mis3063 exam 2

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What Are Three Criteria for Successful Collaboration?

1. Successful outcome 2. Growth in team capability- Improve task skills, share knowledge 3. Meaningful and satisfying experience- Give recognition, develop camaraderie

What Are the Two Key Characteristics of Collaboration?

1.Cooperation -- Two or more people working together to achieve a common goal,result, or work product by doing essentially the same type of work -Communicating, sharing information, sharing knowledge, combining skills, sharing time 2 Collaboration -- A group of people working together to achieve a common goal via a process of feedback and iteration. Members must provide and receive critical feedback/constructive criticism

What Is a Database

A database is a tool used to help people keep track of things


A problem is a perceived difference between what is and what ought to be

Machine Learning

A subset of AI• The extraction of knowledge from data based on algorithms created from training data • Focused on predicting outcomes based on previously known training data• Can assist in making decisions• Learns the same way we do—through experience• Focused on predicting outcomes based on previously known training data• Can assist in making decisions

Impact on Workers

AI and automation could do jobs that humans don't really want to do (dirty, stinky, boring, and even dangerous jobs)- Garbage collection, home repairs, house cleaning, car washing, auto repairs, gardening, and cooking could all be done autonomously• Retooling of the existing workforce will be necessary

Structured Query Language (SQL)

An international standard language for processing a database

Digital Reality Devices

Augmented reality (AR) is the altering of reality by over laying digital information on real-world objects• Mixed reality (MR) is the combination of the real physical world with interactive virtual images or objects• virtual reality (VR), or a completely computer-generated virtual world

five forces

Bargaining power of customers, threat of substitutions, bargaining power of suppliers, threat of new entrants, rivalry

How Do Business Processes Generate Value?

Business processes vary in terms of costs and effectiveness• Streamlining business processes is a key to competitive advantage- Reduce costs Add value and reduce costs

Self-driving Cars

Changes in automobile insurance policies underwritten(because of fewer customers)• Fewer accidents will occur• Fewer parking lots (affecting the real estate industry and industrial design) Consumers might take more trips by car than by plane or train• Captive audience staring at screens• More jobs for engineers, programmers, systems designers

Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

Computer program that senses when another computer is attempting to scan disk or otherwise access a computer- Generates alerts and is sometimes empowered to take limited actions

dbsm used for 4 things

Creating The Database Structure (aka Schema)- Processing Databases- Administering Databases (i.e. managing it while in use) - Basic Data An alysisand Visualization

What is a DBMS?

Database management system (DBMS) - A program that is usedto create, process and administer a database. - Word processing software document - Spreadsheet software workbook - DBMS software database•

Supervised Data Mining

Develop a priori model to compute estimated parameters of model prior to the analysis


Digital-only currencies (like Bitcoin)- Use cryptographic protections to manage and record secure transactions• Benefits: faster, easier, few to no fees- Governments can't monitor, tax, seize• Risks: price volatility, not accepted everywhere, bad reputation (organized crime(?)

Possible Problems with Source Data

Dirty data - problematic data Granularity is the level of detail represented by the data

Unsupervised Data Mining

Do not create a model or a priori hypothesis before running thea nalysis

How Do Database Applications Make Databases More Useful?

Forms - view data; insert new, update existing, and delete existing data• Reports - structured presentation of data in a printed for matusing sorting, grouping, filtering, and other questions• Queries - search based on data value provided by the user


Groups that only provide positive feedback

Typical Uses of BI

Identifying changes in purchasing patterns- Important life events change what customers buy• *Entertainment- Netflix has data on watching, listening, and rental habits- Classify customers by viewing patterns• Medicine - Example of real time data mining and reporting - Injection notification services• Software analyzes patient's records, if injections needed, recommends as examprogresses

What is Business Intelligence

Information systems that process operational, social, and other data to identify patterns, relationships and trends for use by business professionals


Interactions across value activities. Can be used to identify synergies.

Five potentially disruptive hardware developments1.

Internet of Things (IoT) Digital Reality Devices Self-driving cars 3D printing Cryptocurrencies

Impact of the Internet of Things

IoT is the idea that objects are becoming connected to the Internet so that they can interact with other devices, applications, or services -Everyday objects embedded with hardware capable of sensing, processing,and transmitting data -Connect to a network and share data (interact) with any other application,service, or device

Relational Database Summary

Is one that contains tables and uses relationships using foreign keys to other tables

Establishing High Switching Costs

Locking in customers by making it difficult or expensive for customers to switch another product

Target Hack

Lost 40 million credit and debit card numbers to attackers (December18, 2013)• Less than a month later, announced additional 70 million customer names, emails, addresses, phone numbers stolen- Total 98 million customers affected (31% of US population)Target Hack Attackers sold about 2 million credit cards for about $26.85 each fora total profit of $53.7 million• Sold in batches of 100,000 card numbers• Cost Target $450 million

Business Process

Network of activities for accomplishing a business function• Network of activities that generate value by transforming inputs into outputs• Such as: buying & managing inventory, making sales to customers,paying bills, collecting revenue, and hundreds of other business functions

Why is artificial intelligence important?

Organizations hope to use artificial intelligence (AI) to increase the automation of mundane tasks typically done by humans- Automation is the process of making systems operate without human intervention• AI could be used in several different autonomous systems including:- Self-driving cars, robots, commercial drones, agricultural systems,military platforms, surgical systems, and other smart devices

What Is the Purpose of a Database?

Organize and keep track of things - Just Grades• Keep track of multiple themes - Grades, e-mails and Office Visits• General rule: - Single theme - store in a spreadsheet- Multiple themes - require a database

Nontraditional DBMS Products

Relational model is not needed today Need to store new data types differently- Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, Durable transactions- Critical to traditional commercial applications New Internet applications (Twitter) do not need ACID

Exception Reports

Reports produced when something out of predefined bound soccurs

How will AI affect me?

Some people see AI as an incredible opportunity and others see it as a serious threat to their jobs• What happens if you get replaced by a machine, or AI bot? Would years of education and training become worthless? Will you have to change careers? Jobs requiring routine physical and mental tasks are prime candidates for automation


Special Data that Describes the Structure of a Database

What Are The Alternatives For Publishing BI?

Static reports are BI documents that are fixed at the time of creation and do not change Dynamic reports are BI documents that are updated at the time they are requested

Strategic Decisions

Support broad-scope, organizational decisions

Operational Decisions

Support day-to-day activities

Managerial Decisions

Support resource allocation and utilization

What is the goal of AI?

The goal of AI research is to create artificial genera lintelligence, or strong AI that can complete all the same tasks a human can• Currently we have weak AI that is focused on completing a single specific task

Major elements of IS security

Threat - person or organization seeks to obtain data or other assets illegally,without owner's permission and often without owner's knowledge- Target - asset desired by threat Vulnerability - opportunity for threats to gain access to individual or organizational targets; for example, when you buy online, you provide your credit card data, and as data is transmitted over Internet, it is vulnerable to threats- Safeguard - measure individuals or organizations take to block threat from obtaining an asset; not always effective, some threats achieve their goal despite safeguards- Loss - the condition that exists when a threat access or destroys a target

Porter's five forces

Used to determine industry attractiveness,potential profitability, and inform decisions about which strategic approach to take

Brute Force Attack

When a password cracker tries every possible combination of characters- A brute force attack can crack a six-character password of upper- orlower-case letter is a couple of minutes

How does AI work?

You need to understand how AI works so you can see how it could be applied to organizational problems• IBM's Watson uses natural language processing (NLP), or the ability of a computer system to understand spoken human language, to answer questions

What Are The 3 Primary Activities in the BI Process

acquire Data Preform Analysis publish results

What Are Three Techniques ForProcessing BI Data?

acquire data preform analysis publish results

Primary activities

business functions directly related to product orservice production

Support activities

business functions that assist the primary activities


create a new product or service, enhance products or services, differentiate products or services

Primary key

field (or group of fields in some cases) that uniquely describe each record

How Can Technical Safeguards ProtectAgainst Security Threats?

identification, authentication, encryption


lock in customers and buyers, lock in suppliers, raise barriers to market entry, establish alliances, reduce costs

How Do Organizations Use Data Ware housesand Data Marts to Acquire Data?

logical collection of information - gathered from operational databases - used to create business intelligence that supports business analysis activities and decision-making tasks-Does not necessarily need to be updated all the time

Value chain

network of value-creating activities


occurs when computer criminals invade a computer system and replace legitimate programs with their own unauthorized ones that shut down legitimate application and substitute their own processing to spy, steal and manipulate data, or other purposes

Unstructured decision

one for which there may be several"correct" answers, the impact of other factors may be unclear—no agreed-on decision making process

What Are the Sources of Threats?

pretexting phishing sniffing hacking

Foreign key

primary key of one table that appears in another table

Structured decision

processing information in a specified way,following a predetermined process so that you can determine an optimal or "correct" answer. Is an understood and accepted method for making such a decision

The first step in protecting oneself from data breaches is

understanding how they happen

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