Module 3

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Tips for safely driving through a roundabout

- As you approach the roundabout, slow down; look for the street and direction signs. This will help you know which exit to take. These signs should be posted along the roadside before you reach the roundabout. - When you arrive at the roundabout, yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and bicyclists. You also must yield to any vehicles already in the roundabout. Sometimes your entry point will be controlled by a stop or yield sign, or traffic signal. When the way is clear, you may enter the roundabout. - While inside the roundabout, stay in your lane until you are ready to exit. Use your vehicle's right turn signal to let drivers around you know what you want to do. - Do not change lanes or take an exit before checking for vehicles that may be continuing through the roundabout in the lane next to you or behind you. Expect vehicles to be in blind spots you cannot see in your rearview or side mirrors. Quickly glance over your shoulder and check for any vehicles that may be in your blind spot.

How to drive better in the snow

- equip your car with all-weather snow tires or chains to prevent skidding - apply brakes gently - slow down before stopping or turning

When should you use lowbeams

- in cities and towns, except on streets where there is no lighting. - Switch to low beams whenever you meet oncoming traffic to avoid blinding the other driver. - When following, use low beams whenever you are within 200 feet of the vehicle ahead. - when there is fog - in rain

When should drivers change their following distance.

- when speed or road conditions change - when you are behind a large vehicle that blocks your vision - when exiting an expressway behind a motorcycle - when being tailgated

How to avoid hitting a dear

1. Be alert at dusk and dawn especially in the fall. 2. Slow down if you see a deer near or crossing the road. Deer frequently travel in groups; there are likely more deer nearby. 3. Use the horn to scare deer away. 4. If a collision with a deer or other animal is unavoidable, do not swerve. Brake firmly, stay in your lane, and come to a controlled stop. If you hit a deer, report it to law enforcement

What to do to make sure you avoid hitting pedestrians?

1. Be careful around schools, playgrounds, and in residential areas 2. Look out for the elderly who may have poor vision and hearing 3. Be especially aware of pedestrians when making a right or left turn 4. Passing at a crosswalk is illegal. 5. Be alert for pedestrians crossing the road, stop and remain stopped until pedestrians have passed the lane in which your vehicle is stopped in.

Requirements to be a moped driver

1. Cannot travel faster than 35 mph 2. Cannot drive on an interstate highway 3. Must be at least 16 years old 4. Obey all the rules of the road 5. Carry some form of gov't issued photo identification 6. The moped must be titled and registered with DMV 7. You may not operate a moped if you have been declared a habitual offender and your license is suspended or revoked for driving while intoxicated.

How to stop distracted driving

1. Concentrate. 2. Keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel at all times. Also, keep your body alert; sit straight, but relaxed. Look in the direction that you want to go. 3. Set or adjust the controls on the vehicle and other devices as soon as you get in the car and before you begin driving. 4. Do not use a cell phone. 5. Anticipate the traffic and environment around you by searching ahead and checking your rearview mirrors often. 6. Maintain a space cushion around your vehicle. Make sure there is enough room ahead of your vehicle and behind it.

How to prevent alcohol-related crashes.

1. Don't drive 2. Get someone else to drive you home 3. Stay at someone else's place 4. go in groups and have the driver agree not to drink

How to avoid drowsy driving

1. Get plenty of quality sleep before a trip. 2. Avoid alcoholic beverages and heavy foods. 3. Beware of medications that can impair your driving ability. 4. Limit long distance driving. Stop at least every two hours for rest. 5. Stop at a safe place and take a nap. As little as 10 to 20 minutes of sleep can make a big difference. 6. If possible, drive with a companion and switch drivers when necessary. Always let a well-rested person drive. 7. Avoid driving from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

How to use the 2-3-4 second rule for following distance

1. Glance at the vehicle ahead as it passes a fixed object such as an overpass, sign, fence, corner or other fixed mark. 2. Begin counting the seconds it takes you to reach the same place in the road 3. If you have reached the mark before you counted to the correct seconds, slow down and increase your following distance. notes: for bad weather conditions, add extra seconds to increase your following distance.

Rules for passing another vehicle

1. It if against the law to exceed the speed limit as you pass 2. Complete the pass before you reach a no passing zone. If youre still in the left land when you reach the zone, you're breaking the law. 3. You may pass on the right of a vehicle if it has signaled and is making a left turn 4. You may NOT pass on the right if you must drive off the pavement or main portion of the roadway to get around the other vehicle 5. When approaching or passing a person riding a bicycle, moped, or other power-assisted bicycle or other device, reduce speed and pass at least three feet to the left.

How to stay safe along Light Rail(s)

1. Pay attention to changing traffic patters and always follow the roadway. 2. Never drive around lowered crossing gates. 3. Always look both ways before turning across train tracks. 4. Expect trains on any track at any time. Always obey signs and traffic signals. 5. Never stop, pass or shift on train tracks. 6. Don't cross train tracks unless you have enough room to cross without stopping and can clear the tracks to a safe distance

What are the three factors of stopping distance

1. Perception time( the time it takes you to recognize a hazard) 2. Reaction time( the distance your vehicle travels between the time you recognize a problem and the time you apply the brakes) 3. Braking distance( the distance your car travels after you apply the brakes.) These can all be affected by weather, visibility, and your mental and physical condition. It also depends on how fast you are driving, the condition of your brakes and tires, and the pavement condition.

What to do if you are pulled over by the police

1. Remain calm. 2. Pull your vehicle to the side of the road in a safe location and park. 3. Turn on your flashers. 4. If you are pulled over at night, turn on your vehicle's interior lights. 5. Turn off your engine, radio and any other device that could block communication with the officer. 6. Roll down your window so that you can communicate with the officer. An officer may approach your vehicle on the driver or passenger side for safety reasons. 7. Keep your safety belt fastened and ask your passengers to keep their belts fastened. 8. Stay in your vehicle. Do not get out unless the officer asks you to. 9. Keep your hands in plain view, preferably on the steering wheel. Ask your passengers to keep their hands in plain view also. 10. Do not make any movement that will make the officer think you are hiding or reaching for something. 11. Carry proper identification: a valid driver's license, proof of vehicle registration and proof of insurance. If the officer asks for these documents, tell him where they are and reach for them slowly, keeping one hand on the steering wheel. 12. If the officer is driving an unmarked car or is not in uniform, you may ask to see his or her identification. 13. Answer the officer's questions fully and clearly. If you disagree with the officer, do not discuss your point of view at the time. You will have your chance to make your case in court. 14. If the officer issues you a citation, do not argue with the officer about the citation. You will have your chance to make your case when you go to court. 15. You will be asked to sign the citation. Sign the citation; this is not an admission of guilt. Refusal to sign the citation may result in your arrest. Or, you may be required to go to the police station.

Different types of No-zones

1. Side No-Zones 2. Rear No-Zones 3. Front-No Zone 4. Wide Turns

You do not have to stop for school buses when...(1 reason)

1. You do not have to stop if you are traveling in the opposite direction on a roadway with a median or barrier dividing the road and the bus is on the opposite side of the median or barrier. However, be prepared for unexpected actions by persons exiting the school bus.

Stopping for school buses include...(2 reasons)

1. You must stop for stopped school buses with flashing red lights and extended stop sign when you approach from any direction on a highway, private road or school driveway. Stop and remain stopped until all persons are clear and the bus moves again. 2. If the bus is loading or unloading passengers and the signals are not on.

You must always stop your vehicle when/at... (8 reasons)

1. all stop signs, red traffic lights and flashing red signals 2. when entering a street or crossing over a sidewalk from a driveway, alley, building or parking lot 3. at railroad crossings with flashing signals 4. when signaled by flaggers directing traffic 5. for pedestrians attempting to cross the street at a crosswalk 6. at the direction of a police officer. If you don't obey a law enforcement officer's signal to stop and the officer pursues you and is killed as a direct results of the pursuit, you will be guilty of a Class 4 felony. 7. at the scene of a crash in which you are involved 8. when there is a stopped school bus

When driving a vehicle with a light to medium trailer attached...

1. always allow for the added length of the trailer when you change lanes 2. if your trailer starts to sway, slow down 3. when backing up, place your hand on the bottom of the steering wheel. If you cannot see where you are backing up, have someone outside to help guide you. To back the trailer to the left, use your left hand to move the wheel left. To back the trailer to the right, use your right hand to move the wheel to the right.

Where may you not park

1. beside another parked vehicle (double parking) 2. on crosswalks or sidewalks 3. in front of driveways 4. within areas where parking is prohibited by curbs painted yellow or No Parking signs 5. in a parking space reserved for disabled persons 6. in striped access aisles adjacent to a parking space reserved for disabled persons 7. on the hard surface of a road when no curb is present 8. within 15 feet of a fire hydrant 9. within 20 feet of an intersection 10. within 15 feet of the entrance to a fire, ambulance or rescue squad station 11. within 500 feet of where fire trucks or equipment are stopped answering an alarm 12. within 50 feet of a railroad crossing 13. in such a way that you block or create a hazard for other vehicles in a designated traffic lane

When passing another vehicle you should...

1. check the traffic ahead of your, behind you, and in your blind spot. 2. Signal and then accelerate to pass. 3. Return to the right lane as soon as you can see the front of the passed vehicle in your rearview mirror.

When changing lanes you should...

1. check your side and rearview mirrors for traffic approaching you from behind. 2. Turn on your signal to let other drivers know you plan to change lanes 3. Just before you being moving into the other lane, glance over your shoulder and check for any vehicles that may be in your blind spot.

When parking on a hill how should your wheels face

1. downhill with a curb: to the right 2. uphill with a curb: to the left 3. downhill with no curb: to the right 4. downhill with no curb: to the right

When parking you should....

1. move as far from traffic as possible 2. if on a shoulder, pull over as far on the shoulder as possible 3. Park close no more than one foot from the curb 4. Park on the right side of the road for a two way street 5. Park on either side for a one way street

Between the hours of 10pm and 2 am how many out of ever 10 drivers are drunk

It is estimated that 3 out of 10 drivers are drunk between the hours of 10 and 2

When is passing unlawful and unsafe.

1. on hills, curves, and at intersections or railroad crossings, except on roads with two or more lanes of traffic moving in the same direction 2. off the pavement or on the shoulder of the road 3. when a school bus is stopped to load or unload passengers on a public road (unless a physical barrier or unpaved median separates traffic going in either direction) or on a private road 4. when a solid line marks the left side of your lane 5. when approaching a crosswalk and the vehicle ahead of you or in the lane next to you is stopped

What to do at a traffic crash.

1. stop at the crash or as close to the scene as possible without blocking traffic 2. give any help you can to someone if they are injured. 3. report the crash as quickly as possible 4. exchange information with the other people involved in the crash as soon as possible (name, address, driver's license, license plate, witness info, insurance company, etc.) 5. notify your insurance company immediately

Safety inspections to perform on a vehicle with a light to medium trailer attached.

1. the pin securing the ball mount to the receiver is intact 2. the hitch coupler is secured 3. chains are properly attached 4. the electrical plug is properly installed 5. brake lights, turn signals, and license plate lights are functioning properly.

What is the 2-3-4 second rule for following distance.

2 seconds - under 35 mph, 3 seconds - 35-45 mph, 4 seconds - 46-70 mph

The maximum speed limit for passenger vehicles and motorcycles for school, business, and residential areas is _____. For unpaved roads it is _____ and for all other roads it is _____.

25 mph for school business and residential areas. 35 mph for unpaved roads. 55 mph for all other roads.

How many seconds/feet before your turn should you start to signal.

3-4 seconds or around 100 feet. After you complete the turn or lane change, be sure the turn signal stops flashing.

What is a roundabout

A roundabout is a circular intersection with an island in the center and have one or more lanes. Drivers enter the roundabout , yielding to other cars and pedestrians and travel in a counter-clockwise direction.

If you are convicted of reckless driving and the violation results in death and the operator's license was suspended or revoked at the time of the offense, it may be considered a felony. The consequences of a felony for speeding include...

An additional $100 find.

How should you adjust your car's mirrors.

Before driving, adjust your vehicle's mirrors. Make sure the inside rear view mirror frames the entire back window. Adjust both side mirrors so you can barely see the sides of your vehicle.

What to do when driving near a bicycle.

Bicyclists are expected to obey the same traffic rules and regulations as vehicle drivers; however, some may not know or obey the rules. Slow down when you approach bicyclists. Using marked bicycle lanes is prohibited by motor vehicles, including while passing. State law requires motorists to pass cyclists with at least three feet of clearance. Give them plenty of room when passing and be prepared to stop suddenly. Check your blind spots. A bicycle's small size allows it to slip into your blind spot easily. Always check for bicyclists before you pull out, change lanes, turn, back up, open the door, or proceed through an intersection.

What are blind spots

Blind spots are danger areas where vehicles around you cannot be easily seen

Where should you or should you not make U-turns.

Don't make a u-turn if you see a No U-Turn or No Left Turn sign. In business districts, cities and towns, U-turns are allowed only at intersections. Never make a U-turn on a highway.

What should you do if you are being passed.

Don't speed up and maintain a steady speed or slow down.

When does VA law require motorists to use headlights.

During inclement weather such as rain, fog, snow or sleet when visibility is reduced to 500 feet. You must use your headlights whenever you use your windshield wipers as a result of bad weather. Using headlights at all times, including during the day, increases your vehicle's visibility. You should use your headlights from sunset to sunrise

What to do if an emergency vehicle approaches you in the opposite land on an undivided highway.

You must pull over to the edge of the road and stop until the emergency vehicle passes.

Are radar detectors legal or illegal in VA.


If convicted of reckless driving, it is considered a _____ and consequences include...

If convicted of reckless driving, it is considered a misdemeanor criminal offense and consequences can include a fine, suspending your driving privilege and/or impose a jail sentence.

What should you do if you are passing a stationary vehicle in the process of trash collecting on a highway of at least four lanes. What about if it has fewer than four lanes.

If the highway has at least four lanes, you should switch to a land that is not next to the vehicle. If there is fewer than four lanes, you should proceed with caution and slow down to 10 mph and pass at least 2 feet to the left of the vehicle.

If you are 21 and older at what BAC can you be convicted of DUI. What about if you are under 21.

If you are older than 21, with a BAC of .08 or higher, you can be convicted of a DUI. If you are younger than 21 but have a BAC of .02<x<.08, you can be convicted of illegal consumption of alcohol but if you BAC is higher than .08, you can be convicted of an DUI.

If you drive over _____ or drive _____ or more mph over the speed limit, a law enforcement officer can charge you with reckless driving.

If you drive over 85 MPH or drive 20 mph over the speed limit...

How to protect yourself against aggressive drivers

If you see an aggressive driver, stay out of the way. Don't challenge the aggressive driver by speeding up or trying to out-maneuver him. Avoid eye contact and ignore his gestures and shouting.

Traits on Light to Medium Trailers

Large side mirrors are generally needed to increase visibility. Towing a trailer places additional stress on the vehicle; it takes the vehicle twice as long to pass, stop, accelerate and turn. Remember the No-Zones described under Trucks, Tractor-Trailers and RVs.

What are the hand signals.

Left Turn: hand and arm pointed straight out. Right Turn: Left hand and arm pointed upward Slow or Stop: Left hand and arm pointing downward

Why should you remove snow and ice from your car.

Leftover snow and ice can fly off when the vehicle is moving and create a hazard for other motorists. It will also help you see and communicate with other drivers

What are light rails

Light rails are trains that share the road with motor vehicles and bicyclists.

Why should you search for clues on the road.

Look for exhaust smoke, brake or back-up lights and turned wheels on vehicles. Clues like these warn that the vehicles may pull into your path. Watch for pedestrians, bicyclists and other slow moving vehicles that may be in the road ahead.

Why should you look ahead

Looking ahead will help you identify risks early and provide you with more time to react. Expert drivers try to focus their eyes 20 to 30 seconds ahead. In the city, that equals approximately one block. Avoid staring at the middle of the road. scan from side to side, checking for traffic signs and signals, cars or people that might be in the road by the time you reach them.

How to reduce the change of an accident with a motorcyclist

Many crashes are caused by the motorist's failure to see a motorcycle in traffic. You should 1. Look for motorcyclists 2. Check your blind spots 3. Never tailgate a motorcycle 4. Anticipate the motorcyclist's movement. Although a motorcycle is not as wide as the lane, the rider will use the entire lane as traffic situations and road conditions change. 5. Yield to motorcycles.

Combining any drug with alcohol can...

Multiply the effects of both and can have a disastrous effect on your ability to drive.

When driving a large vehicle( trailer ), how often may you drive next to a motorcycle.


Should you ever pump antilock brakes


Can somebody of any age txt or read txts while driving.

No, it is illegal

If you are driving in an area without a speed limit sign, should you assume that the maximum speed limit is 60 mph as that is the speed on all public highways that are not part of the interstate highway system.

No, the maximum speed on highways that are not part of the interstate system is 55 mph.

What is over-correcting

Overcorrecting is when drivers turn the steering wheel more sharply than expected, causing the rear wheels of the vehicle to slide towards the outside of the turn. This may result in the loss of vehicle control

What does searching mean

Searching means looking at the entire scene for anything that might come into your path. As you search the road, avoid staring at one thing. Keep your eyes moving and learn to read the road and your surroundings.

How should your posture be when you sit

Sit straight but relaxed. Put your hands at 8 and 4 holding the wheel with your fingers and thumbs.

What is a space cushion

Space around your vehicle gives you distance to react in emergencies and avoid a crash. Create a space cushion around your vehicle by staying in the middle of your lane. Make sure there is enough room ahead of your vehicle and behind it for other vehicles to pass or stop safely.

What to do if you are in another driver's blind spot.

Speed up or drop back; but, don't stay in the other driver's blind spot. This can be just as dangerous as not checking your own blind spot.

How to help the driver behind you maintain a safe following distance and a steady speed.

Tap your braked to warn the driver behind you when you plan to slow down or stop.

What is the best way to check your blind spot.

The best way to check your blind spot is by quickly turning your head and glancing over your should to ensure the way is clear before changing lanes or passing another vehicle.

At an intersection with no traffic lights, and two cars approach at the same time, who has the right of way.

The car on the right. The car on the left must yield.

What defines a low speed vehicle.

These electrically powered four-wheel vehicles have a maximum speed ranging from 21 to 25 mph. Low speed vehicles may be operated on public roads with speed limits of 35 mph or less by licensed drivers or learner's permit holders accompanied by a licensed driver. Low speed vehicles must comply with all federal safety standards and must meet Virginia's requirements for passenger vehicle registration and insurance coverage. Golf carts are not classified as low speed vehicles.

What is the most common mistake that drivers make when backing up?

They fail to look both ways behind them.

When two vehicles are approaching each other and signaling to turn left, what should the vehicles do.

They should both turn in front of each other so that the passenger sides of the vehicles are beside each other.

What are some things you must yield to.

Things you should yield to include, military convoys, funeral processions, pedestrians, and bicyclists. You should also yield when entering a roundabout, an intersection (if someone else gets there first or if you are the driver on the left), and interstates.

What are aggressive drivers

This dangerous driving behavior is defined by Virginia law as the intent to harass, intimidate, injure or obstruct another person while committing one or more traffic offenses such as failing to stop or yield the right-of-way, avoiding a traffic control device or failing to give way to an overtaking vehicle.

How to drive in a roundabout

When approaching a roundabout, slow down. Use your turn signals to indicate where you want to go. If you plan to turn right, stay to the right as you enter the roundabout. If you plan to go straight, you may stay in either lane (if it is a dual lane circular intersection). If you plan to turn left, stay to the left as you enter the roundabout.

How do you make a U-Turn

Turn on your left-turn signal, stop, and yield for approaching traffic. When the way is clear, proceed into the outside or right hand lane traveling in the opposite direction.

Are drivers under the age of 18 allowed to use cell phones while driving.

Unless it is an emergency or the vehicle is lawfully parked or stopped, minors are not allowed to be on their phones while driving.

What to do when it rains.

Use your low-beam headlights to see and be seen. In light rain or drizzle, turn on your windshield wipers to improve visibility; using wipers for sprinkles may smear the windshield and make it harder to see, so make sure you have windshield washer fluid.

When/why should you look behind you.

Use your rearview mirror to check the traffic behind you frequently, about every 10 seconds. This will alert you if someone is moving up too quickly or tailgating you. Check the traffic behind you when changing lanes, backing up, slowing down quickly or driving down a long, steep hill.

What happens if you violate safety rules while passing by a stationary vehicle with flashing lights.

Violations can result in court suspension of your driver's license and demerit points on your driving record.

What should you look out for in rural areas.

When driving in rural areas, watch for hidden intersections and driveways, curves, hills and different road conditions. Watch for other vehicles, especially trucks, oversized and slow-moving farm vehicles, and bicycles.

Is it illegal to drive distracted and carelessly around vulnerable road users?

Yes, it is illegal

Are bicycles considered vehicles?

Yes, they are considered vehicles and have the same right-of-way as motor vehicles. They are legally allowed on all public roads except interstates and most freeways. Bicyclists may also be riding in either direction on sidewalks.

How far should you stay away from fire trucks or equipment that are stopped answering an alarm.

You may not park within 500 feet of where fire trucks or equipment are stopped answering an alarm.

What to do when police, fire and rescue vehicles, or ambulances approach you from behind your vehicle using a siren, flashing lights or both.

You must immediately yield the right-of-way. Safely pull over to the right edge of the road and stop until the emergency vehicle has passed.

How should you enter an intersection.

You should check from left to right and then left again before entering an intersection. These include intersections, crosswalks, shopping centers, construction areas and playgrounds.

When entering an expressway, what should you do to your following distance.

You should decrease your following distance.

What to do if you over-correct

You should gradually reduce your speed, look in the direction you want to go, and slowly steer back onto the roadway.

How far behind should you follow and emergency vehicles when its lights are flashing.

You should never follow an emergency vehicle closer than 500 feet when its lights are flashing.

How to yield to vehicles with flashing lights(blue, red, yellow, or white) that are stationary.

You should proceed with caution and change to a lane not next to the vehicle. If you cannot change lanes, reduce your speed and proceed with caution.

What to do when passing a stationary mail vehicle.

You should proceed with caution and maintain a safe speed for highway conditions.

How to treat moped drivers

You should treat them with the same care given to any other vehicle driver. Riders and passengers must wear helmets and use eye protection if the moped does not have a windshield.

What to do if you are being tailgated

do not brake suddenly. If possible, move over to another lane, or gently tap your brakes to flash your brake lights and slow down.

Why is it dangerous when it rains

during the first half-hour, roads are more likely to be slippery due to oil on the road surface mixing with water. Use caution when driving through ponded water, and avoid it if possible. Ponded water can cause vehicles to hydroplane or otherwise lose control.

When should you use high beams

headlights on highways, unless another vehicle is within 500 feet coming toward you. If the high beams of an oncoming car are on, avoid looking directly at the bright lights. Glance toward the side of the road, then look quickly ahead to determine the other vehicle's position. Keep doing this until you have passed the other vehicle. Even if the other driver does not dim his headlights, do not turn on your high beam headlights.

Trucks, Tractor-trailers, Buses and RVs traits

longer, higher and wider than other vehicles. They accelerate slowly and require greater stopping and turning distances. Plus, there are danger areas around these vehicles where crashes are more likely to occur. These areas are called No-Zones. No-Zones on the side, front and rear also include blind spots where your car disappears from the driver's view.

What is the only thing that can decrease intoxication


To make a left turn

you should be in the farthest left lane possible, turning into the leftmost lane on the intersecting road, unless pavement markings lead you otherwise; or, unless multiple left turn lanes are provided. If multiple left turn lanes are provided, you should choose the lane that will best serve your need once you enter the intersecting road. Signal your intent to turn by using the proper turn signal. You should signal at least three to four seconds, 100 feet, ahead of the turn. Look in all directions, checking the intersection for pedestrians and traffic coming from the opposite direction. Keep your front wheels pointed straight ahead until you are actually going to make the left turn. This prevents you from being pushed into oncoming traffic if another vehicle crashed into you from behind. When the way is clear, make the left turn, yield to any vehicles including bicycles and pedestrians) approaching from the opposite direction.

How to make a right turn

you should be in the lane furthest to the right. Signal your intent to turn by using the proper turn signal. You should signal at least three or four seconds, 100 feet, ahead of the turn. Look to your left to check the intersection for pedestrians and traffic coming from the other direction. Then brake smoothly before and during the turn. If there is a traffic light or a stop sign at the intersection, come to a complete stop before you make the turn. Turn into the lane closest to the curb unless pavement markings lead you otherwise, and then change lanes if needed

What happens if you are convicted of aggressive driving

your license could be suspended for ten days or for as long as six months.

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