MKT 3323 Exam 2

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_________ involves presenting an incomplete stimulus with the goal of getting consumers to complete it and thus become more engaged and involved.


Conflicts between motives are rare. (t/f)


Affective motives focus on the person's need for being adaptively oriented toward the environment and achieving a sense of meaning. (t/f)

False (correct answer= affective motives deal with the need to reach satisfying feeling stares and to obtain personal goals)

Extroversion, instability, agreeableness, openness to experience, and conscientiousness are dimensions of brand personality. (t/f)

False (correct answer= ruggedness, excitement, sincerity, competence, and sophistication)

Brand image refers to the semantic memory of a brand. (t/f)

False (correct answer= schematic memory)

The fact that consumers need to attribute cause underlies an area of research known as cognitive theory. (t/f)

False (correct answer= the tendency of many consumers to discount claims made by sales people and ads is related to the need to attribute causation)

Bland music which is not dynamic and interesting will most likely stimulate earworms. (t/f)

False (upbeat, unexpected, change are what cause earworms)

Reasoned-action theory suggests that if a stimulus doesn't change, over time we adapt or habituate to it and begin to notice it less. (t/f)

False (correct answer= adaption level theory)

Affective interpretation is a process whereby stimuli are placed into existing categories of meaning. (t/f)

False (correct answer= cognitive interpretation)

Motives that are known and freely admitted are called primary motives. (t/f)

False (correct answer= manifest motives)

__________ involves presenting the stimulus in such a way that it is perceived as the focal object to be attended to and all other stimuli are perceived as the background.


__________ represents the number of cues in the stimulus field.

Information Quantity

Which of the following statements is false regarding situational factors affecting attention?

Motivation and ability are two major situational factors affecting attention

__________ meaning is the conventional meaning assigned to a word such as found in the dictionary.


A credible source can enhance message processing and acceptance. (t/f)


A two-sided message presents both good and bad points. (t/f)


According to the consumer insight in your text, "synners" have a neurological condition that crosses two or more senses. (t/f)


One critical aspect of attitudes is that all three components tend to be consistent. (t/f)


Stimulus characteristics affecting interpretation include traits, organization, and changes. (t/f)


There is evidence that affect or brand preference may be increased by mere exposure. (t/f)


Which term is used to refer to the liking/disliking aspect of a specific feeling?

affect (explanation: emotion refers to specific feelings... affect deals with the way in which those feelings are evaluated such as like/dislike)

Denise tends to experience emotions more strongly than most people, so much so that there are some ads that she cannot even watch because they make her cry. This trait is known as

affect intensity

When Joan sees an ad with a kitten or puppy, she always pays attention because seeing them makes her feel so happy. This emotional or feeling response triggered by the ads is known as

affective interpretation

Segmenting consumers on the basis of their most important attribute or attributes is called

benefit segmentation

The repositioning of the Johnnie Walker whiskey brand with the Jane Walker whiskey special promotion may lead to consequences of

brand equity erosion and customer alienation

Many consumers associate Mercedes automobiles with status, luxury, quality engineering, and high price. This is an example of Mercedes'

brand image

Addison is a brand manager and wants consumers to form attitudes that are strong, resistant to counterpersuasion attempts, more accessible from memory, and more predictive of behavior. Which route of the elaboration likelihood model should he encourage consumers to take?

central route

Robert was studying for an exam and organized lists of things into words that he could remember. For example, he needed to know five creative advertising strategies, and used the first letter of each strategy to form the acronym, AIIEE. He knew what word each letter stood for and then only had to remember this acronym for the exam. What is Robert doing?


When a communication leads consumers to believe something about the product that is not true even though it doesn't present a direct false claim, this is known as

claim-belief discrepancy

Which of the following is an approach used by marketers to increase consumers' affect toward their brand?

classical conditioning, create a positive affect toward the ad or website, and mere exposure

Which type of learning encompasses all the mental activities of humans as they work to solve problems or cope with situations?

cognitive learning

Which of the following is an individual factor that can influence attitude change?

consumer knowledge

Which of the following provides learning experiences that affect the type of lifestyle people seek and the products they consume?

culture, family, friends, mass media (all of the above are correct)

Attention generally __________ across repeated exposures, and repetition often __________ recall.

decreases / increases

How are actual behaviors and response tendencies most often measured?

direct questioning

Which emotion would be classified under the "arousal" dimension of emotion?


Shirley and Bud have been married for almost 50 years, but Shirley can remember their wedding day so clearly. She remembers how happy she felt that day and how wonderful it was to celebrate their marriage with all of their family and friends. She even remembers walking down the aisle, seeing her future husband waiting for her, and her father kissing her as he placed her hand in Bud's. Which type of memory does this represent?

episodic memory

The memory of a sequence of events in which a person participated is called

episodic memory

Which of Maslow's needs reflects individuals' desires for status, superiority, self-respect, and prestige?


After a very negative service encounter, Sam vents his emotions and seeks emotional and problem-focused assistance from others. What is this called?

expressive support seeking

Dolly prefers to be in a large group rather than alone. She is talkative when with others and is very bold. Which personality trait best describes Dolly?


Which type of appeal uses the threat of negative (unpleasant) consequence if attitudes or behaviors are not altered?

fear appeals

The idea behind __________ is that different parts of our brain are better suited for focused versus nonfocused attention.

hemispheric lateralization

Pat is purchasing new tires for his car. Since he expected to spend $400 or more for these tires, he started researching on the Internet. He spent several days learning about this product and studied several consumer magazines (e.g., Consumer Reports). He decided to purchase Yokohama tires because they were rated the best tire value. Which type of learning situation does this illustrate?

high-involvement learning

Thomas is studying for a vocabulary exam by merely repeating the words and their definitions over and over. Which type of cognitive learning is this?

iconic rote learning

A market researcher asked Carl about his recollection of a specific exposure event, such as seeing an advertisement, or experience, such as driving or riding in an Acura automobile, which was the brand the researcher was interested in. While Carl could not recall a specific ad and has never traveled in an Acura, he seemed to "know" quite a bit about this brand. Carl described the brand as "reliable," "high-performance," "luxury," and "expensive." Which type of memory does this represent?

implicit memory

Which of the following enhances the strength of learning?

importance, message involvement, mood, repetition (all of the above are correct)

An advertiser that surrounds its ads with positive programming

increases the chances that their information is evaluated in a more positive light

Motives that are either unknown to the consumer or are such that he or she is reluctant to admit them are referred to as __________ motives.


In which type of learning situation does the consumer have little or no motivation to process or learn the material?

low-involvement learning

Which of the following refers to the continual repetition of a piece of information in order to hold it in current memory for use in problem solving or transferal to long-term memory?

maintenance rehearsal

Simply presenting a brand to an individual on a large number of occasions to make the individual's attitude toward the brand more positive is known as

mere exposure

Which of the following is considered an individual factor affecting attention?


Kelly is hungry, and this inner force is making him search for the type of food he wants to eat. He decides that an Arby's roast beef sandwich will satisfy his hunger. This inner force that is compelling him to search for food is known as a(n)


Which construct represents an unobservable inner force that stimulates and compels a behavioral response and provides specific direction to that response?


Duane is attempting to determine consumers' attitudes toward his restaurant by asking them their beliefs about how his restaurant performs on several attributes, such as price, ambience, quality of the food, and friendliness of service. Consumers can rate his restaurant with a score of 1 to 7 for each of these attributes, with 7 being the highest. Duane adds up the scores to see how he performs, using the assumption that a higher total is better. At a basic level, which type of model is Duane using?

multiattribute attitude model

Stephanie is a working mother of two children. She has a stressful job, so she makes a point of walking two miles on her treadmill each day to help her unwind. By doing this, Stephanie is satisfying her

need for tension reduction

Adam was working on a term paper and was exposed to so much information that he devised a classification system to organize the different sources of information he was using. This reflects which cognitive preservation motive?

need to categorize

An approach to measuring the importance of attitude components that requires consumers to allocate 100 points among the components such that the distribution of the points reflects the relative importance of the component is

none of these choices are correct

Advertisements or sales messages in which only one point of view is expressed are referred to as

one-sided messages

Which of the following do marketers need to be concerned about with respect to using celebrities as company spokespersons?

overexposure of the celebrity, negative behavior involving the spokesperson, and image of the celebrity does not match the image of the product or brand

The voluntary and self-selected nature of online offerings where consumers "opt in" to receive email-based promotions is often referred to as

permission-based marketing

Which of the following is false regarding the central route to persuasion in the elaboration likelihood model?

persuasion operates through classical conditioning

Some people are known as "super tasters" because they have a higher concentration of taste buds compared to normal people. As a result, they tend to dislike the taste of broccoli because they claim it is too bitter. What type of trait is this?


__________ motives emphasize the individual as striving to maintain equilibrium.


Which group of consumers is better able to chunk product information?

product experts

Which of the following is a situational factor affecting attention?

program involvement

When a teenager says, "It's cool," his friends understand that he's not talking about the temperature. In this case, the meaning of the word, "cool," is based on its __________ meaning.


How can accessibility of information stored in long-term memory be enhanced?

repetition, rehearsal, and elaboration

Which of the following is considered a dimension of brand personality?

ruggedness, excitement, sincerity, competence (all of the above are correct + sophistication)

Smoke detectors, preventive medicines, insurance, retirement investments, seat belts, burglar alarms, and sunscreen are all examples of products to satisfy consumers' __________ needs.


Which type of memory structure is a complex web of associations?


Maria was raised as a Catholic, but she has not been attending church regularly since she moved out of her parents' home into her own apartment. However, when she does attend mass, she remembers the sequence of events and what she must do (e.g., sit, kneel, stand, which prayer to say, etc.). Her memory of how an action sequence should occur is known as a(n)


__________ consists of trustworthiness and expertise.

source credibility

The tendency of many consumers to discount claims made by sales people and ads is related to the need

to attribute causation

A consumer's tendency to initially react to a new product as though it were the same as similar existing products is most likely to be based on a need

to categorize

Which type of advertisement or sales presentation presents both good and bad points?

two-sided message

Which type of appeal involves informing the consumer of one or more functional benefits that are important to the target market?


An advertisement for the Honda Civic Hybrid featured gas mileage in the subheading (49 city/51 highway). The copy also noted that owners of this automobile may be eligible for a clean-fuel tax deduction. At the time this ad appeared, gas was over $3.00 per gallon, which made the information important to consumers. This is an example of which type of appeal?

utilitarian appeal

When consumers do not directly experience a reward or punishment to learn but instead observe the outcomes of others' behaviors and adjust their own accordingly, which type of learning has occurred?

vicarious learning

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