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A test has a test-retest reliability coefficient of .70. This means that: Select one: A. 70% of variability in test scores is true score variability. B. 49% of variability in test scores is true score variability. C. 70% of variability in test scores is attributable to measurement error. D. 49% of variability in test scores is attributable to measurement error.


A therapy client says, "I feel useless and incompetent and, therefore, I must be a worthless person." From the perspective of cognitive therapy, this is an example of: Select one: A. all-or-none thinking. B. overgeneralization. C. personalization. D. emotional reasoning.


The internal consistency of test items can be assessed with which of the followng? Select one: A. kappa statistic B. split-half reliability C. alternate forms reliability D. coefficient of stability


The mean age of onset of motor tics in Tourette's Disorder is: Select one: A. 1 to 3 years. B. 5 to 7 years. C. 9 to 11 years. D. 12 to 14 years


The most common informal caregivers for older adults with chronic health conditions are family members. More specifically, the most common primary caregiver is: Select one: A. the spouse or adult daughter. B. the adult daughter or son. C. a same-gender sibling. D. another relative.


Fritz Heider's (1958) balance theory proposes that the relationship between three entities can be either balanced or unbalanced. These entities are: Select one: A. a person, another person, and an attitude object. B. the intrapersonal self, the interpersonal self, and the agent self. C. attitudes, cognitions, and behaviors. D. the person's past, present, and future goals.


From the perspective of Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy: Select one: A. irrational beliefs are acquired primarily through social learning processes. B. irrational beliefs are acquired largely through the process of selective reinforcement. C. people are biologically prone to the acquisition of irrational beliefs. D. people adopt irrational beliefs as the result of early traumatic events that are still unresolved.


From the perspective of the situational leadership model, when an employee is both competent and confident, the best leadership style is which of the following? Select one: A. selling B. telling C. participating D. delegating


Level of organizational commitment is most predictive of which of the following? Select one: A. turnover B. job satisfaction C. quantity and quality of work D. life satisfaction


Parkinson's disease is associated primarily with a degeneration of cells in the: Select one: A. reticular formation. B. substantia nigra. C. amygdala. D. temporal and occipital lobes.


Studies investigating self-recognition in young children have found that by _______ months of age, over 60% of infants recognize their own image in a mirror. Select one: A. 21 B. 18 C. 15 D. 12


The "FI scallop" refers to: Select one: A. the pause followed by accelerated responding that occurs within each fixed interval. B. the increase in responding that occurs after reinforcement at the end of each fixed interval. C. the gradual pause followed by an essential instantaneous high rate of responding that occurs between each fixed interval. D. the pause in responding that signals satiation after exposure to an extended fixed interval schedule.


Taking _______ to treat the symptoms of the flu, chickenpox, or other viral illness can produce Reyes syndrome. Select one: A. ibuprofen B. aspirin C. an antihistamine D. an antibiotic


Which of the following is used to determine the amount of variability in one variable that is predictable from another variable? Select one: A. coefficient of determination B. Cronbachs alpha C. coefficient of concordance D. eta


When the homogeneity of variance assumption for the analysis of variance is violated, the results of your statistical analysis are least likely to be invalid when: Select one: A. the groups contain the same number of participants. B. the DV is measured on an interval or ratio scale. C. alpha is increased from .01 to .05. D. a between-groups design has been used.


A 31-year old male client presents with delusions and auditory hallucinations. His wife says that his symptoms developed soon after the sudden death of his mother nearly three weeks ago. The tentative diagnosis is: Select one: A. Schizophrenia. B. Schizophreniform Disorder. C. Brief Psychotic Disorder. D. Schizoaffective Disorder.


A couple comes to therapy complaining that their conversations always end up as arguments. In talking with the couple, you realize that a common pattern is for one partner to make an offensive comment to the other and for the other partner to respond with an even more offensive remark. This pattern of communication is referred to as: Select one: A. symmetrical. B. complementary. C. mystification. D. pseudohostility.


A new client joins a clinician's grief group and tells everyone that his wife died and that he "just can't get over it." He says they were married 25 years and were planning on traveling around the world when she became ill. The man complains of not sleeping, eating very little, and not wanting to spend time with friends. The clinician is more likely to assign a DSM-5 diagnosis of Uncomplicated Bereavement to the man than a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder if: Select one: A. the man's feeling of loss is accompanied by bouts of anxiety, a sense of emptiness, and intrusive thoughts of his wife and their relationship. B. the man's symptoms have dissipated in intensity over time and occur primarily when he thinks about his wife and their relationship. C. the man has had persistent symptoms for less than two months. D. the man's wife died less than six months ago and he considers his reaction to her death to be normal.


A patient who has recently been prescribed Prozac (fluoxetine) as a treatment for depression: Select one: A. should be warned that she may temporarily experience some mild cognitive impairment. B. should be advised that she will temporarily experience dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, and blurred vision. C. should be warned that sleep and anxiety problems may temporarily increase. D. must avoid tyramine-rich foods.


A person is exhibiting the actor-observer effect when he/she tends to: Select one: A. view the behavior of others as due to dispositional factors and his/her own behaviors as due to situational factors. B. view the behavior of others as due to situational factors and his/her own behaviors as due to dispositional factors. C. overestimates his/her own ability to succeed and underestimates the ability of others to succeed. D. underestimates his/her own ability to succeed and overestimates the ability of others to succeed.


A practitioner of Beck's cognitive behavioral therapy works together with a therapy client to identify and test faulty interpretations. This process is referred to as: Select one: A. cognitive experimentation. B. collaborative empiricism. C. cognitive disputation. D. collaborative analysis.


A practitioner of nonsexist therapy: Select one: A. interprets a client's behavior in terms of social, political, and cultural forces. B. stresses the egalitarian nature of the therapeutic relationship. C. views gender as a key determinant of behavior. D. uses non-biased techniques designed to promote personal growth.


A problem with establishing "comparable worth" is that: Select one: A. job evaluation techniques are not as useful for very complex jobs. B. males and females may use different strategies to reach the same decision or solution. C. the job evaluation techniques themselves may be gender-biased. D. it is difficult to compare achievement across different domains.


A psychologist in private practice who has been sued once in the past by a client for malpractice and who fears being sued again decides to limit his practice to clients whose problems are not highly associated with higher rates of malpractice claims. This is: Select one: A. unethical if he is competent to treat these clients. B. ethical only if he is willing to see these clients in emergencies and other unusual circumstances. C. ethical as long as he makes appropriate referrals. D. ethical as long as he makes his policy clear at the outset of treatment.


A psychology intern considers her supervisor to be likeable, admirable, and accepting. As a consequence, the intern is open and responsive to her supervisor's comments and recommendations. In this situation, the intern is responding to her supervisor's: Select one: A. referent power. B. reward power. C. expert power. D. legitimate power.


A research participant is given a list of unrelated words to remember. The list is taken away and the participant is engaged in a distracting task for 10 seconds before she is asked to recall the words in any order. The participant's recall will be best for: Select one: A. words that were at the end of the list. B. words that were in the middle of the list. C. words that were in the beginning of the list. D. words that were in the beginning and middle of the list.

B The proportion of variance is calculated by squaring -.81

A research study examined the relationship between television viewing habits and academic achievement test scores. The results showed that children who watched more television generally had lower test scores. The Pearson-product moment correlation coefficient was -.81. What is the proportion of variance of achievement test scores that is accounted for by television viewing? Select one: A. 0.9 B. 0.66 C. -0.81 D. -0.9


A white middle-aged man is at highest risk for suicide if he: Select one: A. has been divorced for 10 years, overtly expresses aggression and hostility, and is unwilling to talk about his suicidal feelings. B. has been divorced for 6 years, exhibits a constriction of affect, and has a peptic ulcer. C. has been divorced for 3 years, overtly expresses aggression and hostility, and is unwilling to talk about his suicidal feelings. D. has been divorced for 1 year, exhibits a constriction of affect, and has a peptic ulcer.


A woman is having trouble with her six-month old son who often "fusses" at bedtime and wakes up at least once or twice during the night. She does an Internet search on the problem and finds several articles about Dr. Richard Ferber. She learns that his method for getting babies to sleep ("Ferberizing") is supported by many experts and involves: Select one: A. a "progressive-waiting" approach. B. therapeutic touch. C. a "cold turkey" approach. D. co-sleeping.


According to Berscheid and Walster's (1974) two-factor theory of love, love is the result of: Select one: A. attraction and arousal. B. passion and intimacy. C. mutual attraction and reciprocal reinforcement. D. physiological arousal and a label for it


According to Helms's White Identity Development Model, the reintegration stage is characterized by: Select one: A. a realization that whites have a responsibility for racism. B. adoption of a "culture-blind" perspective. C. embracing white identity while rejecting racist views of minorities. D. adopting a belief in white superiority and minority inferiority.


According to Herzberg's "two-factor theory": Select one: A. job motivation increases as job responsibility and autonomy increase. B. job performance is determined by the interaction of two factors -- job content and job context factors. C. job motivation is a direct result of job outcomes. D. the factors that increase an employee's motivation depend on the employee's level of growth need.


Agranulocytosis is a potential side effect of clozapine, carbamazepine, and a number of other psychiatric drugs. Early symptoms of this disorder include: Select one: A. fever, sore throat, mouth ulcers, and lethargy. B. nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and a metallic taste in the mouth. C. sweating, palpitations, headache, tremulousness, and cardiac arrhythmia. D. constricted pupils, decreased visual acuity, sweating, constipation, and nausea.


Among older adults, major surgery, congestive heart failure, and pneumonia are all associated with an increased risk for which of the following? Select one: A. dyskinesia B. dementia C. delirium D. dystonia


An employee is receiving counseling from a psychologist through his company's employee assistance program. In this situation, the psychologist can let the employee's supervisor know that the employee is receiving treatment: Select one: A. under no circumstance. B. only if the employee was referred to the program by the supervisor. C. as long as the employee has signed an authorization for release of confidential information. D. as long as no other information about the treatment is given to the supervisor.


As defined by Piaget, a __________ circular reaction occurs when a baby's action gets a pleasurable or interesting response from an object or other person, which then leads the baby to repeat the action. Select one: A. reflexive B. primary C. secondary D. tertiary


As defined by Carl Jung, individuation refers to: Select one: A. being able to separate one's intellectual and emotional functioning. B. differentiating between self and object. C. experiencing a state of anonymity. D. integrating parts of the self to create a unique identity.


As originally described by Wolpe (1958), reciprocal inhibition involved replacing: Select one: A. an automatic response with an intentional response. B. a dysfunctional thought with a more functional one. C. an anxiety response with a relaxation response. D. an external attribution with an internal attribution.


Bilateral lesions in which of the following areas of the brain is most likely to result in a loss of the fear response without loss of other emotional responses? Select one: A. amygdala B. hippocampus C. suprachiasmatic nucleus D. thalamus


Cataplexy is: Select one: A. a movement disorder in which involuntary muscle contractions produce repetitive twisting movements. B. a sudden loss of muscle tone that can produce muscle weakness, loss of voluntary muscle control, or postural collapse. C. a condition involving postural rigidity and a lack of response to external stimuli. D. a loss of the ability to perform skilled, coordinated movements in the absence of motor or sensory deficits.


Children begin to express jealousy, embarrassment, and other self-conscious emotions between the ages of: Select one: A. 6 to 12 months. B. 18 to 24 months. C. 30 to 36 months. D. 42 to 48 months.


Chin and Benne (1976) propose that which of the following techniques would be part of a normative-reeducative strategy for overcoming resistance to change in an organization? Select one: A. providing information to employees about the need for change B. having groups of employees discuss ways to accomplish change C. having a strong leader describe ways to achieve change D. using rewards to encourage employees to comply with plans for change


Classically conditioned reflexes are an example of implicit memory and are mediated primarily by the: Select one: A. suprachiasmatic nucleus B. hippocampus C. arcuate fasciculus D. cerebellum


Dr. Raj provided treatment to a client in State X where Dr. Raj resides and works. Treatment ended six months ago and the client has since moved to State Y. Dr. Raj receives a subpoena from the client's attorney who also resides and works in State Y. The subpoena requires Dr. Raj to provide testimony at a trial involving the former client. Dr. Raj: Select one: A. is not required to appear since the subpoena is from another state. B. must appear and testify as requested as long as the client has signed a release of information. C. must appear as long as the subpoena was issued by the court. D. should contact an attorney to determine if he must appear as requested.


During an experiment, the investigator asks participants about their beliefs regarding the study's purpose and how they were expected to perform. When analyzing the data, she finds that participants' actual performance is consistent with their beliefs and expectations. This suggests that the study's results may be confounded by: Select one: A. carryover effects. B. the halo bias. C. the Hawthorne effect. D. demand characteristics.


If an adult takes phenobarbital every night for six weeks and then abruptly stops taking the drug, what will be the likely result: Select one: A. she will not experience any change in REM sleep. B. she will experience an increase in REM sleep. C. she will experience an inability to sleep. D. she will experience an increased need for sleep.


Implosive therapy would be most useful as a treatment for which of the following? Select one: A. Specific Phobia B. Major Depressive Disorder C. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder D. Reactive Attachment Disorder


In Albert Ellis's (1985) A-B-C model, B refers to: Select one: A. the environmental barriers to rational thought. B. the biological bases for human behavior. C. a person's belief about an activating event. D. a person's behavioral reaction to an activating event.


In contrast to Maslow's need hierarchy theory, Alderfer's ERG theory: Select one: A. places motivation within a satisfaction/dissatisfaction framework. B. proposes that needs emerge in a predictable order. C. assumes that needs may become more (rather than less) important as they are fulfilled. D. has received little support as an explanation for motivation in the workplace.


In family therapy, the adolescent daughter complains that she doesn't think she can change her attitudes toward school and feels that doing what the therapist has requested is pointless. The therapist responds by saying, "Well, in that case, I think you shouldn't even try." The therapist's response is an example of which of the following? Select one: A. reactance B. restraining C. positioning D. prescription


In his research, a cognitive psychologist uses paired-associate and serial learning tasks. Apparently this psychologist is investigating: Select one: A. verbal learning. B. selective attention. C. procedural memory. D. iconic memory


In the context of item response theory, item difficulty is defined: Select one: A. by the number of examinees in the tryout sample who answered the item correctly. B. by the ability of the item to discriminate between examinees who fail or succeed on an external criterion. C. by the probability that an examinee with a given level of the ability measured by the test will answer the item correctly. D. by the probability that an examinee will pass the item given his/her predicted score on the test.


It is not until about _____ years of age that most children express more favorable attitudes toward members of their own ethnic or racial group than toward members of other groups. Select one: A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10


Jacob, age 14, is being seen by a school clinician for repeated angry outbursts at school. He is persistently irritable, constantly argues with adults, has a history of behavioral referrals, and recently changed schools after being expelled for threatening a teacher. Jacob is failing in school, and his parents are thinking of sending him to a wilderness camp where he can "get some sense knocked into him." The most likely DSM-5 diagnosis for Jacob is which of the following? Select one: A. Intermittent Explosive Disorder B. Oppositional Defiant Disorder C. Bipolar II Disorder D. Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder


John is a 35-year-old graphic designer who is seeking help for his fear of public speaking. Due to a recent promotion, he is now required to make regular "pitches" to prospective clients. Previously, his work was mostly "behind the scenes," and he's afraid that he will "blow it" when making presentations and look incompetent and silly to his co-workers and the clients. John is considering asking to be demoted so that he won't have to make presentations. He states that public speaking has been a problem for him since high school, and that he feels like he's having a panic attack whenever he has to speak in front of a group. The most likely DSM-5 diagnosis for John is: Select one: A. Social Anxiety Disorder B. Panic Disorder C. Specific Phobia D. Generalized Anxiety Disorder


Longitudinal research conducted by Strauss and Carpenter (1991) has found that, for patients with Schizophrenia, prognosis with regard to future employment is best predicted by: Select one: A. frequency of social contacts. B. symptom severity. C. employment history. D. duration of hospitalization.


Maslow's theory of motivation predicts that needs are activated in a specific order, with lower level needs being aroused first. From lowest to highest level, Maslow's five needs are: Select one: A. safety, physiological, social, esteem, self-actualization. B. existence, social, growth, esteem, self-actualization. C. physiological, social, achievement, esteem, self-actualization. D. physiological, safety, social, esteem, self-actualization.


Naasir N. states that he often can't keep himself from falling asleep during the day and, as a result, has injured himself several times at work and recently started taking the bus to work because he's afraid he'll fall asleep while driving. He says that he often experiences weakness in his legs right before he falls asleep during the day and has vivid, sometimes frightening dreams just before he wakes up. Naasir says that he likes to have a few beers in the evening and on weekends but that this seems to increase his daytime sleepiness. He reports that he has very vivid dreams at night and usually wakes up several times each night but is able to quickly fall asleep again. Based on these symptoms, the most likely diagnosis for Naasir is: Select one: A. sleep apnea. B. alcohol-induced sleep disorder. C. primary hypersomnia. D. narcolepsy.


On the MMPI-2, an attempt to "fake good" is suggested by which of the following? Select one: A. elevated F scale score with low L and K scale scores. B. elevated F and L scale scores with a low K scale score. C. low F scale score with elevated L and K scale scores. D. low K scale score with a moderately high L scale score and a very high F scale score.


PET scans of people with _______________ show that these individuals often have increased activity levels in the orbitofrontal cortex, cingulate cortex, and caudate nucleus. Select one: A. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder B. Narcolepsy C. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder D. Schizophrenia


Pavlov found that requiring dogs to make difficult discriminations between stimuli during the course of conditioning trials led to which of the following? Select one: A. superstitious behavior B. experimental neurosis C. overshadowing D. blocking


Precocious puberty, or the development of secondary sex characteristics prior to age 8 in girls and 8.5 in boys, has been linked to premature awakening of the: Select one: A. hypothalamic-pituitary axis. B. hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. C. hippocampal-anterior thalamic axis. D. mesocorticolimbic-dopaminergic axis.


REM (rapid eye movement) sleep accounts for about ___ of a newborn's total sleep period and ___ of an adult's total sleep period. Select one: A. 75%; 10% B. 50%; 20% C. 30%; 40% D. 10%; 50%


Research comparing the use of mental health services by heterosexual adults and gay/lesbian adults has generally found that: Select one: A. gay men are more likely than heterosexual men to use mental health services, but lesbian women are less likely than heterosexual women to do so. B. lesbian women are more likely than heterosexual women to use mental health services, but gay men are less likely than heterosexual men to do so. C. gay men and lesbian women are more likely than their heterosexual counterparts to use mental health services. D. gay men and lesbian women are less likely than their heterosexual counterparts to use mental health services.


Research on goal-setting theory suggests that monetary incentives: Select one: A. are irrelevant to goal achievement as long as the goals have been accepted by employees B. are irrelevant to goal achievement as long as the goals have been self-set by employees C. have a positive effect only if employees participate in determining the difficulty of the goals D. have a positive effect whether or not employees have been involved in goal-setting


Research on infantile amnesia has shown that: Select one: A. children do not develop memories for autobiographical events until age 3 or 4. B. the loss of early memories is universal and is unrelated to gender, culture, or type of event. C. memories for autobiographical events that occurred prior to age 3 or 4 remain stable over the lifespan. D. the ability to recall memories for autobiographical events that occurred prior to age 3 or 4 varies over the lifespan.


Research on maternal employment has found that it is associated with: Select one: A. lower school grades for both boys and girls. B. lower school grades for middle- and upper middle-class boys. C. lower school grades for lower-class boys. D. lower school grades for middle-class boys and girls.


Researchers relied primarily on which of the following techniques to derive the "Big Five" personality traits? Select one: A. meta-analysis B. LISREL C. discriminant analysis D. factor analysis


The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) votes to keep a certain book out of the high school library because of its controversial nature. When students find out about the PTA's decision, many of them immediately buy the book at local bookstores. This is an illustration of: Select one: A. deindividuation. B. door-in-the-face. C. psychological reactance. D. reactivity.


The World Health Organization's International Pilot Study of Schizophrenia (IPSS) and Determinants of Outcome Study have compared patients with Schizophrenia from non-Western developing countries to those from Western industrialized countries. This research has found that patients from developing and industrialized countries tend to differ in terms of: Select one: A. age and gender ratios. B. course and outcomes. C. symptom profiles. D. gender and prognosis.


The belief that job-related behaviors are related to the similarity between basic personality and characteristics of the work environment underlies which of the following? Select one: A. Roe's fields and levels theory B. Holland's occupational themes C. Alderfer's ERG theory D. Super's stages of vocational development


The establishment of comparable worth depends on the use of: Select one: A. a neutral job evaluation procedure. B. a valid needs analysis procedure. C. an unbiased job analysis procedure. D. an unbiased personnel selection procedure.


The effects of teratogens on the developing organism vary with the type of teratogen and the organ system. However, in general, these agents are most likely to cause severe structural damage: Select one: A. during the first eight weeks of development. B. during the 9th through 18th weeks of development. C. during the second trimester. D. during the third trimester


The onset of bulimia often follows a period of moderate dieting, which has been linked to low blood levels of tryptophan. Low levels of tryptophan, in turn, are associated with: Select one: A. lower-than-normal levels of brain serotonin. B. higher-than-normal levels of brain serotonin. C. lower-than-normal levels of brain dopamine. D. higher-than-normal levels of brain dopamine.


The optimal item difficulty (p) for a true-false test is: Select one: A. .25. B. .50. C. .75. D. .95.


The purpose of a __________ is to guide the development of a program so that its final version maximizes the likelihood that the program will achieve its goals. Select one: A. summative evaluation B. formative evaluation C. needs assessment D. functional assessment


The results of research conducted at Ohio State University in the 1950s indicated that the behavior of leaders can be described in terms of which of the following dimensions? Select one: A. initiating structure and consideration B. Theory X and Theory Y C. participative and autocratic D. transformational and transactional


Tiedeman and O'Hara's (1963) theory of career development was most influenced by the work of: Select one: A. Erikson. B. Bandura. C. Baumrind. D. Maslow.


To assess the general intelligence of a six-year old child who is deaf, you would use which of the following tests? Select one: A. Halstead-Reitan B. Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children C. Fagan Test D. Hiskey-Nebraska


To assess the relationship between the linear combinations of two or more X variables and two or more Y variables, you would use which of the following? Select one: A. multivariate analysis of variance B. analysis of covariance C. discriminant function analysis D. canonical correlation


To be consistent with ethical requirements, when a psychologist realizes that a dual (multiple) relationship is unavoidable, the psychologist should: Select one: A. discuss the situation with the affected person "as early as is feasible." B. consult with a member of the Ethics Committee to determine the best course of action. C. take reasonable steps to resolve the issue in a way that protects the best interests of the affected person. D. file a complaint against him/herself with the Ethics Committee.


To use the Taylor-Russell tables to evaluate a new selection test, you need information about which of the following? Select one: A. predictor cutoff, criterion cutoff, and hit rate B. base rate, hit rate, and selection ratio C. base rate, selection ratio, and validity coefficient D. base rate, hit rate, and predictor cutoff


When using ________ as a memory aid, a phrase or rhyme is constructed from the first letter of each word in the list of words that is to be recalled. Select one: A. the chunking strategy B. the keyword method C. an acronym D. an acrostic


When working with an African American client exhibiting "healthy cultural paranoia," an Anglo therapist would be best advised to: Select one: A. refer the client to an African American therapist. B. use a culturally sensitive approach that ameliorates the client's paranoia. C. help the client bring feelings of suspiciousness, frustration, and antipathy toward whites into conscious awareness. D. help the client understand that his/her behavior is manifestation of resistance.


When working with older adults, it is important to remember that: Select one: A. psychotherapy, especially insight-oriented therapy, is generally ineffective. B. there is greater variability among older people than younger people on a range of characteristics. C. a therapeutic alliance is particularly difficult to establish, especially when the therapist is young. D. all of the above.


Whenever a mother yells at her child when he is whining, the boy stops whining for a short period. Over time, the mother notices that she's having to yell at her son more and more often to keep the boy from whining. The boy is controlling his mother's behavior through: Select one: A. positive reinforcement. B. negative reinforcement. C. positive punishment. D. negative punishment.


Which of the following drugs are most effective for individuals who have received a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder with Atypical Features? Select one: A. MAOIs or SSRIs B. MAOIs or tricyclics C. SSRIs or tricyclics D. tricyclics or neuroleptics


Which of the following drugs would be most useful for reducing neuropathic pain? Select one: A. amitriptyline B. fluoxetine C. clozapine D. tacrine hydrochloride


Which of the following is NOT an example of a centralized communication network? Select one: A. wheel B. chain C. circle D. Y


Which of the following is NOT true about the effects of crowding? Select one: A. Men are more negatively affected than women by crowded conditions. B. Increasing age is associated with an increasing negative impact of crowding. C. People are more willing to discuss intimate details in crowded (versus uncrowded) conditions. D. Crowded (versus uncrowded) conditions are associated with a higher risk for health-related problems.

A; Avolition is an inability to initiate and persist in action and is classified as a negative symptom.

Which of the following is categorized as a "negative symptom" of Schizophrenia? Select one: A. avolition B. loosening of associations C. catatonia D. perceptual disturbances


Which of the following is not an empirically supported treatment for primary insomnia? Select one: A. stimulus control therapy B. sleep restriction C. cognitive therapy D. habit reversal training


Which of the following theories of leadership provides a leader with a decision tree to help him or her decide whether an autocratic, consultative, or group decision-making style is optimal given the characteristics of the situation? Select one: A. Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership model B. Graen's leader-member exchange model C. House's path-goal theory D. Vroom, Yetton, and Jago's leader-participation model


Which of the following would be most effective for reducing a rater's leniency bias? Select one: A. BARS B. peer ratings C. forced-choice technique D. BIB


William Cross (1971, 1991) used which of the following terms to describe the transformational process that involves a shift from a non-Afrocentric to an Afrocentric identity? Select one: A. Afrocentrism B. nigrescence C. integrative awareness D. racination


Without rehearsal, information is held in short-term memory for a brief period of time. According to interference theory this is due to which of the following? Select one: A. a limited capacity B. insufficient consolidation C. inadequate memory cues D. the decay of memory traces over time


You are developing an educational program to discourage high school students from using drugs. You are considering using "fear arousal" as one method for persuading the students but should keep in mind that the research has shown that: Select one: A. lower levels of fear arousal are associated with the greatest amount of opinion change. B. the greater the amount of fear aroused, the greater the opinion change. C. high levels of fear arousal are associated with the greatest amount of opinion change as long as certain conditions are met. D. fear arousal is not a good method for inducing opinion change.


You are working in a correctional facility and are asked to evaluate a prisoner to determine his eligibility for parole. In this situation, you should: Select one: A. conduct the evaluation as requested since it is part of your job. B. conduct the evaluation only if you believe it will serve a useful dispositional function. C. conduct the evaluation after reminding the prisoner that anything he says can be shared with prison authorities. D. refuse to conduct the evaluation unless it has been court-ordered.


You have been seeing a couple in therapy for six months. The wife calls you and says she wants to start seeing you for individual sessions also. You should: Select one: A. bring up this possibility in the next couples session. B. tell her you cannot see her individually until couples therapy is over. C. refer her to another therapist for individual therapy. D. make an appointment with her to determine if her problem warrants individual therapy.


__________ inhibition occurs when the ability to remember new information is impaired by previously acquired information. Select one: A. Proactive B. Retroactive C. Anterograde D. Retrograde

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