MUSC 215 Practice 2 test

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a) ABaAabAB

what is the form of a rondeau? A) ABaAabAB b) AbbaA c) ABB d) AAB

d) a gregorian chant in the top voice, then a freely composed melody

what is the musical basis of josquin's ave maria...virgo serena? a) a popular cantus firmus heard throughout the entire work b) an isorthythm in the bottom voices c) a five-note ostinato figure d) a gregorian chant in th etop voice, then a freely composed melody

a) italy

where was the madrigal first developed? a) italy b) germany c) england d) france

d) giovanni pierluigi da palestrina

which composer responded to the reforms of the council of trent in an exemplary fashion? a) guillaume du fay b) johannes ockeghem c) josquin des pez d) giovanni pierluigi da palestrina

d) josquin des prez

which early renaissance composer exerted a powerful influence on generations of composers who followed? a) guillaume de machaut b) moniot d'arras c) john farmer d) josquin des prez

c) the gothic era

in what era did composers begin to be recognized? a) the middle ages b) the ars nova c) the gothic era d) the renaissance


music and mathematics have been linked since the time of the ancient greeks (true or false)


the crusades had little impact on the development of western civiliztion (true or false)


the dance music that susato published is monophonic (true or false)

b) organum

the earliest type of polyphony was: a) jazz b) organum c) plainsong d) the motet

b) word-painting

the expressive device that renaissance composers used to pictorialize words musically is called: a) imagery b) word-painting c) chromaticism d) a cappella

c) a cantus firmus

the fixed melody used as a basis for elaborate polyphonic writing in the renaissance was called: a) a cappella b) word-painting c) a cantus firmus d) a saltarello

a) chanson

the french courtly love song of the middle ages was called the: a) chanson b) motet c) estampie d) goliard song


the knowledge of early civilizations and the culture of the middle ages were preserved largely in monasteries (true or false)

d) sackbut

the medieval ancestor of the modern trombone is the: a) shawm b) cornetto c) nakers d) sackbut


the modes were developed from the major and minor scales (true or false)

d) organum

the notre dame style of polyphony, in which the tenor line was based on a preexisting chant melody and the upper voice moved freely ( and more rapidly), was called: a) chanson b) liturgical drama c) plainsong d) organum

b) machaut

the outstanding composer-poet of the ars nova was: a) chaucer b) machaut c) petrarch d) boccaccio

a) the proper

the portion of the mass that changes from day to day, depending on the feast celebrated, is called: a) the proper b) the ordinary c) the liturgy d) none of the above


the printing press had little impact on secular music (true or false)


the sixteenth century saw a blossoming of instrumental dance music (true or false)


the two most important genres of renaissance secular music were the chanson and the madrigal (true or false)


the upper voice parts of the 'pope marcellus' mass were sung by boy sopranos or adult males with high voices. (true or false)


troubadours and trouveres were medieval musicians often living on the fringes of society (true or false)

a) pope gregory the great

_____ is traditionally associated with collecting and organizing the chants of the church. a) pope gregory the great b) leonin c) charlemagne d) machaut

a) neumatic

a setting of gregorian chant with two to four notes per syllable might be considered: a) neumatic b) melismatic c) syllabic d) modal


an early center for the development of polyphony was the cathedral of notre dame in paris (true or false)


because machaut was a cleric in the church, he wrote only sacred music (true or false)

c) the ars nova

during the fourteenth century, a style of music developed that became known as: a) notre dame polyphony b) the renaissance c) the ars nova d) the ars antiqua


instrumental music of the sixteenth century often did not specify its instrumentation (true or false)


italian madrigalists set words such as weeping, trembling, and dying with great expression (true or false)


josquin's career centered exclusively in his native france (true or false)


martin luther launched the reformation movement (true or false)

a) soft or loud

medieval instruments can be classified as bas or haut, meaning: a) soft or loud b) folk or aristocratic c) string or wind d) high or low

c) pastoral and light

which of the following best describes the character of farmer's 'fair phyllis'? a) devotional and moralizing b) bombastic and heavy c) pastoral and light d) courtly and idealized

a) six-voice polyphony

which of the following best describes the texture of the 'pope marcellus' mass? a) six-voice polyphony b) monophony c) three-voice polyphony d) four-voice pohyphony

d) all of the above

which of the following characterizes humanism? a) inspiration from the ancient cultures of greece and rome b) independence from tradition and religion c) thinking centered on human issues and individuality d) all of the above

a) it has a monophonic texture

which of the following does NOT characterize 'ma fin est mon commencement'? a) it has a monophonic b) it is in duple meter with syncopations c) the structure involves palindromes d) it has a rondeau structure

c) triadic harmonies

which of the following does NOT characterize plainchant? a) generally conjunct motion b) free, unaccented rhythm c) triadic harmonies d) monophonic texture

a) the rebirth of classical learning

which of the following was NOT a subject reflected in the poems of the troubadours and trouveres? a) the rebirth of classical learning b) politics and current events c) moralizing and devotional themes d) love and unrequited passion

b) martin luther

which of the following was a leader in the protestant reformation? a) saint ignatius loyola b) martin luther c) giovanni pierluigi da palestrina d) ascanio sforza

a) ronde

which of the following was a lively circle or line dance, often performed outdoors? a) ronde b) pavane c) galliard d) allemande

b) hildegard of bingen

which of the following woment was a religious leader and a prominent figure in literature and music? a) isabella d'este b) hildegard of bingen c) lucrezia borgia d) eleanor of aquitaine

c) they brought a new level of expression to the madrigal

why are the madrigals of arcadelt so important? a) they were written for full choir b) they were intended for the papal chapel c) they brought a new level of expression to the madrigal d) all of the above

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