Midterm POLS/JSIS 340

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Indira Gandhi

First female PM of India Part of the Congress Party Assassinated in 1984 by her Sikh bodyguards for not Known for centralization of power Went to war with Pakistan which resulted in the creation of Bangladesh


Other Backward Class Classifies castes which are socially and educationally disadvantaged Given reservations after Mandal Commission

How would an 'ethnic party' be defined? Does the emergence of ethnic parties contribute towards democratization?

Second Chandra reading- Defines ethnicity as "nominal membership in an ascriptive category including race, language, caste, religion, or region." In terms of India, ethnic typically refers to language and region. Ethnification (covert to overt use of ethnic identities in political campaigns) of parties has led to an increase of diversity of voices but BJP's criticised Congress party for secondary castes and tribes as pseudo-secularism

Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU)

"Indian farmer union" Part of the Sangh Parivar, a family of Hindu nationalist organizations

What factors help explain the rise of the BJP?

-ideological challenge 1984 - Won 2 seat 1989 - wont 86 seats 1991 won 120 seats 1996 largest party with magnificent isolation Religious mobilization; Ramjanmabhoomi movement Anti-incumbency (you've tried the rest now try the best) Reaction against lower caste (thomas Blom Hansen) National pride and order Painstaking organizational work RSS

Atal Bihari Vajpayee

10th PM of India Leader of the BJP First PM outside of the Indian National Congress

Benazir Bhutto

11th PM of Pakistan First woman to lead a muslim majority nation

Bahujan Samaj Party

3rd largest political party in India Formed to represent the Bahujans (meaning the majority of people, referring to scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, other backwards castes, and religious minorities)


4x Chief Minister of UP Leader of the BSP

Charan Singh

5th PM of India Born a Jat Crucial to the independence movement


A member of an armed revolutionary group advocating Maoist Communism in India Associated with the Communist Party of India 1960 W Bengal- indian Maoists. beginning of the maoist movement in india. One of the biggest threats to security india has ever seen (domestically). Caste and ethnicity both important influence on maoist movements. Name comes from the Naxalbari uprising of 1967. Responsible for extreme police repression after attacks.

L.K. Advani and the Rath Yatra

Advani is an Indian politician and a senior leader of the BJP The Rath Yatra was a march that went across the country to end in Ayodhya. In 1990 the Indian government wanted to offer 27% of government jobs to people in lower castes. This threatened voted for the BJP party so they were against it. They used a rath yatra led by Advani to mobilize their anti-muslim voters. Triggered religious violence and Advani was arrested. Activists reached Ayodya and stormed the mosque, leaving 20 people dead.


Agricultural community of people in North India and South Pakistan Classified as a backward class in some states Played an important role in the development of sikhism

Indian National Congress

Also called congress party Considers congress secularism as 'pseudo-secularism'

How do everyday forms of corruption impact social inequalities? What are the links between corrupt practices and social exclusion? How are discourses of corruption politicized?

Appropriation of wealth to further personal gain among elites-takes resources away from lower class workers Chandra reading-Indian as a Patronage-Democracy State has control over jobs, livelihood, and living conditions Public sector controls 2/3rds of jobs Rural credit managed by public lending institutions Jeffrey Reading-Caste, Class, and Clientelism Rigging panchayat elections "in India, a range of "intermediate classes"' have come to occupy positions of leadership in civil society and are adept in exerting political pressure on the state. These classes are able to influence the state's disbursement of rents (subsidies, tax breaks, licenses, and the like) by demanding new concessions and blocking the state's efforts to remove unproductive rent"

Rajiv Gandhi

Became PM because of his brother Sanjay's death despite Sanjay being primped for the role Derides cronyism and corruption Anti-defection bill: stopped legislators from constantly switching parties Wanted to and tension in Assam and Punjab Took a big role in attempting to resolve Sri Lanka conflict siding with Sinhalese; led to his assassination by tamils

CPI (Maoist)

Communist Party of India Maoist insurgent communist party Adivasis are its base. (Marxist-leninist). Charu Mazumdar and Kanu Sanyal intellectuals 1st led this party. Believed that the peasantry should be responsible for overthrowing the government and ruling class. Militaristic

Narendra Modi

Current PM of India - since May 2014 Led BJP in 2014 general election Hindu nationalist and member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Encouraged foreign direct investment in Indian Economy, increased spending on infrastructure and reduced spending on health and social welfare programs

Nawaz Sharif

Current PM of Pakistan - since June 2013, has been PM twice before. Was conservative in the past, but has been trying to change Pakistan's reputation in the West with more liberal policies. Overturned 8th amendment-president could no longer dismiss PM a. Family-run government: brother chief minister of Punjab , family friend president b. 1998 Testing of nuclear weapons- military favor, led to sanctions i. India te sted 1st (1960s) c. Meeting Atal Behari Vajpayee in Feb. 199-Lahore Declaration

What were the founding ideologies of the Indian state? How have these been challenged?

DEMOCRACY Separate from colonialist identity but still utilizing tools they learned Secular government egalitarian Socialism-mixed economy Strong state on slide: Socialism Secularism Sovreignty Democracy Strong state


During partition of India and Pakistan had a territorial dispute over it Neither side has recognized the other's claims India, Pakistan, and China all have influence in the region Kashmiris voted in Indian elections

Jawaharlal Nehru

First PM of India Key role in the movement of Indian independence Set India on a path of regional hegemony Champion of the Congress Party

Pakistan People's Party

Founded 67' by father against policies of the prime minister Lead return to democracy and direction to socialism ~ 'islamic socialism'

Mohammad Ali Jinnah

Founder of Pakistan Served as leader of All-India Muslim League until 1913 until Pakistans creation Worked to establish Pakistans government and policies - aided millions of Muslim migrants who had emigrated from India after the independence - personally supervised the establishment of refugee camps Considered to be one of Pakistans greatest leaders

ethnification of the party system

In some ways this is more democratic because it gives a voice to minority groups that may have otherwise not had one or had a small voice

Samajwadi Party (democratic socialist party)

Indian political party founded in 1992 Emerged with the fragmentation of Janata Dal (People's League) Mainly Muslim, backwards caste, and Yadav caste Akilesh Yadav is chief minister of the party In UP

Why has the military played such a dominant role in Pakistan politics? Or why would it have been more difficult for Pakistan to become established as a consolidated democracy?

Jinnah was a strong leader but when he dies there was never someone to take his place as a real figure head Military has a lot of foreign aid from the US and abroad=inflated military

Bharatiya Janata Party

Largest party Right wing with ties to Hindu nationalist Sangh

Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale

Leader of the Sikh organization August of 1982, Bhindranwale and the Akali Dal launched the Dharam Yudh Morcha (battle for righteousness), with its stated aims being the fulfillment of a list of demands based on teh Anandpur Sahib Resolution Secessionist movement-ended up killing people and Indira mettled INdira-operation blue star at the golden temple to

What are the issues involved in the conflict between Maoists, Adivasis, and the state in tribal areas?

Maoists-communist group that wants a democratic revolution Adivasi-tribal group Started mainly in Chhattisgarh, the Adivasi people were being taken advantage of by the government. The land is rich in minerals that the government is extracting without permission. The government would take the tribal lands and sell it off. There were other forms of corruption happening to disadvantage tribal groups. A slew of communist communities formed groups to fight against the government corruption. The maoists in particular started fighting the state in multiple instances on different tribal land. The Adivasis are not necessarily in any form of rebel group, some are, and some were recruited by the state military too. The communist organizations have provided the Adivasis some protection, but suffering of the tribal people has increased. The Maoist policy was to forcibly recruit one cadre from each Adivasi family. The maoists establish bases in impoverished communities. These areas are usually in the forested and mountainous parts where the Adivasi people live.The Maoists say they have taken up the Adivasi cause. The lack of basic amenities, including roads, healthcare, education, and drinking water provides the Maoists with an ideal community in which to promote ideas of a "new democratic revolution". Maoists, the self-proclaimed saviors of the tribal people, hurt anyone they suspect of not supporting their cause.


Means to divide into parts Refers to 1947 when the British Indian Empire divided into India and Pakistan Also refers to the division of Punjab - East and West


Member of the lowest caste Associate mainly with the BSP


Not tangled in a bipolar world ie; India in the Cold War Self-sufficiency-concern about neo-colonialism View that staying away from bi-polar alignments would help India economically and politically Leader in the non-aligned movement-Nehru created this Appeared to US to be aligned with USSR In opposition to Pakistan which joined US-led pacts What meaning does non-alignment have in current geo-politics? India has to be more friendly then it has before

Ramjanmabhoomi Movement

Religious mobilization Led to Rath Yatra Ramjanmabhoomi ("Ram's birthplace") : Ayodhya, in UP, is believed to be the birthplace of the Hindu god Ram, according to mythology. Led to rise of BJP party A large movement, backed by the BJP, was started in the 80's to build a temple dedicated to Ram at the site. This led to the destruction of the Babri Masjid (Mosque), which had been there since 16th c. It is alleged by Hindu nationalists that Mughals had destroyed a temple there in order to build the mosque, although this is disputed.

Shiromani Akali Dal

Sikhism centric political party in India The party launched the Punjab Suba movement - demanding a state with majority of Punjab speaking people Has 59 members currently in Punjab Legislative Assembly in partnership with BJP (12 BJP members) forms a majority of the government

Panchayati Raj

System of governance in India where panchayats are the basic unit of local administration Three levels, village, block and district Became more regulated after amendments 73 + 74

Muslim League

The other major political party that formed the basis for the leadership of Pakistan. The Muslim League gained electoral support in the pivotal Muslim-majority province of the Punjab through an eleventh-hour alliance with large, aristocratic land- owners. A Punjabi alliance was crucial if the League was to legitimize itself as the organizational spokesman of Muslim interests in British India and therewith make demands for institutional guarantees for Muslims. Before the mid-1 930s, Punjabi politics was dominated by a Hindu and Muslim landed aristocracy loosely organized into the Unionist party. Congress's electoral victories warmed landlords to the League alliance because the alliance provided national representation and would therefore help protect provincial autonomy during independence negotiations. In 1937 Unionist leaders thus encouraged their members to join the League. As t

Linguistic reorganization of states

There was a demand for states designated by linguistic organization (language communities) since before Partition.


Tribal groups of Northeastern India - commonly associated with the Maoist rebels. roughly 70 million tribals live in the heart of ind/ia. Exposed to English education but not Hindu culture as much. In many ways, education, literacy, poverty, healthcare-they are worse off than Dalits. Constitutional guarantee "to provide Adivasi equal opportunity for social and economic development." that is not met (no healthcare). Much like Native Americans today (ie mistreated.)

'porous boundaries' between state and society

Unmarked borders. jeffrey reading - society and politics blend together. Rent seeking-social/ethnic groups can take advantage of political institutions/resources for their own gain. Culture/indian society/politics are one and the same.

73rd and 74th amendment to the Constitution (India)

Until the passage of the 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments, the states were the only sub- national units officially recognized by the Indian constitution. And the constitution grants individual states considerable legislative autonomy. Decentralization of federal government. States that ⅓ of the panchayat government must be women and have scheduled castes

Scheduled castes/scheduled tribes

are official designations given to various groups of historically disadvantaged indigenous people in India.


changes in federalism (now less centralized-weak central gov) 1. rise of regional parties and coalitions 2. neo-liberal economic reforms 3. prevention of taxation 4. central gov. can redraw state boundaries

Mandal Commission

established in India in 1979 by the Janata Party government under Prime Minister Morarji Desai with a mandate to "identify the socially or educationally backward." Gave seat reservations to SC and OBC groups Commission led to affirmative action in government jobs

The 'Emergency'

indira gandhi claiming that there was external forces trying to mess with indian politics/the state declared emergency as a result of push on congress party and Indira Gandhi from Janata Party Validated due to 'internal disturbance' Janata Party members jailed and led to creation of BJP after release Sanjay Gandhi creates 20 point plan to reduce chaos Population control (sterilization) Slum clearance Trains run on time

deinstitutionalization (Congress Party)

specifically Indira Gandhi -she made changes that made the congress party more personalized and centered around the Gandhi family

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