Mitosis review

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cell cyle


If the diploid chromosome number of a cloned plant is 12, the chromosome number of the plant cell used to produce the cloned plant is


The diploid chromosome number in a certain species of sh is 20. How many chromosomes would normally be found in bone cell of this fish?


animal tissue

A cell in the process of mitotic division is represented in the diagram shown. This type of cell could have been observed in


After the chromosome seperates, the cell seals off, Final Phase of Mitosis.


All types of asexual reproduction involve the process known as


Cell grows, performs its normal functions, and prepares for division; consists of G1, S, and G2 phases


Chromosomes become visable, nuclear envelop dissolves, spindle forms

The process of mitosis usually involves

DNA replication and separation of chromatids

Which statement best describes a di erence between cell division in plant and animal cells?

In animal cells, cytoplasmic division is accomplished by ìpinching inî of the cell membrane, while in plant cells a cell plate is synthesized.

Which statement best describes a difference between cell division in plant and animal cells?

In animal cells, cytoplasmic division is accomplished by "pinching in" of the cell membrane, while in plant cells a cell plate is synthesized.

mitotic cell division

New cells are produced within bone marrow as a direct result of

cell plates are formed, whereas in animals cell plates are not formed

One di erence between mitotic cell division in animals and in plants is that in plants


Phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes separate and move to opposite ends of the cell

Cells grown in a petri dish tend to divide until they form a thin layer covering the bottom of the dish. If cells are removed from the middle of the dish, the cells bordering the open space will begin dividing until they have filled the empty space. What does this experiment show?

The controls on cell growth and division can be turned on and off.


The diagram shown represents a microscopic structure observed during the process of cell division. Letter A indicates a


The diagram shown represents a microscopic structure observed during the process of cell division. Letter B indicates a

C -B -D - A

The diagrams shown represent stages of a cellular process. Which is the correct sequence of these stages?

form a cell plate

The mitotic cell division of tomato cells di ers from the mitotic cell division of earthworm cells in that dividing tomato cells

C -> E -> A -> B -> D

The phrases below describe several events that occur during the process of mitosis. Which sequence represents the correct order of these events?

A - C -D-B

Which is the correct sequence for the stages of mitotic cell division represented by the diagrams shown?


all of the chromosomes are lined up in the middle of the spindle fibers.

-cell membrane pinches inward -no cell plate

animal cells

-budding -identical -genetically identical

asexual reproduction

Which diagram most correctly represents the process of mitosis?


form 2 daughter cells

both plant and animal cells

Which of the following happens when a cell divides?

c. Each daughter cell receives its own copy of the parent cell's DNA.

Uncontrolled cell division is characteristic of


disease caused by uncontrolled cell division


Condensed chromatin. It is the genetic material of a cell that contains the genes. It is composed of DNA and protein(It is the entire object pictured below)


During which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes line up along the middle of the dividing cell?


The phrases below describe several events that occur during the process of mitosis.

nuclear membrane formation around each set of chromosomes, forming two nuclei

-cell wall doesn't pinch in -cell plate divides the cell

plant cells

Which of the following is a phase of mitosis?


Why do single-celled organisms go through cell division?


help control the cell cycle by connecting with enzymes

role of cyclins in a cell

-combining genetic material from 2 parents -cells divide by mitosis

sexual reproduction

-offspring -reproduction -new organism

similarities between sexual and asexual reproduction

Normal mitotic cell division results in each daughter cell having

the same number and kinds of chromosomes as the parent cell

How many chromosomes will be found in each of the two new cells formed as a result of mitotic cell division?

the same number of chromosomes as the parent plant

abnormal mass of tissue that forms when cells divide more than they should


Which is a characteristic of the group of diseases known as cancer?*

uncontrolled cell division

the cells need to be small enough to transfer materials quicker and faster

why do large cells have to divide?

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