False

A. True

What would you suggest for the diagnosis if patient has following differential? Segs = 25% Lymphs = 65% Bands = 1% Monos = 8% Eos = 1% A. Viral infection B. Bacterial infection C. Parasitic infection D. Allergic reaction

A. Viral infection

In a standard autoclave procedure dry heat is used combined with high pressure. A. True B. False

B. False

Abnormally low and high count of erythrocyte is called... A. Microcytia and macrocytia B. Anemia and polycythemia C. Hyperchormia and hypochromia D. Erythrocytia and erythropenia

B. Anemia and polycythemia

Which tool/equipment is the most effective for pressure-temperature sterilization? A. Oven B. Autoclave C. Water-bath D. Bunsen burner E. Incinerator

B. Autoclave

Which of the following bacteria would you expect to survive in a broth after 10 minutes boiling followed by daily incubation at 37C? A. Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus B. Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis C. Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus D. Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis E. Streptococcus viridans and Streptococcus pyogenes

B. Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis

What would you suggest for the diagnosis if patient has following differential? Segs = 70% Lymphs = 15% Bands = 12% Monos = 2% Eos = 1% A. Viral infection B. Bacterial infection C. Parasitic infection D. Allergic reaction

B. Bacterial infection

The use of an organism's biochemical processes to create a product is... A. Genetic engineering B. Biotechnology C. Recombinant DNA D. Gel electrophoresis E. Gene probes

B. Biotechnology

Which color(s) you should expect to see on the slide after Gram staining of mixed culture containing Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus? A. Blue and red B. Blue only C. Red only D. Blue and pale pink

B. Blue only

Which of the following is not a condition for transformation experiment to occur... A. Exposure to positively charged calcium chloride B. Briefly exposure to 90 C C. Following inoculation onto LB agar with ampicillin D. There is no exclusions

B. Briefly exposure to 90 C

CAMP abbreviates: A. Colonized Agalactiae Microbial Population B. Chirstie-Atkins-Munch-Peterson C. Christine-Agilera-McCartney-Paul D. Combined Arrow on Microbial Plate

B. Chirstie-Atkins-Munch-Peterson

In pGLO transformation experiment the first proof of successful plasmid transfer would be... A. E. coli growth on LB+arabinose B. E. coli growth on LB+ampicillin C. Absence of growth on LB+ampicillin plate D. Confluent growth on LB plate E. None of the above

B. E. coli growth on LB+ampicillin

What makes Bacillus (1) and Mycobacterium (2) highly resistant to a control? A. Thermostability (1) and slow growth (2) B. Endospores (1) and waxy cell walls (2) C. Endospores (1) and high metabolism rate (2) D. endospores (1) and ability to grow in disinfectants (2) E. Thermostability of enzymes (1) and waxy cells (2)

B. Endospores (1) and waxy cell walls (2)

4.3-6.0x10^6 cells per microliter is normal count for... A. Leukocytes B. Erythrocytes C. Thrombocytes D. Monocytes

B. Erythrocytes

A little amount of microbial biomass placed in to/on nutrient media is called a smear. A. True B. False

B. False

Coutler Counter is a/an... A. Microbiologist who first stained the WBCs B. Special blood culture slide containing all types of blood cells C. Apparatus for counting the blood cells resuspended in electrolytes D. Equipment which can only detect Hct and Hgb

C. Apparatus for counting the blood cells resuspended in electrolytes

Which of the following can be considered fomites: A. Door handle, soap dispenser, a dog infected with rabies B. Pencils, a mosquito, unwashed iceberg salad C. Blood pressure cuff, towels, bitten cookies D. All choices are correct

C. Blood pressure cuff, towels, bitten cookies

The bibulous paper is usually used for... A. Clean up of low and high objective lens of microscope B. Wiping out the oil from used slide C. Blotting the slide after staining D. All of the above

C. Blotting the slide after staining

Which term(s) refer(s) to bacterial morphology? A. Bacillus B. Gram negative C. Coccus D. Palisade E. A and C

C. Coccus

Which part of the microscope provides concentration of light coming out of a light source? A. Oculars B. Iris diaphragm C. Condenser D. Light bulb's on/off switch E. None of the above

C. Condenser

Which microscope would you use to study a smear of mucus of a patient with suspected syphilis? A. Fluorescence microscope B. Bright field microscope C. Dark field microscope D. Electron microscope E. Phase constrast microscope

C. Dark field microscope

Inoculating loops in the lab are sterilized using: A. Moist heat B. Chemicals C. Dry heat D. Filtration E. Rediation

C. Dry heat

An organism that can exist in both oxygen and oxygen-free environments is a/an... A. Aerobe B. Obligate aerobe C. Facultative anaerobe D. Microaerophile E. Obligate anaerobe

C. Facultative anaerobe

Exposition to ultra-violet light is used in... A. Dark-field microscope B. Electronic microscope C. Fluorescence microscope D. Phase contrast microscope E. Atomic microscope

C. Fluorescence microscope

The two magnifying lenses found in a compound microscope are the... A. Basic and transverse B. Low power and High power C. Ocular and objective D. Dark and bright E. Coarse and fine

C. Ocular and objective

What would you suggest for the diagnosis if patient has following differential? Segs = 45% Lymphs = 40% Bands = 3% Monos = 5% Eos = 7% A. Viral infection B. Bacterial infection C. Parasitic infection D. Allergic reaction

C. Parasitic infection

The deliberate removal of genetic material from one organism and combining it with the genetic material of another organism is a specific technique called... A. Genetic engineering B. Biotechnology C. Recombinant DNA D. Gel electrophoresis E. Gene probes

C. Recombinant DNA

The role of UV light in transformation experiment is to... A. Switch on a pGLO plasmid B. Switch on an arabinose operon C. Reveal the Green Fluorescent Protein D. Select antibiotic resistant bacteria

C. Reveal the Green Fluorescent Protein

Name the bacteria that is Group B Streptococcus: A. Streptococcus pyogenes B. Streptococcus viridans C. Streptococcus agalactiae D. Streptococcus pneumoniae

C. Streptococcus agalactiae

In Griffith's experiments with Streptococcus pneumonia, rough, non-encapsulated Streptococci were converted into smooth encapsulated Streptococci in the presence of the heat-killed smooth encapsulated Streptococci. What is the term that describes this process? A. Transduction B. Conjugation C. Transformation D. Cloning E. Translation

C. Transformation

A live carrier that transmits causative agent from infected organism to uninfected one is a/an... A. Fomes B. Direct transmitter C. Vector D. Inoculum

C. Vector

Endospore is a... A. Dormant structure formed a cell to protect bacteria from adverse environment B. The special structure bacteria uses for its reproduction C. Vegetative form of bacteria formed to protect cell from high temperatures D. Dormant structure formed within the cell wall to protect bacteria from the adverse environment

D. Dormant structure within the cell wall to protect bacteria from the adverse environment

Standard autoclave operates at the following set of time, temperature, and pressure: A. 100 C, 15 psi, 30 minutes B. 121 C, 10 psi, 15 minutes C. 132 C, 15 psi, 3 minutes D. 121 C, 15 psi, 15 minutes

D. 121 C, 15 psi, 15 minutes

A urine sample containing 5000 bacteria, with a generation time of 30 minutes, sits for 3 hours before finally being assayed. How many bacteria will then be present within the sample? A. 10000 B. 64000 C. 100000 D. 320000 E. 640000

D. 320000

What is the total magnification of the cells when using the high power objective of bright field microscope? A. 40 B. 10 C. 100 D. 400 E. None of the above

D. 400

Which WBCs number is considered normal? A. 3000-5000/ul B. 5.0-6.0x10^6/ul C. 70-94 fl D. 5000-10000/ul

D. 5000-10000/ul

Medically important bacteria are often... A. Grown on agar containing blood B. Grown at 37 C C. Grown at a pH of 5 and below D. A and B E. C and A

D. A and B

Which may result in Gram-positive bacteria appearing like Gram-negative? A. Decolorizing too long B. Decolorizing too short C. Using old cultures D. A and C E. B and C

D. A and C

AFB abbreviates: A. A group streptococci B. Asymptomatic Fastidious Bacteria C. Acid Fermenting Bacilli D. Acid Fast Bacilli

D. Acid Fast Bacilli

Electron microscopes differ from light microscopes in that... A. Electrons replace light B. Electromagnets replace glass lenses C. Magnification is higher D. All of the above E. None of the choices are correct

D. All of the above

The hemoglobin level varies along with... A. Erythrocyte's size B. Erythrocyte's volume C. Sex D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Banded neutrophils versus segmented: A. Have a real nucleus B. Are immature form of neutrophils C. Might indicate presence of chronic infection D. B and C

D. B and C

Colonies on which plate would you expect to fluoresce in UV lights? A. +pGLO on LB/amp B. +pGLO on LB/amp/ara C. +pGLO on LB/ara D. B and C E. None of the above

D. B and C

Find the right statement: A. Micrococcus luteus produces a yellow pigment when incubated for a week at 37C. B. You have to fix a smear with yeasts while performing a wet prep. C. Colonies of Candida albicans are oval shaped and larger than those of Staphylococcus aureus. D. BIGGI agar is the media from growing the yeasts E. A touch can not be an example of indirect transmission

D. BIGGI agar is the media for growing the yeasts

The correct order of granulated WBCs from least to greatest number/ul is... A. Basophils, lymphocytes, neutrophils B. Basophils, monocytes, neutrophils C. Eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils D. Basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils

D. Basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils

Which of the following should be discarded into a sharps container? A. Glass test tube with bacterial suspension B. Pastic test tubes C. Used agar plate D. Broken slides E. Both A and B

D. Broken slide

All of the following belong both to plasma and serum, except... A. Dissolved gases B. Water C. Nutrients D. Clotting Factors

D. Clotting Factors

Pink Cells on Gram stained slide with E. Coli are a result of... A. Prolonged counterstaining B. Prolonged decolorization C. Wrong implemented procedure D. Correct implemented procedure

D. Correct implemented procedure

Which of the following stains is/are considered differential? A. Gram stain and capsule stain B. Capsule stain and flagella stain C. Flagella stain D. Endospore stain and Gram stain E. Flagella stain and Gram stain

D. Endospore Stain and Gram Stain

D Value is determined as a... A. Removing of microorganisms by washing B. Concentration of disinfectant required to reduce microbial population 10 times C. Time required to kill 10% of microbial population D. Time frame in which microbial population of 5,600,000 cells would decrease to 560,000 cells E. None of the above

D. Time frame in which microbial population of 5,600,000 cells would decrease to 560,000 cells

You spilled some broth inoculated with Staph aureus over the table while preparing the slides. Your partner did not notice that and put the marker on that spot wile labeling the slides. Then she passed the marker to other working pair of students. Everybody washed their hands and left the lab. How many direct and indirect transmission episodes could you expect after all? A. 1 direct and 3 indirect transmissions B. 1 direct and 2 indirect transmissions C. 3 indirect transmissions D. Unknown number of direct and indirect transmissions

D. Unknown number of direct and indirect transmissions

Gene... A. is a certain segment of a protein B. contains DNA and RNA C. only codes for certain protein D. is a certain DNA segment that codes for a protein or RNA molecules E. None of the above

D. is a certain DNA segment that codes for a protein or RNA molecules

Transformed E. coli DNA consist of 19% of A. What percent of DNA make C+T? A. 81% B. 19% C. 38% D. 31% E. 50%

E. 50%

Transformed pGlo plasmid contains... A.GFP gene B. Arabinose operon C. Ampicillin resistance gene D. A and B E. A, B, and C

E. A, B, and C

On which level/s does genetics study takes place: A. Organismal B. Chromosomal C. Molecular D. Cell E. All of the above

E. All of the above

Which of the following is not a factor that affects germicidal activity? A. The material being treated B. The length of exposure C. The strength of the germicide D. The microorganism being treated E. All of these are factors

E. All of these are factors

What was the result of PhysoHex dispenser's contamination during the pelvic exam? A. An epidemy of Staphylococcal infection in newborns B. An epidemy of vaginal candidiasis in female patients C. An epidemy of thrush in newborns D. An epidemy of vaginal yeast infections in newborns E. B and C

E. B and C

The betadine swab before blood donation is an example of... A. Pasteurization B. Disinfection C. Sterilization D. Preservation E. None of the above

E. None of the above

Which bacteria provide a transparent zone around colonies while growing on BAP? A. E. coli B. Streprococcus viridans C. Staphylococcus epidermidis D. Streptococcus pneumonia E. None of the above

E. None of the above

How you would correctly describe a shape of E. coli: A. Coccus B. Streptobacillus C. Curved rod D. Palisade E. Small rod

E. Small rod

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