Module 3 -- Understanding Nutrients & Superfoods

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9 Functions of Protein

1) Biochemical reactions by enzymes (proteins) 2) Growth & Maintenance of tissues 3) Chemical messenger (tissues, cells, organs) 4) Provide Structure (collagen, elastin, keratin) 5) Maintain pH Levels (7.25-7.45) 6) Balance Fluids (albumin, globulin) 7) Support Immune Health, antibodies (proteins) 8) Transport & Store Nutrients throughout the bloodstream. 9) Provide Energy @4cal/gm

Slow the release of glucose into the blood stream

3 things: protein, fat & fiber.

Essential amino acids

9 EAAs, proteins that cannot be made in the body. Must be acquired thru our food.


A distinctive biological or biologically derived indicator (as a biochemical metabolite in the body) of a process, event, or condition (such as aging, disease, or exposure to a toxic substance).


A fatty substance essential to many metabolic processes. Either made by the liver or absorbed through animal products such as meat, poultry and dairy products.

Mast cells

A type of white blood cell that is found in connective tissues all through the body.

Soluble fiber

Absorbs water along with fatty acids, to help lower cholesterol. Slows down your digestion, regulating blood sugar levels, creating stable release of glucose in your blood, prevents dips & spikes, helping to regulate hormones that regulate your appetite.


Alcohol is not considered a macronutrient, but it does provides energy. It's certainly not a macronutrient, it interferes with the body's growth, maintenance, and repair, amongst other things like thinning the lining of the gut, killing your probiotics, leaching B vitamins minerals. It should be used sparingly.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is used as a remedy for various diseases in traditional medicine. Shown to have hepato-protective, anti-inflammatory, and anti-ulcerative benefits when ingested. Rich in mucilage compounds that have a 'slippery' texture and mild taste. These compounds swell in water, producing a gel-like mass that can be used to soothe and protect irritated tissues in the body, such as dry irritated skin and sore or inflamed mucous membranes. In the intestine, they soothe the tissue, which is perhaps why they are beneficial for those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Nutrient density

Amount of micronutrients and beneficial compounds in the particular weight of food. Whole foods, especially fruits and vegetables, are naturally high in micronutrients and relatively low in calories. This is why everyone is encouraged to focus on a plant centric, whole food diet, rather than counting calories.

Açai berries

Açai berries are rich in widespread polyphenolic components with antioxidant properties. Largely linked to antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and cardioprotective activities, making acai berries an incredibly powerful superfood.

Water-soluble vitamins

B-complex (8) & C B1, Thiamine, & B2, Riboflavin, important for thyroid and cellular energy. B3, Niacin, important for cholesterol. B5, Pantothenic acid, important to help you convert your food into fuel. It's what we absorb, how well we convert and use the vitamins we're consuming. B6, Pyridoxine, precursor to progesterone, calming, relaxing builds neurotransmitters. B7, Biotin is known as the superstar vitamin for your hair. B9, Folate, folic acid, that's important for reproductive health and proper detoxification. B12, brain function. Water-soluble vitamins are inactive in their free states, they have to be activated to their coenzyme forms. They are absorbed in our intestines, they pass directly to the blood, and they are carried to the tissues, where they'll be utilized. And so we have to consume them on a daily basis, whether that be in vitamins, taking them, or whether that be in our food because they're excreted in the urine. We have to continually replace them.

Bee pollen

Bee pollen is a mixture of plant pollen pellet with nectar and honeybee secretions. It contains over 250 biological substances, including protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants. Bee pollen exhibits antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, and antiallergic properties.


Chaga, traditionally used as a tea, revered for its anti-cancer and digestive health benefits. A recent study found that Chaga demonstrated hypoglycemic effects in mice, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, reduced oxidative stress, anti-gene mutation properties & inhibition of liver cancer cells.


Chlorella is a green microalgae that contains a unique and diverse composition of functional nutrients including proteins, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, polysaccharides, vitamins, and minerals. Clinical trials have suggested that chlorella could protect against oxidative stress, cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


Critical to body functioning. Broken down into glucose, the primary source of fuel for our body & brain. Stabilize blood sugar levels, preserve muscle mass. They preserve muscle mass by preventing the breakdown of proteins for energy. Because complex carbs take longer to break down, which means you're going to feel full for longer. They're also going to make you feel calm, very important for those of you struggling with anxiety. Gluten-free whole grains, root veggies and fruit. Ex: sweet potatoes, butternut squash, acorn squash, beets, root vegetables, carrots. Apples, pears, berries. Tropical fruits can be a little bit higher in sugar, blunt the sugar spike by having them with a little protein and fat.

Conditional essential amino acids

EAAs which are only essential under certain conditions, i.e. disease or food deprevation.

Essential Fatty Acids w/meals

EFAs should be part of every weight loss and true health program. Weight loss is a byproduct of health. Research suggests that foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as wild fish, modulates satiety in overweight and obese people, ultimately contributing to weight loss and weight maintenance. We want to increase protein and in a sustainable way. It increases satiety and provides our body with essential and non-essential amino acids which form the building blocks of our muscles. They are also important for metabolism as well as liver, thyroid, and neurotransmitter function. Protein can make you feel calm, and balanced, and focused.


Easy to digest and doesn't cause a rise in blood sugar like carbohydrates do. Good fiber sources: skins of apples, pears, gluten-free whole grains. Aim for =>25 gms fiber per day.

Protein w/meals

Eat protein with each meal, aim to include a gram of protein per kilogram or 2.2 pounds of body weight a day. Consuming low glycemic foods can reduce insulin levels, aka fat-storing hormone, which enhances the ability of the body to burn fat and improves the appetite. Low glycemic index foods, ex: oats, yogurt, lentils, broccoli, apples, pears, chickpeas. Most fruits and vegetables count, except for the tropical fruits.

Energy from food

Energy that the body uses is from protein, carbohydrates, and fats, measured in kilojoules or calories. Kilojoules or calories in carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram, protein 4 calories per gram, and fat 9 calories per gram and in alcohol, 7 calories per gram.


Enzyme found in fresh pineapple, which has anticoagulant & anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation has been linked to many diseases: allergies, asthma, heart disease, diabetes, cancer. It's important for us to get these enzymes from fruit. Bromelain is a proteolytic, it digests foreign protein within the body and helps process it out through the bowels.

Enzymes & cofactors

Enzymes are hardworking proteins. Catalysts that facilitate different reactions in your body. Digestive enzymes help break down large molecules of protein, carbs, fat in the foods that we eat. To help people with digestive problems, give them a break, take some digestive enzymes, give their digestive organs a break. When you bring them back, they know exactly how to break down those proteins, fats, and carbs. Raw food also contains a lot of enzymes.

Prebiotic fiber

Especially when discussing root cause healing. Easily fermented by our gut, feeds and nourishes good gut bacteria. Aim for =>25 gms per day.

Stored energy

Form of glycogen in our liver & muscles.

Green Tea

Green tea, a meso-nutrient, also improves your metabolism, gives you theanine to support a calm and focused brain. A plant compound found in green tea, EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), is a phenol and antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation. EGCG is a type of catechin that gives green tea a more potent weight loss effect by its ability to increase fat metabolism and decrease body mass index. Studies suggest that four cups of green tea containing 928 milligrams of catechins can greatly support weight loss. Fat-burning foods, fiber feeds good bacteria and also keeps us feeling fuller for longer, ultimately, aiding weight loss and assisting with weight maintenance.

4pm crash avoidance

Have a complex carb with lunch. When carbohydrates are consumed, the digestible ones are broken down into sugar, which enter the bloodstream. As blood sugar levels rise, the pancreas produces the hormone insulin, that prompts cells to absorb the blood sugar for energy or for storage. As cells absorb blood sugar, blood sugar levels fall. Then the pancreas starts to produce glucagon. Glucagon, a hormone that signals the liver to start releasing stored sugar. This interplay of insulin and glucagon ensures that cells throughout the body, especially the brain (the brain uses 50% of the glucose in your body), have a steady supply of blood sugar. For fighting disease, weight loss, calm moods, energy, balance your blood sugar levels!

Complex carbohydrates

Have a more complex structure, taking longer to break down, leading to a slower release of glucose.


Helps form new muscles, creates new enzymes and hormones. Made up of amino acids. Animal proteins provide all essential amino acids. Protein is our body's building block, forms the structure of our cells, organs, tissues, enzymes.

Hemp seeds

Hemp is an ancient Asian crop rich in healthy fats and essential fatty acids. A great protein source, containing high amounts of vitamin E, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron & zinc.


High blood glucose levels. Extremely thirsty, dry mouth, weakness, headache, frequent urination, blurry vision, nausea, shortness of breath.


Immunomodulation is modulation (regulatory adjustment) of the immune system. It has natural and human-induced forms.

Insoluble vs. insoluble fiber

Insoluble derives from roughage from fruits & veggies.Helps clean out the intestines: collects toxins and bulks up your stools. Soluble, dissolves in water, keeps you regular, keeps your heart healthy. Can't separate digestive health from cardiovascular health. The better your digestive system, the stronger your heart.

Kelp / Seaweed

Kelp grows in shallow oceans, there are about 30 different varieties the most common being giant kelp, bongo kelp, and kombu. Sea kelp is very nutrient-dense, it's a great source of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, and E, as well as minerals including zinc, iodine, magnesium, iron, potassium, copper, and calcium. Perhaps one of the most unique minerals that it is rich in is iodine which plays a crucial role in metabolism and the production of thyroid hormones.

Lion's Mane

Lion's mane may protect against dementia, reduce mild symptoms of anxiety and depression, help repair nerve damage. It has strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-boosting abilities and has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, ulcers, and diabetes in animals.


Low blood glucose levels. Hungry, angry, irritable, mad, snappy, trouble concentrating, fatigue, sweating easily, confusion, fast heartbeat, shakes, headache.

Maca Root

Maca is a plant is cultivated above an altitude of 4000 meters in Peru's Central Andes. Maca is rich in fiber, a large number of essential amino acids, fatty acids, and other nutrients: vitamin C, copper, iron & calcium. Maca root contains many bioactive compounds with various biological properties: antioxidant, anti-fatigue, antitumor & immunomodulatory effects, hepato protective activity and regulation function.

Medicinal Mushrooms

Medicinal mushrooms and fungi possess approximately 130 medicinal functions: antitumor, immunomodulating, antioxidant, radical scavenging, cardiovascular, anti-hypercholesterolemic, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-parasitic, antifungal, detoxification, hepatoprotective & antidiabetic effects.


Primary component of connective tissue. The most abundant protein in our body.In muscles, bones, skin. tendons, hair and the digestive system


Protein, carbs, and fats. Macro, refers to the fact that it's required in large amounts for the normal growth and development of an organism.

Raw Cacao

Raw cacao is from the fermented seeds of the cacao tree. It is rich in many minerals: iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese & copper. It is an excellent source of polyphenols and antioxidants, thought to be anti-carcinogenic, anti-atherogenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial.

Enzymes in raw food

Raw foods are a complete food, they contain all the necessary enzymes for their own digestion. Enzymes rely on vitamins and minerals to function properly. Within the raw food movement, you heat things up slowly, keeping everything under 118 degrees Fahrenheit to keep the enzymes intact. Enzymes in cooked food will lose some of their function, which is to increase the rate of chemical reactions within the body. That's not to say that cooked food isn't very supportive, especially when you've got a weak digestive fire. If you have weak digestion, you're should aim for 75% cooked and 25% raw, the raw food is going to help you get more enzymes out of the cooked food.

Royal Jelly

Royal jelly is a gelatinous substance produced by honey bees to feed the queen bees and their young. Royal jelly contains water, carbohydrates, protein, fats, B vitamins, and trace minerals. The unique proteins and fatty acids may be the reason for its potential health benefits. It's been demonstrated to possess numerous functional properties such as antibacterial activity, anti-inflammatory activity, vasodilative and hypotensive activities, disinfectant action, antioxidant activity, antihypercholesterolemic activity & antitumor activity.

Microminerals & trace minerals

Selenium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc Less needed but just as important. Ex: Magnesium is responsible for over 300 dierent functions within the body. Selenium is for your thyroid. Missing any of the trace minerals, our nervous systems aren't going to function as well as so many other facets in the body.


Shiitake mushrooms contain lentinan, which has strong anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antiviral, antibacterial & antiparasitic properties.


Spirulina is a blue-green algae that has the ability to modulate immune functions and exhibits anti-inflammatory properties by inhibiting the release of histamine by mast cells. A few randomized controlled trials have shown that spirulina may even have anticancer, antiviral, and anti-allergic effects.

Support Liver Detox

Support liver detoxification. As weight is lost, toxins are liberated from our fat stores. Therefore, it's essential to support our livers throughout the weight loss journey to ensure that toxins are effectively being removed from the body. Now, foods are a very powerful way to support detoxification, and cruciferous vegetables are your superstar for liver detoxification. Ex: arugula, bok choy, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, kale, radishes, mustard greens, watercress.

Fat-soluble vitamins

Vitamins A, E, D & K Body requires fat in order to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins. They can be stored in the liver and in the fatty tissues for a long period of time, but you've got to get them in the right amounts so you don't develop vitamin toxicity.


Vitamins, minerals, and trace minerals.

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