Mngt Final

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3) Buckingham suggests three key things that great managers do, what are they?: Provide examples of how your team leader or sponsor did these. Were there some missed opportunities to do so?

1. Have technical skills -the ability to perform a specific job ● our team leader did this well when she synthesized our group contract 2. conceptual skills-the ability to think analytically ● our team leader thought analytically when dealing with the contact crisis that we had. She saw the bigger picture and could defuse the strong feelings the group was feeling from the problem that needed to be thought about at hand. 3. Human Skills-the ability to interact well with people ● our team leader interacted well with the group and tried to make sure everyone's voice was being heard and that group participation and cohesion was enabled. ● Our team leader missed the opportunity of having a closer relationship with the Eboard of WT

2) List the four benefits of planning. What observations do you have about how your sponsoring organization realized these benefits? Or, what were the missed opportunities?

1. helps you check on your progress a. missed opportunity because they did not build into their planning how to properly check on their progress of the group as a whole. 2. helps you coordinate activities a. they need planning because the whole point of their org is to plan an event to raise money for MAW 3. helps you think ahead a. missed opportunity in that they were more focused on the near future not the path down the road- example:planning binders being thrown away 4. helps you cope with uncertainty a. this is the most important benefit of planning b. WT stuck with their event plan even when their meeting attendance was low.

4).Early on in the semester, you were introduced to the concepts of ayni. Reflecting back on your project, identify how the characteristics of ayni became evident during your project. Give specific examples of how well you think your project satisfied the characteristics of ayni?

Ayni (Quechua, also spelled Ayniy or Aini) is a traditional form of mutual help practiced in indigenous communities (ayllu) in the Andes. Ayni means proper relationship. Member of a community help another member for private purposes when support is needed, e.g. in house construction or agricultural works. Another time the family that got support will participate in other ayni work supporting the others. Participants are supplied with food and drink by the hosting family. We practiced mutual help by... ● Sharing tasks equally ● Taking on extra responsibilities when members of the group were sick or unable to do their work ● Always being available for questions and clarification ● Becoming friends as well as group members

Name at least four of the major considerations when building a group into an effective team. Briefly, describe what a manager should do in each area. How did you employ the four strategies in your team?

Consideration What manager should do How we used it Cooperation Facilitate communication so members can work off of each other Shared our work at meetings instead of just handing it in so we could work off of each other's findings Trust Communicate truthfully; offer support; show respect; show fairness; show predictability Cohesiveness Encourage face to face exchanges (have plenty of meetings) Held plenty of in person meetings to discuss major decisions and do work together so we felt unified Performance Goals & Feedback Have specific and measurable goals with continual feedback so everyone knows how they're doing Set goals at beginning of project. Gave each other support throughout and voiced our opinions openly. Peer evaluations also helped a lot Motivation through Mutual Accountability Motivate team members. Let them know the work they're doing is helping the team Showed support after handing in major assignments and presentations; telling our teammates they did a good job Roles: How to Behave Help your team reach its goals Dashboard really helped with this. We were able to monitor what goals had been reached and which needed more work. Norms: Unwritten Rules Ensure boundaries between acceptable and unacceptable behavior have been established and are followed. The boundaries were unwritten rules for our team; we already understood them. But Lauren made sure we all stayed in line and gave us reminders every now and then, especially before presentations, of what are major do's and don'ts Groupthink Make sure that everyone is comfortable with each other so that when decisions are made, people aren't shy or hesitant to speak their mind if they disagree. Before making decisions, Lauren made sure to ask everyone what they wanted to do - essentially voting on everything so everyone's voices were in fact spoken.

4) Describe the stages of group development. What should the leader do to facilitate it? How did this work in your team?

Stage What the manager should do How it was employed Forming Create permanent control; Allow time for people to become acquainted and to socialize. Voted for team leader (Lauren). In our first meeting or two, we made sure to not strictly get down to business in order to allow us to talk to each other freely in order to get to know each other better. Storming Encourage members to suggest ideas, voice disagreements, and work through their conflicts about tasks and goals. Early stages of the project. Each person discussed their strengths and weaknesses to make sure everyone would maximize their potential. Norming Emphasize unity and help identify team goals and values This is when we really started to feel like a team. Everyone knew their role at this point and what was expected of them. At meetings, we would discuss what needed to be done and it was easy to determine who should do what. Performing Allow members the empowerment they need to work on tasks (freedom). This is when we worked the least together. We all had specific assignments that we had to complete by a set date, such as conducting research, interviews, and gather data Adjourning Hold a meeting where members can socialize and reflect on the good job they (hopefully) did. Emphasize valuable lessons learned to prepare everyone for future group/team efforts. Peer evaluations as well as the final evaluation from Daphne allowed us to see what we did and didn't do well throughout the course of the semester to allow us to grow and improve moving forward.

1) We discussed seven challenges for managers in the 21st Century. They are: a. Managing for competitive advantage b. Managing for diversity c. Managing for globalization d. Managing for IT e. Managing for ethical standards f. Managing for sustainability g. Managing for life goals Which of these seems to be most challenging to your sponsoring organization? How is that evident?

The most challenging of these for WT was managing for competitive advantage. As an on-campus org, WT lacked the competitive advantage compared to other orgs. They were not as innovative in their events as some other orgs and lacked quality meetings.

3) In the article, How Management Teams Can Have a Good Fight, the authors suggest six tactics to help manage conflict? Think of a conflict within your team or between your team and the sponsoring organization and explain how two of those tactics were used. What two other tactics could have been used more? Why?

Two Tactics Used... - focus on the facts: When we realized that our sponsor wanted us to be more connected with the Make-A-Wish foundation, we had some conflict over several different ideas that we could implement, which included totally restructuring the project. We had several tense conversations about this, but ultimately looked at the facts -- we only had a month left in the semester, and realized that we would not physically have the time to recreate our entire project, but we also had a signed contract with Wishful Thinking that we knew we could not break. - create common goals: it was easy for us to come up with our first two, and later our third, objective, because we all had similar visions for what we wanted to do with the project, and we all cared about remaining consistent with the wishes of the e-board and the needs they expressed to us. Two Others that Could've Been Used... - balance the power structure: if we had been more serious about maintaining definitive leader/member roles in the group, it may have been easier to work through conflict rather than have everyone pipe up and voice their opinions. With a strong leader who is still open to suggestion, groups feel most confident. - used humor: rather than arguing or using management tactics like devil's advocate, we could have joked about the situation to lighten the atmosphere and get our creative minds going.

3). Explain the four perspectives of the balanced scorecard and how a balanced scorecard is related to organizational strategy. How would you apply the balanced scorecard to your team processes?

• A balanced scorecard gives managers a fast but comprehensive view of the organization via customer satisfaction, internal processes, innovation and improvement activities, and financial measures. • Balanced scorecards are related to organizational strategy because it gives you an overview of everything going on at that point in time. With this summary, you are able to monitor whether standards are being followed according to the strategy.

1). What is controlling, what is its purpose, and why do organizations need it? Did you notice any controls in your sponsor organization?

• Controlling is defined as monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action as needed. The purpose of creating control in management is to create a standard for your organization in order to minimize deviating from set standard. Organizations need control because it helps them in creating a benchmark for them. Wishful Thinking controlled the planning of their events, specifically when they bring puppies to campus during finals. They have a certain expectation of how the event is supposed to go and how much money they expect to raise during it.

4).Describe the process of constructing a dashboard for team or organizational performance. Be specific about how metrics ought to be chosen, how targets should be set and how the information reflected on the dashboard can be used. If your sponsoring organization had a Dashboard, what three or four metrics should it include and why?

• Dashboards are a very useful tool when it comes to monitoring performance and progress for an organization. It's critical to choose dashboard metrics that are SMART, which means they should be Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-targeted. • Our dashboard metrics were all tied into the goals that we set. When setting targets we made sure that they were challenging yet achievable. o For example, we set our response rate at 20% for the survey we sent out. Due to a combination of the recipients having lost interest in Wishful Thinking and the fact that surveys don't generally have a great response rate to begin with, 20% felt like a good number. Professor Poirier helped us in determining this number when he told us that around 10% was the average response rate for surveys. Information in the dashboard can be used to see what areas need to be improved and what areas are on track. Dashboards are a way of self-determining progress. Metrics Wishful Thinking should include: ● Money Raised: Allows them to monitor how much money has been raised and allow them to work harder if necessary to reach their fundraising goal. ● # of Members: One of the main issues WT had was they had very few members. They needed more members who were involved to increase their success. ● Attendance Rate: Set a standard of a percentage of meetings that each member should be attending each semester. They had a major problem with members coming back and adding this dashboard metric would help members who are committed to helping make sure they are doing their part as a member of WT.

2) Explain equity theory and discuss how managers can use this model to help motivate workers. Give an example from your own experience of an inequitable situation, and use it to illustrate how people react to such circumstances.

• Equity theory -focuses on employee perceptions as to how fairly they think they are being treated compared to others • Inputs, outputs, comparison • My example of equity theory is Vince Wilfork of the New England Patriots who is 32 years old and recently injured, the patriots wanted to pay him less money due to his injury and age. He didn't want less money because he is a great player and shouldn't be paid less based on injury and age, so therefore he said cut me.

1)Describe the key elements of expectancy theory. Use expectancy theory to talk about your feelings of motivation during the service learning project. Explain from an expectancy theory perspective how your site supervisor or team leader affected your motivation.

• Expectancy Theory -suggests that people are motivated by two things: o (1) how much they want something and o (2) how likely they think they are to get it. Expectancy -belief that a particular level of effort will lead to a particular level of performance • Instrumentality -expectation that successful performance of the task will lead to the desired outcome • Valence -the value a worker assigns to an outcome • During the service learning project I used the expectancy theory. I really wanted a good grade in management and wanted my team's project to be a success. I had never really been in a strong group at Bryant, so when being a member of team WALL-E was really an opening experience and I was very motivated to do well. I wanted to get that good grade and reach my outcome; my team members motivated me to be better. My team leader always led our group in a positive way to work effectively and efficiently. If we needed help she was there. I was extremely motivated by her hard work ethic and wanted to do well.

3)Identify and define the Big 5 personality dimensions. Which of these are related to job performance? Describe how you would rate yourself on each of these dimensions, and explain why.

• Extroversion -how outgoing, talkative, sociable, and assertive a person is. o I would rate myself as being talkative but I can improve. • Agreeableness -how trusting, good-natured, cooperative, and soft-hearted one is. o I would rate myself high on this end I think I am trusting, works well with others and wants to do well and I understand too. • Conscientiousness -how dependable, responsible, achievement-oriented, and persistent one is. o I would rate myself on the middle end of this spectrum because I am a hard worker and wants to do well and others to do well too. • Emotional stability -how relaxed, secure, and unworried one is. o I would rate myself low on this end of the spectrum, I often get worried, whether it's for a sporting event or for a group project presentation, and I get very nervous. • Openness to experience -how intellectual, imaginative, curious, and broad-minded one is. o I would rate myself in the middle end of this spectrum because I and very imaginative and open minded but need to express my creativity better. I think being conscientious would contribute to overall job performance because you are dependable, reliance, achievement oriented, persistent and really want to do well.

3) Explain the difference between motivating factors and hygiene factors in Herzberg's theory of motivation. Give examples of each, preferably from your own experience. How should a manager use this distinction in trying to motivate employees?

• Hygiene factors associated with job dissatisfaction which affect the job context in which people work. An example I have for hygiene factors is I used to work at a donut shop and we didn't have Air Conditioning manly because my boss felt that we were wasting it by leaving the doors open while the line formed. • Motivating factors -factors associated with job satisfaction which affects the job content or the rewards of work performance. An example I have for motivating factors is that when I work at my ice cream shop in the summer, my boss will give you a key to open and close the shop if you work really hard, responsible, or you have been working at the shop for many years, and each summer we work there she pays us 50 cents more per hour. • A manager should distinguish between the two and motivate by offering to fix hygiene factors, if workers in a factory get air conditioning then they may work more diligently because they aren't affected by the environmental factors and employees are motivated to work harder.

1) Contrast management with leadership and explain their relationship to one another using John Kotter's criteria.

• Leadership is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals. Management is about doing things right, while leadership is about doing the right thing - even if it's against company policy. • Managers do planning, organizing, directing, and control. Leaders inspire, encourage, and rally others to achieve great goals. While managers implement a company's vision and strategic plan, leaders create and articulate that vision and plan. • In the workplace, many people are capable of exhibiting managerial leadership, the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and the process of facilitating individual/collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives. - Influencing = leadership - Facilitating = management Managers deal with complexity in 3 ways: 1) They determine, plan, and budget for what needs to be done 2) They create arrangements of people to accomplish an agenda by organizing and staffing 3) They ensure people do their jobs by controlling and problem-solving Leaders cope with change in three ways: 1) Setting a direction for what needs to be done 2) Creating arrangements of people to accomplish an agenda by aligning people with the new direction of the company 3) Ensuring people do their jobs through motivating and inspiring them

1) Define locus of control, self-efficacy, and self-esteem. Explain how a manager might deal with each of these personality traits at work. Describe how you would rate yourself on each of these dimensions, and explain why.

• Locus of control -indicates how much people believe they control their fate through their own efforts internal, external. If a manager was at work they might work harder on a project to get an internal reward of accomplishment, or they may work really hard to impress a boss to gain a bonus. I would rate myself on working hard to accomplish a goal so that I can get an internal reward of satisfaction and maybe hope for a bonus. • Self-efficacy -belief in one's ability to do a task, learned helplessness. A manger might deal with self-efficiency at work by doing task on his own, instead of asking someone for help. I would rate myself on this by trying do accomplish work task on my own before asking for assistance from a higher up employee. • Self-esteem- the extent to which people like or dislike themselves, their overall self-evaluation. A manager might deal with someone like this at work by pumping them up motivating and encouraging them to do their best. I would rate myself on the middle spectrum for this; I am a shy and quite person so I need to work on this.

4)Name and describe at least four major barriers to promoting and achieving organizational diversity?

• Physical barriers: sound, time, space, & so on • Semantic barriers: when words matter Jargon • Terminology specific to a particular profession or group • Personal barriers: individual attributes that hinder communication

) Explain at least four of the six types of compensation plans, giving examples of each. Which type would be most motivating to you? Why?

• Piece rate o employees paid according to how much output they produce. o An example of this is getting paid for the work you do, in a factory you get paid based on the effort you put in. • Sales commission o is sales reps are paid a percentage of the earnings the company made from their sales. o An example of this is getting paid based on how company does you get a portion of the money. If you sold a car you get the money. • Bonuses o cash awards given to employees who achieve specific performance objectives. o An example of this is if you do well sometimes you get a cash bonus on your next check. • profit sharing o the distribution to employees of a percentage of the company's profits. o An example of this is you get money is company does well. • Gainsharing o the distribution of savings or gains to groups of employees who reduced costs and increased measurable productivity. o In example of this is if you group do well you might get more money on your next check. • Stock options o certain employees are given the right to buy stock at a future date for a discounted price. o An example of this is buying stock from your company for a cheaper price. • Pay for knowledge o employee pay is tied to the number of job relevant skills or academic degrees they earn. o An example of this is if you do more tasks you may get paid more.

2). What is productivity? Why is increasing productivity important? In the context of the service learning project, discuss at least three ways that your team improved productivity using controls.

• Productivity is the formula of outputs divided by inputs for a specified period of time. • Increasing productivity is important because it creates a higher quality and standard of living. Productivity makes the economy more successful. • Our group improved productivity using planning, leading, and organizing. o Planning: We set our goals at the beginning of the semester so we knew exactly what we needed to accomplish; minimal time was wasted because every task performed was strategically focused towards accomplishing one of our goals. o Leading: Lauren motivated us throughout the course of the semester. She told us before presentations that we were going to do well because she knew that we were prepared and ready. Additionally, we all made sure to motivate each other throughout the course of the semester. o Organizing: Throughout the semester we organized all events, whether it was a team meeting, going to meet with Wishful Thinking, or interviewing someone to gain valuable information. Very rarely was anything done on a whim because we knew that organization helps maintain control

1)According to the text what are the six keys to effective listening? Which ones do you need to work on? Which inhibited effective communication on your team? With your sponsor?

• Six keys to effective listening include... 1) Don't rush to respond - don't think about what you're going to say until the other person has finished talking 2) Judge content, not delivery - judge the words, not who is saying them 3) Ask questions and summarize remarks to make sure you understand 4) Listen for ideas, not details 5) Resist distractions 6) Give a fair hearing and correct for your biases • During our disagreements as a team, we definitely could have worked more on rushing to respond and asking questions. This might have saved us some time with Daphney, our contact person, as well, since we initially misunderstood what she said she was agreeing to in our contract.

2)List and define the Four Distortions in Perception and give an example of each.

• Stereotyping-tendency to attribute to an individual the characteristics one believes is typical of the group to which that individual belongs. o Sex-role, age, race/ethnicity. An example is judging someone based on skin color or saying someone is cheap because they are Jewish. • Halo effect -forming an impression of an individual based on a single trait. o An example of this might be impression of celebrities or employees. • Recency effect-Tendency to remember recent information better than earlier information. o An example is finishing one task before the earlier task. • Causal attributions -activity of inferring causes for observed behaviors. • Fundamental, self-serving bias. o An example is making a judge meant based on someone else's behavior

1). Explain the 5 conflict-handling styles managers use to resolve conflicts in teams. Under what circumstances is each style appropriate? Give examples of 3 instances where you used any of the three styles in your team.

• The five conflict-handling styles are avoiding, accommodating, forcing, compromising, and collaborating. o Avoiding is appropriate for trivial issues, when emotions are high and a cooling-off period is needed, or when the cost of confrontation out-weights the benefits of resolving the conflict. o Accommodating is appropriate when it's possible to eventually get something in return or when the issue isn't important to you. o Forcing is appropriate when an unpopular solution must be implemented and when it's not important that others be committed to your viewpoint. o Compromising is appropriate when both sides have opposite goals or possess equal power. o Collaborating is appropriate for complex issues plagued by misunderstanding. Examples of solving conflict: 1. Compromise - Problem mid semester when our sponsor didn't want to represent us anymore. We talked with Daphne in order to come to a compromise. We couldn't afford to start the project over, so we agreed to do some of her suggestions, specifically finding how WT could become affiliated with MAW, because doing all was impossible given the short amount of time left. 2. Accommodating - Adding to the previous conflict, we approached Prof. Poirier when Daphne told us that she didn't want to be our sponsor anymore. He told us to go talk to her again and try to work with her in any way. Yes, we agreed on a compromise. However, we still had to be accommodating because what she wanted us to do was not in our group's interests at that point in the semester. If we hadn't accommodated her, we would've had a major problem moving forward because we couldn't continue without having a sponsor. 3. Collaborate - At the beginning of the semester we had to pick an organization that we wanted to work for. Several of us had different ideas as to who we wanted to choose. As a group, we collaborated by voting with a points system to determine which organization we wanted to pursue. It didn't matter in the end, as our top 2 choices chose another group before us, which mean we had to settle with option number three, which was WT. However, we still worked together to solve a problem.

2) Describe the three barriers of communication and how to remove or mitigate them.

• Three barriers to communication are... o Physical barriers: sound, time, and space Fixable by being aware of timezone differences, lessening physical barriers like taking down office walls and cubicle structure for a more open floor plan. • o Semantic barriers: misunderstanding words or phrases, cultural differences in speaking, and jargon - terminology specific to a particular profession or group. Fixable by making specific statements: not "we need to get this done right away" but "project A needs to be 100% complete by Monday, May 5th at 2 PM" Understanding how outsourcing and working with people in other cultures may affect efficiency of communication. Keeping jargon to a minimum when interacting with people not in your office or field o Personal barriers: individual attributes that hinder communication. Fixable by improving your personal communication skills, being aware of other cultural communication patterns, being a better listener, and reducing stereotypes.

2) Describe each of the following leadership approaches; Transactional, Transformational and Servant. Then, thinking of your sponsor, characterize the leadership style you think that person exhibits according to your chosen theory.

• Transactional leadership focuses on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements, and providing rewards/punishments contingent on performance. • Transformational leadership transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self-interests. These leaders often tend to be more extroverted, agreeable, proactive, and open to change. They have four key characteristics: 1) Charisma: individual inspiration and motivation 2) Idealized influence: they display ethical standards and act in the good of the group 3) Individualized consideration: encouraging subordinates to grow and excel 4) Intellectual stimulation: seeing organization problems as personal challenges and opportunities for creativity. • Servant leadership focuses on providing increased service to others (subordinates and organizational goals) over serving oneself. • We believe our sponsor most closely followed a servant leadership orientation, because the Wishful Thinking e-board seemed more concerned with maintaining a casual, friendly, and relationally warm environment with the club members (subordinates) than they did with task orientation or grand, strategic and mission goals held by the club and the Make-A-Wish foundation.

2). How would you explain to someone the value of formulating a "team contract" when starting a major project? What specific benefits can be derived from doing so? What are the team dynamics (group processes and stages of development) that can be better managed through the use of a contract?

• Value of a team contract 1) Establishing goals and objectives 2) Getting the opportunity to voice individual opinions about teamwork and synthesize these opinions 3) Have a document that can be referred to for basic conduct, rules, regulations, and in times of disagreement/confusions 4) Creating a foundation for the project that provides a lasting, overriding strategy and expectations throughout • Specific Benefits 1) Conflict resolution 2) Opportunity to compromise individual opinions 3) Once established, means there will be more time for other things -- like the project itself -- instead of team issues 4) Unites members of team towards a common goal or initiative • Team Dynamics o Forming creating a contract will help formally "form" a group, uniting them on paper as one and giving people the opportunity to discuss the team o Storming when going through conflict, the team can look back on the contract and know how they agreed conflict resolution would occur. o Norming team realizes all compromises in the contract have been reached, and are now being engaged o Performing contract probably not needed in this stage, except for basic procedural references. o Adjourning team can look over contract and analyze how well they followed initial guidelines

2) Assess your organization's sponsor with regard to his/her effectiveness on the four management functions; planning, organizing, leading and controlling. What specific suggestions do you have for how he/she can improve?

● Planning ○ this is where WT failed at first. They did not know the proper tools or way in which to plan a successful event for MAW ■ we suggested to them to use their resources such as MAW and the survey responses ● Organizing ○ WT started from scratch when is comes to resources. Their resources were not properly delegated because some resources were left unused, such as the research and engagement office. ■ We gave them a binder to help them in organization and for them to visualize what needs to be done and who could do so. This binder will also direct them to the R&E office for further assistance. ● Leading ○ WT loved to lead people and inspire people to raise money for MAW ■ we recommend to them that they directly form a link with MAW to get tools on how to further inspire students. ● Controlling ○ WT failed to take corrective action when needed. This was one of their biggest downfalls. When they notices a decline in attendee's, they should have been proactive. ■ we suggested that they pay more attention to their goals and to what is happening with their org. They can do so by monitoring, setting up measurements, and taking corrective action by using tools that we have provided for them.

4) Define the components of the acronym SMART in goal setting. Provide an example of a SMART goal and demonstrate that it meets all criteria

● Specific ○ not vague ● Measurable ○ quantifiable ● Attainable ○ realistic ● results-oriented ○ only a few goals that support the vision ● target dates ○ specify deadlines ● Example: "to increase WT attendance of bi-weekly meetings 10% by May 1st"

3) Explain the different types of planning for the different levels of management. Include the typical time frame for which each plan is created.

● Strategic planning ○ 1-5 years ○ top managers ○ long-term overall decisions about the org ● Tactical planning ○ 6-24 months ○ middle managers ○ implement policies and plans from top managers, supervise and coordinate activities below ● operational planning ○ 1-52 weeks ○ first-line managers ○ direct daily tasks of non managerial personnel

Assess your sponsor or team leader's effectiveness using Minzberg's roles; Interpersonal, Informational and Decisional. Provide specific examples to support your ratings.

● The team leader excelled in interpersonal roles in that Lauren lead the team and acted as a liaison. ○ example: Meeting with Porier to discuss our team and formation of our team ● The team leader served the informational role well in that Lauren received everyone's information and then communicate it effectively. She also was an effective Disseminator in that she was constantly email the group about what is going on. All of the team worked together to act as the spokespeople to outsiders. ○ example: Lauren was able to receive the information about the unstable relationship with our contact person and communicate this information to Porier. This was effective because she then communicated the groups thoughts to our contact. ● The team leader was effective in the Decisional role in that she was an efficient disturbance handler. ○ Example: when our contact person dropped out, Lauren use the devils advocate and other tactics to facilitate how the group could handle the issue.

1)How would assess your team's ability to plan and implement its plans during this semester? What types of planning and which planning tools were effective or ineffective? What specific recommendations would you suggest a new Management 200 team follow to be successful? Why?

● we used 3 SMART goals which allowed us to formulate a proper Gantt chart. By doing the Gantt chart, we were able to follow deadlines and look ahead. We found the planning/control cycle to be effective because we would make a plan, carry it out, then control the direction of the by comparing results with the plan, then either improve future plans or correct deviations of the current plan. Our mission and vision statements were of less effectiveness and importance when it came to the overall planning of our project. ● I would recommend that MNGT200 teams make sure that they have SMART goals and objectives, because this really focuses the group and time period that you are allotted. i would also recommend proper contingency planning because it is in the nature of these types of projects that things may go wrong.

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