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Which of the following statements is TRUE of mediation?

A mediator cannot be required to testify in court.

Which of the following workers can become a member of a craft union?

A carpenter

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding company unions?

A company union is established by the employer.

Which of the following aspects of employment is included under the management-union relationship?

Arbitration procedures

Which of the following acts was declared unconstitutional within two years of its introduction?

the National Industrial Recovery Act

Which of the following organizations will be included in the definition of employers according to the NLRB?

a manufacturing company

In a negotiation, the reservation price is ________.

a maximum or minimum beyond which the negotiator will not accept a proposal

If an employer bases its bargaining position on an inability to pay increased wages, then that employer must ________.

allow a union to examine the company's books to verify the claim

Which of the following workers is under the jurisdiction of the NLRB?

an employee in a shipping company

Which of the following forms of union security is outlawed by the Taft-Hartley Amendments?

Closed shop

During a union organizing campaign, which of the following requirements must be fulfilled to qualify for an NLRB-sponsored election?

30 percent of the workforce should sign authorization cards.

The ________ stated that the existence of labor unions was not prohibited by antitrust.

Clayton Act

Which of the following is expected of negotiators following the good-faith bargaining norm?

A party cannot retract an offer once it is accepted.

The ________ model suggests that strikes occur because of bargaining errors, such as unrealistic expectations by union or management leaders, misperception of bargaining goals, or a substantial difference between union negotiators and their rank-and-file membership.


Which of the following terms refers to a practice of allowing the addition of new employees and jobs to existing bargaining units provided their work satisfies the same criteria of the original unit?


According to the ________ shop provision, an employee is required to support a union financially even if the employee is not a union member.


The ________ is a federation of unions made up of skilled workers formed in 1886 by Samuel Gompers.

American Federation of Labor

The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) is affiliated with the ________ in the United States.

American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding arbitration?

An arbitrator can render a binding decision.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of an employee's right to solicit union support?

An employee can solicit support for the union after the regular workday on the employer's property.

The opening offer is also known as a(n) ________ because negotiation researchers have shown that people irrationally fixate on the first number put on the table in a negotiation regardless of how arbitrary it may be.


The term "labor relations" refers to

Any activity between management and a representative of employees concerning a negotiation

Which of the following is true of distributive bargaining?

Both parties aim at maximizing self-interest and grab the largest share of a resource.

________ is the process of moving toward a middle point between the opening offers in a negotiation.


The full-time administrator of a local union paid to handle the negotiation and administration of the union contract as well as the daily operation of the union hiring hall is known as the ________.

Business Agent

The parties to a negotiation often break out into private sessions to discuss the various options discussed at the table. This practice is known as ________.


A________ is a strike technique that moves a strike against an employer from location to location so that hiring replacement workers becomes more difficult.

Cheap rider

A ________ is a contract provision requiring that the employer deduct union dues directly from union employee paychecks. The collected dues are then deposited in the union treasury.


The ________ Act makes it illegal to discriminate against someone on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. Also, according to this act it is illegal to retaliate against a person who complained about discrimination, or participated in a lawsuit

Civil Rights

The ________ gives federal employees the right to join or not join unions and to engage in collective bargaining; it places central authority with the Federal Labor Relations Authority to oversee labor-management relations within the federal government.

Civil Service Reform Act

The ________ provided that neither the labor organization nor its members were considered illegal combinations or conspiracies in restraint of trade.

Clayton Act

A written and signed document between an employer entity and a labor organization specifying the terms and conditions of employment for a specified period of time is known as a(n) bargaining agreement.


Which of the following doctrines refers to a criterion used by the NLRB to evaluate a group of employees and determine whether they constitute an appropriate bargaining unit?

Community-of-Interest doctrine

Which of the following is the legislative branch of the federal government?


Which of the following organizations eventually merged with the American Federation of Labor?

Congress of Industrial Organizations

John Stuart Mills, an English philosopher, believed that one could only judge the moral value of an action by its result. If an action benefits more people than it harms then it is a moral action. This approach to ethics is known as ethics of ________.


The federal court has three levels, district court, ________, and the Supreme Court.

Courts of Appeal

If the bargaining unit members decide that they desire to nullify the union shop provision in their agreement, then it must be passed by a majority of the bargaining unit members. The election held for this purpose is known as the ________ election.


________ is an illegal subject for collective bargaining.

Discriminatory treatment

If only one issue is likely to dominate the negotiation, then ________ bargaining is more likely to be used because it is a "zero-sum" process.


Peter wants to buy a second-hand car and is in the process of negotiating the price of the car with the seller. The only issue discussed during the negotiation is price. This is an example of ________ bargaining


________ bargaining is a negotiation method described as a "win-lose" situation, in which resources are viewed as fixed and limited, and each side wants to maximize its share.


According to ________, covered employers are required to recruit and advance qualified minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and covered veterans.

E.O. 11246 (Affirmative Action)

The ________ Act is a proposed amendment to the National Labor Relations Act.

Employee Free Choice

Which of the following is most likely to be considered a "soft" union-management issue?

Employee empowerment

Which of the following is a form of the fairness norm in negotiations?

Equality Norm

Which of the following negotiation norms promotes the distribution of resources based on the proportional input of the parties?

Equity Norm

The ________ Act was a result of investigations into the Pullman strike. This act gave certain employment protections to union members and offered facilities for mediation and conciliation of railway labor disputes.

Erdman Act

Which of the following acts applied primarily to employees engaged in interstate commerce and provided a federal minimum wage and a 44-hour week?

Fair Labor Standards Act

Which of the following acts banned child labor in the U.S.?

Fair Labor Standards Act

________ are employees who are covered by a collective bargaining agreement but cannot be required to become union members. However, they are required to pay something to the union for the bargaining and representation services they receive.

Fair Share

A collective bargaining agreement is negotiated under the provisions of the Selective Training and Service Act.


A written and signed document between an employer entity and a labor organization specifying the terms and conditions of employment for a specified period of time is known as a surface bargaining agreement.


According to the Family and Medical Leave Act, an employee can take up to 20 weeks of unpaid leave each year under certain specified circumstances.


According to the concept of preemption, state law takes precedent over federal law.


Generally, union membership results in lower job security.


In a unionized organization, the employer can change the working conditions at any time without prior warning.


In the National Labor Relations Act, labor organizations are referred to as "unions."


Industrial unions began in factories where largely skilled laborers worked.


The Civil Rights Act prevents employers from using lie detector tests, either for pre-employment screening or during the course of employment, with certain exemptions.


The Federal Reserve Bank is an employer, according to the NLRB.


The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is a ten-member body


The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is appointed for a seven-year term by the Department of Labor, with the advice and consent of the Senate.


The Civil Service Reform Act is also known as the ________.

Federal Labor Relations Act

Which of the following entities is a panel appointed by the president of the United States to oversee the creation of bargaining units, conduct elections, decide representation cases, determine unfair labor practices, and seek enforcement of its decisions?

Federal Labor Relations Authority

Which of the following entities was established under Executive Order 11491?

Federal Labor Relations Council

Which of the following is TRUE of bargaining in the public and private sectors?

Federal employees cannot bargain on wages but most state and local employees can bargain over wages.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of the federal government?

Federal executive departments handle the day-to-day administration of federal laws.

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is appointed for a term of ________years.


In the case of distributive bargaining, the limited resource is known as a(n) ________.

Fixed Pie

Presenting an issue to the other side in a negotiation in a way that is convincing and causes the other side to "see" the proposal in a different light is known as ________.


________ are employees who are in a unit represented by a union and are covered by a collective bargaining agreement, but do not join the union.

Free riders

According to the ________ doctrine, the use of authorization cards is allowed as a substitute for a certification election when an employer's actions amount for unfair labor practices and when the results of an election may be unreliable.


The ________ industry is the only industry in the U.S. in which the union membership has increased over the past few years.

Health Care

Which of the following terms refers to the flexible grant of powers from the state to municipalities to determine their own goals without interference from the state legislature or state agencies?

Home Rule

Which of the following subjects must be negotiated during collective bargaining if one of the parties requests its inclusion?

Hours of employment

With reference to collective bargaining, which of the following statements is TRUE regarding a permissive item?

If one party refuses to negotiate a permissive item, the other party cannot claim bad-faith bargaining.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of the operation of a construction industry unit?

In the construction industry, an employer may begin to bargain with a union before any employees are hired for a new project.

The term "labor ________" refers to a court order that prohibits any individual or group from performing any act that violates the rights of other individuals concerned.


Which of the following statements is true of integrative bargaining?

Integrative bargaining involves creating innovative solutions that meet some interests of both parties.

________ allows a third party panel to make a final and binding decision on a negotiation dispute.

Interest arbitration

Which of the following is a difference between interest-based bargaining and distributive bargaining?

Interest-based bargaining rarely begins with parties stating their anchor points, while distributive bargaining begins with parties stating opening prices.

The ________was chartered by the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in 1918. It is the oldest noneducation nationally affiliated state or local union.

International Association of Fire Fighters

Which of the following is an example of a mixed union?

International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Which of the following national unions is a part of the Change to Win Coalition?

International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Which of the following is TRUE of the National Colored Labor Union?

It applied for affiliation to the National Labor Union, but was rejected.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of the Federal Labor Relations Act?

It excludes wages and benefits from the scope of negotiable issues.

What is a BATNA?

It is a negotiator's best alternative if no settlement is reached.

Which of the following best describes the "ethics of purpose" theory of ethics?

It is inconsistent with human purpose to use bad means to achieve a good end.

Which of the following statements is true regarding a collective bargaining agreement?

It is ratified by the union.

Which of the following sets of negotiators is least likely to follow the relational norm during negotiations?

Jan is in the process of buying a second-hand car from Sean, after seeing an advertisement online.

In 1935, ________ established the Congress of Industrial Organizations.

John L. Lewis

An organization of workers dedicated to protecting their interests in the workplace and improving wages, hours, and working conditions is referred to as a ________.

Labor Union

As defined by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), a(n) "________" is any employee committee or other organization of any kind in which employees deal with employers concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, hours, or working conditions.

Labor organization

The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act is also known as the ________ Act.


Congress enacted the ________ of 1912 with the intention of conferring job protection rights on federal employees and a restriction on the authority of the executive branch of government to discharge a federal employee for talking to Congress.

Lloyed-LaFollette Act

If an employer withholds employment to resist union demands with the help of layoffs, shutting down, or bringing in nonunion workers, it is known as a(n) ________.


According to the ________ doctrine, an employer can replace striking workers with permanent workers unless it is determined that the strike was an unfair labor strike. Striking workers who apply for reinstatement may be placed on a waiting list and hired as jobs become available.


________ items are subjects that must be bargained in good faith, if either party so requests. If one party insists on its inclusion, the other party cannot refuse to discuss it.


As it offers confidentiality and takes place in a private forum, ________ is generally preferred over other methods of dispute resolution and about 85 percent of labor-management grievance disputes are resolved through it.


________ is a voluntary process selected by both parties to assist them in moving beyond impasse to a settlement. This process involves a neutral third-party who does not have any decision making power.


The ________ were a group of union organizers who were prosecuted and either executed or imprisoned after an 1875 strike against anthracite mine owners failed.

Molly Maguires

Which of the following public sector unions is the largest professional organization in the world?

National Education Association

A collective bargaining agreement is negotiated under the provisions of the ________ Act.

National Labor Relations

The NLRB oversees most labor relations activities in the private sector and was created by the ________ Act.

National Labor Relations

The ________ is authorized to decide on a case-by-case basis the "appropriate bargaining unit" of employees for collective bargaining purposes.

National Labor Relations Board

Which of the following was the first union that allowed both skilled and unskilled workers to join

National Labor Union

Under the ________ doctrine, the board identified certain industries whose operations were so integrated that craft workers could not be taken from the unit without affecting the stability of labor relations.

National Tube

Which of the following is the only state in the U.S. that has a unicameral legislature?


The ________ Act made "yellow-dog" contracts illegal.

Norris-La Guardia

Which of the following is true of decertification petitions?

Only employees can file a decertification petition.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of an industrial union?

Organizations of autoworkers or rubber workers are examples of industrial unions.

Which of the following terms refers to a movement initiated by dissatisfied employees or a salaried staff member of a union to submit a representation petition to the NLRB and win a representation election?

Organizing drive

________ is a negotiation tactic of putting a few items together and allowing both sides to achieve gains on one or more items to establish trust and decrease the number of unresolved issues.


_____ bargaining in the private sector refers to national or international unions, such as the United Auto Workers, entering into agreements that set the bar for pay or benefit increases across the industry.


Both parties must agree for ________ subjects to be bargained.


Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the rights of employees under the NLRA?

Persons employed by a spouse or parent are considered to be employees under the terms of the NLRA.

A procession of union members or union supporters staging a public protest concerning a labor dispute is known as a ________ line.


The governmental authority most commonly exercised by municipalities is the exercise of ________ powers, that is, the power to enact laws governing health, safety, morals, and general public welfare.


Which of the following is a permissive subject for collective bargaining?

Preferential Hiring

The members of the NLRB are appointed by the ________.


A strike called by a union for economic reasons to achieve its bargaining objectives is known as a(n) ________ strike.


Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, believed that each person could, by reasoning, recognize that one should treat each person as he or she wished to be treated. Therefore, human beings would devise rational rules of conduct by which to live. This approach to ethics is known as ethics of ________.


________ refers to a process in which governmental employees are replaced with other workers through a contract with a non-government employer for the purpose of reducing overall costs.


Which of the following aspects of employment is included under employment security?


Which of the following came about as a result of the "Davenport v. Washington Education Association" case?

Public sector unions are required to obtain written consent from nonmembers they represent in a bargaining unit before spending fees collected from them for electioneering expenses.

Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, believed that the inherent nature of human beings was "good." He believed that a human being's ultimate nature was to try to realize a good end with the help of good means. Aristotle promoted a fairness or justice approach to ethics that is known as ethics of ________.


________ programs involve union and management representatives that meet to improve communications and their general quality of life in the workplace.


Transportation unions in the airline industries are governed by the ________ Act.

Railway labor

People seek to minimize the difference between the benefits they provide others and the benefits received from others. This tendency to respond to the actions of others with equal or similar actions is the source of the ________ norm in negotiation.


Sunshine Laws _______

Require that the official business of government be conducted in public

________ units consist of employees left unrepresented after the bulk of the employees are organized, such as janitors and sales people.


The settlement range is the difference between the ________ points of both the parties involved in a negotiation.


The successive election held when a representation election involving three or more choices results in no one choice receiving the majority vote is known as a ________ election.


Union members who present themselves as job applicants and upon hiring organize from within the company, are referred to as ________.


Picketing a neutral party in order to have that neutral party pressure the targeted employer on the union's behalf is known as ________ picketing.


According to the ________ clause, if a term in the contract is deemed unenforceable by a court, the contract as a whole will not be deemed unenforceable.


The earliest labor unions in America were formed by ________.

Skilled craft workers

Which of the following countries defied prevailing trends to record an increase in the percentage of employees joining unions between 1990 and 2008?


An on-the-job union representative who carries out the responsibilities of the union in the plant at the departmental level is known as a(n) ________.


If a company and a union in the company agree on the bargaining unit represented by the union and inform the NLRB about it then the NLRB accepts the bargaining unit, provided it does not violate principles in the National Labor Relations Act or established board policy. The bargaining unit thus formed is known as the ________ unit.


Which of the following terms refers to a work stoppage by a number of employees caused by a disagreement with management over certain issues such as contract negotiations, grievances, or unfair labor practices?


Which of the following statements is definitely TRUE of economic strikes?

Strike misconduct by a worker during an economic strike can disqualify the worker from reinstatement.

The Labor-Management Relations Act is also known as the ________ Act.


Which of the following is TRUE of women's trade unions in the U.S.?

The AFL overtly denied the admission of women into the unions.

Which of the following is an example of a public-sector only union?

The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees

Which of the following statements is TRUE of the Knights of Labor (KOL)?

The KOL aimed to become national union for skilled and unskilled workers.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of the NLRB?

The NLRB is a five-member body.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of certification of a union by the NLRB using a secret-ballot election?

The NLRB will not entertain a rival certification petition for a bargaining unit represented by a certified union within the first year.

Which of the following acts is also known as the Wagner Act?

The National Labor Relations Act

The Employee Free Choice Act is a proposed law which, if implemented, will require that ________.

The National Labor Relations Board certifies a union to represent workers if a majority signs cards that authorize the union

Which of the following statements is TRUE of the National Labor Union?

The National Labor Union sought the abolition of convict labor.

Which of the following acts requires employers with federal contracts to pay time and a half to any employee working more than eight hours per day?

The Walsh-Healey Act

Which of the following statements is true regarding an appropriate bargaining unit?

The board that determines the appropriateness of a bargaining unit is not required to choose the most appropriate unit, only an appropriate unit.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the equality norm in negotiation?

The equality norm is a form of the fairness norm in which both sides gain the same amount.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of state government?

The majority of states have a bicameral legislature.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)?

The political agenda of the IWW was to overthrow capitalism.

Which of the following is TRUE of strikes?

The right to strike is expressly provided by the National Labor Relations Act.

Under which of the following circumstances in the public sector is an employer allowed to take unilateral action?

The union declares an impasse and declines the employer's offer to meet again.

After multiemployer collective bargaining has begun, an employer may withdraw with ________.

The union's consent

Which of the following should negotiators follow during a negotiation process?

They should only make large concessions if matched by the other party.

51. The term "union density" refers to the number of union employees in proportion to the total number of employees in a state or other area.


A collective bargaining agreement must be ratified by the union.


According to the salary arbitration procedure in baseball, the arbitrator must choose the final salary offer of either the player or the team without any compromise.


Agricultural workers and domestic servants do not come under the jurisdiction of the NLRB.


Collective bargaining is a continuous process beginning with the negotiation of a contract through the life of the contract with almost daily interpretation and administration of its provisions.


Craft unions represent a group of workers who share a skill or an occupation, such as electricians, carpenters, and bricklayers.


Employees of U.S. employers who are permanently stationed in another country do not have rights under the National Labor Relations Act.


Free agents are players who are permitted to negotiate contract terms with any club.


If an activity is clearly protected under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, the state is totally preempted from the field and federal law controls.


Non-union employees do not have Weingarten rights.


The National Labor Relations Act gives the National Labor Relations Board no authority in purely local disputes.


The employers who are subject to the Railway Labor Act are excluded from the definition of the employer by the NLRB.


The presence of a union tends to increase work rule flexibility.


The term "labor relations" refers to any activity between management and unions or employees concerning the negotiation or implementation of a collective bargaining agreement.


The term "labor union" refers to a group of employees who join together to discuss and usually positively affect their employment relationship.


Union members are more likely to receive higher wages than non-unionized workers.


Union membership in the United States has declined over the past years.


Unions tend to negotiate rewards that are across-the-board or are based on seniority, not individual performance.


Which of the following is the only wholly owned government corporation that falls under the jurisdiction of the NLRB?

U.S. Postal Service

Which of the following petitions is filed with the NLRB to request the clarification of the composition of a bargaining unit currently certified?

UC Petition

Which of the following petitions should be filed with the NLRB by 30 percent or more of the employees to rescind a union shop agreement?

UD petition

A(n) ________ shop provides that within a specific period of time, usually 30 to 90 days, an employee must join the union (full or limited membership) to continue the job with the employer.


Which of the following terms refers to a union security provision that all new employees must become union members in good standing?

Union shop

Employer lockouts can be in violation of the National Labor Relations Act as an unfair labor practice if they are invoked to prevent ________.


________ is a "hard" union-management issue.

Wage increase

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) was created to enforce provisions of the ________.

Wagner Act

Which of the following was the first national association dedicated to organizing women in America?

Women's Trade Union League

________ contracts required that the employees should agree not to join unions in order to get hired. These contracts are considered illegal now.


The ________ clause in many collective bargaining agreements precludes reopening negotiations on any mandatory or permissive bargaining subject that could have been brought up at the negotiations table.


The Railway Strike of 1877 was provoked by ________.

a 10% wage cut

Which of the following terms best represents the process by which union leaders representing groups of employees negotiate specific terms of employment with designated representatives of management?

collective bargaining

At the time of an election, an employer can ________ without violating the NRLA.

communicate general views about unionism

The Davis-Bacon Act required that ________.

companies using federal dollars for construction projects use the "prevailing wage rate" of the area as the minimum-wage rate on their construction projects

An RD petition is filed with the NLRB to ________.

determine whether a recognized union still has the support of employees

Under a "yellow-dog" contract, ________.

employees pledged to refrain from union membership

An employer can implement a "no-solicitation" policy for employees during both work and nonwork hours if that policy ________.

extends to all types of solicitation

According to the concept of preemption, ________.

federal law takes precedent over state law

The first step in the election process to attain union certification is to ________.

file a representation petition at the office of the appropriate regional director

The National Labor Relations Act ________.

gave private-sector employees the right to unionize and limited employers' retaliatory powers

Which of the following is considered to be an ethical bargaining tactic?

hiding the party's real bottom line from opposing negotiators

A union hiring hall provision requires an employer to ________.

hire employees referred by the union

Which of the following actions exhibited by a party is likely to imply inflexibility?

immediately rejecting the other party's proposals v

Which of the following are the three main branches of the federal government?

legislative; judicial; executive

The reserved rights theory generally contends that ________.

management retains all rights except those it has expressly agreed to share with or relinquish to the union

Which of the following terms generally refers to negotiations in the public sector where the authority to commit to a collective bargaining agreement may be shared by the executive and legislative branches, and thus three parties are involved in negotiations?

multilateral bargaining

The Railway Labor Act required railroad employers to ________.

negotiate with the employees' union

Typically, employees are allowed to distribute union literature ________.

outside the workplace and during nonworking times

In professional sports, free agents are ________.

players who are permitted to negotiate contract terms with any club

If an activity is clearly protected under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, then federal law gets priority over state law on any issue regarding the activity. This is an example of ________.


The Employee Polygraph Protection Act

prevents employers from using lie detector tests, either for preemployment screening or during the course of employment, with certain exemptions

Which of the following is an inappropriate and unethical bargaining tactic?

promising benefits with no ability to deliver

The Taft-Hartley Amendments ________.

protect employees from losing their jobs for not joining a union

Under the National Labor Relations Act, an "unfair labor practice strike" could be called to ________.

protest an employer's discrimination against a union member

Generally, union membership tends to ________.

provide higher wages

The Pendleton Act ________.

provided for open competitive examinations to determine the fitness of appointees to federal office

A closed shop is a union security arrangement ________.

that requires employers to hire only union members

Executive Order 10988, which was signed by President John F. Kennedy in 1962, ________.

recognized the rights of federal employees to join or to refrain from joining labor organizations

An employer who entertains a good-faith reasonable doubt whether a majority of its employees supports an incumbent union can, under established NRLB precedent, ________.

request a formal board-supervised election

Which of the following terms refers to a program during which union members are encouraged by their union to seek employment at a nonunion company and once hired, they promote unionization in the nonunion company?


The underlying principle for the NLRB's determination of an appropriate unit is that only employees who have ________ can be appropriately grouped in that unit.

similar wages, hours, and working conditions

Which of the following doctrines was presented as a basic reason for not allowing federal employees to have collective bargaining rights or the right to strike?

sovereignty doctrine

To discourage unionization, a manager is allowed to ________.

tell employees that the law permits the company to permanently replace them if there is a strike

According to the NLRB, the phrase "conditions of employment" refers to ________.

terms under which employment status is given or withdrawn

In a unionized organization, ________.

the employees have Weingarten rights

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that if management rejects a union's proposal on grounds of inability to pay, ________.

the employer must provide information about the financial condition of the company

In the sports industry, the "salary arbitration" process specified in a sport's CBA provides that if a player and team cannot agree on a new salary for a future, ________.

the issue is submitted to an arbitrator who will make a final and binding decision

In the case of a negotiation, the resistance point is ________.

the maximum or minimum level beyond which the negotiator will not accept a proposal

In the case of a negotiation, the target point is ________.

the most desired outcome or objective a negotiator sets for an issue

Union density refers to ________.

the number of union employees in proportion to the total number of employees in a state

An integrative bargaining approach is preferable to a distributive bargaining approach when ________.

the parties have multiple issues to negotiate

"Dual sovereignty" refers to ________.

the sharing of governmental power between the federal and state governments

Which of the following is an example of a BATNA of a union negotiating with management?

the staging of a successful strike

A manager cannot tell employees that ________ in order to discourage unionization.

they will get a pay increase or better benefits if they vote against the union

The maintenance of membership provision requires ________.

those who are union members at the time a union contract is entered into to remain union members, but only for the duration of the agreement

Which of the following was the major reason for the formation of the National War Labor Board?

to provide a means of settlement of labor controversies in certain industries

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