MIS Test #2

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Data visualization(3 things)

1. Advanced graphics - combining of map and overlay types of graphics 2. Business Intelligence dashboards - management tool that provides interactive controls and visuals for interacting and analyzing KPIs and CSFs in the organization 3. Infographics - visual representation of key information that tells a story

Network Access Technologies(5 things)

1. Bandwidth - The maximum amount of data that can pass from one point to another in a unit of time 2. Broadband - A high-speed Internet connection that is always connected 3. Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) - Allows high-speed digital data transmission over telephone lines 4. Internet cable connection - use of cable television infrastructure for digital signal transmissions via a cable modem 5. T1 - A type of cable connection able to transmit a digital signal at 1.544 mbps

Business Intelligence(3 things)

1. Began in the 1990s as companies began to apply technology to the challenge of using more data/information for fact-based decision-making 2. Business Analytics focuses on further expanding business intelligence into predictions or forecasts about the future. 3. Business Intelligence and Analytics often require the use of specialized databases called "data warehouses".

Data Mining methods(4 things)

1. Classification - assigns records to one of a set of pre-defined classes 2. Estimation - determines values for unknown continues variable behavior or estimated future value 3. Affinity grouping - determines which things go together. Market basket analysis 4. Clustering - segments a heterogenous population of records into a number of more homogeneous groups

Analyzing Big Data(3 things)

1. Data Mining - analysis of data designed to uncover relationships previously not discovered. 2. Advanced Analytics - forecasting of future trends using sophisticated quantitative methods, including statistics, descriptive and predictive data mining. 3. Data Visualization - translating data into visual formats to highlights or drawing out insights from the data.

Main components of a data model(4 things)

1. Entity - aka "Table" - the person, place, thing, transaction, or event about which information is stored. 2. Attributes - characteristics about the entity 3. Primary Key or Entity identifier - specific attribute that ensures that each entity instance is unique. Usually one per table. 4. Foreign key - identifier on a table that refers back to another entity where the identifier is a primary key. E.g. Sales order table might have Customer ID as a foreign key, indicating that there is a Customer Master table where the Customer ID is the primary key, and attributes about the customer can be found.

Roles in Project Management(7 things)

1. Executive sponsor - provides the executive power needed to make the project successful, and the funding to pay for it. 2. Project champions - influencers in the organization who can both formally and informally help to make the project successful. 3. Project stakeholders - internal and external people impacted by the project and involved in some form throughout the project. 4. Project Management Office (PMO) - formal group of individuals who oversee the overall project 5. Project Manager - key person overseeing the whole, or part of, a project and providing all administrative functions like reporting, organization, tracking, coordination, etc. 6. Project team - collection of individuals working on the project, including the Project Manager, business representatives, and technical team. 7. Project developers - technical people who do the hands-on coding of the software.

Mobile technology in business(4 things)

1. Improves connections/communications 2. Expands the workforce pool by allowing for remote working relationships 3. Expands customer mobility (banking apps, online sales) 4. Expands and allows for more personal marketing via social media

Project Technical resourcing decisions(3 things)

1. In-sourcing - uses expertise in-house to develop and maintain its information technology. 2. Outsourcing - using an external organization to provide technology development and/or support as a service. Off-shore - resources are located in a low-cost country. Near-shore - using a nearby service provider to take advantage of lower labor rates in another area of the US, or in a country within close proximity to US. 3. Pros/Cons of Outsourcing Pros - lower costs, specialized expertise, increased resource flexibility, core competencies Cons - long-term contracts, loss of competitive advantage, loss of intellectual capital, scope definition, communications

Data can be classified in 3 different ways:

1. Information Levels - Individual, Department, Enterprise 2. Information Format - documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations, Databases 3. Granularity - Level of detail: Detailed, Summarized, Aggregated

ERP - enterprise resource planning(4 things)

1. Integration of all functions in an organization into a single IT system so that employees can make decisions by viewing enterprise-wide information about all business operations 2. Core capabilities - back office - Accounting/Finance, Production and Materials Management, Human Resources 3. Extended capabilities - more recent, as companies try to expand common ERP technologies - Business Intelligence, CRM, SCM, eBusiness 4. Risks - Costly, Disruptive to business due to impact across all functions, Inflexible without adding risky customization

There are three primary forms of data

1. Master data - reference data about the key dimensions (nouns) used within the organization - customers, products, employees, warehouses. 2. Transactional - data captured as part of the routine operations of various business processes across the organization - receipts, packing slips, tickets 3. Analytical - data used to support the decision-making process, including data from outside the business processes as well as transactional and master data - forecasts, trends, sales summaries

Managing mobile devices(5 things)

1. Mobile Device Management (MDM) - tools that support the mobile workforce to work safely and more effectively by controlling password rules, allowing for remote management of the device, and other centralized functions. 2. Mobile Application Management (MAM) - tools that support the distribution and access to software 3. Supports the standardization of software 4. Allows for the tracking of assets (laptops, smartphones) 5. Challenges - what right does the company have to control my personal device that is a mixture of company and personal content?

Network Providers(4 things)

1. National service providers (NSPs) - Private companies that own and maintain the worldwide backbone that supports the Internet 2. Network access points (NAPs) - Traffic exchange points in the routing hierarchy of the Internet that connects NSPs 3. Regional service providers (RSPs) - Offer Internet service by connecting to NSPs, but they also can connect directly to each other 4. Internet Service Provider (ISP) - support and management of networks, they link to RSPs

Data governance(6 things)

1. Overall management of the availability, usability, integrity, and security of company data 2. Education on what users can and cannot do with the data 3. Rules about the privacy of data, and what can/cannot be used within/outside the organization 4. Systems and processes that ensure data quality 5. Definition of key data assets and KPIs 6. Guidelines to ensure adherence to external regulations

Implementation type(4 things)

1. Parallel - both the legacy system and new system are used until users verify that the new systems is functioning correctly. 2. Plunge - Discards the legacy system and immediately migrates to the new system 3. Pilot - A small group of people use the new system until it is verified to be working correctly, then remaining users are migrated to the new system. 4. Phased - new system is rolled out in phases until it is verified to be working correctly. (one department, one country, etc)

Wireless networks(4 things)

1. Personal Area Networks (PAN) - communications between devices for the same user, typically <30 ft. Bluetooth, for example 2. Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) - Network connections using access points that send and receive data via radio waves 3. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) - a local network that uses radio signals to transmit and receive data over distances of a few hundred feet via access points 4. Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN) - longer distances, using cellular and satellite communications

Advantages of a data warehouse(7 things)

1. Provide Analytical data models used for management reporting and analysis. 2. Consolidation of data/information across multiple databases (sales, inventory). 3. Aggregation of data for summarized, management reporting 4. Performance optimization on the transactional databases 5. Cleansing of data that is missing or can't happen in the transactional databases 6. External data integration for analysis and reporting 7. Multi-dimensional reporting

Wireless technologies used in business(3 things)

1. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) - the use of electronic tags and labels to identify objects wirelessly over short distances 2. Global Positioning System (GPS) - use of satellites to locate precise location using lat/long coordinates 3. Geographic Information system (GIS) - systematic identification of geography terrain and dimensions through the use of satellite

Information Timeliness(4 things)

1. Refers to the optimum age of data required to extract the most value from it 2. It is situational - depends on the company, industry, or state in the business lifecycle. Stock markets need more immediate data, population data can only be collected infrequently. 3. Real-time information - immediate, up-to-date information, needed as it is happening. (traffic patterns, online auctions, stock prices) 4. There is always a trade-off between the cost/effort of providing real-time information vs the business value added by having it in real-time.

Types of attributes(6 things)

1. Simple - basic attribute that is generally unrelated to others (e.g. name) 2. Composite - groups of attributes that have smaller subparts (e.g. address has street address, city, state, zip) 3. Single-value - allowing only one value of an attribute for an entity (color) 4. Multi-value - can have multiple values for an entity (phone numbers) 5. Stored - the attribute is physically stored on the database (birthdate) 6. Derived - attributes that can be determined from other attributes and do not need to be or cannot be stored in the data (e.g. age, derived from birthdate)

SCM - Supply Chain Management(7 things)

1. The management of information flows between and among activities across the supply chain. 2. The goal is to maximize supply chain effectiveness and profitability of the company given the high cost that the supply chain usually represents 3. Input side of SC - Procurement and Inbound Logistics 4. Process side of SC - Production and Storage/Warehousing 5. Output side of SC - Shipping 6. Feedback side of SC - Performance Measurement 7. Technologies used in SCM - ERP, TMS, BI, RFID, 3D Printing, Drones, Robotics, GPS, Social Media

The triple constraint(3 things)

1. Time 2. Resources 3. Scope

Characteristics of Big data(4 things)

1. Variety - different forms of data - structured and unstructured 2. Veracity - uncertainty of the data, including noise, bias and abnormalities. Is it trustworthy enough to use in decision-making? Is it relevant? Is it clean? 3. Volume - the scale of data - how much data is there, what tools do I need to analyze it? 4. Velocity - streaming of data - at what rate is the data growing/changing?

Protecting wireless networks(2 things)

1. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) - encryption algorithm converts data to unreadable format, along with a key that the receiver uses to encrypt 10 2. Wifi Protected Access (WPA) - built-in using wifi. More sophisticated data and encryption and user authentication.

Four primary components:(Microsoft Access)

Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports 1. Tables are the foundation to Access, the rest of the components are built off of these. 2. Queries allow data in the tables to be extracted for specific or summarized reporting 3. Forms refer to the ability to create user-friendly interfaces to enter data (screen on an app on your smartphone is a "form") 4. Reports are customized, "official" formats of data for things like financial statements, invoices, etc.

Network Convergence(Definition and 4 types)

The efficient coexistence of telephone, video, and data communication within a single network, offering convenience and flexibility not possible with separate infrastructures 1. Unified communication (UC) - The integration of communication channels into a single service 2. Peer-to-peer (P2P) - A computer network that relies on the computing power and bandwidth of the participants in the network rather than a centralized server 3. Voice over IP (VoIP) - Uses IP technology to transmit telephone calls 4. Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) - Distributes digital video content using IP across the Internet and private IP networks

Data dictionary -

file that stores definitions of information types, primary/foreign keys, and the relationship among the tables.

MIS can be added as new technology to-

fill gaps that currently exist (CRM, BI). Or, it can be used to replace legacy systems that may be costly to maintain or inefficient.

CRM - Customer Relationship Management(definition and 7 things)

the management of all aspects of the customer's relationship with an organization to increase customer loyalty and retention 1. CRM is a process, enabled by technology 2. Examples of excellent CRM - American Red Cross, Harley Davidson, Amazon, Harrah's, Ritz-Carlton, Mercedes-Benz, Apple 3. CRM more important in today's business world due to the easy access and proliferation of social media, where a single complaint can go viral and risk ruin to the company. 4. Organizations find their most valuable customers through "RFM" - Recency, Frequency and Monetary value 5. Evolution of CRM - Reporting -> Analyzing -> Predicting 6. Operational CRM Marketing - List generators, Campaign Management, Cross/Upselling Sales - Sales Management, Contact Management, Opportunity Management Customer Service - Contact Center, Web-based Self-Service, Call Scripting 7. Analytical CRM - Relies heavily on data warehouse, data mining - storing enough information about a customer's likes/dislikes to fashion specific offers to a specific segment of customers

Systems Development Life Cycle -(Definition and 7 things)

the overall process for developing information systems from planning and analysis through implementation and maintenance 1. Planning - high-level plan of the intended project, determines goals 2. Analyzing - analysis of end-user requirements and refining of goals into defined functions and operations of the system - Business Analysts play key roles in this phase. 3. Design - establishes descriptions of the desired features and operations of the system including screen layouts, business rules, process diagrams, pseudo code, and other documentation 4. Development - taking all detailed design documents and transforming them into the actual system. 5. Testing - bringing all project pieces together into a special testing environment to eliminate errors and bugs, and verify that the system meets business requirements defined in the analysis phase. 6. Implementation - placing the system into productive use to users can begin to perform their business process responsibilities with the tool. 7. Maintenance - performing changes, corrections, additions and upgrades to ensure the system continues to meet its business goals

Characteristics of high quality data(4 things)

1. Accuracy - how correct are the values in the data? 2. Completeness - how complete are the fields in the data 3. Consistency - do aggregated views of the data in the data warehouse agree with the detailed data that is in the transactional systems? 4. Uniqueness - is each transaction or data represented only once in the information?

Big Data(5 things)

1. Collection of large, complex data sets which cannot be analyzed using traditional database methods. 2. Uses a variety of techniques to find patterns and relationships in large volumes of information in order to infer rules and predict future behaviour and guide decision making 3. Structured data - contains defined length, type, format (names, dates, strings) 4. Structured data can be machine-generated (smart meters, smart watches) or human-generated (POS transactions, web click-stream data) 5. Unstructured data - data does not follow a defined format (Twitter feeds, e-mails, PDFs, videos)

Network Categories(3 things)

1. Local Area Network (LAN) - Connects a group of computers in close proximity, such as in an office building, school, or home 2. Wide Area Network (WAN) - Spans a large geographic area such as a state, province, or country 3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) - A large computer network usually spanning a city.

Advanced Analytics - mining and analyzing for-(4 things)

1. Predictions - what will or might happen in the future 2. Optimization - a statistical process designed to make decisions/systems more efficient 3. Forecasting - generation of a time-series of data to show predictions about the future. 4. Regression - using statistics to estimate the relationship among different variables.

Key artifacts of a project(7 things)

1. Project plan - formal, approved document - controls execution of the project 2. Deliverables - measurable, tangible, verifiable outcomes throughout the project. 3. Milestones - key dates when certain activities must be complete. 4. Gantt charts - Project "to-do" lists, showing not only all individual tasks within the project, but also interdependencies of tasks, and time estimates for individual activities and the project as a whole. Microsoft Office often used to create Gantt charts and manage projects in general. 5. Risk registers - lists identifying concerns or possible problems and showing a plan in how they will be mitigated. 6. Issues list - current open questions or concerns about the project. 7. Financial budget - financial resources and the estimate timing of cash flow for the project phases.

Benefits of formally managing a project(2 things)

1. Tangible - lower costs, fewer errors, decreased response time, higher quality, higher sales 2. Intangible - better decision-making, improved goodwill, higher employee morale, higher employee productivity

Why IT projects fail(5 things)

1. Unclear or missing business requirements during the SDLC phase 2. Skipping SDLC phases 3. Scope or feature creep 4. Failure to manage the project plan 5. Changing technology

during the SDLC-

Costs of IT project increase exponentially

foreign key

Fields on transaction tables that refer back to a master table

Data relationships(3 things)

One to one (1:1) One to many (1:M) Many to many (M:M)

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)-

a technique for documenting the entities and relationships in a database environment

Transaction and master tables-

are "joined" together to create relationships that can be used in queries, forms and reports.

IT Consumerization -

blending of our personal and business uses of technology and the demands that we place on our companies to work in similar ways.

Relational database -

collection of data items that are organized as tables from which data can be accessed in different ways


core components of any business system application

Project Management Institute (PMI) -(Definition and 3 things)

develops procedures and concepts necessary to support the profession of project management. Three areas of focus: 1. Ethics of the practicing professional 2. Standards to be used, content and structure of the body of knowledge. 3. Accreditation - recognition of professional attainment

Referential integrity-

every foreign key on one table must have a matching value on its primary table.

Data models -

formal expressions of data relationships to the DBMS

Database Management System (DBMS)

how data is created, read, updated and deleted in the databases.

Each table can have only one-

primary key

Input masks-

provide user-friendly input fields for specific types of fields like phone numbers, social security numbers, credit cards, etc.

Mobility -

the ability for technology to travel with us

Wireless -

the ability to connect devices without the use of a hardwired network

Scope -

a description of the business need (the problem the project will solve) and the justification, requirements, and current boundaries for the project

Master data management -

the practice of gathering data and ensuring that it is uniform, accurate, consistent, and complete, including such entities as customers, suppliers, products, sales, employees, and other critical entities that are commonly integrated across organizational systems

Databases are often separated into ones used for-

transactional data (sales details, production details) and others for reporting and analytics (sales trends, summarized data)

Expression Builder-

used to calculate additional fields that are not stored in the underlying data.

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