MKt Chapter 13

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117. What basic promotion objective should be emphasized by a producer introducing a really new product which satisfies customer needs better than any existing product? Persuading Reminding Maximizing Informing Communicating


125. The AIDA model consists of four promotion jobs: getting Attention, building Intrigue, arousing Desire, and obtaining Action becoming Aware, holding Interest, arousing Desire, and providing Assistance getting Attention, holding Interest, creating Demand, and obtaining Action getting Attention, holding Interest, arousing Desire, and obtaining Action becoming Aware, holding Interest, arousing Desire, and obtaining Action

getting Attention, holding Interest, arousing Desire, and obtaining Action

97. Personal selling is more appropriate than mass selling when: the target market is large and scattered. there are many potential customers and a desire to keep promotion costs low. flexibility is not important. immediate feedback is desirable. All of the above are true.

immediate feedback is desirable.

122. The AIDA model includes all of the following promotion jobs EXCEPT: increasing demand. obtaining action. arousing desire. getting attention. holding interest.

increasing demand.

185. During the market introduction stage of the product life cycle, the basic objective of promotion is usually to: spend more money on promotion than competitors. remind customers about the firm and its products. inform the potential customers of the product. stimulate selective demand. persuade the early majority to buy the product.

inform the potential customers of the product.

166. Which of the following groups is likely to be the first to adopt a new product? early majority innovators late majority early adopters laggards


167. A retailer's target customers are young, well educated, and mobile--with many contacts outside their local social group and community. They are eager to try new ideas and are willing to take risks. These target customers are: innovators. laggards. early adopters. the late majority. the early majority.


138. To communicate a very specific message to a very select, well-identified group of consumers, one probably should use: magazines aimed at special-interest groups. newspapers. television. integrated direct-response promotion. radio.

integrated direct-response promotion.

145. In customer-initiated interactive communication: the message channel has no impact. noise is no longer a factor. the source initiates the communication. interactive technology plays a big role. action is less immediate.

interactive technology plays a big role.

90. "Promotion" does NOT include: personal selling. sales promotion. advertising. introductory price dealing. publicity.

introductory price dealing.

139. Integrated direct-response promotion: isn't necessary or useful when the channel of distribution involves middlemen. is usually part of a pushing effort rather than part of a pulling approach. focuses on achieving a measurable, direct response from specific target customers. All of the above are true. None of the above is true.

focuses on achieving a measurable, direct response from specific target customers.

169. Early adopters tend to rely on information sources that are not controlled by marketers. tend to be opinion leaders. are the first adoption curve group to buy a product. all of the above. none of the above.

tend to be opinion leaders.

93. "Promotion" is concerned with: how suitable messages are communicated to target customers. communicating information between seller and buyer or others in the channel to influence attitudes and behavior. informing customers that the right Product is available at the right Place at the right Price. blending personal selling, mass selling, and sales promotion. All of the above.

All of the above.

98. MASS SELLING, in contrast to personal selling: is less expensive when the target customers are numerous and scattered. doesn't provide immediate feedback. is less flexible in adapting to customers' needs and attitudes. All of the above.

All of the above.

105. "Sales promotion" can be aimed at: middlemen. a company's own sales force. final consumers or users. Any or all of the above.

Any or all of the above.

173. Which of the following adopter groups is most important to "sell"--given the importance of opinion leaders? Late majority Early majority Laggards Innovators Early adopters

Early adopters

118. What basic promotion objective should be sought by a producer whose Product is very similar to its many competitors' Products? Persuading Promoting Communicating Informing Reminding


92. "Promotion" is MAINLY concerned with: obtaining a favorable corporate image. a. telling the target market that the right Product is available in the right Place at the right Price. b. obtaining maximum publicity--at the lowest cost. c. informing the public about the firm's offerings to maximize sales. d. getting people to buy a firm's product--even when it isn't needed.

a. telling the target market that the right Product is available in the right Place at the right Price.

137. Direct-response promotion may include: interactive video mail website broadcast all of the above

all of the above

152. In promotion to middlemen: personal selling is the dominant promotion method. trade ads are used to inform middlemen about new offerings. promotion must be both informative and persuasive. sales promotions are used to boost the middleman's profits on a short-term basis. all of the above.

all of the above.

158. In promotion to final consumers: advertising and sales promotion are the dominant promotion methods. aggressive personal selling is usually found only in expensive channel systems. reminder ads may be all the promotion that is needed for products that have won brand preference or insistence. personal selling is effective for consumer electronics and automobiles. all of the above.

all of the above.

160. In promotion to business customers, personal selling is often the dominant promotion method because: there are fewer business customers than final consumers. the sales message may need to be adjusted to the needs of different people in the firm. purchases are typically large and thus justify the effort. buyers are more likely to have technical questions. all of the above.

all of the above.

127. "Noise" (in the traditional communication process) refers to: any distractions that reduce the effectiveness of the communication process. radio advertising interference only. messages which are too loud or bold. efforts by a firm's competitors to block its message channel. the encoded message before it is decoded.

any distractions that reduce the effectiveness of the communication process.

136. In addition to snail mail, direct-response promotion may include: print telephone e-mail the Internet any of the above

any of the above

135. What medium is appropriate for integrated direct-response promotion? telephone interactive video print mail any of the above might be appropriate

any of the above might be appropriate

124. The AIDA model's four basic promotion jobs are concerned with: attention, interest, desire, action. action, interest, desire, acceptance. awareness, interest, demand, action. attention, internalization, decision, action. awareness, interest, decision, acceptance.

attention, interest, desire, action.

104. "Sales promotion": can complement a firm's personal selling and mass selling efforts. involves direct spoken communication between sellers and potential customers. is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation of goods or services by an identified sponsor. is "free" like publicity. consists of personal selling and mass selling

can complement a firm's personal selling and mass selling efforts.

123. The AIDA model: focuses on what happens after the adoption process is complete. shows that the promotion effort is done once desire is aroused. consists of four basic promotion jobs. suggests that mass media can get consumers' attention only if that is what consumers desire. All of the above are true.

consists of four basic promotion jobs.

146. When developing a good promotion blend, a marketing manager should: be more concerned with persuading the target customers than informing or reminding. determine who the firm is trying to influence. realize that the right blend depends more on what customers expect than on what the firm wants to accomplish. All of the above are true. None of the above is true.

determine who the firm is trying to influence.

133. Good marketing managers know that: a major advantage of personal selling is that noise can be eliminated. noise in the communication process improves promotion effectiveness. the trustworthiness of the source does not affect how receivers evaluate a message. different audiences may interpret a message differently. All of the above are true.

different audiences may interpret a message differently.

171. A research report shows that a magazine's readers are well respected by their peers and high in opinion leadership. They tend to be younger, more mobile, and more creative than later adopters. But they have fewer contacts outside their own social group or community than innovators. A firm might advertise to the readers of this magazine if it is targeting: laggards. innovators. the early majority. early adopters. the late majority.

early adopters.

168. The best way to reach INNOVATORS is through: the mass media. salespeople. local opinion leaders. impersonal and scientific information sources. salespeople and the mass media.

impersonal and scientific information sources.

101. A car company sent three automobile magazines some technical information and explanations about the features of its innovative new model. One of the magazines later printed a story about the car. This is an example of: personal selling. advertising. publicity. sales promotion. None of the above.


143. In the customer-initiated interactive communication process: the message channel is no longer a factor. noise is no longer a factor. messages typically must be very short and simple. the buyer starts the process. none of the above is true.

the buyer starts the process.

175. A retailer's target market consists of people who usually will not consider a new idea until others have tried it--and liked it. These potential customers have a lot of contact with mass media and salespeople, but usually are not opinion leaders. These target customers are: early adopters. laggards. innovators. the early majority. the late majority.

the early majority.

178. A retailer's target customers are skeptical and cautious about new ideas. Strong social pressure from their own peer group may be needed before they adopt a new product. These target customers are: the early majority. laggards. innovators. early adopters. the late majority.

the late majority.

176. The EARLY MAJORITY have a lot of contact with: innovators. the mass media only. the mass media, salespeople, and early adopter opinion leaders. impersonal and scientific information sources. salespeople only.

the mass media, salespeople, and early adopter opinion leaders.

128. Which of the following best illustrates communication "noise"? A TV ad is recorded at a higher volume than is used for most TV shows. A motorist doesn't hear a radio ad because she is being stopped by a police officer for speeding. A political candidate rides through town in a car with a loud speaker--asking pedestrians to vote for her. Magazine sales reps telephone consumers to offer low-price subscriptions. A Pepsi ad that has rap music in the background.

A motorist doesn't hear a radio ad because she is being stopped by a police officer for speeding.

108. Which of the following is NOT an example of sales promotion? A "10 cents off" coupon promotion. Point-of-purchase displays. Trade show exhibits. Free samples. A wholly new kind of ad.

A wholly new kind of ad.

111. Which of the following is an example of sales promotion? A contest to motivate a company's own sales force. Point-of-purchase displays at the checkout counters of a retail store. Price-off coupons distributed to consumers' homes. A trade show for wholesalers. All of the above ARE examples.

All of the above ARE examples.

91. Which of the following is NOT a promotion method? mass selling personal selling sales promotion All of the above are promotion methods. None of the above are promotion methods.

All of the above are promotion methods.

154. Which of the following statements about the target of promotion and promotion blends is true? There is no one right promotion blend for all situations. Promotion to middlemen emphasizes personal selling. Promotion to employees involves pushing. Promotion to final consumers is usually a combination of pushing and pulling. All of the above are true

All of the above are true

116. The various Promotion methods: are all intended to lead to customer decisions favorable to the firm. are all different forms of communication. have a difficult task--since it is not easy to affect buying behavior. All of the above are true. None of the above is true.

All of the above are true.

140. Integrated direct-response promotion: got its start in the area of direct-mail advertising. is often part of an integrated marketing communications program. focuses on achieving feedback from a target customer that is immediate and measurable. All of the above are true. None of the above is true.

All of the above are true.

144. Which of the following statements about communication processes is(are) true? Action is more immediate in customer-initiated interactive communication. The seller starts the communication in the traditional communication process. Noise can distract the process in traditional and customer-initiated interactive communication. The buyer starts the communication in the customer-initiated interactive communication process. All of the above are true.

All of the above are true.

153. Which of the following is NOT true about the relation between promotion blends and the promotion target? Pushing in the channel means using normal promotion to middlemen. Service-oriented companies often try to design ads targeted at customers that also communicate to their own employees. Promotion to middlemen emphasizes personal selling. Pushing within the firm involves promotion to employees, especially salespeople. All of the above are true.

All of the above are true.

172. When marketing a truly new product, a marketing manager should: use an informing promotional objective. target communication towards innovators and early adopters. attempt to obtain publicity. All of the above are true. None of the above is true.

All of the above are true.

192. Regarding PROMOTION BUDGETS and PROMOTION BLENDS: A national TV ad might cost less per person reached than a local TV ad. The total cost of mass media may force small firms to use promotion alternatives that are more expensive per person. A city-wide newspaper ad might cost less per person reached than a neighborhood newspaper ad. There are some economies of scale in promotion. All of the above are true.

All of the above are true.

99. "Advertising": is less expensive than personal selling for reaching large and widespread target markets. is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation of ideas, goods, or services by an identified seller. is not the same as publicity. is less flexible than personal selling. All of the above are true.

All of the above are true.

115. A retailer's promotion objective might be to ______________ its target market about its marketing mix. inform persuade remind All of the above. Only A and C above.

All of the above.

180. LAGGARDS or NON-ADOPTERS: seem to have the lowest social status and income. tend to be older and less well educated. rely mainly on other laggards for information. are suspicious of new ideas. All of the above.

All of the above.

191. Selecting an effective promotion blend to reach a firm's promotion objectives requires careful consideration of the: nature of competition. promotion budget available. product life cycle stage. All of the above. Only A and B.

All of the above.

89. "Promotion" includes: personal selling. mass selling. sales promotion. All of the above. only A and B above.

All of the above.

184. Regarding adoption curve groups, which of the following is TRUE? By the time the early majority buy a product it is usually in the market maturity stage of the product life cycle. The early adopters have many contacts outside their own social group, and are important in spreading information to laggards. Business firms in the late majority group tend to be conservative, smaller-sized firms with little specialization. The laggard group may be slow to adopt, but it is so large that it is very important to reach them. None of the above is true.

Business firms in the late majority group tend to be conservative, smaller-sized firms with little specialization.

183. Which of the following is NOT true concerning adoption curve groups? The early adopter group tends to have the greatest contact with salespeople. Early adopters are often unusual people who are not seen as opinion leaders. Innovators rely more on impersonal sources of information than on salespeople. Business firms in the innovator group are usually large and rather specialized. The early majority group has a lot of contact with mass media, salespeople, and opinion leaders.

Early adopters are often unusual people who are not seen as opinion leaders.

182. Which of the following adopter groups is described correctly? Laggards--respectable Innovators--willing to take risks The late majority--follow the innovators The early majority--opinion leaders Early adopters--traditional

Innovators--willing to take risks

187. A producer is likely to focus its promotion effort on stimulating selective demand at what stage in the product life cycle? Market introduction Market growth Market maturity Sales decline When primary demand is exhausted.

Market growth

186. A producer is likely to focus its promotion effort on stimulating primary demand at what stage in the product life cycle? Market introduction Market growth Market maturity Sales decline When selective demand is over.

Market introduction

190. Regarding promotion blends, which of the following statements is TRUE? Consumer products producers should rely almost completely on personal selling in the market maturity stage. Reminding becomes important in the market introduction stage. More targeted promotion is needed during the sales decline stage of the product life cycle. Informing becomes important in the market growth stage. None of the above is true.

More targeted promotion is needed during the sales decline stage of the product life cycle.

129. Which of the following best illustrates communication "noise"? Magazine sales reps telephone consumers to offer low-price subscriptions. A TV ad is recorded at a higher volume than is used for most TV shows. A political candidate rides through town in a car with a loud speaker--asking pedestrians to vote for her. All of the above illustrate "noise." None of the above clearly illustrates "noise."

None of the above clearly illustrates "noise."

174. Regarding opinion leadership, which of the following statements is TRUE? Opinion leaders are easy to identify because people seek them out for advice on all kinds of topics. It is very important to reach the innovators--because this adopter group is the highest in opinion leadership. "Word of mouth" always does the real selling job--so Promotion is not necessary. All of the above are true. None of the above is true.

None of the above is true.

94. Regarding promotion methods, which of the following statements is TRUE? Personal selling can provide immediate feedback. Publicity is "free," but usually is ineffective for really new products. Advertising is usually more tailored to the individual needs and attitudes of target customers than personal selling. Sales promotion activities produce results very slowly compared to advertising. All of the above are true.

Personal selling can provide immediate feedback.

119. Which basic promotion objective should be emphasized by a firm whose product is very similar to those offered by many competitors? Communicating Persuading Reminding Informing Reinforcing


188. Regarding PRODUCT LIFE CYCLES and PROMOTION: During market introduction, the basic promotion objective is to remind. In sales decline, the amount spent on promotion usually increases as firms use reminder promotion to increase demand. Persuading becomes important in the market growth stage. In market maturity, more competitors enter the market and the promotion emphasis must now shift to building selective demand for the firm's own brand. All of the above are true.

Persuading becomes important in the market growth stage.

120. What basic promotion objective can be sought by a producer who has won brand insistence among its target customers? Persuading Reminding Informing Communicating Promoting


181. Regarding adopter groups, which of the following statements is TRUE? Innovators rely on the mass media and salespeople. The early majority usually aren't opinion leaders. Laggards rely primarily on opinion leaders. Early adopters make little use of salespeople. The late majority make the most use of salespeople

The early majority usually aren't opinion leaders.

155. Clairol Corp. is introducing a new brand of shampoo in a highly competitive market. Wholesalers might be willing to handle the new product, except that retailers are already complaining about overcrowded shelf space. Therefore, Clairol has decided to spend $10 million on TV advertising and send free samples to 3,000,000 households to convince consumers of the new product's superiority--and to get them to ask for it at their retail store. Clairol is using: dual distribution. a "pulling" policy. direct marketing. a "pushing" policy. a sampling distribution.

a "pulling" policy.

149. American Tourister, Inc.--a producer of luggage--is planning to introduce a new product line. The marketing manager is having her sales force call on retailers to explain American Tourister's consumer advertising plans, the unique features of the new luggage, how the distributors can best promote it, and what sales volume and profit margins they can reasonably expect. This is an example of: a "pulling" policy. intensive distribution. selective distribution. a "pushing" policy. exclusive distribution.

a "pushing" policy.

150. The Canyonlands Corporation is introducing a new product next month. To prepare for the introduction, the marketing manager is having his sales force call on distributors to explain the unique features of the new product, how the distributors can best promote it, and what sales volume and profit margins they can reasonably expect. In addition, Canyonlands is budgeting 2 percent of its estimated sales for magazine advertising. This is an example of: selective distribution. a "pulling" policy. exclusive distribution. a "pushing" policy. intensive distribution

a "pushing" policy.

151. ValCorp will soon introduce a new product, so the marketing manager is having the sales force call on distributors to explain its unique features and how the distributors can best promote it. This illustrates integrated marketing communications. a "pulling" policy. direct response promotion. a "pushing" policy. noise in the communication process.

a "pushing" policy.

110. Which of the following is NOT an example of sales promotion? a banner ad on AOL's stock page. a bumper sticker that says, "Drink more milk." samples of a new low-fat snack cracker given away at a supermarket. a display of fishing equipment by a sporting goods store in a shopping mall. a small toy in a kid's "happy meal" at McDonald's.

a banner ad on AOL's stock page.

109. Which of the following is NOT an example of sales promotion? a small toy in "kids' packs" at a Wendy's fast-food restaurant. a half-page ad in the telephone Yellow Pages for a security service. an auto bumper sticker that says "Buy American." samples of a new brand of cheese given away at a supermarket. a display of fishing equipment by a sporting goods store in a shopping mall.

a half-page ad in the telephone Yellow Pages for a security service.

179. Lauren Diaz is strongly influenced by her peer group--and she often adopts a new product only after they have pressured her to try it. She makes little use of mass media and salespeople as sources of information. In terms of the adoption curve, she is a laggard a late majority an early adopter an innovator an early majority

a late majority

157. A producer using very aggressive promotion to get final consumers to ask middlemen for a new product has: a pulling policy. a target marketing policy. a selective distribution policy. a pushing policy. an intensive distribution policy.

a pulling policy.

147. A producer using normal promotion efforts--personal selling, sales promotion, and advertising--to help sell a whole marketing mix to possible channel members has: a selective distribution policy. a target marketing policy. an intensive distribution policy. a pushing policy. a pulling policy.

a pushing policy.

194. The most COMMON method of budgeting for marketing expenses is to: match competitors' spending. allocate any funds not already allocated to other functions. allocate enough to completely eliminate the cost of lost customers. allocate for the job that needs to be done. allow a percentage of either past or forecasted sales.

allow a percentage of either past or forecasted sales.

95. "Personal selling:" involves direct spoken communication between sellers and potential customers. costs less than advertising for reaching a large, widespread market. tries to communicate with many customers at the same time. refers to "promoting" at trade shows, demonstrations, and contests. All of the above.

involves direct spoken communication between sellers and potential customers.

100. "Advertising": is the only form of mass selling. is also called "sales promotion." is concerned with "promotion" using samples, coupons, and contests. involves direct spoken communication between sellers and potential customers. is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.

is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.

103. "Publicity": is generally less effective than advertising for promoting a really new product. is mass selling that avoids paying media costs. is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. is more expensive than all other promotion methods. Both A and B are true.

is mass selling that avoids paying media costs.

142. An integrated direct-response promotion is most likely to be effective if: it is used by a nonprofit organization rather than a firm. other elements of the promotion blend are not integrated. it involves one-way communications between a firm and its target customer. it relies on a CRM database to target specific individuals. None of the above is a good answer

it relies on a CRM database to target specific individuals.

112. Developing and selecting the "best" PROMOTION BLEND should be done by a producer's: sales manager. advertising agency. sales promotion manager. marketing manager. advertising manager.

marketing manager.

113. Deciding on the appropriate promotion blend is a job for the firm's: advertising agency. marketing manager. advertising manager. sales manager. sales promotion manager.

marketing manager.

195. Budgeting for marketing expenses by computing a percentage of forecasted sales: is especially suitable for new products. always results in increased expenditure levels from year to year. is very complicated--and thus this method is not used very often. may lead to a drop in marketing expenses at a time when the firm wants to maintain or expand sales. tends to result in large changes in marketing expenses from year to year.

may lead to a drop in marketing expenses at a time when the firm wants to maintain or expand sales.

134. Producers that advertise in GOOD HOUSEKEEPING magazine sometimes show that they have the Good Housekeeping "seal of approval." This illustrates their recognition of the importance of the ______________ in the communication process? feedback noise decoding encoding message channel

message channel

156. A producer might use a "pulling policy" rather than a "pushing policy" if: middlemen are reluctant to handle a new product. it is offering a very "high-tech" product to a small product-market. its sales force has been very successful getting wholesalers and retailers to handle its product. it has a very limited promotion budget. All of the above.

middlemen are reluctant to handle a new product.

197. The task method for budgeting marketing expenses: means that a company budgets roughly what competitors budget for each item. budgets last year's marketing expense ratio times FORECASTED sales. might result in very different marketing expenses from year to year. is the most commonly used method of setting budgets. None of the above is true.

might result in very different marketing expenses from year to year.

141. Integrated direct-response promotion: got its start when the introduction of TV made it possible for firms to use broadcast advertising to reach mass markets. is an alternative to integrated marketing communications, which are used when direct-response is not required. takes many forms, but it always involves the use of mail advertising. all of the above are true. none of the above is true

none of the above is true

159. Personal selling is MOST LIKELY to dominate a producer's promotion blend when the target customers are: organizational and business buyers young married couples teenagers working wives senior citizens

organizational and business buyers

161. Wholesalers spend the largest share of their promotion money on: personal selling. direct-mail advertising. advertising. sales promotion. publicity.

personal selling.

189. A firm with a product in the maturity stage of the product life cycle is likely to focus on which basic promotion objective? pioneering publicizing informing lagging persuading


96. Compared with other promotion methods, PERSONAL SELLING: is less expensive when the target customers are numerous and widespread. is less effective in overcoming sales resistance. is less flexible in adapting to customers' needs and attitudes. provides more immediate feedback. All of the above.

provides more immediate feedback.

102. A computer software company sent three computer magazines some information about the latest release of its popular software program. One of the magazines printed a story about the new version. This is an example of: personal selling. advertising. publicity. sales promotion. None of the above.


148. Nantucket Hammocks, Inc. uses dealer incentives, discounts, and sales contests in order to encourage retailers to give special attention to selling its products. Nantucket Hammocks is using exclusive distribution. a corporate channel system. dual distribution. an administered channel system. pushing.


121. Clearwater Office Supply sells frequently purchased office supplies to businesses in a metropolitan area. It is a well established company with a large share of the market. Its promotion should probably focus on reminding. stimulating primary demand. informing. innovators. making the demand curve less elastic.


177. The LATE MAJORITY: make a lot of use of mass media. respond more to social pressure from other late adopters than to salespeople. make a lot of use of salespeople. use salespeople and have much contact with the early majority. have a lot of contact with early adopters.

respond more to social pressure from other late adopters than to salespeople.

126. The traditional communication process does NOT include: response. receiver. encoding. feedback. source.


107. Point-of-purchase materials, coupons, trade shows, calendars, merchandising aids, and sales training materials are all examples of: publicity. advertising. mass selling. sales promotion. personal selling.

sales promotion.

170. The best way to reach EARLY adopters is through: impersonal and scientific information media. salespeople and mass media. innovators. the mass media. opinion leaders.

salespeople and mass media.

164. The "adoption curve" shows that: most new products are introduced too slowly. the marketing plan for a new product should schedule most of the promotion spending right when the product is first introduced. some groups accept a new idea before others. a firm should stick to the same promotion effort as time passes. All of the above.

some groups accept a new idea before others.

130. The "communication process" shows that: sources and receivers should have a common frame of reference. the receiver is usually not influenced by the nature of the message channel. sources decode messages and receivers encode them. all media appear to be equally effective as message channels. None of the above is true.

sources and receivers should have a common frame of reference.

196. According to the text discussion on setting a marketing budget, the most objective approach is to use Pareto approaches. the only practical alternative is to match what competitors are spending. the most sensible approach is to determine the cost of the tasks to be accomplished. the task method is likely to result in too low a budget when sales are going well. it is generally best to simply use some predetermined percentage of past or forecast sales.

the most sensible approach is to determine the cost of the tasks to be accomplished.

163. The adoption curve concept is most closely related to which of the following? "noise" in the communication process sales promotion aimed at a company's own sales force the product life cycle selective demand the AIDA model

the product life cycle

131. Communication is most difficult to achieve when: the source and the receiver are not in face-to-face contact with each other. immediate feedback is not provided. any trace of "noise" remains in the message channel. the source and the receiver do not have a common frame of reference. the encoder does not do the decoding.

the source and the receiver do not have a common frame of reference.

132. Poor communication is likely if: there is no "noise" in the message channel. the source and the receiver do not have a common frame of reference. the encoder and the decoder are not the same person. immediate feedback is not possible. the source and the receiver don't have personal contact.

the source and the receiver do not have a common frame of reference.

114. Which of the following is NOT one of the basic promotion objectives discussed in the text? to inform to remind to manipulate to persuade All of the above are promotion objectives.

to manipulate

106. Sales promotion activities: try to stimulate interest, trial or purchase. always involve direct face-to-face communication between sellers and potential customers. usually take a long time to implement. are usually a good substitute for personal selling and advertising. All of the above.

try to stimulate interest, trial or purchase.

193. The MOST COMMON method of setting the marketing budget is to use PERT approaches. estimate what competitors are spending. determine the cost of the tasks to be accomplished. use all uncommitted revenue. use some predetermined percentage of past or forecast sales.

use some predetermined percentage of past or forecast sales.

198. According to the text, the most sensible method for budgeting for promotion expenses is to: allocate some fixed percentage of net sales. allocate all available funds. allocate money for direct-response promotion first and then use money that's left for integrated marketing communications. match expenditures with competitors. use the "task method."

use the "task method."

165. A marketing manager should realize that the adoption curve concept implies that the firm's promotion target should be the innovators. that the laggards are cautious, but that they are willing to adopt a new product quickly if advertising gets their attention. using different promotional mixes for different adopter groups. All of the above are true. None of the above is true.

using different promotional mixes for different adopter groups.

162. The "adoption curve" shows: when different groups accept ideas. how quickly a firm should drop current products. the relationship between promotion spending and sales. when a firm should introduce a new product. All of the above.

when different groups accept ideas.

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