Module 1: Assets, Threats, Vulnerability, and Risk

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Direct costs in determining value

-Financial losses -Increased insurance premiums -Deductible expenses on insurance coverage -Lost business -Labor expenses -Management expenses -Punitive damages

Indirect costs in determining value

-Negative media coverage -Long-term negative consumer perception -Additional public relations expenses to overcome image problems -Lack of insurance coverage due to higher risk -Higher wages to attract future employees -Shareholder derivatives for mismanagement -Poor employee morale


1-Pi must be the probability of the adversary being

Risk analysis

A detailed examination that includes risk assessment, vulnerability evaluation, and risk management alternatives.

The Threat Matrix

A grid or matrix for each asset and threat pair. The impact or consequences are shown on the vertical axis and the likelihood or probability on the horizontal axis.

Loss event profile

A list of the threats affecting the assets to be safeguarded.

Risk Mitigation

A systematic methodology used by senior management to reduce overall operational risk.


A technique for determining likely targets for an attack. This method uses a five-point scale to rank each asset according to six categories.

Risk Assumption

Accept the potential risk and continue security operations "as is." Alternatively, implement some controls to lower risk to an acceptable level. (no cost)


An intent to damage or injure; an indication of something impending; associated with humans


Annual Loss Expectancy formula


Any weakness that an aggressor (terrorist or criminal) can exploit to make an asset susceptible to damage from natural hazards or from consequential events.


Anything you want to protect because of its value, its importance to maintaining business continuity, and/or its ability to be replaced within a required timeline.


Assessing asset value can be accomplished by interviewing stakeholders, including owners, facility staff, and

risk analysis

Assessing threats and hazards is the second major step in security


Assets can be either tangible or

Relative Asset Value

Assigning a relative value to assets based on their priority (low, medium, or high)

Risk Avoidance

Avoiding risk by eliminating its cause and/or consequence.(e.g., move assets to another location.)(Some cost)


Before implementing any security program, first identify the assets your are trying to protect, the threats against those assets, and how vulnerable those assets are to the various

allocating resources

Blue (middle) boxes indicate areas where decisions respecting security protections must be based on a cost benefit analysis when

cost of lost income


consequential event threats

Conducting a due diligence investigation can help protect a company from


Consequence Value


Costs of assets can be direct or

cost of permanent replacement


related costs such as removal, installation, etc.


cost of temporary substitute


Risk assessment

Determining asset value, threats, likelihood, impact, and consequent vulnerability.

Risk management

Determining measures and safeguards, to mitigate threats and reduce vulnerabilities.


Employees are an organization's most critical

-Injuries or deaths related to facility or infrastructure damage. -Replacement cost of assets. -Loss of revenue due to lost functions. -Existence of backups and system redundancy. -Availability of replacements. -Critical support agreements and lifelines in place. -Critical or sensitive information value. -Impact on reputation and loss of revenue..

Factors to consider when valuing and ranking critical assets by priority

Site Hardening

Harden the site against as many threats as possible. (Greatest cost)

available insurance or indemnity


1. Natural Disasters 2. Human-made disasters

Identify 2 subcategories of non-crime related threats.

1. Crimes. 2. Non-criminal events such as man-made incidents or natural disasters. 3. Consequential events caused by an organization's relationship with another organization. When the other organization's poor or negative reputation adversely affects the enterprise.

Identify 3 categories of threats.

1. Qualitative 2. Quantitative

Identify the two basic types of risk assessment.

1) the event's probability, and 2) the computed likely loss

Identify two fundamental elements in a quantitative approach to risk analysis.

Asset value assessment

Identifying people and asset values at a facility.

pair-wise comparison

In the CARVER Method, each critical asset is compared against the different threat scenarios using a technique called

security risk rating

In the risk analysis process, we can assign values to the three risk components to provide an overall

Risk Management

It is not possible to completely eliminate risk. Therefore it is important to determine what level of protection is desirable, and which options can help you achieve this level. This is known as

criticality, total cost of loss


Cost-of-loss formula

K= [Cp+Ct+Cr+Ci] minus I

Risk Limitation

Limit risk by implementing controls that minimize the adverse impact. (e.g., preventive, detective, and response controls) (Some cost)

1. Define and understand business processes and functions.. 2. Identify site and building infrastructure and systems. 3. Identify critical tangible and intangible assets.

Name 3 steps useful for identifying a company's critical assets.

Criticality Accessibility Recoverability Vulnerability Effects Recognizability

Name the six categories in the CARVER Method.

1. The Army's CARVER Method. 2. The Threat Matrix

Name two methods for quantifying risk.

Risk Analysis

Performed to understand the nature of unwanted, negative consequences to human life, health, property, or the environment.


Probability of an adversary attack during a period of time.


Probability of attack interruption by the security force.

in the future

Probability, or likelihood, of loss is an educated guess, based on historical, and socio-environmental data, about the likelihood of a loss risk event occurring

assets need to be protected

Ranking assets by Risk Rating helps put risks in a priority order so you can make decisions about which

decisions based on this value

Ranking events in order of the Annual Loss Expectancy quantifies the risk and facilitates

must be mitigated

Red (upper, right-hand) boxes on the threat matrix indicate threats that


Relating to that which is characteristic of something and makes it what it is.


Relating to, concerning or based on the amount or number of something.


Represents the "cost valuation" (impact) of an event in successive values such as i=1 ($10); i=2 ($100); i=3 ($1,000)


Represents the estimated frequency of the event in successive values such as f=1 (once in 300yrs); f=2 (once in 30yrs); f=3 (once every 3 years)


Risk Equation


Risk is the potential for loss or damage to an


Risk takes into account the value of an asset, the threats or hazards that potentially impact the asset, and the vulnerability of the asset to the threat or


Risk to the facility of an adversary gaining access to assets.

Vulnerability Rating

Security Risk Rating= Asset Value Rating times Threat Likelihood Rating times


Sources of potential danger or adverse condition; associated with nature

Define and understand the company's primary business functions and processes.

Step 1 in identifying a company's critical assets:

Identify site and building infrastructure and systems: - critical components, - life-safety systems and safe haven areas, and - secure areas.

Step 2 in identifying a company's critical assets:

Identify the company's tangible and intangible assets: - people, - information systems and data, - intellectual property, - one-of-a-kind assets, and - high-value assets

Step 3 in identifying a company's critical assets:

Cost-of-loss formula

Taking the worst-case position and analyzing each security loss risk in light of the probable maximum loss for a single occurrence of the risk event.

impact of recovery

The Qualitative approach to risk analysis assigns a relative value to assets based on replacement cost, criticality, or


The Qualitative approach to risk analysis assigns a relative value to threats based on their

Risk=impact times likelihood

The Qualitative approach to risk analysis computes risk to any asset from a particular threat using the following equation:

mitigation measures

The degree of probability of a loss event determines the appropriate solution and

Asset value

The economic replacement cost for equipment and infrastructure.

Cost Benefit Analysis

The final step in a security risk analysis is to conduct a


The first task of risk analysis is to perform an asset value

probability that it will occur

The more ways a particular event can occur in given circumstances, the greater the

1. Cost-of-loss formula, and 2. Assign a relative value to each asset based on priority (e.g., 1=low, 3=medium, 5=high)

There are basically two ways to establish values for assets:

Adversary Sequence Diagram

This diagram is a useful tool that helps determine the timeline required for an adversary to breach security. Knowing the timeline required can help you implement more measures to deter, delay, and detect the intruder.

Annual Loss Expectancy

Threat probability times the value of the potential loss produces the

Risk Transference

Transfer risk by using other options to compensate for the loss, such as purchasing insurance. (Some cost)

1. the organization's mission, 2. the resources used to perform that mission, 3. how resources interface with each other to accomplish company goals, and 4. how the organization would cope or maintain business continuity if any assets were lost.

Understanding asset criticality requires understanding:

1. Risk Assumption 2. Risk Avoidance 3. Risk Limitation 4. Risk Transference 5. Site Hardening

What are five approaches to risk mitigation?

1. Risk Assessment 2. Vulnerability Evaluation 3. Risk Management

What are three components of the risk analysis process?

1. Injuries/deaths 2. Replacement cost 3. Loss of revenue to lost functionality 4. Existence of backups 5. Availability of replacements 6. Support agreements and lifelines in place 7. Critical or sensitive information value 8. Impact on reputation and loss of revenue

What factors can help in valuing identified assets.


What is a company's most critical asset?


When selecting risk mitigation options, give priority to the asset/threat and vulnerability pairs that could significantly impact or harm the organization's

It allows you to develop a priority ranking that can facilitate decisions about which risks to manage first and how to address those risks.

Why is it important to assess vulnerability of assets?

procedural changes

Yellow (lower, left) boxes indicate threats that are acceptable "as is" or that require limited security or

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