Midterm CIT 173

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all of the above or register/subscribe system, enable repositories, review and track entitlement

tasks that can be performed with Red Hat subscription management tools


temporary files


clear characters from cursor to end of line

pressing Tab

complete commands, file names& options


3rd partition on 2nd virtio-blk disk attached to VM

red hat subscription manager

GUI tool use to register and subscribe a system


state represents a process that been stopped or suspended


state represents process that is sleeping until some condition is met


store console messages related to startup

cd bin

change w.d to /bin


change w.d to the parent of current location


change w.d up 2 levels from current location


a # that identifies group at most fundamental level


a # that identifies user at most fundamental level


absolute path name of current location


adjust behavior of command


admin superuser's home directory


allow one system to send traffic to a special IP address that is received by multiple systems

cd -

always return to working directory used prior to c.w.d.


at least 3 characters in length


beginning with b

[[: upper:]]

being with upper case letter

rfile1 and rfile2

can be deleted by oper. 1 user but not by oper. 2


can be modified by contractor 1 user


cannot be read by op 2 user


containing b


copies last argument of previous commands


determine how many leading bits in IP address contribute to its network address


device file for entire second virtio-blk dish attached to VM


device file name of third partition on second SATA hd.


device file of entire SATA hd in /dev directory


directory that accommodates human-readable syslog files


discards all messages normally sent to terminal


display list of previous commands


display output to terminal and ignore all errors


does Not represent a valid ipv6 address


dynamic data for database and websites


executes commands as strings


file stores syslog messages related to the mail server


first character not b

primary group

fourth field of /etc/passwd for

physical console

hardware display and keyboard to interact with system


have group ownership of consultant 1


installed software programs and libraries


interface that display for output and a keyboard for input to shell


jump to beginning of command line


jump to beginning of previous word


store messages related to scheduled jobs

ls -al

list files in current location and hidden files


location of local user account info

home directory

location of users personal files


log file that stores most syslog messages, exception those related to authentication,mail, schedule jobs, and debugging

2 statement of benefits of Linux

modular and powerful script comm. line

virtual console

multiple logical consoles support independent login


name of program to run


non-persistent process run-time data

*[[: digit:]]

only containing a #

overview and rules

pages in RH insights console, allows you to display list of rules base on category risk


pattern that only match filenames ending with b


persistent, system-specific configuration data


process a parent use to duplicate to create new child processes

login shell

program that provides users command in line prompt


provides overview of the file system mount points and the amount of free spaces available I'm SI units


re-execute a recent command by matching command name

! number

re-execute specific command in history list

Subscription Manager

register a system without using graphical environment


regular commands and utilities


regular file own by op 1 and readable by all users


related to security and authentication operations in system


release all of its resources except PID

represents a valid ipv4 host IP address


return current user home directory to current directory

two benefits of open source software for user

survive loss of original developer and learn from real-world code and develop more applications

>file 2>/dev/null

saves output to a file and discards error messages


send both output and errors to a file, creating orb over writing is contents

| tee file

send output to both screen and a file at same time

>>file 2> &1

sends output and errors to same file ensuring existing content is preserved

>file 2>file 2

sends output to a file and send errors to diff. file


separate commands on same line


service that sorts and organize syslog messages in files in /var/log

2 ways red hat develop products

sponsor fedora and participate in projects


the location of local group info


the size, in bits of an ipv6 address


the size, in bits, of an ipv4 address


the target that command operates on


top of system file hierarchy


used to register a client to Redhat Insights


user home directories


visual cue that shell is waiting for user to type command


w.d to /tmp if c.w.d is /home/student

4213 or 3213

when managing Redhat EL using RH insights

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