Module 4

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Kotter's Strategies for using power successfully

- use power ethically -understand and use the various types of power and influence -seek jobs that allow you to develop power skills -Use power tempered by maturity and self control -accept the necessity of influence

What does power do for people?

-Social rank improves immunity (less prone to heart attacks) -leads to visibility, esteem, and fame (wealth) -allows people to get things done and achieve goals (efficacy)

3 criteria to determine the ethicality of power based behaviors (All 3 must be met)

1. Does the behavior produce a good outcome for people both inside and outside the organization? 2. Does the behavior respect the rights of all parties? 3. Does the behavior treat all parties equitably and fairly?

How does power shape our psychological responses?

2 ways: Behavioral approach system, or behavioral inhibition system. BAS makes the body prepared for acting, with a low capacity of thinking. This is a high power approach. BIS makes the body prepared for thinking, with a low capacity for acting. This is the low power approach.

What is a strategic contingency and what gives people control over them?

A strategic contingency is an activity that others depend on to complete tasks. The ability to cope with uncertainty centrality- the degree of which the organization's success depends on the group or individual's functioning Nonsubstitutability- extent to which an individual or group performs an indispensable function for the organization Control over strategic contingencies gives an individual or an organization dependence and power over those that are dependent on them.

What are Kanter's Symbols of Power

Ability to intercede someone out of trouble Ability to get placements for favored employees Exceeds budget limitations without reprimand Procuring above average raises for employees Getting items on the agenda at meetings Access to early information Having top managers seek out their opinion FOCUSES ON THE ABILITY TO HELP OTHERS

What is Political Behavior in Organizations, and when s it good or bad?

Actions not officially sanctioned by an organization taken to influence other's in order to meet personal goals. Positive when self interest is aligned with organizational goals, when the political behavior is seen as the only means to accomplish something Negative when the behavior is undertaken to maximize self interest

What are the 3 types of managers?

Affiliative managers: more interested in being liked than having/using power to get the job done. Decisions are aimed at making subordinates happy and fear offending people and losing popularity. Weakest and least effective type of manager. Personal Power Managers: Their personal need for power exceeds the their need for being liked. They manage democratically, and employees often like and find safety in their structure. They are fiercely competitive and selfish in their power, so they are not team players and often hurt a company by requiring personal loyalty out of their employees and not loyalty to the company. To be effective with these managers, stay loyal, and build and maintain a braod network of contacts within the company. Develop a personal reputation for high integrity and standards. Institutional Managers: Most effective type of manager. They are mature and eager to reward performance. They need power more than they need to be liked, but use power to serve the organization. They have a strong work ethic, and are willing to sacrifice self interest for the organization.

What are Personal characteristics linked to power?

Ambition Energy Focus Self-Knowledge Confidence Empathy Ability to tolerate conflict

Conflict handling styles

Based on degree of assertiveness and degree of cooperation Avoiding- withdraw from or suppress conflict; low assertiveness, low cooperation Accommodating- Place opponent's interest above one's own; low assertiveness, high cooperation Competing: Satisfy own interests without regard to others; high assertiveness, low cooperation Collaborating: fully satisfy the concerns of all parties; high cooperation high assertiveness. Compromising: each party gives something up; middle cooperation middle assertiveness

What are McClelland's four power-oriented characteristics?

Belief in an Authority system -Believe that the institution is important and that the authority system is valid, comfort with influence dynamics Preference for work and discipline -Like their work and approach it in an orderly manner, believing above all else that work is good Altruism -Publicly put the company's needs before their own, as they see their own wellbeing tied to the company's Belief in justice -Belief that people should receive what they are entitled to and what they earn

Referent Power

Elusive power based on interpersonal attraction Identification with person, admiration and respect Does not require superiority, requires charisma, likability, respect

What is empowerment and how do you create it?

Empowerment is sharing power within an organization, so that individuals believe in their ability to do the job. You create it with: Meaning - a compromise between the role and the employee's values and beliefs. It is the engine of empowerment, and gets employees hearts in their job. Competence - the belief that one has the ability to do the job well Self-Determination - having control over the way that employees do their work (autonomy) Impact - the belief that their work makes a difference in the organization all 4 must be met

Characteristics of transformational leaders

Idealized influence: selfless, open, willing to help others Inspirational Motivation: Creates an environment for extra effort and challenges followers with extensive support Intellectual stimulation: Gets followers to think outside of the box Individualized consideration: Treats followers as individuals with worth, value, and meaning

What are the two dimensions that jobs can be met?

Job content- tasks and procedures required to do the job Job context - reason the organization needs the job, how the job fits into the organization

Korda's Symbols of power

Office furnishings- locked file cabinets Time power - whether or not you wear a watch signifies whether you're on others' time Standing By: whether or not you are obliged to keep cell phones on you so executives can reach you FOCUSES ON STATUS

What are the relationships between power and employee satisfaction?

Personal Power is positively related to employee satisfaction Coercive power is negatively related to employee satisfaction and commitment. Use infrequently!

What are the two faces of power?

Personal Power: used for personal gain, and most concerned with their own needs and interests(negative) Social power: Power used to create motivation or to accomplish group goals, focuses on others' needs or interests (positive)

Is personal or formal power more effective and why?

Personal is more effective, formal is given but personal is earned through interpersonal relationships.

Coercive Power

Power based on an agent's ability to cause an unpleasant experience for the target Fear-based, often with threats of punishment

Reward Power

Power based on an agent's ability to control rewards that the target wants. Abiltiy to provide positive benefit Can be effective, as long as expectancy model is followed

Legitimate Power

Power based on position and has the right to influence the target Authority from one's position Requires reciprocated recognition of rights to influence

What is power and who does it occur between

Power is the ability to influence someone, and occurs between an agent and a target.

What are influence tactics used in an organization?

Pressure - using demands, threats or intimidation to obtain compliance Upward appeals - appealing to acceptance by upward management or to assistance by upward management Exchange - explicit or implicit promise that you will receive a reward if you comply. Also reminding of a prior favor to be reciprocated Coalition - using the approval of others as an argument to persuade Ingratiation - Person seeks to get you in a good mood or to think favorably of them before asking you to do something Rational persuasion - person uses logical arguments and factual evidence to persuade you to a proposal or request Inspirational appeals - making an emotional request or a proposal that arouses enthusiasm or confidence that you can do it Consultation - seeking participation in making a decision or implimentation

What are the 6 influence techniques

Reciprocity: feel the need to return gifts or favors, requires doing small things for others with "I know you'd do the same for me" Commitment and consistency: Pressure to conform to past behaviors (establish consistency with past behaviors and values) Social proof: people do what others do (statistics, likes, canned laughter) Liking: people are influenced with those they like/are similar with (give compliments, be attractive, and smile) Authority: symbols of expertise lead to influence (acquire symbols of authority such as titles, dress, nonverbal communication) Scarcity: people are wired to want what is scarce

What are the components of emotional intelligence?

Self awareness: one's own emotions and their effects Self-Regulation: managing disruptive emotions and impulses, being able to control your actions and taking responsibility. open to change. Self-Motivation: striving to improve or meet a standard of excellence. Ready to act on opportunities, and persistence in pursuing goals. Social awareness: Sensing other's feelings and perspectives. Social Skills: Employing effective tactics for persuasion, communicating clearly.

4 key dimensions of political skill

Social astuteness - accurate perception and evaluation of social situations to present yourself in the best light Interpersonal influence - a subtle and influential personal style that involves social flexibility and adaptiveness to achieve their goals Networking ability - ability to maintain a diverse social network, which allows an individual to build coalitions and alliances Sincerity: an individual's ability to appear genuine

What is the barrier to power?

The Just World effect - good things happen to good people, prevents us from thinking power is necessary

Expert Power

The power that exists when an agent has specialized knowledge or skills Target must perceive the agent as an expert with accurate, relevant information

Zone of Indifference

The range in which attempts to influence the employee are perceived as legitimate and are acted on without a great deal of thought

Organizational Politics

The use of power and influence in organizations

HB situational leadership theory

Theory that focuses on followers' ability and willingness to complete a task. If followers are unable and unwilling: leader needs to give clear and specific directions If they are unable but willing: leader needs to be very task oriented and relationship oriented to get them to buy into the leader's desires If they are able and unwilling, leader needs to be supportive and participative If they are able and willing, leader doesn't need to do much

What are some non-verbal signals of power

They all display comfort and confidence Dress- like the powerful. "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have" Posture- take up space. If you take up space to convey power, people will complement and not mimic. They will take up less space. Eye gaze patterns- direct eye contact while speaking, but not while listening. chin up Conversational dominance - the more time one speaks and how often they interrupt indicates status.

Why do professionals fail?

They become overconfident, don't tolerate dissent, are averse to change and lack professional boundaries

Characteristics of transactional leadership

This isn't good! Management by exception: waiting for problems to arise before correction Contingent rewards: bases rewards and praise only after a project has been completed Laissez Faire: hands off approach to management

What is the power paradox?

We want power but don't like the thought of it

How does one person give another power, and what determines the magnitude of power given?

When they become dependent on the person. Power is determined by Importance Scarcity Non-substitutability Reduce these to reduce power^

Effects of power on the powerful

illusions of control - practice makes you feel like you have more control over something, power makes you feel like you have more control than u actually do. ex: you would rather roll a dice than have someone roll it for you for control over the situation. Action oriented - people with high power take action Overconfidence more inclined to take risks Need to demonstrate competence

How to manage office politics

open communication, clarify performance expectations, participative management, encouraging cooperation between groups, managing scarce resources, providing a supportive organizational climate

What is political skill

the ability to get things done through favorable interpersonal relationships outside of formally prescribed organizational mechanisms

What is influence?

the process of affecting another person's thoughts, behavior, and feelings

What is Authority

the right to influence another person

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