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A beautiful pastoral story in which Ruth appears as ancestress of David and of Jesus Christ


A book of personal biography and apocalyptic visions concerning events in both secular and sacred history.

II John

A brief message of John on divine and worldly error. Addressed to the "Elect lady and children." A warning against heresy and false teachers.


A colleague of Zechariah. He reproves the people for slackness in building the second temple, but promises a return of God's glory when the building should be completed.

I John

A deep spiritual message addressed by the apostle John to different classes of believers in the church. It lays great stress upon the believer's privilege of spiritual knowledge, the duty of fellowship and brotherly love


A love letter to the Philippian church It reveals the apostle's intense devotion to Christ, his joyful experience in prison, his deep concern that church should be steadfast in sound doctrine


A private letter written to Philemon beseeching him to forgive and receive Onesimus, a runaway slave


A record of the conquest of Canaan under the leadership of Joshua, and the division of land among the twelve tribes.

Song of Solomon/Song of Song

A religious poem symbolizing the mutual love of Christ and the Church

II Thessalonians

A sequel to the first epistle. Written to enlighten the church concerning the doctrine of Christ's second coming and to warn believers against unrest and social disorders

I Corinthians

Addressed to the Corinthian church Leading topics: The cleansing of the church from various evils, together with doctrinal instructions


An apostolic letter giving counsels and exhortations to a trusted friend, who was a pastor in a hard field. Special emphasis: doctrine of good works


Books with Identified Authors: 1. The letters of _____ written between 50 and 60 CE addressed to the Christian churches in Corinth, Thessalonica, Philippi, Rome. He wrote 13 books in all.

I Timothy

Counsels to a young pastor concerning his conduct and ministerial work


Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

"It is impossible to rightly govern this world without God and the Bible."

George Washington


Greek word meaning "papyrus" or "book"

ta biblia

Greek word meaning "the books"


He ministered between Nehemiah's first and second term as governor of Judah. He called the people to renew their commitment to the Lord and His ways; only then would they begin to receive blessings from Him.

II Peter

Largely a warning against false teachers and scoffers.

II Corinthians

Leading Topics: The characteristic of an apostolic ministry, and the vindication of Paul's apostleship.

"Bible reading is education in itself."

Lord Tennyson


New Testament Book of History (1)

Matthew Mark Luke John

New Testament Books of Gospel (4)


New Testament book of Prophecy

Hebrews James I Peter II Peter I John II John III John Jude

New Testament books of General Epistles (8 books)

Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi

Old Testament books of Minor Prophets (12)

Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel

Old testament books - Major Prophets (5)

Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon/Song of Songs

Old testament books of poetry (5)


One of the mystery books, full of striking metaphors vividly portraying the sad condition of God's people, and the pathway to future exaltation and glory.

II Timothy

Paul's last letter Written shortly before his death, giving instructions and counsel


The Good Book The Word of Good God reveals who He is through this book. Also a "little library"

Romans I Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians I Thessalonians II Thessalonians I Timothy II Timothy Titus Philemon

The New Testament Pauline Letters (13)


The New Testament were written entirely in Greek- ___ (the term is the Greek form for common language

Joshua Judges Ruth I Samuel II Samuel I Kings II Kings I Chronicles II Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther

The Old Testament - 12 Books of History

Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy

The Old Testament - 5 Books of Law

Hebrew, Aramaic

The Old Testament was written in classical _____, although some sections were written in _____

Luke, Acts

The books of ______ and ______ were written by a Gentile (non-Jew)


The great prophet of the redemption. Rich in messianic prophecies, mingled with wores pronounced upon sinful situations

the New Testament

The same anonymity prevails in ________. While late 2nd century Church traditions attributed various Gospels and letters to prominent early disciples and apostles but most of the text make no claims of authorship.


The story of Queen Esther's deliverance of the Jews from the plot of Haman, and the establishment of the feast


The weeping prophet. Lived from the time of Josiah to the captivity. Main theme: The backsliding, bondage and restoration of the Jews.


Writer is uncertain. Leading topic: The transcendent glory of Christ, and of the blessings of the new dispensation, compared with those of the OT; keyword- "Better"


Writer: "The beloved the disciple" The narrative unveils Jesus as the Son of God, and record his teachings. Two words, "faith" and "eternal life" re-echo throughout the book.


Writer: probably the brother of James. Leading topics: Historical examples of apostasy and divine judgments upon sinners together with warning against immoral teachers


Written in the Chaldean period. MAIN THEME: The mysteries of providence. How can a just God allow a wicked nation to oppress Israel?


a collection of books which tells us about the covenant, the agreement, which God made with Israel through Abraham (the old covenant) and which He fulfilled in Jesus (the new covenant).


a collection of moral and religious maxims, and discourses on wisdom, temperance, justice, and many more.


a collections of one hundred and fifty spiritual songs, poems and prayers used through the centuries by the church in its devotions.

I Peter

a letter of encouragement written by the apostle Peter to the saints scattered throughout Asia Minor. Leading topic: The privilege of believers following the example of Christ, to have victory in the midst of trials, and to live holy lives in an unfriendly world.


a prophet of Judah. CENTRAL THOUGHT: the apostasy of Israel characterized as spiritual adultery. The book is filled with striking metaphors describing the sins of the people.


a record of the return of the Jews from captivity, and the rebuilding of the temple.


a repetition of laws given shortly before Israel entered Canaan.


a sacred agreement between God and His people


a series of dirges by Jeremiah bewailing afflictions of Israel.


addressed to the Romans Part 1- Chaps 1-11- A masterly Exposition of the need for and the nature of the plan of salvation Part 2- Chaps 12-16 -Largely exhortations relating to spiritual, social and civil duties.


addressed to the church in Galatia Leading topics: A defense of Paul's apostolic authority, and the doctrine of justification by faith, with warnings against false teachers and reversion to Judaism.


an account of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, and the re- establishing of the sacred ordinances

III John

an apostolic letter of commendation written to Gaius, containing character sketches of certain persons in the church


author, John Mark. A brief Picturesque record, emphasizing the supernatural power of Christ over nature, disease and demons. All this divine energy exercised for the good of man.


author, one of the 12 apostles. Narrative specially adapted to the Jews showing that Jesus was the kingly Messiah of Jewish prophecy.


authored the book Matthew

1 100 years

biblical literature represents a time span of approximately ______


contemporary with Haggai. He helped the Jews rebuild the temple. He had a series of eight visions, and saw the ultimate triumph of God's kingdom.


contemporary with Isaiah and Micah. National repentance and its blessings. "the day of the Lord," a time of divine judgement, may be transformed into a season of

For our faith to grow (Romans 10: 10-17) For conviction of sin (Hebrews 4:12-13) For avoidance of sin (Psalm 119:11) For guidance to life (II Timothy 3:16-17)

four reasons why Bible reading is very important

Papyrus plant

from an ancient Phoenician city of Byblos, where _______ was used as paper in their writings.


in Latin it is testamentum

I, II Chronicles

largely a record of the reigns of David, Solomon, and the kings of Judah up to the time of captivity.

Papyrus sheets Wax tablet Ostraca-pottery Vellum or parchment Paper

materials were used in writing the Bible


number of books in the New Testament


number of books in the Old testament


one Old testament book whose authorship is known; he dictated his messages to his scribe Baruch, the latter wrote these down and made them into a scroll.


penned the book of Mark


quill pen

Vellum or parchment

quill pen

Oral tradition

role in compiling info in the Bible: Before the oldest account of Biblical history - narrative was written, historical accounts existed in the form of isolated song, cultic recitations, poetry.


the Bible's first 5 books for the last several centuries BCE


the Book of Origins. The origin of the universe, human race and the Hebrew nation.


the book gives a dark picture of the moral condition of Israel and Judah, but foretells the establishment of a Messianic kingdom in which righteousness shall prevail.


the book is somber in tone, filled with threatening images, but ends in a vision of the future glory of Israel.


the book of laws concerning morals, cleanliness, food, among others.


the book of pilgrimages of Israel. The forty years of wanderings in the wilderness.


the deliverance and beginnings of the history of Israel on the way to Canaan, under the leadership of Moses.

I, II Kings

the early history of the kingdom of Israel, and later of the divided Kingdom


the herdsmen prophet, a courageous reformer, denouncing selfishness and sin. The book contains a series of five visions.

I, II Samuel

the history of Samuel, with the beginning and early years of the monarchial period in Israel under the reigns of Saul and David


the history of the six servitudes of Israel, and the various deliverances of the land through the fifteen judges.


the new covenant


the old covenant

Abraham Isaac Jacob

the patriarchs (tribal fathers)


the problem of affliction, showing the malice of Satan, the patience of Job, the vanity of human philosophy, the divine wisdom, and the final deliverance of the sufferer.


the story of "The Reluctant Missionary" who was taught by bitter experience the lesson of obedience and the depth of divine mercy

The Old Testament goal

to convey their sense of Israel's God and his purpose for the world.


was considered the author of the Pentateuch, the Bible's first 5 books for the last several centuries BCE

The Old Testament authorship

was typically anonymous although later traditions assigned important books to eminent figures of the past.

Books of the great prophets Amos, Isaiah, Micah and others

were delivered and collected messages of the prophets which were written down by later disciples whose names were unknown

the Books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings and Chronicles

were works of nameless priests, scribes and archivists.


were written down to remember significant events in their history as a nation, eg. Song of Miriam describing Yahweh's triumph at the Red Sea (Exodus 15)

Papyrus sheets

with reed pen


with stylus

Wax tablet

with stylus


writer probably James, the Lord's brother. Addressed to Jewish converts of the dispersion. Main theme: Practical religion, manifesting itself in good works, as contrasted with mere profession of faith

The Acts of the Apostles

writer, Luke. A sequel to the Gospel of Luke. Main theme: The origin and growth of the early church, from the ascension of Christ to the imprisonment of Paul at Rome.


writer: the apostle John Leading topics: Mainly a series of apocalyptic visions dealing with events in religious history. A great moral conflict is portrayed, between the divine and satanic powers, ending in the victory of the Lamb.


written to the church at Colosse Leading topic: The transcendent glory of Christ as the Head of the Church


written to the church at Ephesus. An exposition of the glorious plan of salvation. Special emphasis is laid upon the fact that all the barriers between the Jews and Gentiles are broken down

I Thessalonians

written to the church at Thessalonica. It is composed of apostolic commendations, reminiscences, counsels and exhortations. Special emphasis is laid upon the comforting hope of the future advent of Christ.


wrote the book of James


wrote the book of Jude


LEADING TOPIC: The doom of Edom and final deliverance of Israel.


MAIN THEME: the destruction of Nineveh. Judah is promised deliverance from Assyria


(Latin) which translates the Hebrew word "covenant"

about 50 CE (for Paul's earliest letters) and 150 CE (for the final form of 2 Peter).

(When the New Testament was written) The New Testament was started to be composed probably between ______

from the creation to Israel's conquest of Palestine - at about the 10th century BCE

(When the Old Testament was written) Most scholars date the first connected written account of Biblical history


Reflections on the vanity of life, and man's duties and obligations to God.

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