MNGT 482

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11. Creditors generally have high stakeholder salience and little concern over a company's position on an issue. A) True B) False


9. The Internet has enabled the growth of stakeholder organizations. A) True B) False


25. Per the five-stage model of global corporate citizenship in the text what is the stakeholder relationship at the elementary level: A) Bilateral. B) Reactive. C) Unilateral. D) Influenced.


20. Vodafone is headquartered in: A) United States. B) United Kingdom. C) Germany. D) Finland.

united kingdom

32. Chronologically, which was the first Social Audit listed in the book: A) ISO 6000. B) ISEA 9000. C) ISO 14001. D) MITPEP 500.

ISO 14001

12. Ethics are always based on religious beliefs. A) True B) False


33. A study indicated that the amount of bribes paid to government officials was roughly equal to what percentage of the nation's entire revenue? A) 35%. B) 65%. C) 80%. D) 100%.


38. St. Thomas Aquinis lived in the . A) 1100s B) 1200s C) 1300s D) 1400s


40. In what year did the U.S. Surgeon General declare cigarettes a health hazard: A) 1959. B) 1964. C) 1973. D) 1979.


27. Ethics and Compliance officers first became prevalent in the: A) 1960s. B) 1970s. C) 1980s. D) 1990s.


3. General Systems theory was first introduced in the 1940s. A) True B) False


4. The instrumental argument in the stakeholder theory says that companies perform better if they consider the rights and concerns of multiple groups in society. A) True B) False


33. Which of the following is not an argument in favor of corporate social responsibility? A) Imposes unequal costs among competitors. B) Responds to changing stakeholders' demands. C) Corrects social problems caused by business. D) Discourages government regulation.


39. In 2000, McDonald's convened a panel of experts to discuss what topic: A) Animal welfare in slaughterhouses. B) Treatment of foreign employees and subcontractors. C) Fat and sodium content of their product. D) Children issues.


31. Under the World Trade Organization's most-favored nation rule: A) All import restrictions imposed by other nations on their goods are illegal unless a cultural waiver is issued. B) All import restrictions are illegal unless the item is proven scientifically unsafe. C) Most-favored nations can impose heavy tariffs on other nations. D) Most-favored nations can oppose the dumping of goods by any nation in their home market.

all import restrictions are illegal unless the item is proven scientifically unsafe

20. Which of the following is not an intangible asset: A) Good reputation. B) Trusting relationships. C) Customer loyalty. D) All of the above.

all of the above

21. The acceleration of globalization has been driven by: A) Communications technology. B) Transportation systems. C) Social and political reforms. D) All of the above.

all of the above

23. Which transportation system improvement has aided the acceleration of globalization? A) Airfreight. B) High-speed rail. C) New oceangoing vessels. D) All of the above.

all of the above

29. HP Brazil, a subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard, developed the Digital Garage project to: A) Promote the sale of PCs and notebook computers in the Brazilian consumer market. B) Assist with natural resource conservation and recycling programs in their plant. C) Empower less privileged Brazilian youth with leadership, teamwork, IT and other skills to participate in the growing technological society. D) All of the above.


30. Which of the following is not an argument in favor of corporate social responsibility? A) Discourages governmental regulation. B) It balances businesses' power with their responsibility to act. C) Improves Business value. D) Promotes short-term profitability for businesses.


30. Which of the following statements is (are) correct about stakeholder' power? A) Different stakeholders have different types and degrees of power. B) Stockholders' power is limited to the percentage of voting stock owned by the stockholder. C) It uses resources to achieve a desired decision or outcome. D) All of the above.


26. Lobbyists, under U.S. law, must disclose their: A) Earnings. B) Expenses. C) Earnings and expenses. D) Political affiliation.

earnings and expenses

1. Nova Nordisk is a Denmark based health care company dedicated to the treatment of cancer. A) True B) False


25. Economic policies include: A) Fiscal and monetary policies. B) Monetary and social assistance policies. C) Fiscal and social assistance policies. D) Policies initiated by the Federal Reserve System.

fiscal and monetary policies

22. Thomas Friedman believes the world is becoming increasingly: A) flat. B) tall. C) quick. D) irresponsible.


33. Which of the following is true regarding Ford Motors and the 2008 bailout: A) Ford was deemed ineligible for the bailout. B) Ford rejected bailout funds. C) The CEO of Ford refused to testify in front of Congress. D) Prior to the bailout, Ford was in worse shape than Chrysler or General Motors.

ford rejected bailout funds

34. From 2005 to 2008, social reporting in Italy: A) Increased slightly. B) Increased dramatically. C) Decreased slightly. D) Stayed the same.

increased dramatically

33. Which of the following is NOT true of Novartis? A) It is based in Sweden. B) It is a pharmaceutical company. C) It was an early endorser of the United Nations Global Compact. D) All of the above are true.

it is based in sweden

28. What prominent lobbyist pleaded guilty to fraud in 2006: A) Bruce Bereano. B) Fred Simmons. C) Jack Abramoff. D) Dennis DeYoung.

jack abramoff

20. What rogue trader cost Societe Genarale approximately $8 billion dollars A) Hans Kohl. B) Freidrich Schmidt. C) Steffen Smeling. D) Jerome Kerviel.

jerome kerviel

31. In a social audit commissioned by The Body Shop, the company received poor marks in which of the following: A) Quality of Mission Statement. B) Relationship with the media. C) Corporate Philanthropy. D) Animal Welfare.

relationship with the media

16. Who defined global corporate citizenship as capitalism with a social conscience. A) Melinda Gates. B) Bill Gates. C) Robert Civita. D) Fransisco Cervantes.

robert civita

40. What former New Jersey Senator stopped his campaign re-election bid in 2002 and subsequently became a lobbyist: A) Frank Lautenberg. B) Christine Todd Whitman. C) Robert Torricelli. D) Neal Peart.

robert torricelli

24. Where is Business for Social Responsibility based? A) Washington D.C. B) London. C) Ottawa. D) San Fransisco.

san fransisco

17. Developing products that meet the needs of the world poor is also know as . A) bottom feeding. B) third world trolling. C) selling to the bottom of the period. D) minnow selling.

selling to the bottom of the period

19. Casas Bahia requires all of the following to credit customers EXCEPT: A) The customers must pass a careful screening process. B) They must mail in the payment no later than the fifteenth of each month. C) A and B are true. D) Neither A nor b is true.

the customers must pass a careful screening process

19. Cooperation between business and government often occurs when: A) They encounter a common problem or enemy. B) Business can afford it. C) Business is required by law to cooperate. D) Government has the support of the people.

the encounter a common problem or enemy

29. What Philadelphia based company won an award for paying all employees living wages: A) Genos. B) The White Dog Cafe. C) The Port Hole. D) Lerner & Timpson.

the white dog cafe

16. The solar polar industry: A) is dominated by three large companies which are very active politically. B) has eschewed political donations, and has subsequently suffered under the Obama administration. C) was able to have legislation passed in Hawaii which requires solar water heaters in all new construction by 2010. D) has approximately 2,900 companies in the United States.

was able to have legislation passed in hawaii which requires solar water heaters in all new construction by 2010

29. The amount owed to the World Bank in the mid 2000s was: A) $11 million. B) $314 million. C) $3 billion. D) $22 billion.


39. As of 2009, what percentage of Americans smoked: A) 8%. B) 15%. C) 20%. D) 26%.


37. The FBI estimates white collar crime costs at approximately $ annually A) 100 billion. B) 200 billion. C) 300 billion. D) 400 billion.

300 billion

18. Approximately how many people earn less than $1,500 a year: A) 3 billion. B) 3.5 billion C) 4 billion. D) 4.5 billion

4 billion

19. In a 200 Harris poll, what percentage of people polled believed that small business had too much political power? A) 5 percent. B) 76 percent. C) 44 percent. D) 19 percent.

5 percent

38. Which of the following was used to circumvent the soft money ban in the McCain-Feingold bill: A) 323c corps. B) 527 organizations. C) C-24s. D) Cipics.

527 organizations

19. According to the United Nations, how many transnational corporations operate in the global economy? A) 48,000 corporations. B) 79,000 corporations. C) 114,000 corporations. D) 156,000 corporations.

79,000 corporations

23. As of 2008, what percentage of Fortune 250 companies had department of corporate citizenship or something similar? A) 94%. B) 82%. C) 71%. D) 63.


17. Failure to understand the beliefs and expectations of stakeholders: A) Causes company's profits to increase in the short run. B) Causes company's profits to decrease in the short run. C) Causes the performance-expectations gap to grow larger. D) Increases the chance of a corporate buy-out.


21. Corporations who model their operations according to the stakeholder theory create value by: A) Innovating new products. B) Increasing their stock price. C) Developing their employees' professional skills. D) All of the above.


31. Which of the following examples best illustrate an ethics issue based on cross-cultural contradictions? A) Legally marketing a pesticide abroad that has been banned in the U.S. B) Circumventing government regulations to ensure company profits. C) Hiring child workers in violation of civil law. D) False and misleading advertising claims.

A) Legally marketing a pesticide abroad that has been banned in the U.S.

25. Accountants are governed by which code: A) AAAA. B) AICPA. C) CPALE. D) AMCPAM.


10. In order to develop a stakeholder map, managers should consider, in order, urgency, legitimacy and saliency. A) True B) False


6. Because they are more important, market stakeholders are sometimes called primary stakeholders. A) True B) False


8. Each stakeholder group has one source of power in relation to a firm. A) True B) False


29. Which of the following is not a natural monopoly: A) The NFL. B) Railroads. C) Software. D) Cable tv.


5. A fiduciary exercises power for the good of another A) True B) False


30. Cross-cultural contradictions arise due to: A) The emergence of a developing country's economic power. B) Religious differences practiced by business executives. C) Differences between home and host countries' ethical standards. D) All of the above.

The emergence of a developing country's economic power.

25. Which group spent the most on lobbying in 2008? A) AARP. B) PG & E. C) Exxon/Mobil. D) The U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

US chamber of commerce

10. One reason for a corporation to behave responsible is to discourage government regulation. A) True B) False


11. Enlightened self-interest means that companies are socially aware without giving up their own economic self-interest. A) True B) False


11. In 1976, scholars found a positive relationship between economic performance and attention to spiritual values A) True B) False


12. Accompanying a firm's economic responsibility to its stakeholders are its legal obligations. A) True B) False


13. With ethical relativism in practice, there would be no universal ethical standards on which people around the globe could agree. A) True B) False


14. Putting all the emphasis on short-run maximum profits for stockholders can lead to policies that overlook the interests and needs of other stakeholders. A) True B) False


15. The Center for Corporate Responsibility is based at Boston College A) True B) False


15. Virtue ethics focuses on character traits that a good person should have A) True B) False


16. According to David Korten: A) Business has become most powerful entity on the planet. B) Businesses should need to secure stockholder approval to engage in philanthropic practices. C) The iron law of responsibility is not valid. D) Coca-cola has failed to protect the environment of Brazil.


16. has donated over $180 million to UNICEF in over a decade: A) IKEA B) Walmart C) Unilever. D) Nike.


17. In 2008. Lee Scott was the CEO of A) Walmart B) Target C) Dell D) Sun


18. The revenues of Toyota Motors in 2009 was roughly equal to the entire economic output of: A) Venezuela B) Peru C) Spain D) Colorado


2. Ethics is a concepion of right or wrong conduct. A) True B) False


20. A firm subscribing to the ownership theory, would be concerned with providing value for its: A) Shareholders. B) Customers. C) Board of Directors. D) Community.


22. The argument says that stakeholder view is simply a more realistic description of how companies work. A) Descriptive B) Instrumental C) Normative D) Fiduciary


22. The iron law of responsibility says that: A) In the long run, those who do not use power responsibly will lose it. B) In the short run, sacrifice social goals for economic goals. C) Law is most important, more than social or economic responsibility. D) In the long run, economic responsibility leads to social responsibility.


23. Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, corporations are required to: A) Have their CEO and CFO sign off on financial statements as accurate and fair. B) Have their audit committee comprised of only executives employed by the firm. C) Collect reimbursements from the U.S. government if financial restatements occur. D) All of the above.


24. Which of the following is true regarding personal spirituality? A) Fortune magazine published a 1953 article claiming that American businessmen were becoming more spiritual. B) Eighty eight percent of Americans polled claim that they have occasion to discuss their religious beliefs in the workplace on a daily basis. C) Since 1976, Fortune and Business Week magazines have documented a resurgence of workplace spirituality. D) There are slightly less than 900,000 Bible and prayer groups that regularly meet at the workplace, according to the Fellowship for Companies for Christ International.


27. What business was forced to dramatically change its business model in the early 2000s because of technological changes: A) Music industry. B) Insurance Industry. C) Legal Industry. D) Advertising Industry.


28. Per the text, which of these was NOT considered a moral value in 4th B.C. A) Honesty B) Courage C) Gentleness D) Wittiness


28. Which of these is not a potential conflict of interest A) Doctor ordering tests from a lab he owns. B) Mechanic ordering parts and marking up price. C) Lawyer representing defendant she believes is guilty. D) Auditor analyzing a company who hired her.


28. Which phrase of corporate responsibility occurred in the 1950-1960s? A) Corporate Social Stewardship. B) Corporate Social Responsiveness. C) Corporate/Business Ethics. D) A, B and C are all false.


29. Per the text, Benjamin Franklin considered which of these a moral value A) Silence B) Toughness C) Friendliness D) Truthfulness


29. The four types of stakeholders' power recognized by most experts are: A) Voting, economic, political, and legal power. B) Social, legal, environmental, and political power. C) Social, regulatory, voting, and media power. D) Economic, media, legal, and political power.


3. Through the Microsoft Unlimited Potential Program, people living in developing countries can receive a stripped down version of Windows for free. A) True B) False


32. Positive reputation can be valued as an intangible corporate: A) Asset. B) Liability. C) Charity. D) Expense.


35. An effective way to learn what issues are important to people outside of the organization is through: A) Building ongoing, positive relationships with stakeholders. B) Conducting public opinion polls. C) Hiring individuals from outside the company for available positions rather than promoting from within the organization. D) All of the above.


36. Proponents against corporate social responsibility feel that public officials, not business people, should solve societal problems because: A) Business people do not have the skill-set to solve societal problems. B) The private sector is not mandated to solve these issues. C) Both A. and B. D) None of the above.


39. What company took responsibility to dredge the New York Harbor in 2002? A) General Electric. B) Merck. C) Pfizer. D) New York Power.


4. About three quarters of employees surveyed in 2007 believed that their companies were considering the environment. A) True B) False


40. A stakeholder map is: A) A graphic representation of the relationship of stakeholder salience on an issue. B) Developed to deal with issues once a company has hit "crisis mode". C) Used to split negative stakeholders on salient issues. D) All of the above.


40. Odwalla began pasteurizing juices in order to: A) Prevent the need for governmental regulation B) Build good will through advertising C) Comply with disputed United Nations mandates D) Prevent Minute Maid for consolidating an important issue


41. Tony Jacques, of Dow chemical, believes: A) Techniques for problem solving are underemphasized. B) There is seldom a right answer in issue management. C) Issue management is primarily a science, not an art. D) In the long run, the process is more important than the outcome.


42. Organized labor, church groups and community groups all opposed the following: A) A Walmart in Inglewood. B) A Nike plant in La Paz C) A bull fighting ring in Tempe. D) Legalized, unlicensed prostitution in Key West.


5. A New Zealand study found a positive correlation between corporate financial performance and ethical performance. A) True B) False


7. According to the stewardship principle, businesses act as trustees and should consider the interests of all who are affected by business decisions and policies. A) True B) False


8. A positive reputation allows a firm to attract a loyal customer base. A) True B) False


8. A primary reason to for businesses to be ethical is to meet demands of business stakeholders. A) True B) False


9. A primary benefit of enlightened self interest is an enhanced reputation. A) True B) False


9. U.S. Corporate Sentencing Guidelines provide strong incentive for businesses to promote ethics at work. A) True B) False


17. Proponents of business as a political participant argue: A) A pluralistic system invites many participants. B) It is business's constitutional right to be involved. C) Business is a vital stakeholder of government. D) A and C, but not B.

a and c but not b

37. A society where economic power is concentrated in the hands of government officials and political authorities is called: A) A central state control system. B) A social democracy. C) A political control system. D) A military dictatorship.

a central state control system

16. Global market channels involve: A) A firm producing goods in their home country and exporting them to other countries. B) A firm producing goods in their home country to sell at home. C) A firm producing goods in a foreign country to sell at home. D) A firm producing goods in a foreign country to sell abroad.

a firm producing goods in their home country and exporting them to other countries

21. Public policy is a basic set of goals, plans and actions undertaken by: A) Political lobbyists. B) A government. C) Business advocacy groups. D) Police and fire departments.

a government

35. Deregulation is often: A) A politically popular idea. B) A politically unpopular idea. C) Seen during a Democratic federal administration. D) Found in European countries but not in the United States.

a politically popular idea

22. Which of the following is NOT an example of a public policy input: A) Foreign policy concerns. B) Media attention. C) Economic pressures. D) All are examples of public policy inputs.

all are examples of public policy inputs

23. Which of the following is not considered part of marketing ethics: A) Selling. B) Advertising. C) Distributing. D) All are part of marketing ethics.

all are parts of marketing ethics

25. An example of an international financial and trade institution (IFTI) is: A) World Bank. B) International Monetary Fund. C) World Trade Organization. D) All of the above.

all of the above

29. Which of the following is not true about "temptation laws" A) It was passed at least partly in response to the Abramoff scandal B) Lawmakers are barred from receiving gifts. C) Common cause celebrated the law as "the first successful attempt at a lobbying law to close meaningful loopholes". D) All of the above are true.

all of the above

35. Which of the following is a typical practice in an ethics audits procedure? A) The auditor notes any deviations from the company's ethics standards that become evident during the ethics audit. B) The auditor brings deviations to the attention of the audit supervisor. C) Department managers are required to file a report with the auditor on the written procedures they established for informing new employees of ethical standards D) All of the above.

all of the above

36. According to the United Nations, a feature of democracy is: A) Fair elections. B) An independent media. C) A government with power balanced among executive, legislative, and judicial branches. D) All of the above.

all of the above

36. Bribery is: A) A questionable payment to a government official to ensure a business transaction. B) An unethical activity. C) Found in nearly every sector of the global marketplace. D) All of the above.

all of the above

26. Which of the following is NOT considered an economic policy: A) Trade policy. B) Taxation policy. C) Industrial policy. D) All of the above are considered economic policies.

all of the above are considered economic policies

24. What steps helped Shell Oil increase traffic on their hot line. A) Expanded the hours. B) Changed the name to help line. C) Changed who staffed the call line. D) All of the above are true

all of the above are true

34. An individual who is a supporter of globalization would argue that it helps the developing world by: A) Giving entrepreneurs access to foreign investment funds to support economic development. B) Allowing new ideas and technological innovations to spread quickly. C) Providing people in developing countries with more jobs. D) All of the above.

all the above

37. Who or what generally leads a large company's public affairs department: A) The CIO (Chief Information Officer). B) An appointed Senior Committee. C) A Senior Executive or V.P. D) A Deputy CEO.

an appointed senior committee

22. A license to operate is: A) Another name for goodwill. B) Another name for social capital. C) An informal right to do business. D) Another name for the myriad of licenses legally required to do business.

another name for the myriad of licenses legally required to do business

36. Managers' Values . A) are easily influenced by underlings. B) are key in determining the ethical direction of a company. C) are inflexible. D) are always ego driven

are key in determining the ethical direction of a company

22. Ghostnet focused mainly on: A) The United States Military. B) Asian governments. C) British banks. D) Colombia drug cartels.

asian governments

10. An ethical egoist acts for the benefit of others and sacrifices self-interest. A) True B) False


11. McDonald's was only able to resolve their differences with PETA regarding slaughterhouses by filing an expensive lawsuit. A) True B) False


13. Laws and regulations help create an unleveled playing field for businesses that compete against one another. A) True B) False


14. It is generally believed that Ancient Romans developed the first ethical theory. A) True B) False


18. Examples of companies successfully managing public issues include: A) Monsanto, which received worldwide acclaim for genetically modified foods. B) Toyota, for their creation of the Prius. C) Both A and B. D) B, but not A.


18. Ownership theory of the firm is also called . A) Shareholder theory B) Property theory C) Expansive theory D) Brick and mortar theory


19. LaFarge promised to experiment with reducing carbon dioxide emissions in this region: A) Latin America. B) East Africa. C) The Pyrennes. D) Saharan desert.


19. People everywhere depend on ethical systems to tell them whether their actions are: A) Legal or illegal. B) Right or wrong. C) Financially attainable or not. D) Logical and in sound judgment.


19. Which of the following statements is not true about the interactive social system? A) Business and society need, as well as influence, each other. B) The boundary line between business and society is clear and distinct. C) Business is a part of society, and society penetrates far and often into the business. D) Business and society are both separate and connected.


21. Modern corporations should be socially responsible because: A) They are responsible to the stockholders of the company. B) They create jobs, influencing the lives of employees. C) They are highly profitable. D) All of the above.


22. Under the U.S. Corporate Sentencing Guidelines, if a firm has developed a strong ethics program, corporate executives found guilty of criminal activity may have their sentence: A) Increased. B) Reduced. C) Unaffected. D) Decided by the company.


23. Karl Albrecht refers believes environmental intelligence should focus on eight : A) Pressure points. B) Radar screens. C) Hyper-priorities. D) None of the above.


23. The instrumental argument says stakeholder management is: A) A more realistic description of how companies really work. B) More effective as a corporate strategy. C) Simply the right thing to do. D) Determined by the amount of stock owned in the firm.


24. According to a modern day expression of the stewardship principle: A) Corporate managers should acknowledge business and society interdependence. B) Corporate managers should balance the interests and needs of many diverse groups in society. C) Voluntary actions should be taken to promote the social good. D) Both A. and B., but not C.


26. Gender, age and marital status are all examples of: A) Competitor Environment. B) Customer Environment. C) Both A and B. D) Neither A or B.


26. The critical factor in Utilitarian ethical reasoning is: A) Respecting entitlements. B) Comparing costs and benefits. C) Distributing Fair Shares. D) Protecting Human rights.


26. Which of the following statements most accurately describes a firm's responsibility to market stakeholders? A) It is a relationship with political and cultural influences. B) It must provide stakeholders with goods and services. C) It is more important to the survival of business than nonmarket relationships. D) It mostly occurs at a broad conceptual level.


27. Which of the following is not considered to be a nonmarket stakeholder? A) Government agencies. B) The natural environment. C) Activist groups. D) Nongovermental organizations.


3. The percent of employees observing misconduct at work consistently increased from 2000 to 2007. A) True B) False


31. According to Barlow v. A.P. Smith Manufacturing: A) The law prohibited charitable contributions, at that time. B) Socially responsible actions are an investment in the future, thus an allowable expense. C) Socially responsible actions must be approved by a majority of the firm's stockholders. D) Charitable contributions were bad corporate investments for the short term.


31. Customers can exercise economic stakeholder power by: A) Voting on a proposed merger for the company and a competitor. B) Boycotting products if they believe the goods are too expensive. C) Attending the company's annual meeting. D) Applying for a job with the company.


32. Customer environmental intelligence includes: A) Demographic factors. B) An analysis of the firm's competitors. C) New technological applications. D) The cost of producing consumer goods.


32. Which of the following is not an example of stakeholders' economic power? A) A toy manufacturer halts supplies to a distributor asking higher than fair prices. B) A social group protests a government's decision to raise taxes. C) A local community boycotts a grocery store suspected of inaccurate weight scales. D) A social organization demands the closure of a store that has a discriminatory hiring policy.


33. When a customer sues a company for physical and mental hard caused by unsafe toxic chemicals disposal, it is an exercise of a stakeholders': A) Political power. B) Legal power. C) Economic power. D) Media power.


37. When something stands out and is seen as important it is defined as A) Normative B) Salient C) Urgent D) Legitimate


37. Which company was not recognized as a best corporate citizen in every year since 2009. A) Starbucks. B) Whole Foods. C) Intel. D) Cisco Systems.


38. Johnson and Johnson's response to the Tylenol incident in the 1980s is an example of: A) Maximizing short term profits. B) Taking a short term loss for a long run benefit. C) Poor uses of charitable resources. D) Poor crisis management.


4. Walmart had more profits in 2009 than any other company A) True B) False


40. Once an organization has implemented the issue management program, it must: A) Use trade associations or consultants to follow high priority issues. B) Study the results and make necessary adjustments. C) Not limit the number of public issues the firm can address. D) Pick a selected number of issues to address immediately.


42. Crisis management is a process enabling companies to: A) Encourage employees to address inner-city problems. B) Respond to short-term and immediate shocks. C) Allocate budget surpluses to guard against possible catastrophes. D) Legally protect the firm against disgruntled ex-workers.


42. What company installed a wind turbine in the Dominican Republic? A) LaPlata. B) Timberland. C) Microsoft. D) Constellation Energy.


43. Stakeholder dialogue refers to: A) Dialogue between stakeholders. B) Dialogue between stakeholders and businesses. C) Dialogue between stakeholders and government. D) All of the above.


5. The charity principle is a relatively new notion. A) True B) False


6. According to the stewardship principle, professional managers are supposed to, but are not obliged to, see that everyone benefits from the company's action. A) True B) False


6. In 2006, General Motors began the "Award for Ethcial Courage" program. A) True B) False


7. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was passed in 2004. A) True B) False - 2002


32. Which of the following is true of the 2008 Presidential election: A) Barack Obama did not receive federal funds. B) Barack Obama raised more slightly less than double what John McCain raised. C) Ralph Nader was not eligible for federal funds. D) All of the above are true.

barack obama did not receive federal funds

34. Since the 1980s, staffing for regulation enforcement has: A) Slightly increased. B) Slightly decreased. C) Dramatically increased. D) Been about the same.

been about the same

31. Transparency International is based in: A) Brussels. B) Berlin. C) Boston. D) The Hague.


20. An example of an illegitimate government can be seen in: A) Burma. B) Russia. C) The United States. D) Spain.


22. To influence government policymakers' actions, an information strategy involves: A) Business providing government policymakers with information through direct communications. B) Government policymakers hiring special interest groups for fact-finding projects. C) Businesses listening to government policymakers in order to develop a corporate strategy. D) Gaining support from other affected organizations.

business providing government policymakers with information through direct communications

31. This group, founded in 1972, consists of CEOs of major corporations: A) Better Business Bureau. B) League of Businessmen. C) Civic League. D) Business Roundtable.

business rountable

16. What company has a slogan of "Customer led, ethically guided". A) Citizen's Bank. B) Patrimonio Hoy. C) Co-operative Bank. D) Whole Fodds.


16. What movie featured a former Miss America speaking out against Walmart. A) One born every minute. B) Walmart: The High Cost of low prices C) Walmart Nation. D) None of the above.


17. Which of the following is NOT a method of ethical reasoning: A) Utilitarian. B) Rights. C) Law and Order. D) Justice.


17. Which of the following is true of General Motors in 2009. A) They were not a top 10 company with regard to revenue. B) They were a top 10 in profits. C) They were a top 10 company in revenue even though they lost money. D) None of the above


18. People's ethical beliefs come from: A) Legislative action and judicial decisions. B) Reading the company's profit and loss statements. C) Their religious background, family, and education. D) The organization's code of ethics.


20. Corporations have a role in establishing their community's: A) Tax base. B) Safety. C) Economic growth. D) All of the above.


20. Reaction to bonuses issued to executives from this company almost led Congress to pass a ninety percent tax on said bonuses. A) Price-Waterhouse. B) Anderson Group. C) AIG. D) None of the above.


22. Customer Environment includes A) patents and copyrights. B) information on competitors. C) the graying of america. D) geophysical issues.


25. The Basis of Ethics reasoning for mature adults is: A) Ego-Centered Reasoning. B) Law-Centered Reasoning. C) Principle-Centered Reasoning. D) Society Centered Reasoning.


26. Which of the following is not an example of the charity principle? A) Endowing public libraries. B) Supporting settlement houses for the poor. C) Supporting a governmental protection agency. D) Donating money to a family-counseling center.


27. Under utilitarian reasoning, the action is ethical if: A) Basic human rights are respected. B) Benefits and costs are fairly distributed. C) Net benefits exceed net costs. D) There is no net job loss.


27. Which of the following was not a reason for the wealthy to be philanthropic in the early 20th century: A) Good publicity. B) Serving as "my brother's keepers". C) Tax provision. D) Well publicized contest between the super wealthy.


28. A stakeholder analysis: A) Creates equality among all stakeholder interests. B) Allows managers to review media coverage on the company. C) Involves understanding the nature of stakeholder interests. D) All of the above.


29. Awareness of the physical surroundings of the facilities and operations is known as A) Social environment. B) Technological environment. C) Geophysical environment. D) None of the above.


30. The issues management process is: A) A beneficial tool used only to maximize the positive effects of a public issue for the organization's advantage. B) A beneficial tool used only to minimize the negative effects of a public issue for the organization's advantage. C) A systematic process companies use when responding to public issues that are of greatest importance to the business. D) A confusing process that is rarely used to help top management within an organization.


31. Public affairs managers conduct a competitor environmental analysis to: A) Enable an organization to minimize threats and take advantage of new opportunities. B) Provide managers with information about external issues and trends. C) Both A and B. D) None of the above.


34. Legal environmental intelligence includes: A) Patterns of aggressive growth versus static maintenance. B) Analysis of local, state, national, and international politics. C) Considerations of patents, copyrights, or trademarks. D) Information regarding costs, prices, and international trade.


36. Public affairs managers can identify issues in the issues management process through: A) Scanning newspapers and other media. B) Use of electronic databases, including the Internet. C) Both A and B. D) None of the above.


36. Stakeholders have been able to form international coalitions more successfully through use of: A) Government regulation. B) Community involvement. C) Communications technology. D) Unions.


41. What was Fortune Magazine's 2009 America's Most Admired company? A) Whole Foods. B) Pfizer. C) Apple. D) Sun Microsystems.


33. Which of the following is not part of the G-8? A) Russia. B) France. C) China. D) European Union.


41. Collaborative partnerships: A) Combine the strengths of business, government and NGOs. B) Allow the private sector to improve global conditions without the inefficiency of government. C) Are amateurish and lack financial resources. D) Are short-term focused.

combine the strengths of business, government, and NGOs

28. Per Lynn Paine, which of the following is an approach to an ethics program? A) Compliance-based approach. B) Justice-based approach. C) Both A and B. D) Neither A or B.

compliance-based approach

19. The primary issue in accounting ethics is? A) Privacy. B) Conflict of Interest. C) Bribery. D) Puffery.

conflict of interest

38. When a corporation becomes a strong force for change in other nations where they operate, this is known as: A) Feeding the beast B) Raising the bottom. C) Comparative advantage. D) Constructive Engagement.

constructive engagement

16. Which of the following is not an example of an ethical climate criteria? A) Egoism. B) Benevolence. C) Principle. D) Corporate driven.

corporate driven

19. According to a Harris Interactive poll of people think business has too much power. A) 55% B) 65% C) 75%. D) 85%


20. Businesses are expected to be ethical in their relationships with: A) Stockholders. B) Customers. C) Competitors. D) All of the above.


21. At Unilever, who has over-all responsibility fomanaging external relations at the Corporate level: A) A coalition of management and rank and file workers. B) An Executive committee C) The Chief Executive Officer. D) The Chairman and the Board of Directors.


21. Why should business be ethical? A) Most people want to act in ways that are consistent with their own sense of right and wrong. B) Ethical behavior protects business firms from abuse by unethical employees and competitors. C) Society's stakeholders expect it from businesses. D) All of the above.


23. A modern day expression of the charity principle does not include: A) Balancing the interests and needs of many diverse groups in society. B) Expressions of corporate philanthropy. C) Voluntary actions to promote the social good. D) Taking a paternalistic approach to community affairs.


24. Joya Williams received what sentence for attempting to steal trade secrets. A) $80,000 fine. B) Six months. C) Eighteen months. D) Eight years.


24. Under U.S. law, the fiduciary duty of managers must benefit a firm's A) Stockholders. B) Customers. C) Employees. D) All of the above.


25. Examples of modern day stewardship do not include: A) A stakeholder approach to strategic corporate planning. B) An attitude of enlightened self-interest. C) Developing social partnerships with needy groups. D) Both A. and B., but not C.


25. Stakeholder groups can include: A) Stockholders. B) The Media. C) Environmental activists. D) All of the above.


25. Temple Grandin . A) is a former Coca-Cola CEO. B) is a renowned economic expert. C) sued McDonald's on behalf of animal right activists. D) None of the above.


28. Being disappointed in a movie because it was not as good as the trailers is an example of A) Reality fantasy pendulum. B) Media over-hype phenomena (Mop). C) Poor environmental analysis. D) Performance expectation gap.


33. An analysis of the stability or instability of a government is an example of scanning the: A) Social environment. B) Legal environment. C) Geophysical environment. D) Political environment.


34. What stakeholder group(s) can exercise legal power? A) Employees. B) Customers. C) Shareholders D) All of the above.


34. Which of the following are arguments against corporate social responsibility? A) Lowers economic efficiency and profits. B) Imposes unequal costs among competitors. C) Requires social skills business may lack. D) All of the above are arguments against corporate social responsibility.


35. The costs of corporate social responsibility may ultimately be passed on to the: A) Employees through fewer health benefits. B) Consumer through high prices. C) Investor through lower dividends. D) All of the above.


35. What kind of power might the local community use to influence a company's decisions? A) Publicizing an issue. B) Lobbying government for regulation. C) Challenging whether a business activity should continue to operate. D) All of the above.


37. The components of a typical issues management system include: A) Issues identification and research. B) Policy options, selection and strategy. C) Program design and implementation. D) All of the above.


38. An issue's public profile indicated to managers: A) the significance of an issue. B) what to do. C) what to avoid doing. D) all of the above.


38. Proactive companies anticipate stakeholder concerns by: A) Forming specialized departments to handle the needs of stakeholders. B) Responding to concerns when a crisis occurs. C) Signing contracts with stakeholder groups to avoid potential lawsuits. D) A and B, but not C.


39. are departments within an organization which which reach across dividing lines which separate the company from society. A) Human Resources B) Harmonization departments C) International lobbying guilds D) Boundary-spanning departments


41. Per the textbook, which of the following does not shape the business and societal relationship: A) Globalization. B) Technology. C) Changing societal expectations. D) All of the above shape the business and societal relationship.


37. A limitation in rights reasoning is . A) incomplete set of virtues. B) difficult to measure social costs. C) difficult to balance conflicting rights. D) none of the above.

difficult to balance conflicting rights

29. Which of the following is NOT part of a social performance audit: A) Economic performance. B) Environmental performance. C) Social Performance. D) Ethical Performance.

economic performance

37. Deregulation has NOT occurred in which industry: A) Commercial airlines. B) Railroads. C) Electronics. D) Financial institutions.


37. Which of the following is NOT part of a triple bottom line approach: A) Employee relations. B) Financial Results. C) Environmental Impact. D) Social Impact.

employee relations

24. Which of the following is NOT a constituency-building strategy tool? A) Expert witness testimony. B) Advocacy advertising. C) Public relations. D) Legal challenges.

expert witness testimony

1. A public issue exists when there is agreement between the stakeholders' expectations of what an institution should do and the actual performance of those businesses. A) True B) False


13. Over the last 30 years, Government has consistently tightened business regulations A) True B) False


14. In 2007, The Walt Disney Company earned slightly less than $27 billion dollars. A) True B) False


5. In 2009, Toyota sold its one millionth Prius A) True B) False


6. Privacy laws are more stringent in the U.S. than the U.K. A) True B) False


7. Stakeholders can exercise direct political power by urging elected officials to pass legislation. A) True B) False


7. The Gallup corporation tracks the opinions of top business executives from around the world. A) True B) False


8. Environmental analysis is a method managers use to gather information about internal issues and trends. A) True B) False


9. In 2000, the Peruvian government listened to stakeholders and cancelled plans for a salt mine off the Pacific Coast. A) True B) False


A stakeholder is defined by anyone who owns a piece, or stake, of the company A) True B) False


21. Global Crossing: A) failed despite being well connected politically. B) exposed the hypocrisy of the NPA and deep water drilling. C) became the first organization to bundle at least $50 million in an electoral cycle. D) Succesfully lobbied to be exempt from solar panel legislation.

failed despite being well connected politically

10. Lobbying firms must register with the Government, though this action is not required by in house lobbyists. A) True B) False


10. Only manufacturing jobs are being lost through globalization. A) True B) False


10. Per the five-stage model of corporate citizenship contained in the book, the final stage is known as the fully integrated stage. A) True B) False


11. Critics of globalization support the spread of American ideals and culture throughout the rest of the world. A) True B) False


12. Companies that have organized PACs can only donate $4,000 per election cycle to these organizations. A) True B) False


12. Most nations in the world share similar political, social and economic beliefs. A) True B) False


12. Natural monopolies generally occur because of heavy initial government regulation A) True B) False


12. SA 8000, a social audit standard, originated in 2002 A) True B) False


12. When Shell Oil first opened its employee help line, it only averaged 32 calls per year. A) True B) False


13. According to the Heritage Foundation, the least economically free nation in 2009 was Cuba. A) True B) False


13. Ethics audits are exclusively done by outside consultants or entities. A) True B) False


13. The oldest regulations generally deal with safety in the workplace. A) True B) False


14. BATF is generally considered to deal with social regulation, not economic regulation. A) True B) False


14. Barack Obama raised slightly less money than John McCain for the 2008 Presidential election. A) True B) False


14. The triple bottom line approach requires financial, social and labor results to be examined A) True B) False


15. Fraud is generally not considered white collar crime. A) True B) False


2. The "Group of 7" met in April 2009 and committed $1.1 dollars to loans in an attempt to stave off a world depression A) True B) False


2. The United Nations believes there are approximately 109,000 TNCs. A) True B) False


2. Using political means, Merck was able to legally sell Manicil to girls as young as 12 years old. A) True B) False


3. The Satyam fraud has been referred to as Pakistan's Enron. A) True B) False


3. The three strategies of globalization can be summarized by sell, buy and ship. A) True B) False


4. Public policy is a plan of action undertaken by business to influence the government. A) True B) False


4. The World Bank makes currency exchange easier for member countries so that they can participate in global trade. A) True B) False


5. The AFL-CIO supported the 2008 Republican ticket by establishing a website entitled McCain revealed. A) True B) False


5. The World Bank allows two representatives from each member nation on the WB's governing board. A) True B) False


6. Although it is a crime, as of February, 2009 no one has ever gone to prison for backdating stock options. A) True B) False


6. In 2008, President Bush signed a law which changed the date of daylight savings time. A) True B) False


6. The WTO conducts negotiations, called "cycles", on various topics, rotating its meetings among different cities. A) True B) False


7. Mike Brady is the former CEO of Nestle. A) True B) False


7. New York based pharmaceutical company Merck set up a Corporate Citizenship Department. A) True B) False


7. The WTO lent over 2 billion dollars in 2002. A) True B) False


8. After lowering the price of their iphone, Apple offered a $50 store credit to anyone who paid the original, higher price. A) True B) False


8. Globalization is accepted worldwide and creates little controversy. A) True B) False


8. Since 1998, the number of lobbyists has almost tripled. A) True B) False


31. FRB is an abbreviation for what regulatory agency? A) Federal Reserve Board. B) Fiscal Responsibility Bureau. C) Federal Recycling Bureau. D) Foreign Relations Board.

federal reserve board

32. A regulatory agency charged with enforcing social regulation: A) Federal Trade Commission. B) Federal Aviation Administration. C) Federal Communications Commission. D) Internal Revenue Service.

federal trade commission

18. An ad hoc coalition A) brings together groups in the same or a similar industry to attempt to pass legislation. B) Must register prior to engaging in direct lobbying. C) formed to change daylight savings time. D) None of the above.

formed to change daylight savings time

30. As of 2001, what country required all businesses listed on their stock exchange to assess the sustainability impact of their social performance? A) France. B) India. C) Portugal. D) Netherlands.


38. Who was a former investment banker who, though jailed was allowed to keep most of the money he made off of allegedly questionable public offerings: A) Gary Winnick. B) Frank Quattrone. C) Andrew Wiedenhorn. D) Bradley Nowell.

frank quattrone

17. If a manger approaches ethics with benevolence in mind, he or she would stress what? A) Friendly relations and team interest. B) Company rules and procedures. C) Laws and professional codes. D) Economic efficiency.

friendly relations and team interest

33. The basis of ethics reasoning for early adulthood adolescence is . A) Law-centered reasoning B) Group centered reasoning C) Precision centered reasoning D) None of the above

group centered reasoning

21. The explosion of information technology A) Has raised substantial conflict of interest issues. B) Has created privacy problems primarily for the United States. C) Has raised serious trust questions between the consumer and businesses. D) All of these are true.

has raised serious trust questions between the consumer and businesses

27. Which of the following is NOT true about Jack Abromoff: A) He was a former lobbyist. B) He received a six year prison sentence. C) He received a harsh sentence to serve as a deterrent for would be lawbreakers. D) All of the above are true.

he received a harsh sentence to serve as a deterrent for would be lawbreakers

27. The loan policies of the World Bank: A) Are generous to developing countries seeking to expand their educational systems. B) Impose strict restrictions on debtor countries which can sometimes lead to hardship. C) strictly forbid any debt relief. D) Are open to any company conducting business abroad.

impose strict restrictions on debtor countries which can sometimes lead to hardship

30. Expert witness testimony is often provided: A) Through company newsletters. B) On the steps of the White House. C) In Congressional hearings. D) In the Wall Street Journal.

in congressional hearings

23. Public policy tools involve a combination of: A) Incentives and political favors. B) Penalties and prison terms. C) Incentives and penalties. D) Political favors and prison terms.

incentives and pentalties

35. Dennis Kozlowski . A) is a former Wal-Mart vice chairman B) is a former Comcast CEO C) is a former TYCO CEO D) is a former Healthsouth CEO

is a former TYCO CEO

34. Robert Solomon . A) is a philosopher B) was convicted of selling trade secrets. C) was a Senator from Ohio who opposed The Sarbanes-Oxley Act. D) was CEO of the LRN Corporation

is a philosopher

36. The balanced scorecard system: A) Is focused on financial indicators only. B) Is focused on non financial indicators only. C) Is focused on financial and non financial indicators. D) Is a way for a company to assess their success in dealing with a crisis after the fact.

is focused on financial and non financial indicators

27. As of 2009, Stuart Rose was the CEO of: A) Marks & Spencer. B) Harris & Teeter. C) Smith and Wesson. D) The Worthington Group.

marks and spencer

39. Which of the following is not part of the three sector world referenced in the text: A) Media. B) Business. C) Government. D) Civil Society.


35. What PAC raised the most in 2001-2002 and 2007-2008 A) National Association of Realtors B) American Trial Lawyers Associations. C) American Medical Association. D) National Association of Auto Dealers.

national association of realtors

30. Which of the following is NOT an example of a social regulatory agency? A) Consumer Product Safety Commission. B) The Environmental Protection Agency. C) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. D) National Labor Relations Board.

national labor relations board

28. A spillover effect is also known as: A) Negative externality. B) Unplanned cost. C) Unintended cost. D) All of the above.

negative externality

26. What company was accused of overstating its commitment to the "fair trade" product movement with regard to coffee sales? A) Starbucks. B) Walmart. C) Nestle. D) Folgers.


17. Who described public policy as what government chooses to do or not to do: A) Bill Clinton. B) George Bush. C) Sam Walton. D) Patrick Moynahan.

patrick moynahan

39. Alcoa was originally named: A) Aluminum Co-op of America. B) Cleaning of America. C) A to Z Inc. D) Pittsburgh Reduction Company.

pittsburgh reduction company

39. Which leader was NOT fingered by Transparency International for stealing from their country: A) Pol Pot. B) Ferdinand Marcos. C) Mohammed Soharto. D) Mobuto Seeko.

pol pot

23. A common tactic in a financial-incentive political strategy is: A) Lobbying. B) Legal challenges. C) Expert witness testimony. D) Political contributions.

political contributions

32. The theory of comparative advantage states that: A) Productivity rises more quickly when countries produce goods and services for which they have a natural talent. B) Countries that produce guns have an advantage over countries that produce butter. C) All countries start out on an equal playing field. D) Countries that operate under a policy of isolationism have a comparative advantage.

productivity rises more quickly when countries produce goods and services for which they have a natural talent

16. Which of the following is not a public good? A) police protection. B) homeland security. C) public libraries. D) police protection.

public libraries

20. Which of the following is not part of a corporation's information strategy? A) Public Relations B) Lobbying C) Direct Communication D) Expert Witness testimony

public relations

18. A firm that would like to develop a global supply chain would: A) Run a manufacturing plant for raw materials, components or supplies in other countries. B) Sell raw materials, components or supplies produced at home abroad. C) Purchase raw materials, components, or supplies from sellers in other countries. D) Check products that were manufactured abroad for defects in their home country.

purchase raw materials, components, or supplies from sellers in other countries

27. The primary way of accomplishing public policy is through: A) Wait for businesses to act. B) Lobbying Congress. C) Regulation. D) Writing your politician.


40. According to the Justice Department, the most feared punishment for white-collar criminals is being: A) Economically sanctioned. B) Losing their reputation in the corporate community. C) Fined hefty financial penalties. D) Sentenced to prison.

sentenced to prison

32. What video screen manufacture pleaded guilty to price fixing and paid a $585 million fine. A) Vizio B) Sony C) Sharp D) RCS


18. From 2002 to 2006: A) Siemens was fined by the U.S. government 13 times for bribing foreign officials. B) Siemens paid approximately $20 million in bribes. C) Siemens paid over $40 million in bribes annually. D) Siemens paid $14 million to South Korea.

siemens paid approximately $40 million in bribes annually.

33. Total social regulation costs are: A) Slightly higher than total economic regulation costs. B) Slightly less than total economic regulation costs. C) Significantly higher than total economic regulation costs. D) Equal to total economic regulation costs.

slightly less than total economic regulation costs

38. Deregulation in Europe usually occurs in the area of: A) Social Regulation. B) Fiscal Regulation. C) Health Care Regulation. D) Economic Regulation.

social regulation

40. A Governments primary goal is: A) Safeguard freedoms. B) Wealth creation. C) Societal order. D) Retain heirarchy.

societal order

17. A firm that has global operations has: A) All of their manufacturing and service operations abroad. B) Some or all of their manufacturing or service operations abroad. C) Manufacturing but not service operations abroad. D) Service but not manufacturing operations abroad.

some or all of their manufacturing or service operations abroad

18. Government: A) Tends to cooperate with business. B) Tends to be in conflict with business. C) Sometimes cooperates and sometimes is in conflict with business. D) Tends to be controlled by business.

sometimes cooperates and sometimes is in conflict with business

24. Public policy effects are: A) Invariably please more people than they displease. B) generally easy to predict. C) Only know ten years after the public policy is enacted. D) Sometimes intended and sometimes unintended.

sometimes intended and sometimes unintended

26. Per the five-stage model of global corporate citizenship in the text, at what stage does a government often step up its philanthropic giving? A) Stage 1. B) Stage 2. C) Stage 3. D) Stage 4.

stage 2

35. In 2009, this country mandated social reporting A) Sweden. B) Belgium. C) Switzerland. D) Canada.


1. Bernie Madoff cost his victims approximately $65 billion. A) True B) False


1. Corporate social responsibility implies that harm to people and society should be acknowledged and corrected if possible. A) True B) False


10. The first step in the issue management process is to identify the issue A) True B) False


12. The world economy is increasingly interactive A) True B) False


12. Tony Jacque believes that companies underemphasize creative problem solving. A) True B) False


13. Issue management is a structured and systematic process to aid organizations in identifying, monitoring, and selecting public issues that warrant organizational action. A) True B) False


14. Stakeholder engagement is at its core, a relationship. A) True B) False


15. Affordable housing is difficult to find around Disneyland for many of the park's employees A) True B) False


15. In the early 21st century, more than one billion people worldwide lacked access to safe drinking water. A) True B) False


2. Managing public issues is a challenging task for managers. A) True B) False


2. Pfizer pledged approximately $1.4 million for earthquake relief in China. A) True B) False


3. Emerging public issues are both a risk and an opportunity. A) True B) False


4. Monsanto's modified foods were well accepted in the United States, but not in Europe. A) True B) False


AT&T has been called the "template for 21st century capitalism." A) True B) False


32. What Asian country was noted by Daniel Kaufman of the World Bank for seeing economic benefits when they cracked down on corruption: A) North Korea. B) South Korea. C) Singapore. D) Thialand.


24. Which is an example of a social and political reform that has lead to the acceleration of globalization? A) Economic sanctions against North Korea. B) Efforts to deter drug trafficking from Columbia. C) The fall of the Soviet Union. D) The European Union's penalties against Microsoft for unfair competition.

the fall of the soviet union

36. Reregulation is: A) The adoption of regulation in another country to promote trade. B) Necessary since all regulation has a time limit. C) The increase or expansion of government regulation. D) The shifting of regulation to the state level from the national level.

the increase or expansion of government regulation

26. Representation on the World Bank's board of directors is based on A) The size of the member nation's population. B) The size of the member nation's economy. C) The size of the member nation's land mass. D) Equal representation of all member nations.

the size of the member nation's economy

28. Which of the following is true: A) A United States Company is more likely to have a written policy on bribery than an Asian Company. B) There is a huge gap between the corporate citizenship practices of Canada and the United States. C) Petrobas, the state-run oil company of Venezuela, has exemplary citizienship practices. D) None of the above are true.

there is a huge gap between the corporate citizenship practices of Canada and the United States

36. Which of the following is NOT true about advocacy advertising: A) They have been legal in the United States since 2008. B) Merck pioneered the use of issue advertising. C) It is also referred to as issue advertising. D) They generally focus on political issues as opposed to products.

they have been legal in the US sinse 2008

30. The purpose of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is: A) To impose barriers to free trade among nations. B) To eliminate barriers to free trade among nations. C) To develop trading partnerships between rich and poor nations. D) To decrease globalization and free trade.

to eliminate barriers to free trade among nations

28. The primary purpose of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is: A) To lend foreign currency to member countries. B) To make currency exchange easier. C) To consolidate the debt facing third world nations. D) To collect the principal and interest on loans made by The World Bank to third world nations.

to make currency exchange easier

34. The purpose of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act's requirement of full disclosure of the company's relations with sales agents and government officials is: A) To prevent bribery and other legally questionable payments. B) To prevent exports of U.S.-made goods. C) To boost exports of U.S.-made goods

to prevent bribery and other legally questionable payments

41. Who was the leading Senate Sponsor of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. A) Ted Kennedy. B) Charles Grassley. C) Barack Obama. D) Barbara Mikulski.

tom kenedy

30. The most expensive element of an ethics program is usually: A) Help line costs. B) Training. C) Recruiting and staffing compliance offices. D) Networking.


1. Corporate culture is a blend of ideas, customs, traditional practices, company values, and shared meanings that help define normal behavior for everyone who works in a company A) True B) False


1. Despite substantial opposition, Google and Yahoo joined in an advertising venture in 2008. A) True B) False


1. Globalization directly and indirectly influences the politics, environment, geopolitics, and economics of virtually every country in the world. A) True B) False


1. In December of 2008, Canada authorized emergency loans for automotive companies. A) True B) False


10. An example of a market failure is when a company fails to incorporate the cost of a side effect which is borne by someone else. A) True B) False


10. The AICPA requires CPAs to act as whistle blowers when detecting material misstatements in financial statements. A) True B) False


11. A negative externality is the same as a spillover affect. A) True B) False


11. Christopher Cox is a former Chairman of the SEC. A) True B) False


11. Companies in Asia are more likely to have written policies on bribery than companies in the United States. A) True B) False


11. Expert witnesses provide information to legislators for businesses or business groups. A) True B) False


13. 2008 was the first time that Presidential candidates raised over one billion dollars. A) True B) False


13. The balanced scorecard auditing system focuses on financial and nonfinancial indicators. A) True B) False


14. As the world has become freer politically and economically, the gaps between the richest and poorest countries have risen. A) True B) False


15. According to blogger Michael Hodges, we spend almost $5,000 per person annually in regulatory costs in the United States. A) True B) False


15. Advocacy ads have been legal in the United States since 1978. A) True B) False


15. Gemstones which are mined or stolen by rebels fighting recognized governments are known as conflict diamonds. A) True B) False


15. In a business context, transparency is defined as clear public reporting of an organization's performance to various stakeholders. A) True B) False


2. CEMEX lends money to Mexicans living in The United States. A) True B) False


2. Ethical Climate helps set the ethical tone for a company. A) True B) False


3. A cooperative government-business relationship on one issue does not guarantee cooperation on another issue. A) True B) False


3. C.K. Pralahad believes that the poorest people in the world represent an incredible business opportunity. A) True B) False


3. Opponents of business's involvement in the political process argue that businesses risk their credibility by becoming involved in partisan politics. A) True B) False


4. In South Africa, Dannon has tapped into the poorer markets by selling yogurt for about 1 rand, or fourteen cents A) True B) False


4. In most companies, a moral atmosphere can be detected. A) True B) False


5. European regulators responded strongly to the U.S. accounting scandals A) True B) False


5. Public Policy Inputs are external pressures which shape governmental policy decisions and strategies to address problems. A) True B) False


5. When businesses invest time, money and effort in citizenship activities they often reap rewards in the form of enhanced reputation A) True B) False


6. Corporate giving is an important way for a business to express its commitment to corporate citizenship. A) True B) False


6. Governments use public policy tools to achieve public policy goals. A) True B) False


7. Chemical firms generally have a sophisticated political strategy. A) True B) False


7. Monetary policies refer to policies that affect the supply, demand and value of the nation's currency. A) True B) False


8. A national health care policy is an example of an economic policy. A) True B) False


8. In Stage 1 of global citizenship, a company's primary strategic intent is legal compliance. A) True B) False


9. Economic regulations aim at modifying the normal operations of the free market and the forces of supply and demand. A) True B) False


9. Futurist, Allen Hammond, argues that globalization helps to support the spread of democracy and freedom. A) True B) False


9. In the elementary stage of global corporate citizenship, companies tend to be defensive. A) True B) False


9. Jason Smathers was arrested for stealing 92 million e-mail addresses. A) True B) False


9. Under U.S. law, lobbying activities must be disclosed publicly. A) True B) False


34. Vernon Jackson . A) is a former Louisiana Congressman who was convicted of taking a bribe. B) was found guilty in 2009 of multiple charges, including money laundering. C) was the CEO of General Motors during the bail out period. D) was the highest paid lobbyist in 2008.

was found guilty in 2009 of multiple charges, including money laundering

35. Arguments against globalization state that companies decide to manufacture in China because of China's: A) Strict law enforcement. B) High environmental standards. C) Weak health and safety regulations. D) Strong worker unions.

weak health and safety regulations

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