MIS 111: Knowledge Checks

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Social Engineering

According to Siemens Enterprise Communications, what is one of the most effective routes to stealing confidential data from organizations?


According to it's description, which of "The Eller Way" standards focused on creating a global learning community in which everyone thrives in their education, as described in the following statement by Howard Gardner? "Globalization is selecting for interpersonal competencies, including the ability to think and work with others coming from very different racial, linguistic, religious, and cultural backgrounds."


In the case study of the University of Arizona's Degree Search application, "assessing a new major" was described as using what type of scenario to make a decision?


In the context of language modelling, training a model to understand the grammar structure of natural language relates to what aspect of the language?

Nested IF Statements

The Decision Support Rule Induction strategy commonly uses which of the following programming constructs to make a recommendation?

Predicting the next word

The language model training used for ChatGPT is based upon what simple concept?

Identity Services

The origins of the IOT-based security breach at Target was related to which of the following dimensions of the IT/IOT converged security model?

Social problem solving

Traditional, private-sector entrepreneurship generally focuses on all of the following except:

Category Comparison

TreeMap, Sunburst, and Histogram charts are all related to which of the following categories of visualizations?

2FA Requires hackers also have your physical device (second factor)

Two-Factor Authentication Video: Two-factor Authentication (2FA) protects your account login from being hacked through what method?

Ethical drift

What ethical situation was David Myers, former Controller of WorldCom referring to when he stated "I still don't know that one point when I started to cross the line... when I should have acted differently"?

Natural Intelligence

What is a general term from psychology that encompassing various mental abilities, including the ability to remember and use what one has learned, in order to solve problems, adapt to new situations, and understand and manipulate one's reality?

Minimal Viable Product

What term is used to describe the experimental prototype products many entrepreneurs build from scratch with bare-bones features and basic functionality that aims to appeal to early adopters?


Which of the following Excel functions will return the total value of a number of cells in a range by adding the values that match specified criteria in a corresponding cell?


Which of the following Excel fundamental data types would NOT be considered as a literal or constant?


Which of the following is NOT considered a "fundamental" data type in Excel?

Gross Margin

Which of the following terms is determined by subtracting the cost of producing an item (e.g., cost of goods sold, or COGS) from the revenue received from selling a product?

Common shares

Which of the following terms is used to describe the certificates that represent the ownership of a company's equity?

Cell reference (relative, absolute, or named)

Which of the following terms used with Excel would be most closely related to the concept of a programming named variable?

Good cause crowdfunding

Which of the following types of crowdfunding has its origins in community, not-for-profit, social causes, and arts-based ventures, which members of the public were inclined to support for benevolent reasons?


Which of the following types of software causes pop-up advertisements to appear on your screen?

Reduced travel for physicians

Which of the following was NOT considered a challenge confronting the widespread adoption of telemedicine?

Outputs of a process were outside acceptable tolerances

Which of the following was NOT described as something that would be a "trigger for an audit"?

Market Value

With respect to financial accounting, the term equity is used to describe the ownership of a company. Which of the following concepts would NOT be another term related to a company's "equity" in this context?

Debt-based crowdfunding

which of the following types of crowdfunding approaches allows groups such as Kiva and LendingClub to offer loans from investors to the underserved, improving the quality and cost of financial services, and addressing the underlying barriers to financial access around the world?

human error

A major category of unintentional threats is commonly related to which of the following issues?

Selecting a career field that has high-paying jobs

According the the "What Defines Financial Literacy" video case discussing personal finance, the term "financial fitness" relates to your behaviors around the knowledge of financial literacy in all of the following areas except:

Around 800

According to Intel's "power of Entrepreneurship" video case, during the time it took for you to watch the video case, approximately how many new businesses did entrepreneurs start?

Diminished sense of accountability

According to our class discussion, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a Social Entrepreneur as a Change Agent?

Ability of public authorities to enforce traditional financial regulations

According to the "What is Blockchain?" video case, blockchain-based Bitcoin was seen as increasing the difficulty of doing what?

Happening Now

According to the Imperial College London, which of the following time horizons should businesses view disruptive technologies such as cryptocurrency, autonomous vehicles, and distributed ledgers (blockchain)?


According to the Intricity video Database VS Data Warehouse case study, what name is used with databases to describe the defined set of tables and columns into which all of the rows of data is loaded?

A dramatic change in methodology or practive

According to the video case "What is a Paradigm Shift?", a paradigm shift is characterized in which of the following ways?

Broadband communications

Although NetFlix originally competed directly with Blockbuster in the DVD rental market, which of the following disruptive technologies primarily enabled NetFlix to adopt a business strategy that ultimately resulted in Blockbuster filing bankruptcy in 2011?


Amazon uses what data mining method to intelligently suggest additional items other customer have often purchased together (e.g., "People that purchased Taxes for Dummies also purchased the E&Y Tax Guide)?

14 years

As an example of a debt trap, consider the case of a student that graduates from the University of Arizona with a modest credit card debt of $2,500 on a card with an annual percentage rate (APR) of 15%. If the person only makes the minimum requirement payments each month, approximately how many years will it take them to pay off their $2,500 credit card balance?

Green Screen

Commonly used in the field of broadcast television videography, what technology, also called chroma-key technology, creates the special effect of layering images together in a way that allows a video journalist to appear to be in another location by replacing their background with another setting?


Falling transportation and telecommunications costs during the second era of globalization (Globalization 2.0) allowed which of the following groups to think globally and collaborate?

Speaking out - whistleblowing

From the perspective of the classical ethical delemma "Who Am I", Cynthia Cooper, who at the time was MCI's VP of Internal Audit, took action based on which of the following perspectives when she reported evidence of criminal internal accounting fraud at MCI to federal law enforcement authorities?

Tunneling and Encryption

How VPNs Improve Security Video: What two techniques does a VPN keep someone snooping on a public network from seeing your data?

Forward the email to phish@arizona.edu

If you receive an email that you suspect is a likely phishing attempt, what's the most appropriate next step you should take?

Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS)

In CapGemini's Industry 4.0 Smart Factory discussion, what term is used to describe a multi-agent system that acts like a market place of production service allowing machines to configure themselves automatically?

New revenue opportunities

In a smart city environment, which of the following was NOT described as a benefit from using IOT to connect traffic signals?


In a three-tier database architecture, what tier is used to model data?

The designer labels threatened to boycott retailers by withholding products from anyone working with RentTheRunway

In an attempt to counter the increasing popularity of the "rent instead of own" designer fashion, what approach have many designer labels (companies) adopted?

Track your current income and expenses for a month

In the "Budgeting" video case discussing personal finance, what did they recommend as a first step in budgeting?

Sharing data with other devices

In the A Day with IOT video case, connected IOT (Internet of Things) devices are able not only to react intelligently with the user but also to refine their behaviors by doing what?

Data was lost because the PHE used an old Excel XLS file format that was limited to 65,000 rows of data

In the Dashboard Data Quality case study on Covid 19, what technology decision made by the the Public Health of England (PHE developers) limited the spreadsheet rows of data and resulted in contact tracing for over 15,000 Covid 19 cases not being properly managed?

Peak of Inflated Expectations

In the Gartner Hype Cycle for Artificial Intelligence for 2023, Generative AI is considered to be in which time period / phase?

Configuration Management

In the IT/IOT Converged Security Model, which of the following dimensions is a task whose security-relating issues are performed and managed only in the automation & control level?

By the end of the second week of class

In the Purdue University video Mining Data to Ensure Student Success at Purdue case study on student success, the "Signals" data mining project, as described by Purdue's CIO, was able to identify students likely to fail a class at what point in the semester?

Social Media Platforms

In the video case discussing "Data-driven Decisions at Nestle," the team focused on visualizations of information that was primarily based on information from what source?


In video case study "Thomas Friedman on Globalization and the Flattening World", progress in the third era of globalization, which is "shinking the world to tiny", primarily centers upon which of the following groups?


Meaning "the place or source of origin", what term did IBM use as one of the benefits of using blockchain as the technology to create a system of record?


Often presented visually on an executive dashboard, what type of report focuses attention on business processes whose performance falls outside of the tolerance ranges defined a KPI (Key Performance Indicator) metric?


Plus (+), minus (-), multiply (*) and divide (/) are all examples of what type of arithmetic operator?

Call the phone company and pretend to be you, getting the phone company to switch the phone number to a new sim card

Social Engineering Threats Video: In the video, how could a hacker break two-factor authentication on an account of yours without access to your phone and without phishing you?

Balance Sheet Statement

What accounting statement is a financial snapshot of a company's overall financial condition at a given point in time?


What company encouraged its customers to help it innovate its future processes and products by sharing, voting, and discussing ideas online?


What data mining method uses historical information to predict future events based on statistical models such as regression analysis?

Working Capital

What term describes the amount of cash available in the short term and indicates the funds needed to operate a business of a given size?

Burn rate

What term is a measure of the speed in which cash is spent by entrepreneurial firms, which often have negative income and a high growth rate?


What term is used to describe a tool that is used to transform, manipulate, or select data in order to return a value that can be used in an expression

Social Entrepreneurs

What term is used to describe creative thinkers continuously striving for innovation in technologies, supply sources, distribution outlets, or methods of production who are also change agents who create large-scale change using pattern-breaking ideas to address the root causes of social problems?


What term is used to describe information that is made up or deliberately manipulated to foster rumors or conspiracy theories, such as propaganda and retracted papers?

Expert Systems

What term is used to describe knowledge-based systems that contain domain-specific knowledge giving them more problem-solving power?

Data Abstraction

What term is used to describe the result of summarizing information stored in a row or column of a data cube (i.e, combining all information in a row or column into a single consolidated value) through the process described in class as a projection?

Digital entrepreneurship

What term was used in our class discussion to describe how entrepreneurship will change, as business and society continue to be transformed by the internet and digital technologies?

Combo Chart

What type of Excel chart allows multiple chart types to be integrated into one chart that allows correlations of data more easily be seen?

Sustainable Entrepreneurship

What type of entrepreneurship focuses on preservation of nature, life support, and community in the pursuit of perceived opportunities to bring into existence future products, processes, and services for gain, where gain is broadly construed to include economic and non-economic gains to individuals, the economy, and society?

spear phishing

What type of social engineering attack, focused on acquiring sensitive, personal information, has a higher likelihood of success by targeting a specific organization or audience with messages that fraudulently appear to come from a legitimate entity, vendor or organization?

Waterfall Chart

What type of visualization is commonly used to display data when components leading to a total can involve negative values?

Funnel Chart

What type of visualization is often used to show multi-step quantities where there is attrition or refinement?

The Turk

What was the name of the machine (automaton) that was available from about 1770 to 1854 (when it was destroyed in a fire) that appeared to play chess on its own, but was actually a hoax?

"=" (equals sign)

When entering an Excel expression into a worksheet cell, which of the following symbols must be used as the first character?


When executed, which of the following is returned when an Excel function, such as SUM or COUNT, is executed?

Dr. Sudha Ram

Which UofA MIS Researcher developed a system to use anonymized WiFi Data to identify person-density in buildings and spaces at the University using temporal and spatial data to help fight Covid-19?

Sears, Roebuck & Co.

Which company began in '93, focused on buying up discontinued lines from manufacturers and selling them at a discount to their customers. Their Strategy focused on meeting customer's needs by shipping on an emerging transportation infrastructure promising rapid delivery. They used new communications technologies infrastructure to reach a geographically distributed customer base.

Rule Induction

Which of the following Decision Support Strategies use conditional execution to make a recommendation?

Screening exams

Which of the following approaches is commonly used in retail, accounting/banking, and healthcare sectors to indicate candidate's likelihood for theft, fraud, workplace hostility, and job performance?

Back door or trap door

Which of the following attack is created by a programmer developing a system that typically uses a password, known only to the attacker, allowing access a computer system at will, without having to go through any security procedures?

Facial recognition

Which of the following capabilities of artificial intelligence could be potentially abused to allow mass surveillance of people?

Obstruction of justice

Which of the following criminal actions taken by Martha Stewart in the ImClone case study directly resulted in her serving time in prison?

Worksheet column

Which of the following data structure concepts in Excel would be similar to a database field?

Worksheet row

Which of the following data structure concepts in Excel would be similar to a database record?

Increasing skills necessary to be a computer hacker

Which of the following does NOT contribute to the increasing vulnerability of organizational information resources?

Market Value

Which of the following financial terms would NOT be equivalent to a measure of a company's financial value, as expressed by the equation "assets minus liabilities"?

Cognitive Science Approach

Which of the following goals and approaches to artificial intelligence focuses on behavior and modeling the reasoning processes?

Behaviorist Approach

Which of the following goals and approaches to artificial intelligence is focused on action in the world and intelligent behavior, but not centered around representation of the world?

Increases the risk of data tampering, fraud and cyber crime

Which of the following is NOT a likely benefit for a company using Blockchain technology?

Candlestick Chart

Which of the following is another name for a "Stock Chart" that is used to compare display "high-low" paired data, such as found with stock prices or daily temperatures, over time?

Scaling a business to fit the opportunity

Which of the following issues was NOT described as a challenge to a digital entrepreneur?

Acid Test

Which of the following metrics would be used as a measure of the ability of a company to meet its short-term financial obligations?


Which of the following money applications offers borrowers easy access to a short-term (6-week) installment loan, but also has high late penalties?


Which of the following represents the value 1234.56 when formatted as an Excel "Accounting" value with "Symbol" as "None"?

Accounting and Statements

Which of the following responsibilities is managed exclusively by a company's financial accounting business function?

Rigidity and Inflexibility

Which of the following skills was NOT idenitifed by Tony Wagner as one of the "Seven Survival Skils" needed to be successfuly in the "New World" of Work?

Creating a business plan to translate a social opportunity into a profitable product or service

Which of the following statements was not discussed as being an aspect of the Social Entrepreneurship Process?


Which of the following technologies would provide the level of social interaction necessary to build relationships?

Conditional Formatting

Which of the following terms described the capability in Excel to change a cell's formatting when its contents match a specified condition, such as highlight cells based on their values, adding data bars that graph relative values in a range, or highlight duplicate values in a column of data?

People must feel shame knowing their actions will be exposed to their peers publically

Which of the following was NOT discussed as one of the factors that are required in order for deterrents relating to unethical behavior relating to cheating at academic institutions to be effective?

IF Function

Which of the following would be an example of a programming construct that is a logical function that evaluates a single condition and results in only one value?

Property, Plant and Equipment

Which of the following would not be considered as a "Current Asset" (i.e., liquid in less than a year) for a company?

FICO (Fair Isaac Credit Corporation) Score

With respect to personal finance, what is the name of the most commonly used credit scoring system intended to help lenders predict how likely an individual is to repay a loan, or make credit payments on time?

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