Microsoft Exam

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What area in the PowerPoint 2010 window contains the Quick Access Toolbar, filename, and Window control buttons?

Title bar

Typically which is the first type of slide placed in a presentation?

Title slide

What is the purpose of using the corner resizing handles to resize a graphic?

To proportionately resize the graphic

When you hover your cursor over a command button in a ribbon, what is the name of the descriptive box that appears?

Tool tip

Which of the following are valid placement options for page numbers in a document?

Top of page or bottom of page

Which Microsoft 2010 feature marks and follows revisions made in a document by other users?

Track Changes

Which feature in Word 2010 highlights insertions, deletions, or formatting modifications in a document?

Track Changes

Which type of presentation is used to help an audience learn new skills or learn how to perform new tasks such as how to operate a piece to equipment?

Training Presentations

What are visual effects in the form of movements from one slide to another during a presentation called?


What area contains the command to automatically advance slides during a slide show?

Transitions ribbon, Timing group

Which tool converts words or paragraphs into a different language using the Word 2010 bilingual dictionaries?


What is the name of the font that is scalable and produces high-quality characters on both computer screens and printers?

True type

Which method is used to insert new lines into a document?

Use the Enter key

How do you move in a table from cell to cell?

Use the arrow keys, the Tab key or the mouse to point and click to another cell in the table

Which Ribbon contains commands to zoom a publication to fill the Publisher window?


Which ribbon contains the command to display gridlines used in aligning objects in a document?


What is a graphic that appears behind text?


What is a semitransparent graphic that is visible in the background of a printed publication called?


What type of publication contains objects, formatting options, hyperlinks, and other features making it suitable for publishing on the Internet?


Which command on the View Ribbon enables the document to be viewed as it would appear on a webpage?

Web layout

What command on the Home Ribbon enables a user to change the design of a slide after it has been inserted into a presentation?

What command on the Home Ribbon enables a user to change the design of a slide after it has been inserted into a presentation?

On the Title bar, which item enables a user to minimize, maximize, or close the Word 2010 window?

Window controls button

Which of the following software programs is a full-featured word processing program that allows users to create professional-looking documents and revise them easily?

Word 2010

Which command is used to find the number of words, characters, paragraphs, or lines in a Word 2010 document?

Word Count

Microsoft Word 2010 is what common type of application software?

Word processing

Which feature is used for applying visually dramatic formatting to text and creating text that is considered a graphical object?


Which gallery of text styles in Publisher 2010 transforms text into a graphic and creates eyecatching effects?


Which type of drawing object enables users to create shadowed, rotated, stretched, and wavy text effects?


What is the name of the square black handle that appears at the corner of a selected graphic and controls how text is aligned with the graphic?

Wrap points

To increase or decrease the size of the content in a Word 2010 window, which item on the status bar would you use?

Zoom slider

Which group on the Insert Ribbon contains the command to insert a Chart into a slide?


What type of text boxes are typically found in newsletters to enable text to flow from one to another?


What type of presentation runs on its own but can also be set to accept user interventions to advance to another slide or return to a previous one?

self-running presentations

What does an ellipse (three small dots) after a drop-down menu item signify?

A dialog box will appear when the item is selected

What action is necessary when saving a document for the first time in Microsoft Word 2010?

A file name must be assigned to the document

What is the result of using the Enter key on the keyboard?

A new paragraph begins

Which key on the keyboard may be used to view KeyTips for certain commands in Publisher 2010?


Which command enables a user to choose from a wide range of animation options?

Add animations

What is the proper action to take when Word 2010 flags a proper noun as an error because the noun is not in its main dictionary?

Add the entry to the Word 2010 custom dictionary

The way in which a paragraph lines up horizontally between the paper edges of a document is called:


Which of the following refers to how the left and right edges of a paragraph align on a page?


In a mail merge, what condition can be created to determine how data is merged in a mail merge document?

An expression

In a presentation, which effect adds interest to a slide show and focuses audience attention on important points by adding entrances, emphasis, motion paths, or exits to text or objects?


Which Ribbon contains commands that apply an entrance effect to a selected chart?


Which handle is used to resize a graphic proportionately in a publication?

Any corner

Which procedure must be completed in the document prior to using the Table of Contents command?

Apply heading styles to the appropriate headings in the document

Which option is selected in the Columns dialog box to create multiple columns in only one paragraph of text in a document?

Apply to drop box

In PowerPoint 2010, which command is used to insert a sound clip into a slide?


When a sound clip is selected for a slide, which Ribbon appears to allow a user to change the way the sound clip appears?

Audio tools format

Which Ribbon appears when a sound clip is selected for a slide to allow a user to control how the sound clip plays?

Audio tools playback

What feature automatically revises typing errors based upon information contained in Microsoft Office 2010's standard dictionary?


Which dialog box provides the user with the ability to create pieces of text that will be replaced with full text as it typed?


If you include more text in a slide than will fit in the slide placeholder, which PowerPoint 2010 feature adjusts the line spacing and font size of the text to accomodate it?


Which procedure automatically adjusts the way that text is sized in a textbox?


What feature in Publisher enables a user to permit text to continue from one area to another?


Which feature in Microsoft Publisher 2010 restores your work in the event of a system failure but should not be used as a means of saving publications.


Which are the two types of page breaks?

Automatic and manual

Which command enables a user to place colors, patterns, or images behind page content?


What is the name of the view in the File Tab that enables a user to manage files and data about files, and find frequently used features for managing PowerPoint presentation files?


What is the name of the view that provides data about documents and contains a set of commands to help a user manage documents?


What is the area accessed through the File tab called?

Backstage view

Which term refers to the oblong boxes that appear when formatting changes are made in a document while tracking changes?


What are two or more vertical blocks called?


Lines drawn to visually frame documents, tables or cells in a Microsoft Word 2010 document are called what?


When customizing graphics in a publication, what is the amount of black or white added to the color in a graphic called?


What is a graphical or text element, such as a page part, that can be inserted into a publication?

Building block

Which group on the Insert Ribbon enables a user to choose from a predefined set of calendars for inserting into a publication?

Building blocks

Which term refers to prebuilt components or reusable elements such as text, logos, or graphics that are stored for later use?

Building blocks

What is a list of statements with a special symbol to the left called?

Bulleted List

Which of the following is a series of lines beginning with a character or symbol that may be placed in publications?

Bulleted list

What are the dots added for emphasis to a list of items?


How are ribbons in Publisher 2010 activated?

By clicking the associated tab

What is the commonly used shortcut key or keyboard combination for copying text to the Clipboard?


Which key on the keyboard is used to select nonadjacent objects in a publication?


Which is a method for moving quickly to the bottom of a document?


What is the keyboard shortcut for inserting a manual page break?

CTRL + Enter

What is the commonly used shortcut key or keyboard combination for pasting text from the Clipboard?


To add information about an illustration in a slide, which of the following describes a text box with a line between the text box and the illustration?


What is the descriptive text placed below an object called?


What is the explanatory or identification text that accompanies a graphic, figure, or photo called?


In a table, what is the intersection of a column and a row called?


In a table, what is the intersection of a column and a row that is usually filled with text or graphical data called?


Which command group in the Table Tools Ribbon contains the command to modify the height or width of rows and columns in a table?

Cell size

Which command on the Page Design Ribbon allows a user to select a new publication template and transfer existing content into the new template?

Change template

What group in the Review Ribbon contains the command to accept or reject changes made to a document?


What is inserted into a slide to illustrate and compare data from a spreadsheet?


What is a quick way to alphabetize a list of information or numerically organize a list of numbers?

Choose the Sort button on the Home Ribbon

What is the proper method for viewing a document in Print Layout?

Choose the View ribbon and select the Print Layout option

What is the name of the command button on the Home Ribbon that returns document formatting to Normal Style?

Clear formatting

How do you access Word 2010 Help from the Word Window?

Click the Microsoft Office Word Help button in the upper right corner of the Word window

How do users switch from one ribbon to another in Word 2010?

Click the tab of the ribbon they wish to access

How do you select an entire table?

Click the table move handle

In Slide Sorter View, which method is used to change slide order?

Click-and-Drag to new location

Which method of text entry enables a user to double-click a blank area in a document so that Word 2010 formats the typed information according to the location of the entry?


Which of the following includes illustrations, movies, sounds, and stock photography stored in collections for easy access from both a user's local machine and the Microsoft website?


Where does Microsoft Word 2010 temporarily store copied information until it is pasted elsewhere?


Which area in PowerPoint 2010 serves as a temporary storage location for text or other objects are stored when you cut or copy them?


What are items such as sounds, videos, and other media files called in Microsoft Publisher 2010 called?


What command is used to quit the current presentation on screen but leave the PowerPoint 2010 program open?


Which command is selected in the Publisher 2010 backstage view to close a publication but not the program?


Which button on the Picture Tools Format Ribbon is used to change the pigment of a graphic?


Which group enables a user to select a new set of color combinations for application in the current publication?

Color scheme

Which of the following is a set of colors that complement each other when used in the same publication?

Color scheme

Which is an option offered on the Picture Tools Format Ribbon Color drop-down command for adjusting picture color?

Color tone

Which term refers to the various degrees of lightness and darkness of the colors in a graphic?

Color tone

Which type of break moves text following the break to the next column in the document?


Where is column width and spacing controlled in a Word 2010 document?

Columns dialog box on the Page Layout Ribbon

What is the feature that enables a user to add a statement in a document's margin about that section of the document?


What appears on a slide to indicate there is a note or remark about the slide and the initials of the person who made the note?

Comment Thumbnail

What is the name of the note that can be inserted into a Word 2010 document by a reviewer to communicate suggestions, alerts, or tips to the author?


What is applied to text or an image in a slide that enables a user to jump to a new location by clicking on the text or image?


What type of break is used to create a new section on the same page as the previous section?


When customizing graphics in a publication, what is the saturation or intensity of color in a graphic called?


What is the process of creating a duplicate of an item while leaving the original item in place in the document called?


Which best describes the action of inserting a copied item from the Office Clipboard into a document?


Which command is used to remove any unwanted parts of a picture in a slide?


What is the process of removing a portion of a graphic called?


What type of slide show is created to display only selected slides during a presentation?


When selecting a template in backstage view, what area provides the ability to choose a color scheme or font scheme?


What is the process of removing an item from a document with the intention of placing it in an alternative location in the document?


What is the name of the file that contains the data that changes from one merged document to another in a mail merge?

Data source

When creating a custom slide show, which dialog box enables a user to select individual slides to include in the custom slide show?

Define Custom Show

Which type of presentation is used to teach an audience how something works or helps them understand a process or procedure?


Which feature of Publisher 2010 is used to identify potential problems in a publication prior to printing, sending, or saving?

Design checker

In the lower-right corner of the ribbon groups, what is the name of the small arrow that displays a dialog box or a task pane with additional options for the group?

Dialog box launcher

What is the name of the small arrow that appears in the lower right corner of some groups on Publisher Ribbons?

Dialog box launcher

Which area is used to view a portion of a document on the screen?

Document window

The row of dots between tabbed text is called a what?

Dot leader

Which is the means for beginning Edit Mode to modify a comment on a slide?

Double-click the Comment box

What is a quick way to close the Header or Footer view in a Word 2010 document?

Double-click the dimmed document text

Selecting text, pressing and holding the mouse button and moving the text to a new location is known as:

Drag and drop

Resizing a graphical image is what?


Which group on the Home Ribbon contains commands for inserting various shapes into a presentation?


What is the graphic a user creates using Word 2010?

Drawing object

Which ribbon contains the command to flip or rotate an object on a slide?

Drawing tools format

Which menu contains the command to apply a shape style?

Drawing tools format ribbon

What is a decorative large capital letter that is typically placed that the beginning of a section or paragraph?

Drop Cap

What is the name of a capital letter that is the first letter in a paragraph but is set in a larger font size than the rest of the characters in the paragraph?

Drop cap

Which area is used to specify the length of the transition effect for each slide in a presentation?


Which of the following is NOT a common type of graphical image used in Microsoft Word 2010?


What is the name of the process for modifying a presentation by adding and deleting slides or by changing the contents of individual sales?


Which feature of Publisher 2010 enables a user to quickly change a picture to a more visually appealing format?


Which command is used to view the various options that can be applied to a selected animation?

Effect options

Which is the special font that adds distinctive ornamentation such as outlining, embossing, and shadows to text?


Which commonly used animation effect makes text on a slide appear in the presentation?


What is the formatting mark that assists in selecting and formatting cells in a table called?

End-of-cell mark

Which of the following is a reference note that is displayed at the end of the document?


Explanatory comments or references that appear at the end of a Microsoft Word 2010 document are known as:


What appears on screen in the Publisher window when you point to a command on any Ribbon?

Enhanced screen tip

What command is used to quit the current presentation on screen and quit the PowerPoint 2010 program?


Which is the quick one key access to Publisher 2010 Help?


Which is the shortcut key for accessing Microsoft Office Word Help from the Word window?


Which keyboard function key quickly activates the Spelling & Grammar checker?


Which Word 2010 tab contains the Print command?


What is the name assigned to a file when it is saved?

File name

Where is the list of available file types found when starting a new document in Microsoft Word 2010?

File tab, new command

What is applying color to the inside of an object called?


Which tool on the Home RIbbon lets a user search for text in a document by keying the word into a search box?


Which dialog box in Microsoft Word 2010 is used to quickly locate a specific phrase in a document?

Find and replace

Which graphic command enables a user to invert a graphic horizontally or vertically?


What is the name of an object inserted into a Word 2010 document so that it is layered over or behind the text?

Floating object

How does Publisher 2010 refer to single page announcements that announce personal, business, or other messages?


What is the appearance and shape of letters, numbers, and special characters that appear in a publication called?


What type of formatting is bold, underline or italic?


Which group on the Home Ribbon contains commands to change the appearance of characters in a document?


Which group on the Home Ribbon provides commands for modifying the typeface of a publication?


Which is a defined set of typefaces associated with a publication?

Font scheme

Which term refers to the size of alphabetic and numeric characters on a slide?

Font size

The very bottom of the page in a document is called the what?


What is the text that appears on every slide but depending on the theme applied may not always appear at the bottom of a slide?


Which type of text may be formatted to print at the bottom of every page?


What is a reference note inserted at the bottom of the page using the References Ribbon called?


Which command is used to copy the formatting of one piece of text or objects to a different piece of text or objects?

Format painter

When a graphic is selected, which option on the Shortcut menu is used to alter the color of the image?

Format picture

What is modifying the appearance of a publication called?


Which term refers to changes made in a document that impact the appearance of the document?


What does the mouse pointer look like when you are able to move a floating graphic to a new location within a document?

Four-headed arrow

When using audio in a presentation, what is the correct option to select for audio playback?

From end

What is the set of choices, often graphical, that are arranged in a grid or list in Publisher 2010?


Which is the process of navigating to a specific location in a document such as a line number?

Go to

Clip art placed in a Microsoft Word 2010 document is a:


In PowerPoint 2010, which term refers to a picture, shape, design, graph, chart, or diagram inserted into a slide?


Which term refers to building blocks, logos, and accents used in Microsoft Publisher 2010?


When a graphic is selected, which handle is used to freely rotate the image?

Green slide show

Which of the following terms refers to combining multiple objects into a single object?


What is the process of joining multiple objects into a single object called?


Which feature does Publisher 2010 provide to assist a user with the placement and alignment of one object to another object?


Which abbreviation refers to a file being stored and transferred electronically on a file server for display on the Web?


What are the small shapes that are displayed around an object when it is selected?


When printing a PowerPoint 2010 presentation, which print setting enables multiple slides to be printed on one page?


What type of paragraph formatting forces the first line into a position to the left of the rest of the paragraph?

Hanging indent

The very top of the page in a document is known as the what?


Which type of text may be formatted to print at the top of every page?


In Microsoft Publisher 2010, which is considered to be the largest text in the publication?


In Publisher 2010, what is created to clearly identify the purpose of the flyer and typically appears in large, bold letters?


Which is the purpose of adding background shading to a selected area of a document in order to bring attention to the information?


Which Ribbon in Publisher 2010 contains the command to automatically increase the font size?


Which Ribbon in Publisher 2010 includes the command to physically divide text into columns?


Which Ribbon includes the command to create presentation slides from an outline?


What creates links in a document to a web page?


What command enables Word 2010 to break lines between the syllables of words?


Which text format option refers to splitting a word so that it does not extend beyond the margin?


What is the process of inserting text or objects from another source into a Publisher workspace called?


In a document, how are changes highlighted for users to review?

In balloons containing suggestions

How are the Ribbon commands separated for logical placement?

In groups

Which type of drop cap moves to the left of the margin to offset the first letter?

In margin

From the current location, this is refers to moving the information to the right?


When the tab key is pressed, where the cursor moves to on the horizontal ruler is the:


Which type of presentation provides an audience with background information, knowledge, and specific details about a topic to help them gain understanding, make informed decisions, or increase their expertise?

Informative presentations

The positioning of graphics in a specific place and specific line of a document is referred to as:


What type of object is inserted into a Word 2010 document as part of a paragraph?

Inline object

Which ribbon contains the WordArt objects?


Which ribbon contains the command to insert a text box placeholder on a slide?


Which ribbon opens headers and footers in Microsoft Word 2010?


Which Ribbon contains the command to create a link to a new location?

Insert RIbbon

Where is the button to insert an emblem, such as trademark or registered sign, into a document located?

Insert Ribbon, Symbols group

Where is the command to insert a new table into a Word 2010 document?

Insert Ribbon, Tables group

Which References Ribbon tool helps with citing sources and managing sources in a bibliography?

Insert citation

Which command on the Insert Ribbon enables a user to select text from a file and place it into a publication?

Insert file

Which ribbon includes desktop publishing features in Microsoft Word 2010 documents?

Insert ribbon, Text group

Which text alignment command aligns text with both the left and right margins of a slide including adding additional space between words as needed?


Which alignment option indicates that text in a document is aligned to both the left and right margins?

Justify align

What is a combination of keystrokes to perform a task is referred to as?

Keyboard shortcut

Which of the following is a predetermined way of organizing objects on a slide including title text and other content?


What is the default paragraph alignment for the Normal Style in Word 2010?


What are two or more characters combined into a single character in order to create more readable or attractive text called?


What is the state of a selected text box or placeholder when a user can make modifications?


Which Publisher 2010 feature enables a user to point to an item in a list and without actually selecting the item see the effect in the publication?

Live preview

What is combining information from two separate sources to create a final document with custom information on each letter?

Mail Merge

What is the name of the pane that displays a step-by-step progression that guides a user through the creation of a mail merge?

Mail merge task pane

The group of commands used to create a document merge is on which ribbon?


While in the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, which command must precede an email address to identify the hyperlink as an email address link?


Items in a merge that contains text and placeholders used to create the final merged document is called a what?

Main document

When a user forces a document to create a new page at a specific location, which of the following terms best describes this action?

Manual page break

What is the name of the background area in a publication that is similar to the header and footer area in traditional word processing software?

Master page

What are placeholders that direct Microsoft Word 2010 where to insert customized information in order to create several letters in a final merged document?

Merge fields

What are the field names that are linked to the data source in a mail merge document?

Merge fields

In order to save merged documents in a file or edit the contents of the individual merged letters, which merge option should be selected?

Merge to new document

Which software program is a full-featured desktop publishing program that allows you to create professional-looking publications and revise them easily?

Microsoft Publisher 2010

Which reference does the Microsoft Word 2010 Spell Check feature rely upon?

Microsoft Word's built-in dictionary

Based on tasks you perform, what automatically appears with commands for changing the appearance of text in a publication?

Mini tool bar

Which of the following automatically appears based on tasks you perform, and contains commands related to changing the appearance of text in a document?

Mini toolbar

On the Title bar, which button may be selected to display only tab names rather than entire ribbons in the Word 2010 window?

Minimize the ribbon

What does the wavy, red line under a word in a presentation mean?


Where is a Word 2010 mail merge data source for future use?

My Data sources folder

What is the default leader selection for tab stops in Word 2010?


In the PowerPoint 2010 View ribbon, which presentation view enables a user to view one slide at a time in the Slide Pane?


Which display shows an entire slide and also displays the title, status and task bars?


Which of the following are preset margin settings in Word 2010?

Normal, moderate, and mirrored

Which pane in PowerPoint 2010 provides an area for saving reminders to help a presenter during a presentation?


Which print setting creates printouts of an entire slide on the top of the page and an area for speaker notes below the slide?

Notes page

If a list on a slide must appear in a sequential order, which list option should be selected?


When items in a list need to stay in a particular order, which type of emphasis will be used?


Which command on the Insert Ribbon enables a user to insert an embedded object into a document?


Which of the following does Word 2010 offer for temporary storage of up to 24 items copied from any Microsoft Office program?

Office clipboard

Which option indicates that a presentation should wait for a mouse click prior to moving to the next slide?

On mouse click

Which term refers to the two print layout positions of a document?


Which Track Changes command allows a user to see what a document looked like before any changes were made to it?


Which tab shows a multilevel list of the titles and text of each slide in the presentation?


What is the name of the wizard that guides a user through the steps required to collect and package files needed for a printing service, including compressing the files?

Pack and go

Where is the command for modifying a document's margin settings located?

Page Layout Ribbon, Page Setup group

Where is the command to divide a Word 2010 document into multiple columns located?

Page Layout Ribbon, Page Setup group

What pane displays all of the current pages in a publication as thumbnails on the left side of the workspace?

Page Navigation

What does Word 2010 automatically insert when it determines the text has filled one complete page allowed by the page size, margin settings, line spacing, and other settings?

Page break

Which Ribbon includes a checkbox for controlling the alignment of an object with other objects on the page?

Page design

To change a document theme in order to convey a different look and feel, which ribbon must be utilized?

Page layout

Which ribbon contains the command to change the preset margin settings in a Word 2010 document?

Page layout

Which ribbon is used to effect the page background of a document?

Page layout

When reviewing a publication template, which option displays the number of panels in a publication?

Page size

Which command in the View Ribbon is used to zoom a document view width to the same as the window width?

Page width

Adding emphasis to a list of items in a Mircosoft Word 2010 document is considered what type of formatting?


Which group on the Home Ribbon contains commands to control the placement of text in a document?


Which group on the Home Ribbon contains the commands for controlling text alignment in a publication?


The amount of space before and after each paragraph in a document is known as:

Paragraph spacing

Which gallery appears when the paste command is used in a publication?

Paste options

Which term refers to the use of repeating designs such as lines, stripes, checks, and bricks in publications?


Which type of presentation is used to influence how an audience feels about a particular position or plan?

Persuasive presentations

Which command on the Insert Ribbon is used to place an image from your storage device into a presentation?


Which of the following is used in a publication to reserve space for a graphic or image?

Picture placeholder

What group on the Picture Tools Format Ribbon enables a user to apply picture effects to a graphic?

Picture styles

When an image is selected, which ribbon appears at the top of the Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 window?

Picture tools format

Which Ribbon in Publisher 2010 contains the picture styles gallery?

Picture tools format

In which area in a Publisher 2010 publication template can a user begin typing text immediately with a single click?

Place holder

What does Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 call the predefined area inside a slide where text may be entered?

Place holder

In a Word 2010 template, which of the following items indicates the location where information should be typed?


What is the region of a slide reserved for inserting text or graphics called?


Which of the following describes the process of determining a presentation's purpose and target audience, the type of presentation necessary, the desired outcome, and the presentation setting?

Planning the presentation

Which is a physical measurement that is equivalent to approximately 1/72 of an inch?


Which page orientation displays a publication layout that is taller that it is wide?


When Microsoft Word 2010 marks a sentence in the document with a green wavy underline, what is indicated?

Possible grammatical error

Which of the following software programs is used to create a collection of slides that may contain text, charts, pictures, sound movies, or multimedia, and is often called a presentation graphics program?

PowerPoint 2010

What are collections of files created in PowerPoint 2010 called?


Which command is used to test animations on a slide before delivering the presentation?


Which command in the File tab enables a user to see how the finished publication will look when it is printed?

Print Preview

In the Print dialog box, which area displays several print options and gives a preview of how the document will look after printing?

Print gallery

Which command on the Page Layout ribbon enables the user to control the way the document prints on the page?

Print setup

Which area in the Print dialog box is used to change the default printer?

Printer Status Dropdown

In the Print dialog box, which area provides a user with a list of available printers?

Printer status button

Which of the following actions or commands cannot be cancelled in Word 2010?

Printing and saving a document

Which of the following refers to rearranging a multilevel list of text in an outline format by moving it from one level to another in the presentation?

Promote and demote

In Publisher 2010, information such as the project author, title, subject, and keywords can be found in which of the following?


What is it called when formatting changes and edits are restricted in Microsoft Word 2010?


Which of the following is a predefined group of shapes designed in patterns to create a template style?

Publication set

Which command should you use to cancel a recent command or action?

Quick Access Toolbar, Undo button

By default, which of the following is located above the ribbon, at the left edge of the title bar, to provide convenient, one-click access to frequently used commands?

Quick Access toolbar

Which area is located at the top left of the Publisher 2010 window and provides convenient, one-click access to frequently used commands?

Quick access tool bar

In PowerPoint 2010, where is the command located to undo the last action?

Quick access toolbar

In Microsoft Word 2010, stored words, blocks of text or graphics that can be inserted with the click of a button are referred to as:

Quick parts

Where does Word 2010 put elements such as text, logos, or graphics saved for later use in a document?

Quick parts gallery

Applied with one click, which Microsoft 2010 command enables an entire set of formatting choices?

Quick styles

What are the built-in or predefined styles used for formatting text called?

Quick styles

Which is NOT a category in the quick parts gallery that may be inserted into a document?

Quick text

Which command is used to delete or clear any recorded timing saved for a presentation?

Record slide show

Features included in Microsoft Word 2010 documents such as footnotes and captions are found on which ribbon?


Which command is used to record the time a presenter spends on each slide in order to run the show automatically in the future?

Rehearse timings

What command is used to set an image background to transparent?

Remove background

Which Editing group tool is used to search for and replace specific text in a document?


Which command on the Review Ribbon limits how people edit or format specific parts of a document?

Restrict editing

Which command is used to insert slides from another presentation into a new presentation?

Reuse slides

Which Ribbon in PowerPoint 2010 contains the command to check spelling on a slide?


Which ribbon has commands that enable a user to compare or combine various versions of a document?


Which window allows a user to see document pages exactly as they will print?


When comments are inserted into a Word 2010 document, how can they be removed?

Review Ribbon, Comments group, Delete command

What is the control center located below the title bar at the top of the Word 2010 window called?


Which area provides easy and centralized access to the commands required for creating a Publisher 2010 publication in?


Which button on the Picture Tools Format Ribbon is used to flip a graphic so that it faces the opposite direction?


To help users measure and control horizontal spacing in a document, Word 2010 provides which of the following tools just below the ribbon?


Which area is clicked to share a blog post on the File tab in a Microsoft Word 2010 document?

Save and send

In PowerPoint 2010, what command is used to save a new presentation with a new name?

Save as

In PowerPoint 2010, what command is used to save an existing presentation with a new name or in a new location?

Save as

Which command found under the File tab is used to save an existing publication with a new name?

Save as

In Publisher 2010, what is the process of shrinking or stretching text that changes the width of individual characters in a text box called?


In the document window, which bar is used to navigate and display the various areas of a document?


How do you insert rows into a table?

Select a column or row, right-click the mouse and choose Insert from the shortcut menu.

How would a user create a line to appear between columns in a document?

Select the Line Between option in the Columns dialog box

How are columns removed from a document?

Select the column text and choose One from the Columns drop-down list on the page Layout Ribbon

Prior to applying a hyperlink to an image, which action should use the user complete?

Select the image

How do you select only a part of a table?

Select the table part using the mouse pointer and clicking on the table border.

What is the first step that must be taken to replace placeholder text in a publication?

Select the text

Which of the following is NOT an option for sharing a document via Email?

Send as a text message

What command is used to color a shape that you have drawn on a slide?

Shape fill

Which of the following displays a list of frequently used commands related to the right-clicked object?

Short cut menu

What is the Word 2010 feature for using keyboard combinations instead of the mouse to select character formatting commands called?

Shortcut keys

What is the name of the list of frequently used commands that appears when you right-click an object?

Shortcut menu

What is the name of the Microsoft Word 2010 feature that offers an optional display showing symbols indicating a tab, space or use of the Enter key?

Show/Hide features

What is the default view for publications in Publisher 2010?

Single page view

What are the small circles and squares called that surround a picture that has been inserted into a slide?

Sizing Handles

Which term refers to the small circles and squares that appear on each corner and side of an active text box?

Sizing handles

Which PowerPoint 2010 pane shows the current slide as it will appear druing the slide show?


Which group on the Home Ribbon contains commands to create new slides in a presentation?


Which tab shows a column of numbered slide thumbnails so users can see a visual presentation of several slides at once?


Which Ribbon contains the command to hide a slide in a presentation so that it does not show during the full-screen slide show?


Which view displays each slide so that it fills the entire screen with no toolbars or other Windows elements visible on the screen?


What are the faint blue, dashed lines that appear as you drage an object toward a drawn shape when the edges or center of the object are aligned?

Smart guides

What term refers to graphics used in Word 2010 documents to visually represent information using items such as graphical lists or process diagrams?


Which feature allows you to create graphical lists and process diagrams easily and quickly?


Which Ribbon is used to modify the layout of a SmartArt design?

SmartArt tools design

The process of rearranging information in alphabetical order in a table is called:


Which of the following refers to text that is arranged in paragraphs in alphabetic, numeric, or date order based upon the first character in each paragraph?


What is the meaning of a red wavy underline that appears under text in a publication?

Spelling error

Which command is used to split a document into two panes so that different parts of the document can be viewed at the same time?


Which is NOT a document that is created using Microsoft Word 2010?


Which bar presents information about a document, the progress of current tasks, and the status of certain commands and keys, and also provides controls for viewing the document?


In the PowerPoint 2010 window, what is the name of the area that contains the zoom control and PowerPoint view buttons?

Status bar

Where is the zoom control slider located in the Microsoft Word 2010 window?

Status bar

Which area presents information about the publication being created, the progress of current tasks, and the status of certain commands and keys, and provides controls for viewing the publication?

Status bar

Which is an exxagerated stroke or serif that typically runs into the space above or below the next letter?


Which ribbon group within the Insert Ribbon contains the commands that enable a user to insert common mathematical symbols or equations?


Which term refers to a location on the horizontal ruler that directs Word 2010 to position the insertion point when the Tab key is pressed?

Tab stop

What Microsoft Word 2010 feature allows users to have lists of information in horizontal rows and vertical columns?


What is a set of contiguous text boxes that are displayed in rows and columns called?


Which area provides a predefined collection of formats for easily specifying colors and shading to apply to a table?

Table format gallery

What is a quick reference point gives the reader an overview of where to find content throughout the document?

Table of contents

Which tool includes a list of all tables, figures, or equations in a document?

Table of figures

When working with tables in slides, what is applied to a table in order to format the borders around the table and cells and to select a color scheme for the table?

Table style

Which Ribbon contains the command for applying predetermined styles to a table in a slide?

Table tools design

Which two ribbons become available when a table is selected in a Word 2010 document?

Table tools design and Table tools layout

Table styles may be applied to a table in a Word 2010 document from which ribbon?

Table tools design ribbon

Which ribbon contains the commands to apply preset table styles to a Word 2010 table?

Table tools design ribbon

Which Ribbon contains the command to split a cell in a table into two cells?

Table tools format

When a table is selected, which Ribbon displays commands to insert new columns or rows?

Table tools layout

Which Ribbon provides the command to split selected cells in a table into multiple cells?

Table tools layout

Which ribbon is used to insert a new row into a Word 2010 table?

Table tools layout ribbon

The location within a document that links connect to is a what?


What is the link location within the same presentation, a different presentation, or a page on the World Wide Web called?


Which publication format offers small, ready-to-be scored text boxes with information text in them?


In PowerPoint 2010, what contains a theme, sample text, and graphics on a slide or slide background to guide you as you develop your content?


In Word 2010, which of the following enables a user to format common documents of the same type?


What is the tool that helps you through the design process by offering publication options and may appear as a form?


Which type of file can be selected as the starting point to create a new document the quickest way?


Which ribbon group within the Insert Ribbon enables a user to insert the current date and set the date to automatically update each time the document is opened?


Which is an object in a publication designed to hold text in a specific shape, size, and style?

Text box

When text is selected in a publication, which Ribbon becomes visible?

Text box tools

On the Home Ribbon, which command is used to change the orientation of text in a text box to vertical, stacked, or rotated?

Text direction

What command on the Insert Ribbon creates a preformatted placeholder for text in a document?


Where are the commands that adjust paragraph and line spacing in a document located?

The Home ribbon in the Paragraph group

What does it mean if a text box placeholder's borders change to become a dashed line?

The placeholder is active

What controls the variety of fonts, colors, and other visual effects available within a document?


What is the coordinated set of colors, fonts, and other design elements that are applied to components of a presentation called?


What is the correct file type of a normal Word 2010 template?


Which file type is an image that includes motion or animation?


Which file extension is applied to publications that are saved in Publisher 2010?


When saving a presentation that will be exported to Microsoft Word 2010, which file type should be selected?


What is the most common format that Microsoft uses for short sound clips?


What is the default increment for tab stops in Word 2010?

0.5 inch

What is the default space between columns?

0.5 inch

In Word 2010, which reviewing tool is used to search for words that have a similar meaning to the word selected?


When selecting a new file, what is the gallery of small images in the backstage view called?


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