MIS Ch 5

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a website allowing people to create, edit or delete content, as well as discuss article content or suggested changes with other members of the community.

Categories of Collaborative Tools

- electronic communication tools - Electronic conferencing tools - Collaboration management tools


Adding geospatial metadata (such as latitude, longitude, or altitude) to media. Once the geographical coordinates of an item are known, it can easily be visualized on a map.

Word processors

Adobe buzzword, thinkfree, zoho writer, google drive, zcubes, Microsoft office 365

Evolving Web Capabilities

Allow websites or service providers to make parts of their functionality or data available for other websites to use, and thus enable creating unique and dynamic applications, or mashups, quickly and easily. ex: googles mapping data

VPN - Virtual Private Networks

Allows employees to connect to the company's intranet while on the road or working from home

Social Bookmarking

Allows users to share internet bookmarks and create categorization systems referred to as Folksonomies. ex: Pinterest and Pinning into board


Bad blue, google drive, zoho sheet, Microsoft office 365

Enhancing communication using Social Media

Blogging and amateurization of journalism

Thomas Baekdal - Critical Factors in Viral Marketing

Do something unexpected Make people feel something make sequels allow sharing and easy distribution never restrict access to the viral content

What is the need and importance for effective communication and collaboration including the enabling tools and technology

Due to many organizations operating on a national or global scale, they rely on effective and efficient communication between various locations or subsidiaries. It is essential to convey specifications, coordinate production or delivery schedules, and so on.

Instances of Collaboration management tools

Electronic calendars, knowledge management systems, intranets, online document systems

Instant Messaging

Enables real-time written conversations Enjoy immediate feedback from their conversation partners

Instances of Electronic communication tools

Fax, email, voicemail, blogs, wikis, static websites

Examples of Collaboration management tools

Google Docs, MS office online, MS SharePoint


Google Drive, Zoho Show, Microsoft Office 365, Prezi

Risk of Organization

Little or no documentation training, or support for system complexities or problems

Risks of Information Technology

Loss of control regarding data and service quality (data and tools will likely reside on the providers server)

Enterprise does not necessarily equal to web

Many technologies are hugely successful in a consumer environment, this success does not always translate to success in a corporate environment. You have to closely monitor what actually is implemented on the sites and closely guard it

Amateruization of Journalism

Nicholas Carr Noted Often the value of blogging is the ability to bring breaking news to the public the fastest possible way. Blogs provide biased opinions of the writers, particularly because many of the authors sources cannot or have not been verified.

Web 1.0

One way medium, with a relatively strict distinction between content creators and content consumers Some entities would create content (a website). Others would consume this content. ex: TV network ABC. Content provided by ABC

Technological integration

Organizations have to ensure that any Enterprise 2.0 applications are integrated well with the organizations existing information systems infrastructure to reap all of its benefits.

Technological integration security

Organizations securing their information systems infrastructure is of paramount concern, companies have to balance their desire for enhancing collaboration with the need to protect intellectual property and compliance with rules and regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Organizational Context

Organizations should always ask what objective is to be accomplished with the tool and only then decide which type of tool to implement.

Generation Gap

Organizations with high numbers of millennials who have grown accustomed to highly interactive and communicative online social environments have a higher likelihood of success. Baby boomers are less likely to fully embrace the capabilities of enterprise 2.0.

Tim Berners- Lee

Originally envisioned the Semantic Web He is one of the inventors of the World Wide Web

Technological Inertia

People are not willing to switch to new applications unless they see real, tangible benefits.

Viral Marketing

Rather than creating traditional banner ads or sending out massive amounts of spam, businesses create advertisements in a way that entices the viewers to share the message with their friends though e-mail or social networks so that the message will spread like a virus

Benefits of Information Technology

Reduced costs and risks when using preexisting, easily deployed, and low cost web based tools. (versus in-house developed tools)

Risks of Competition

Security and compliance policies are nearly impossible to enforce, which may increase the possibility of exposing sensitive corporate data;increased threat of industrial espionage

Enhancing Cooperation with Social Media

Social media applications enable cooperation one participants success improves the chances of success of other participants.


Social media base their success on user-drive self expression. Organizations have to understand the multiple stake holders, personalities, and perspectives of future users and ensure that any enterprise 2.0 initiative will appeal to the organizations members.

Evolving Social Interaction

Social median or social software, allowing people to communicate, interact, and collaborate in various ways.


The process of creating an online text diary made up of chronological entries that comment on everything from ones everyday life to wine and food, or even computer problems.

Open Innovation

The process of integrating external stakeholders into the innovation process is very beneficial.

Media Sharing

The sharing of pictures, videos, audio, and even presentations has become immensely popular on the web.


Trac, Redmine, eGroupWare, Collabtive


Users suscribe to blogs, webcasts, videos and news stories through Real simple syndication feeds. RSS feeds are provided by content publishers so that the users get notified of updates to the content

Evolving Web

Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0

Future Web Capabilities

Web 3.0 Semantic Web

Bad Vibes going viral

When bad customer service goes viral and the company has to restore its brand

Office Suites

Zoho, Google Apps, Microsoft Office 365

Content Management System

allows users to publish, edit, version track, and retrieve digital content, such as documents, images, audio files, videos, or anything else that can be digitized.

Social Search

attempts to increase the relevance of search results by including content from social networks, blogs, or micro blogging services.

Collective Intelligence

based on the notion that distributed groups of people with divergent range of information and expertise will be able to outperform the capabilities of individual experts (Open source software such as Lunus,MySQL,PHO,Apache)

Learning Management Systems

enable uploading and viewing content, administering of exams, and self-service functions such as registering for courses or viewing grades. ex: blackboard used at UHD

Desktop Videoconferencing

enabled by the growing power of processors powering personal computers and faster internet connections.

Cloud based collaboration tools

have greatly facilitated collaboration, allow for easy access and easy transfer of documents or other files from one person to another; using services such as drop box.

Virtual Worlds

have taken the concept of real-time communication a step further by allowing people to communicate using avatars

Lessons Learned

identify a crisis team including members from within your organization and from outside identify your worst social media nightmare monitor your social media environment act fast the first 24hrs count

Organizational Heirarchies

implementations need the support and active involvement of senior management so as to cope with the large magnitude of changes

Example of Metadata on a word document

includes the author, the time the document was created, and when it was last saved.


manually adding metadata to media or other content. Allows users to search for content related to a certain topic

Social Networking

one of the most popular uses of the internet. They create social online communities where individuals with a broad diverse set of interests meet, communicate, and collaborate.


replaces tradition meetings using desktop videoconferencing or dedicated video conferencing systems


simply thought of as a data about data. It describes data in terms of who, where, when, why, and so on.

Social Cataloging

the creation of a categorization system by users. ex: users create virtual bookshelves with good reads, organize their collections, write reviews, and then share the bookshelf.


two or more people working together to achieve a common goal

Examples of Electronic communication tools

MS Outlook, Blogger, Wikipedia

Benefits of Competition

More efficient and effective than e-mail, FTP, or legacy collaboration tools, potentially speeding up product development cycles and enabling quick responses to competitors actions

Examples of Electronic conferencing tools

Apple Facetime, Skype, Google Hangouts, WebEx


A network internal to an organization. A private network using web technologies, used to facilitate the secured transmission of proprietary information within an organization. Facilitates virtual or collated meetings

Cloud storage/sharing

Dropbox, google drive, microsoft SkyDrive, Sugar Sync, iCloud

Notes/Task Management

Evernote, Wunderlist, Microsoft one note web


Small video camera that is connected directly to a PC

Employee Portals

allow employees real time access to corporate information, enterprise information searches, collaboration among employees, and employee self service.


A class of software that enables people to work together more effectively.

Semantic Web

A set of design principles that will allow computers to be able to better index web pages, topics ,and subjects.


At the same time communication ex: phone conversation


Can be very valuable for corporate communications, it has to be used carefully and is not without controversy.

Enterprise 2.0

Can help in sharing organizational knowledge, making business more innovative and productive facilitate connection with customers and the wider public

Web 2.0

Changes in technology have enabled new uses of the web;Dynamic web applications allow people to collaborate and share information online, shifting the users role from the passive consumer of content to its creator. ex: YouTube depends on content created and uploaded by other users

Evolving Workspace

Companies are increasingly starting to embrace social media to enhance communication, cooperation, collaboration, and connection.

Human based computing or Crowdsourcing

Companies look for cheap labor force and outsource work to companies in different countries.

Social Networks

Companies should take great care to monitor what is happening on the free social network pages. Posting the wrong content can quickly get you into trouble

Online Product Reviews

Consumers consult the web before making a purchase online. Unfortunately such reviews are not always as unbiased as they seem; sometimes companies hire people to deliberately spread positive word of mouth across a variety of sites. The act of posting fake product reviews is unethical, to say the least.

Web 3.0

Contextual web Immense amounts of content available to users will be filtered by contextual factors such as time, location, social activities, and so on.

Social Media and The Enterprise

Different social media applications enable or support communication, cooperation, collaboration, or connection . These cannot be neatly categorized and do not fit into one category

Organizational Issues

Enterprise Culture Organizational context Organizational Hierarchies Network effect and critical mass Generational gap Technological Inertia Technological Integration's Security

Virtual reality Future

Facebook is betting on the future of virtual reality, having acquired oculus, the creators of a virtual reality headset for US 2billion in 2014

Cloud Based Collaboration tools

Information Technology Organization Competition Upgrade Cycles

Instances of Electronic conferencing tools

Internet forums, instant messaging, application sharing, video conferencing

Benefits of Upgrade Cycles

No need to purchase software upgrades


Not coordinated in time communication ex: email conversation

Microblogging Tools

Sometimes called Social Presence Tools Similar to blogging, enable people to voice their thoughts; however it is not as lengthy as blogs are. they are short status updates. Anyone can follow another persons microblog. ex: Twitter

Electronic conferencing tools

Tools allowing information sharing and rich interactions between users

Electronic communication tools

Tools allowing users to send files documents, and pictures to each other and share information

Risks of Upgrade Cycles

Tools and features in collaboration environment can change without notice, potentially causing problems with users and corporate IT strategy

Benefits of Organization

Tools are easy to use, facilitating widespread adoption throughout an organization

Collaboration Management tools

Tools used to facilitate virtual or collocated meetings and manage group activities

Network Effects and Critical Mass

achieving critical mass is needed for enterprise 2.0, however, it is often difficult and takes considerable time and patience. They will most likely not be able to harness the network effects that can be achieved with a larger user base.

Virtual Teams

comprised of members from different geographic areas,assembled as needed to collaborate on a certain project. Highly dynamic task forces.

Webcasting(or podcasting)

the distribution of digital media, such as audio or video files for on-demand playback on digital medial players. They can be played on a variety of devices in addition to apple's ipods.

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