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Hubert Humphrey

Johnsons VP, who gets the Democratic nomination but loses

Nikita Khruchev

Leader of the Soviet Union, we thought things would get better..wrong

Ho Chi Minh

Leader of the communists in Vietnam


Members of Congress who supported the war are referred to as?

Guerrilla Fighting

Name given to the style of fighting used by the North

William Westmoreland

American General in charge of forces in Vietnam

Soldiers started to question why we were fighting

At first our army was volunteers, but as the war progressed it became a drafted army, how did this impact our fighting?

War Powers Act

Congress passes this to try to regain the power that it gave away with the Tonkin Gulf resolution

Pentagon Papers

Daniel Ellsberg released these showing that the Government has been covering up about the war

Sirhan Sirhan

He is the person who assassinated RFK

Fidel Castro

He was the leader who turned Cuba into a communist country

Eugene McCarthy

He was the leading anti-war democrat

Robert Kennedy

He won the Democratic primary, but is killed that night

Medal of Honor

Roy Benavidez is best remembered for this?

Robert McNamara

Sec. of Defense- who was lying about the winability of this war

William Fulbright

Senator who held hearings, felt Vietnam was a civil war, not a cold war event

Richard Nixon

The Republican candidate who wins the 1968 election

Berlin Wall

The Soviets built this to stop the brain drain


The US secretly attacked this country to cut the Ho Chi Minh trail

the nation was in disorder and the Democrats had lost control.

The violence that erupted outside the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968 and the confusion inside gave the impression that


This amendment lowered the voting age to 18

Kent State

This college in Ohio had 4 students killed in an anti-war protest.


This is/was the capital of South Vietnam

Agent Orange

This was a chemical sprayed to kill the jungle, sadly it has killed lots of the soldiers from Vietnam with cancer.

Alliance for Progress

This was an attempt to resurrect America's Good Neighbor policy toward Latin America


This was the capital of North Vietnam


This was the city that hosted the peace conference to end the Vietnam war

Tet Offensive

This was the event in the Vietnam war that really caused people to give up that this war can be won.

Tonking Gulf Resolution

This was the event that got America officially in the Vietnam war

Flexible Response

This was the idea of Kennedy that the USA was able to respond to any type of conflict

Silent Majority

This was the name given to Nixon supporters, the people not out there protesting

Khmer Rouge

This was the name of the communist group who took over Cambodia

Bay of Pigs

This was the name of the failed attempt by the USA to take the communist out in Cuba

Domino Theory

This was the theory that the United States had to stop the spread of communism, or other countries would fall next.

Credibility Gap

This word describes the feeling that what you saw on the news did NOT match up to what the government was saying.

It suggests that the Vietnam War is destroying President Johnson's presidency.

What best describes the statement this cartoon is making about the war in Vietnam?

It was mainly intended to keep East Germans from escaping to the West.

What can you infer about the Berlin Wall from this photo of an East German soldier leaping over to the western side of the Wall?

They wanted to draw the North Vietnamese forces south where they could engage them in open combat.

What objective did American military leaders hope to achieve in North Vietnam with military campaigns such as Operation Rolling Thunder?


Which city exploded during the 68 democratic convention


is a jellied gasoline, it clings to everything and then burns it.

Cuban Missile Crisis

this event marks the closest we have come to World War lll


this is the idea of turning over the war to the South Vietnamese

Operation Rolling Thunder

this was the name of the air bombing campaign of North Vietnam

My Lai

this was the name of the massacre where Americans killed 500 civilians

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