Module 4 Practice Quizzes

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client's height.

Nurses are responsible for delivering culturally competent care for all clients. Culturally competent care does not account for:

restoring a healthy flow of energy along the meridians of the body

On the advice of friends, a client on a palliative care unit has requested acupuncture. What it is the goal of this form of CAM?

Balance of yin and yang

Which would be the least consistent with the Native American/Canadian Indigenous view of disease?

Acupuncture (used to correct disharmony)

While assessing a client, the client tells the nurse that he is a follower of traditional Chinese medicine and the concept of qi. Based on the nurse's understanding of this concept, which treatment modality would the nurse expect the client to mention?

Learn from the mistake and do not repeat it.

While caring for a Hispanic client, the nurse inadvertently offends the client. What is the best action by the nurse?

Assists client to enter state of calmness

Why is Zen meditation effective for a client with generalized anxiety disorder?

Assessment of eye contact, personal space, and social taboos

When completing a transcultural assessment of communication, which assessment by the nurse is most appropriate?

-Chiropractic medicine may correct alignment problems -This form of medicine will assist with alleviation of pain. -Improving musculoskeletal function is a benefit -It supports the body's natural ability to heal itself

A client asks the nurse if chiropractic medicine would be beneficial as an alternative to medicine. How should the nurse base the response to the client? Select all that apply.

The client's daughter, who is with her, learned the dominant language as her second language.

A Hispanic woman is seeking care at the local clinic. The nurse is completing a cultural assessment. Which scenario would demonstrate cultural assimilation?


A black client refuses to allow any health care worker of Asian descent to provide care. This client is demonstrating what practice?

"Name brand products with herbal medications usually are of higher quality."

A client asks the nurse about taking herbal medications. Which of these is the nurse's best response regarding safety of the herbal medications?

At more than one arm's distance

A client from Malaysia is admitted to the health care facility with reports of cramping pain in the abdomen and loose stools. Where should the nurse be seated when interviewing the client?

Situational low self-esteem related to culture shock and feelings of fear and incompetence

A client has recently immigrated and is exhibiting symptoms of culture shock. The client reports feeling unaccepted in the new culture. The client states, "I can't do anything right here." What is the priority nursing diagnosis?

Cultural imposition

A client is admitted with end stage pancreatic cancer and is experiencing extreme pain. The client asks the nurse if an acupuncturist can come to the hospital to help manage the pain. The nurse states, "You won't need acupuncture. We have pain medications." Which characteristic has the nurse displayed?


A client is in the last stage of labor. During each contraction, she is focusing on her husband's voice and a picture brought from home. She is demonstrating which type of meditation?

Ginkgo biloba affects platelet function and should not be taken with aspirin.

A client is taking ginkgo biloba, a botanical supplement. She asks the nurse if it would be safe to take aspirin for her arthritis at the same time. The nurse's response is based on what knowledge?


A client is very anxious before an invasive procedure. Which CAM therapy would be most helpful to assist in decreasing anxiety?

Maintaining eye contact

A client of Arab descent has been admitted to the health care facility with varicose veins. What should the nurse avoid while conducting the interview of the client?

-Anti-inflammatory diet -Physical exercises -Meditation -Guided imagery

A client presents to the clinic with a sprained left wrist. The health care provider suggests alternative therapy. What education will the nurse provide to the client? Select all that apply.

Homeopathy *use of minimal medicine to produce maximum results of effectiveness of the medicine)

A client refuses to take a prescribed medication dose and requests the nurse administer the lowest dose of medication possible. The nurse understands that this is related to the client's belief in which complementary-alternative medicine system?


A client states, "My children still need me. Why did I get cancer? I am only 30." This client is exhibiting which stage, according to Kübler-Ross?

Nonverbal expressions of pain

A client with Asian heritage is admitted to the unit. What cultural assessment might the nurse anticipate?

Culture shock

A family recently emigrated from Haiti. The mother reports that her teenage daughter is showing signs of fear, has vague reports of stomach pain, and feels humiliated by her peers because of her culture. What is the priority assessment for the nurse?

Remind the client to avoid smoking during oxygen therapy

A geriatric client is observed smoking a cigarette and lowering the oxygen nasal prongs away from the nostrils. Which is the priority action of the nurse?

Assisting the client to find an appropriate imagery tape to use.

A nurse can best help a client who is undergoing chemotherapy and using guided imagery with this by doing which of the following?

The client states, "I feel like I abandoned my religion."

A nurse convinces a client who is a Jehovah's Witness that receiving blood products is more important than the legalistic components of religion. What client reaction may be expected following this mandated change?

-conducting an assessment -developing client outcomes -providing client education

A nurse interviews a client to determine his health beliefs and behaviors. The nurse uses this information for which aspects of care? Select all that apply.

"What are your dietary needs and preferences?"

A nurse is admitting a client to the unit. Which cultural question is most appropriate?

It will help the wound heal.

A nurse is applying healing touch to a postoperative client's wound. What benefit of healing touch should the nurse emphasize to the client's family?

-open-ended interviewing -ethnographic interview -key informants -use of the client's language

A nurse is attempting to gain insight into a client's cultural beliefs and attitudes. Which methods would the nurse likely use? Select all that apply.

cultural ritual.

A nurse is caring for a 55-year-old man from Thailand. The client has bacterial pneumonia and a temperature of 104°F (40.0°C); yesterday his temperature was 102°F (38.9°C). The physician on call prescribes cool compresses for the client to help lower the fever. However, the client insists that the nurse bring him warm blankets because they will help him recover more quickly. The nurse recognizes that the client's request is an example of:

The nurse uses a low tone of voice when explaining the care plan to the client.

A nurse is caring for a Native American/First Nations woman who is receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer. Which nursing action is the best example of providing culturally sensitive care?

Disturbed energy field

A nurse is caring for a hospitalized client who states: "I feel so sick all the time; my aura must be disturbed by all of these bad force fields." What is an appropriate NANDA-I diagnosis for this client?

asks an open-ended, general question

A nurse is conducting an ethnographic interview with a client. Which step would the nurse do first?

"My Russian heritage is superior to all others."

A nurse is demonstrating ethnocentrism. Which statement would reflect this concept?

Dietary counseling, as Hispanic diets are often high in carbohydrates

A nurse is developing a care plan for a Hispanic client who has diabetes. What cultural intervention is most appropriate?

helping the client to assume a specific, comfortable posture

A nurse is educating a client on meditation techniques to provide mental calmness and physical relaxation. Which nursing intervention facilitates this process?

Ask the client how she wants to be treated based on her values and beliefs.

A nurse is providing care to a client from a culture different from her own. The nurse is having difficulty relating to the client. What intervention by the nurse is most appropriate?

It contains a certain amount of an active ingredient.

A nurse is researching a standardized herbal supplement to help a client with pain. What does the word standardized mean?

-A quiet location -An open attitude -A comfortable position

A nurse is teaching a client with anxiety about the use of meditation. Which of these are important features of meditation? Select all that apply.

require an individualized approach by the nurse.

A nurse is working with a culturally diverse group of clients. The nurse understands that cultural norms:

Skin color

A nurse overhears another nurse make a statement that indicates racism. The nurse makes this determination based on which characteristic indicative of social value?

Therapeutic Touch (TT)

A nurse who "unblocks" and "clears" congested areas of energy in a client's body to promote comfort is applying the phenomenon known as:

-The nurse investigates herbs that may stimulate the client's immune system. -The nurse encourages the client to join a yoga class. -The nurse teaches the client how to meditate. -The nurse uses guided imagery to relieve client anxiety.

A nurse who has incorporated complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) into nursing practice is caring for a client in a short-term care facility. Which examples of nursing interventions are based on CAM? Select all that apply.

belief system that guides behavior

A nursing student is preparing a presentation regarding different cultures. Which definition of culture is most accurate?

"I'm going to recommend a diluted solution that is derived from poison ivy."

A patient with dermatitis has sought care from a homeopathic practitioner seeking treatment for dry, itchy, and inflamed skin. Which statement is characteristic of homeopathy?


A preconceived and untested belief about an individual or group of individuals is:

Parasympathetic nervous system

An occupational therapist conducts daily relaxation exercises with clients who are receiving treatment on the psychiatric unit of a hospital. Stimulation of which of the following components of the nervous system will result in relaxation for the clients?

Women, ages 35-50, with college degree, former smokers

According to survey results, who are the most prevalent users of complementary or alternative therapies?

Illness results from an imbalanced energy field.

After developing good rapport with a client over the past several weeks, a nurse has offered to perform Therapeutic Touch (TT) on a client who has been experiencing recurrent nausea. Which principle underlies TT?


When a client states, "I only want a white doctor," the client is expressing cultural:

A 43-year-old Muslim male

Based on cultural factors, which client would be most likely to ask the following: "Why is there a male nurse in my wife's room?"

-recognizing one's own culture and biases -recognizing the culture of the health care system

In addition to understanding the culture of the client, what other actions are required to provide culturally competent nursing care? Select all that apply.

-Comfortable position -Quiet environment -Focus of attention

In prenatal classes, the nurse teaches pregnant clients to use meditation during labor contractions to ease the pain. Which elements of meditation are important for the nurse to emphasize? Select all that apply.

Obtain adequate sleep each night.

The client has been diagnosed with a disease and is seeking information about naturopathy. The nurse, explaining about naturopathy, encourages the client to do what?

review the National Institutes of Health's website for information.

The client informed the nurse about taking glucosamine and chondroitin for arthritis in addition to prescribed medications. The nurse is unfamiliar regarding the two substances. What is the priority action by the nurse?

Document the client's request in the nursing care plan.

The client is an Inuit woman recently admitted to the hospital with a ruptured ovarian cyst. She has expressed that it is very important that her husband be present to receive all medical information. Using the concepts of culturally competent care, which is the best response?

Excess sugar increases demand on the pancreas.

The client who is newly diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 2 is concerned about eating products with sugar in them. What information does the nurse explain to the client regarding the use of sugar?

It works by electrical impulse to stimulate sphincters.

The health care provider orders biofeedback for the client with stress urinary incontinence. The client asks the nurse how biofeedback will help. How does the nurse explain biofeedback to the client?

holistic care.

The mind and body are connected in the provision of care. This statement describes:

"These areas are normal and should disappear by early childhood."

The mother of a black newborn asks the nurse about the bluish-black areas she noticed around the infant's lower back and buttocks. What is the nurse's best response?

the nurse who has been working in this office for 8 years

The newly employed nurse working in a physician's office seeks advice on the job responsibilities and how best to implement these responsibilities. Who is the key informant for this nurse?

Ask the client their personal beliefs about family support during hospitalization.

The nurse admits a Native American/First Nations client to the critical care unit to rule out a myocardial infarction (MI). The client has several family members in the waiting room. Which nursing action is most appropriate?

Allopathic therapy emphasizes treatments for diseases. Complementary and alternative therapy emphasizes treatments for health.

The nurse explains to the client which statement is true regarding the difference between allopathic therapy and complementary and alternative therapy?

"Culture cannot be influenced, and you are born with your culture."

The nurse has just attended a seminar on concepts of cultural diversity. Which statement made by the nurse would require further education?

using faith healing

The nurse is caring for a Haitian client. Which health belief system does the nurse anticipate?

stoic listening without display of emotion

The nurse is caring for a Native American/First Nations client who has been given a diagnosis of terminal cancer. Which reaction does the nurse anticipate?

"Can you describe what you are feeling when you try to move?"

The nurse is caring for a client of Asian descent and is post-operative 24 hours from an appendectomy. The client is hesitant to get out of bed. How should the nurse respond?

Discuss with the client the need for assistance during ambulation.

The nurse is caring for a client of Asian descent. The client is postoperative 3 days from coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). The client has a prescription to ambulate. What is the best action by the nurse?

Ethnic identity

When a home-bound client expresses her past-oriented ancestral heritage and family rituals, the nurse recognizes that the client is expressing:

"You sound upset, would like you to talk about it?"

The nurse is caring for a client who practices Catholicism and was newly diagnosed with cancer. The client states, "God is punishing me for my past sins." How should the nurse respond?

The interpreter should understand the health care system.

The nurse is caring for a client who speaks a different language than herself and is using an interpreter to communicate. What would be the best way to choose an interpreter for this client?

Helping the client to balance his or her dosha

The nurse is caring for a client whose treatment has been based on the Ayurveda medical system. Which nursing intervention incorporates this client's beliefs into the nursing plan?

-Buy herbs and supplements that are standardized. -Give the product adequate time to work. -Be knowledgeable about the product and its therapeutic actions.

The nurse is educating a client on how to use herbs and supplements as part of an integrated treatment plan. Which teaching points would the nurse include? Select all that apply.

-They take longer to produce a therapeutic effect. -They can be toxic in high doses. -They contain certain amounts of active ingredients.

The nurse is providing client education about the use of herbal medicines. Which statements are accurate? Select all that apply.

-Meditation -Biofeedback -Imagery -Focused breathing

The nurse is teaching a class on methods of relaxation to be used for stress management. Which methods should the nurse teach the participants? Select all that apply.

-Meditation -Biofeedback -Focused breathing

The nurse is teaching a client about stress reduction techniques used in complementary and alternative therapy (CAT). Which techniques would the nurse include? Select all that apply.

-Prayer -Relaxation -Qi gong -Accupuncture

The nursing instructor is discussing complementary and alternative medicine with a group of students. One of the students questions "What therapies are considered complementary and alternative medicine?" The instructor bases her response on her knowledge that which of the following are considered complementary and alternative therapies? Select all that apply.

Manipulative and body-based practice

The practitioner is working with structures and systems within the human body, including the bones, muscles, joints, and circulatory system. Which one of the complementary and alternative therapy domains is being used?

"What type of food did your family prepare for you, and does it have special meaning?"

The unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) reports to the nurse that the client is refusing to eat the food on the meal tray. The nurse observes the client eating the food brought in by family members. How should the nurse respond?


The use of one's culture as a cultural standard is known as:

-uniforms worn based on place of employment -language or medical terminology used to communicate -legal authorization to provide health care to others

What are characteristics of nurses that make them a subculture? Select all that apply.

"Do you take any vitamins or minerals, and if so, what?"

When obtaining information for a database, which of the following represents a nurse commitment and interest in reflected integrative medicine (CAM)?

Avoiding older adult clients because their care is time consuming

Which behavior by the nurse is stereotyping?

-Avoidance of processed food. -Use of a vegetarian diet. -Reduction in intake of soft drinks.

Which changes in diet would the nurse recommend for a client who is considering use of a holistic diet? Select all that apply.

the client who recently immigrated from Mexico who fell from a ladder

Which client admitted to the emergency department (ED) might require the nurse to include interventions aimed at addressing cultural shock in the plan of care?

-A white man looks directly into the eyes of another while speaking. -An Asian man is considered aggressive when looking directly at another. -A Hispanic man looks down while speaking to his grandmother. -An Arabic male averts his eyes while speaking to a group.

Which examples related to eye contact are expected based on cultural variables? Select all that apply.

Dolores Krieger

Which nurse theorist developed Therapeutic Touch (TT)?

A nurse instructs a laboring woman to use breathing exercises, and assists with the administration of an epidural for her pain.

Which nursing action exemplifies the use of integrative care?

-Utilize the facility telephonic interpreting system. -Have a bilingual nurse assist with the health history -Request assistance from a certified-interpreter.

Which nursing actions are appropriate when collecting a health history for a client whose primary language is Spanish? Select all that apply.

incorporating client's request for complementary treatment therapy

Which nursing intervention reflects practice according to Madeline Leininger's transcultural nursing theory?

integrative health care and medicine

Which of the following forms of medicine combines health promotion, establishment of a partnership with the client and practitioner, and captures an evolving model of health care?


Which of the following has been known to achieve benefits for clients with cancer through the use of the mind to visualize a positive physiologic effect?

Human beings have natural abilities to transform and transcend their conditions of living.

Which of the following is a principle of Therapeutic Touch (TT)?

"Will you please share with me the prescription medicines and vitamins you take?"

Which question or statement to a client conveys acceptance?

-"Can I welcome this person sincerely?" -"Can I genuinely try to help this person and be comfortable enough to listen?" -"Do I have the experience to help this person?"

Which questions may help the nurse assess his or her ability to relate to various groups in society? Select all that apply.

-"What do you think is causing your illness?" -"What religion do you belong to?" -"What do you do to promote good health?" -"Do have a particular name for this illness?"

Which questions should the nurse include in a cultural assessment? Select all that apply.

Sam is prescribed an antihypertensive medication to control his newly diagnosed high blood pressure. (Tertiary prevention occurs when diagnosis of a long-term disease or disability has already been made. The goal is to minimize complications and maximize function in any way possible for these clients.)

Which scenario is an example of tertiary prevention?

A client's death involves an allegation of a medical error.

Which situation is most likely to warrant an autopsy?

It is important to be on time for your health care appointment.

Which teaching statement best exemplifies cultural competence in relation to time for the American culture?

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