Mining Laws2.2

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mine waste

031: Means soil and/or rock materials from surface or underground mining operations with no present economic value to the generator of the same.


033: Mineral that have sufficient utility and value to be extracted at a profit.

ore deposit

034: Economic occurrence of minerals that can be extracted at a profit.


035: The valueless dirt and material overlying the pay zone in a placer deposit or the valueless solid outcrop of an orebody.

gold rush area

036: Locality where less than 50 miners (i.e. transient and local miners) are extracting gold ore.


037: Grooves, channels, slats or wire screens in a sluice box or rocker to catch gold and other valuable minerals.


038: A consolidated aggregate of one or more minerals.


039: Washing gravel through a sluice box.

small-scale mining contract

040: Refers to co-production, joint venture or mineral production sharing agreement between the State and a small-scale mining contractor for the small-scale utilization of a plot of mineral land.


041: Criss-crossing veins or veinlets.

Mines Administrative Order No. MRD-41, Series of 1984*mao no mrd 41, series of 1984

043: Rules and Regulations governing the Granting of Small-scale Mining Permits under P.D. 1899.


044: The alteration of rock by such near-surface processes as the chemical action of air, water, plants and bacteria, and the mechanical action of temperature change.

DAO No. 34, Series of 1991*dao no 34, series of 1991

045: Rules and Regulations to Implement R.A. 7076 otherwise known as "People's Small-scale Mining Act of 1991".

Mines Administrative Order No. MRD 41-A, Series of 1984*mao no mrd 41-a, series of 1984

046: Amendment to Mines Administrative Order No. MRD-41, Rules and Regulations Governing the granting of Small-scale Mining Permits under P.D. 1899.

Memorandum Circular No. MRD-2, Series of 1985*memo circular no mrd-2, series of 1985

047: Implementing Guidelines for Small-Scale Mining Operations.

compressor mining

048: It is a crude method of alluvial hold ore mining wherein miners descend in a deep, narrow and inundated sinkhole. They breathe through an ordinary plastic hose that is connected to an air compressor machine. The gold ores are extracted with the use of picks and are placed inside small sacks that will be then transported to the surface.

Mines Administrative Order No. MRD-50, Series of 1987

049: Additional Rules and Regulations Governing Small-Scale Mining Operations.

MRDB Administrative Order No. 3, Series of 1984*mao no 3, series of 1984

050: Rules and Regulations Governing the Granting of Small-scale Mining Permits Covering Areas of Mineral Reservations.

placer mining

051: It involves the washing of river gravel to retrieve the gold associated with it. However, sufficient water supply is essential to successfully achieve the task of recovering the gold.

MRDB Administrative Order No. 3-A, Series of 1987*mao no 3-a, series of 1987

052: Amendment to MRDM Administrative Order No. 3.

AO 97-30

053: Small-Scale Mine Safety Rules and Regulations.

CIP & CIL*cip,cil*cil,cip

054: Two process employed by small-scale processors to retrieve gold from the ore.

dog holes*dogholes

055: The typical small-scale miners employ small and confined excavations underground called ____.

camote mining

056: Mining method that employs dog holes wherein miners utilize highgrading of gold ore and place lower grad ore as waste.

hydraulic mining*hydraulicking*hydraulic

057: A method where high-pressure stream of water is directed against a placer bank to undercut and cave it by means of a device called the hydraulic monitor.

sluice box

058: Device made in sections called box wherein riffles are fitted to them.

gold pan

059: This is a circular sheet iron or wooden dish with sloping sides 10 to 16 inches in diameter, 2 to 2 3/8 inches in depth, with the side sloping at 35 to 45 degrees. It weighs 1 1/2 to 2 pounds.

any mining operation in which the work is artisanal, either open cast or shallow underground mining, without the use of sophisticated mining equipment*a

060: What is small-scale mining? (a) any mining operation in which the work is artisanal, either open cast or shallow underground mining, without the use of sophisticated mining equipment. (b) Mining operation in which the annual production does not exceed 100,000 MT or run-of-mine ore (ROMO) and total capital investment not exceeding PhP 20 million. (c) Mining operation that utilizes explosives and has an area exceeding 20 hectares. (d) all of the above

1 metric ton*1 mt

061: In small-scale mining. the ratio of labor cost to equipment utilization cost to produce, process and market ___ of ore is equivalent to or exceeding one.

Balite and Buena Tinago*b

062: The two major vein deposits in the Diwalwal Area are: (Cansibit & San Jose/Balite & Buenas Tinago/Heine & Ntina/LArayan & Lalab)


063: The term of a small-scale mining permit under RA 7076 is ___ years renewable for like periods.

sublevel stoping

064: The mining method employed by major companies in Diwalwal like J.B Management & Mining Corporation and Helica Mining Corporation.


065: A device used to prevent escape of mercury into the atmosphere.


066: Any of several hard, inert materials such as sand, gravel, slag, or crushed stone, used for mixing with a cementing or bituminous material to form concrete, mortar, plaster or used along, as in railroad ballast or graded fill.

existing mining right

067: An act prohibiting the extraction of gravel and sand from beaches and providing penalties therefor. Refers to perfected and subsisting claim, lease, license or permit covering a mineralized area prior to its declaration as a people's small-scale mining area.

EO 270

068: National Minerals Policy

placer deposit

029: Mechanical concentration of heavy minerals.

no answer*pass

030: Process used to repair the impacts of mining on the environment.(no answer)


032: The activity, occupation and industry concerned with the extraction of minerals.


042: A secondary mineral deposit in fracture.


026: A naturally occurring substance, usually inorganic. having a definite chemical composition and distinctive physical characteristics.

P.D. 1899*pd 1899

027: Establishing Small-scale Mining as a New Dimension in Mineral Development.

small-scale mining*small scale mining*small scale

001: Mining activity which relies heavily on manual labor using simple implements and methods and do not use explosives or heavy mining equipment.

DENR Administrative Order No. 05, Series of 1989*Dao no 05, series of 1989

002: Rules and Regulations Governing the Granting of Processor's Permit Related to Small-Scale Gold Mining.


003: Generally pertains to loose gravel, soil or mud which has been deposited by water.


004: An alloy of mercury with another metal or metals.

P.D. 1899*pd 1899

005: An act creating a People's Small-Scale Mining Program and for their purposes.

small-scale miners

006: Refer to Filipino citizens who, individually or in the company of other Filipino citizens, voluntarily for a cooperative duly licensed by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to engage, under the terms and conditions of a contract, in the extraction or removal of minerals or ore-bearing materials from the ground.


007: Holder of an existing mining right.


008: The removal of overburden from a placer deposit, coal bed or ore deposit.

DAO No. 28, Series of 1992*dao no 28, series of 1992

009: Guidelines in the issuance of Special Permits for pebble picking along beaches.

gold rush area

010: Locality where eat least (50) miners (i.e. transient and local mines) are extracting more than 5 tons gold ore per day.


011: A natural material having plastic properties.

5 has and below

012: The Local Government can issue a small-scale mining permit with an area of ____.5 hectares and below

not exceeding 20 has*<20 has

013: The Mines and Geosciences Bureau issues small-scale mining permit with an area of ____.

disseminated deposits

014: Scattered, dispersed interconnected veins or veinlets.


015: Refers to the physical factors of the total surroundings of human beings, including the land, water, atmosphere, climate, sound, odors, tastes, the biological factors of animals and plants and the social factors of aesthetics.


016: The breakdown and transportation of earth materials at the surface.


017: A metasomatic process whereby sedimentary rocks are transformed to granitic rocks.


018: The pressure difference resulting from differences in elevation between the intake and discharge points for a liquid.


019: Titled owner of the land.


020: Downslope movement of surface materials.


021: Unusually thick veins or group of veins.

mill tailings

022: Means materials whether solid, liquid or both segregated from the ores during concentration/milling operations which have no present economic value to the generator of the same.


023: The process of recovering gold and silver mercury.


024: An excavation made in the earth to extract minerals.

high grade ore

025: An ore that yields a large margin of profit per ton.

mineral deposit

028: Geologic occurrence of minerals in relatively concentrated form.

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