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How many protein strands are found in each myosin molecule?


Describe how action potentials travel from the sarcolemma into the interior of a muscle fiber, resulting in the release of calcium ions into the sarcoplasm.

Action potentials travel along T tubules.

Where is the perimysium found?

Around individual muscle fascicles

Within a sarcomere, the region within the A band that lacks thin filaments is called the ______.

H zone

Actin (thin) filaments are attached to a Z line, which is located in the middle of what region of the striations?

I band

The region of a sarcomere composed primarily of actin is called the __________

I band

During a muscle twitch, what is the latent period?

Period of time between stimulation and the beginning of contraction.

What is oxygen debt?

The amount of oxygen needed to restore the body's resting state after strenuous exercise.

What is the meaning of the term threshold stimulus?

The minimum strength of an electrical impulse that can stimulate contraction in an isolated muscle fiber.

What is an isometric contraction?

The muscle develops tension without shortening.

Choose all characteristics of slow-twitch fibers.

They are also called red fibers. They are well supplied with capillaries and mitochondria. They contain large amounts of myoglobin.

Describe the dark bands in the striations of skeletal muscle fibers.

They are called A bands and include the area of overlap of actin and myosin.

As ATP is broken down to ADP by the myosin-head ATPase, what is the released energy used for?

To move the myosin head into its cocked position.

What is the role of neurotransmitters?

To stimulate a target cell.

Within a sarcomere, the ______ band includes the area of overlap between actin (thin) filaments and myosin (thick) filaments.


A neuromuscular junction is a synapse between ______ and ______.

a motor neuron; a muscle fiber

What is muscle fiber?

a muscle cell

When the quadratus lumborum muscles on both sides contract, the vertebral column is ______.


The teres major and latissimus dorsi are the primary ______ of the arm at the shoulder.


Where is the origin of the platysma?

fascia of the upper chest



Muscle cells are also known as muscle fibers. In a skeletal muscle, muscle fibers are found as bundles called _____________ each enclosed in a connective tissue sheath, called the ____________

fascicle , perimysium

Only ______-twitch fibers can be predominantly glycolytic, using glycolysis to produce ATP.


What type of muscle fiber is fatigable, and has less myoglobin, a poorer blood supply, and a more extensive sarcoplasmic reticulum than the other categories of fibers?

fast-twitch glycolytic fibers

Due to their shape, muscle cells are also called muscle ___________


In a ______-class lever, the fulcrum is located between the force and the resistance.


How are the components found in a second-class lever arranged?


What is a synapse?

functional connection between neuron and effector

What is the immediate result of the opening of sodium channels along the sarcolemma (beyond the motor end plate)?

generation of an action potential

Muscle contractions generate ______, which is important for the overall functioning of the body.


The ______ of a sarcomere is composed primarily of actin.

i band

What is the immediate effect of acetylcholine binding to its receptors on the motor end plate?

increased membrane permeability to sodium ions

The concentration of calcium in the sarcoplasm ______ during muscle contraction and ______ when relaxation occurs.

increases; decreases

What type of contraction involves the development of tension but no change in length?


During an ____________muscle contraction, the muscle either lengthens or shortens, while the tension stays constant.


What type of contraction is observed when a muscle shortens?


During high-intensity exercise, anaerobic metabolism results in the production of pyruvic acid, which is then converted to __________

lactic acid

What type of contraction involves the development of tension but no change in length?

large motor unites (more muscle fibers)

Which type of motor unit produces more force when recruited?

large motor unites (more muscle fibers)

During a muscle twitch, the ________ period occurs between the stimulus and the increase in the force of contraction.


What four pairs of muscles are considered muscles of mastication?

lateral pterygoid masseter temporalis medial pterygoid

Which of the following are muscles that move the pectoral girdle?

levator scapula rhomboid major serratus anterior trapezius

When a part of the body moves, the muscles and bones responsible for the movement act as a mechanical device known as a(n)


What is the origin of the semispinalis capitis muscle?

lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae

What is the insertion of the temporalis?


Where is the origin of the buccinator?

mandible and maxilla

Which of the following is the insertion of the platysma?

mandible; skin and muscles below the mouth

Which muscle elevates the mandible?


The muscles of mastication include the medial and lateral pterygoid, _____________ and _____________

masseter and temporalis

What is the insertion of the sternocleidomastoid muscle?

mastoid process of the temporal bone

What is the insertion of the rhomboid major?

medial border of scapula

Which of the following is the insertion of the levator scapulae?

medial border of the scapula

Which of the following is the insertion of the serratus anterior?

medial border of the scapula

Because of the increased oxygen use and ATP production during aerobic training, muscle cells will increase their number of ______.


The aerobic phase of cellular respiration occurs in the organelles called the


The aerobic phase of cellular respiration, which produces ATP for muscle contraction, occurs in what organelle?


A motor unit is comprised of a ______ and the ______ that it controls.

motor neuron; muscle fibers

Neurons that control skeletal muscle are called

motor neurons

Typically, a skeletal muscle only contracts when it is stimulated by its corresponding

motor nueron


muscle fiber

What occurs during a concentric contraction?

muscle shortens

Long bundles of contractile proteins found in the sarcoplasm are called ______________________


The sarcoplasm of a muscle fiber contains many parallel structures made of proteins. These structures are called ______.


A graph depicting the forces of contraction of a muscle fiber over time is called a(n)


Actin molecules are globular and have binding sites to which the heads of a(n) _______________ molecule can attach.


The globular actin proteins making up thin filaments have binding sites for ______.


Each thick filament is composed of many molecules of ______________each of which is consists of two twisted protein strands with globular parts called ___________________

myosin , heads

What generates the force that shortens the sarcomeres to bring about muscle contraction?

myosin cross-bridges pulling on the actin filaments

A skeletal muscle will typically only contract when stimulated by its motor neuron at the ______.

neuromuscular junction

The type of synapse formed between a motor neuron and a muscle fiber is called a(n) ____

neuromuscular junction

What is the function of acetylcholine?

neurotransmitter that stimulates the muscle to contract

In order to communicate with a target cell at a synapse, a neuron releases


What type of chemical is released by neurons? These chemicals then bind to effector cells.


The process of glycolysis is ______.


Glycolysis is used to produce ATP for muscle contraction and is best described as ______.

anaerobic breakdown of glucose to produce ATP

What is the origin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle?

anterior sternum; upper clavicle

What is the origin of the serratus anterior?

anterior surface of upper ribs

Since slow-twitch fibers are oxidative fibers (using aerobic metabolism), they ______.

are fatigue-resistant

Since slow-twitch fibers are oxidative fibers (using aerobic metabolism), they ______.

are prone to fatigue

Where is the orbicularis oculi located?

around the eye

What is the name of the process on a neuron that carries electrical impulses toward the cell to be stimulated?


The enzyme acetylcholinesterase functions to ______.

break down acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft

What causes the myosin heads to move into their "cocked" positions prior to them attaching to actin?

breakdown of ATP into ADP and

Contraction of what muscle pulls the cheeks inward?


Which muscle helps blow air out of the mouth and is also called the trumpeter muscle?


Excitation-contraction coupling involves an increase in the concentration of ______ ions in the sarcoplasm.


During muscle relaxation, calcium levels in the sarcoplasm fall because ______.

calcium is actively transported into the sarcoplasmic reticulum

Which of the following best describes the role of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) when a skeletal myofiber is first stimulated?

calcium is released from the SR into the sarcoplasm

What is one origin of the trapezius, a muscle with multiple origins?

cervical and thoracic vertebrae

Indicate one of the insertions for the trapezius.


What is the action of the orbicularis oris?

closes lips; protrudes lips

What is the action of the orbicularis oculi?

closes the eye, as in blinking

An isotonic contraction that results in shortening of muscle length is called a(n) ___________ contraction


The "cocking" of the myosin heads, hydrolysis of ATP, and the power stroke occur during the ______ phase of skeletal muscle contraction.


What is the first source of energy that is used to convert ADP to ATP after a contraction in a skeletal muscle cell begins?

creatine phosphate

The oxygen needed to recycle lactic acid in the liver and regenerate ATP in skeletal muscle cells is called the oxygen __________


By definition, what is muscle fatigue?

decreased ability of a muscle to contract

Describe the Z line that is seen within striations of skeletal muscle.

direct attachment for the thin filaments; bisects the I band

When is lactic acid produced?

during anaerobic metabolism

Which of the following describes the action of the epicranius?

elevates eyebrows; draws scalp forward; wrinkles forehead

What is the action of the masseter?

elevates mandible

What is the action of the levator scapulae muscle?

elevation of scapula

Indicate three characteristics of skeletal muscle fibers.

elongated cells multinucleated cylindrical shape

What is the connective tissue layer that surrounds individual muscle fibers within a muscle?



entire muscle

The insertion for the ______ muscle is the skin around the eye.


The occipital bone serves as the origin for what muscle?


When the ____________________ muscle contracts, the eyebrows are raised, as in an expression of surprise.


Each skeletal muscle is surrounded by a layer of fibrous connective tissue called the ______________----


The layer of connective tissue that closely surrounds each skeletal muscle is called the ______.


Correctly list, from superficial to deep, the connective tissue layers associated with a skeletal muscle. Start with the most superficial layer at the top.

epimysium perimysium endomysium

what are the connective tissue layers with the structures they surround.

epimysium , endomysium , perimysium

What term refers to the amount of oxygen needed to re-establish the resting state after exercise?

excess post-exercise oxygen consumption

The connection between the stimulation of muscle fiber and its contraction involves an increase of calcium ions in the sarcoplasm and is called

excitation contraction coupling

The action of the ______ is to flex the head and neck to one side (if only one side contracts) and to pull the chin to the chest if both sides contract.


The long muscle in the side of the neck that runs from the base of the skull (behind the ear) to the sternum is the


The organization of the thin and thick filaments within a muscle cell results in the formation of what muscle feature?


Which muscles rotate the arm at the shoulder?

subscapularis and teres minor

When a muscle fiber is stimulated at a high enough frequency that it doesn't have time to relax, the forces of the individual twitches combine. What is this process called?


When the frequency of stimulation of a muscle fiber increases, eventually the individual twitches combine by the process of ___________ which results in a sustained contraction.


The connection between an axon and its target cell is functional, not physical. This functional connection is also called a(n)


The functional connection between a neuron's process and a target cell is called a(n) ______.


The functional connection between a neuron's process and a target cell is called a(n) ______.


The ____________ muscle originates on the temporal bone and inserts on the coronoid process of the mandible


Dense connective tissue cords that anchor muscles to bone are called _______________


The different connective tissue coverings in a skeletal muscle fuse to form cordlike structures called ______________ which attach muscles to bones.


What forms the striations seen in skeletal muscle?

the arrangement of thin and thick filaments

What is the insertion of the scalenes?

the first two ribs

Muscle fatigue is a condition described by ______ and is usually caused by prolonged use of a muscle.

the loss of a muscle's ability to contract

Within a sarcomere, what is the H zone?

the region within the A band that lacks thin filaments

During muscle contraction, the sarcomeres shorten because ______.

thick and thin filament slide past one another, increasing their overlap

Intertwined strands of actin make up part of the ______ filaments.


Troponin and tropomyosin are part of the ___________ filaments within muscle myofibrils.


The protein called ______________ anchors myosin filaments to the Z lines.


When describing the roles of muscles in an action, what is the role of the agonist?

to cause an action

The main function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is ______.

to store calcium ions

The continuous state of partial contraction maintained by muscles even when they are at rest is called muscle


What is the name of the invaginations of the sarcolemma that extend through the muscle fiber?

transverse (T) tubules

The scalenes have their origins on the ______.

transverse processes of cervical vertebrae

What is the origin of the levator scapulae?

transverse processes of cervical vertebrae

Numerous openings in the sarcolemma of a muscle fiber lead down into structures called the ______.

transverse tubules

The membranous cellular structures that are important in conducting impulses through the sarcoplasm and in stimulating the release of calcium are called ______.

transverse tubules

What structures are positioned between adjacent cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum?

transverse tubules

Of the following muscles, which one moves the pectoral girdle?


Raising, lowering, and rotating the scapula are all functions of the ___________ muscle


The fibers of the __________muscle are divided into three groups, each of which acts differently on the scapula.


What muscle is comprised of three groups of fibers (upper group, middle group, and lower group). Together they rotate the scapula, but working separately, each group moves the scapula differently.


n excitation-contraction coupling, the protein called _____________moves to expose binding sites on the actin filaments that can form cross-bridges.


During excitation-contraction coupling, calcium binds to ______.


True or false: Muscles generate heat when they contract.


True or false: The sarcoplasmic reticulum releases calcium into the cytoplasm when a muscle impulse moves down into the muscle fiber along the T tubules.


True or false: The transverse tubules are located between structures called cisternae.


True or false: Within a myofibril, each I band is bisected by a Z line to which the thin filaments are attached.


The quadratus lumborum inserts on the ______.

twelfth rib upper lumbar vertebrae

When a single muscle fiber contracts when stimulated by a single impulse, the contractile response is called a(n)


muscle response called a(n) ____________consists of a period of contraction during which the fiber pulls at its attachment, followed by a period of __________________during which the pulling force decreases.

twitch , releaxation

What are thin filaments composed of?

two intertwined strands of actin

Muscle fibers with abundant mitochondria and myoglobin that are typically red in color are called ______ fibers.

type 1

What kind of contraction is generated when an overly shortened muscle fiber is stimulated?

weak contraction

Type IIb or fast-twitch glycolytic fibers are also called ____________ fibers because they contain less myoglobin.


A sarcomere extends from one ______ to the next.

z line

What is the origin of the zygomaticus major?

zygomatic bone

What muscle pulls up on the corner of the mouth, causing you to smile?


Which two muscles are responsible for drawing the corner of the mouth upward, as in smiling and laughing?

zygomaticus major and minor

What is the location of the sternocleidomastoid muscle?

side of the neck

Which muscle type has multinucleated cells that are cylindrical in shape?

skeletal muscle

The term muscle tone, or tonus, refers to the fact that ______.

skeletal muscles maintain a state of partial contraction even when they are at rest

Which of the following is the insertion of the zygomaticus minor?

skin and muscles at the corner of the mouth

______-twitch fibers always use aerobic metabolism and are therefore called oxidative fibers.


Which type of motor unit is more easily stimulated and, thus, is recruited first?

small motor units (fewer muscle fibers)

Action potentials spreading along the sarcolemma of a muscle fiber result from the opening of ______ channels in the sarcolemma.


The binding of acetylcholine to its receptors on the motor end plate results in increased membrane permeability to ________________ions and potassium ions.


When a nerve stimulates a skeletal muscle fiber, the response of the sarcolemma is to increase its permeability to ______.


The response of the sarcolemma to stimulation by a nerve impulse is to open ______.

sodium channels, allowing sodium to enter the cell

What is the origin of the splenius capitis muscle?

spinous processes of the lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae

the _______________ capitis has its origin on the ligamentum nuchae and spinous processes of the lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae, and its insertion on the occipital bone.


Which muscle can rotate the head and laterally flex the neck when acting singly, and bring the head into the upright position when acting on both sides of the body?

splenius capitis

In a skeletal muscle cell at rest, where is most of the calcium found?

It is stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

What is the role of creatine phosphate during skeletal muscle contraction?

It is used to quickly regenerate ATP from ADP.

At neuromuscular junctions, acetylcholine binds to ______.

receptors in the muscle fiber membrane

Consider the naming of the temporalis muscle. What does the name tell you about the muscle?

It provides information about the locations of the origins and/or insertions for the muscle.

Consider the naming of the triceps brachii muscle. What does the name tell you about the muscle?

It provides information about the number of heads (origins).

During excitation of a muscle fiber, which one of the following events comes immediately after the release of acetylcholine from the motor neuron?

acetylcholine diffuses across the synaptic cleft

Which of the following is the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft?


Receptors for the neurotransmitter ______________ are found in the sarcolemma at a neuromuscular junction.


In a muscle contraction, the force that shortens the sarcomeres comes from the myosin cross-bridges pulling on the ___________ filaments


Within a muscle fiber, troponin and tropomyosin are associated with ______.


Which of the following best describes the M line found within sarcomeres?

The M line is in the middle of the H zone, providing an attachment point for the thick filaments.

The process of a neuron, its axon, conducts electrical impulses called _____________ ________________ towards the end of the axon that innervates a target cell.

action potentials

A muscle that functions to cause action is referred to as the ______.


The increase in the number of activated motor units as the intensity of neuronal stimulation increases is called _____________ or multiple motor unit summation.


Which of the following is a characteristic of slow-twitch (type I) fibers?

red in color

During which phase are calcium ions actively transported into the sarcoplasmic reticulum?


What phase includes these events? (1) Cytoplasmic calcium levels fall; (2) Myosin releases thin filaments; (3) Muscle tension declines.


Which statement accurately lists the arrangement of components found in a first-class lever?


What is an action of the rhomboid muscles?

retract and elevate the scapula

A muscle that has an increase in its blood supply and its number of mitochondria has probably experienced ______.

an increase in aerobic exercise

What is the action of splenius capitis?

rotate head; pull head into an upright position

What is the action of the sternocleidomastoid?

rotates the head to one side

Within myofibrils, the area between two successive Z lines is called a(n) ______.


Myofibrils are formed by many ______ positioned end-to-end.


What term is used for the plasma membrane of a muscle fiber?


Each myofibril contains many ______________ , each extending from one Z line to the next.


The ______________are repeating units within muscle fibers that act as the functional units of muscle contraction.


The cytoplasm of a muscle fiber is called the


The cytoplasm of a muscle fiber is called the ______________


How many myofibrils and sarcomeres are found in a muscle fiber?

Each muscle fiber contains many myofibrils, each made of many sarcomeres joined end to end.

True or false: Myofilaments shorten during contraction.


In a skeletal muscle fiber, each myofibril is surrounded by a network of membranous channels that runs parallel to the myofibril and is called the

sarcoplasmic reticulum

What is the function of the protein called titin within a sarcomere?

It attaches myosin filaments to the Z lines.

The thick filaments attach to what feature located in the middle of the H zone?

M line

What occurs with recruitment?

Many motor units fire, increasing the strength of contraction.

Which statements correctly describe changes in a skeletal muscle cell during muscle contraction?

Myofilaments overlap during contraction. Sarcomeres shorten during contraction. Muscles shorten during contraction.

Which end of a skeletal muscle is called its origin?

The end is attached to a relatively unmovable or fixed part of a joint.

During one of the steps of muscle contraction, ATP binds to myosin heads. What happens as a result of that?

The myosin heads are released from the actin filaments.

What happens when the quadratus lumborum contracts on one side only?

The vertebral column is flexed laterally.

What is the name of the network of membranous channels that surrounds each myofibril within a muscle fiber?

sarcoplasmic reticulum

When is acetylcholine released into the synaptic cleft of a neuromuscular junction?

When a nerve impulse reaches the end of the axon.

What is a motor unit composed of?

a single motor neuron several muscle fibers

What kind of contraction is generated when an overly shortened muscle fiber is stimulated?

a weak contraction

What is stored in the synaptic vesicles of axons of motor neurons?


When a nerve impulse reaches the end of the motor neuron axon, what is released into the synaptic cleft?


Contraction of the trapezius causes rotation of the


Where is acetylcholine (ACh) synthesized?

in the cytoplasm of the motor neuron

A ______-class lever has its components arranged as fulcrum-resistance-force.


The muscle labeled A is the ______ capitis muscle. The muscle labeled B is the ______ capitis muscle.

semispinalis; splenius

Which muscle is located on the side of the chest, originating on the upper ribs and inserting on the medial scapula?

serratus anterior

Where is the insertion of the semispinalis capitis muscle?

occipital bone

In addition to blinking the eye, the _____________oculi compress the tear gland helping the flow of tears over the surface of the eye.


What muscle is located around the eye?

orbicularis oculi

What muscle closes the lips?

orbicularis oris

Which of the following serves as the insertion of the buccinator?

orbicularis oris at an angle of mouth

The end of a muscle that is fixed (relatively immovable) is called its ______.


The orbicularis ___________ inserts on the skin of the lips.


The orbicularis _________ encircles the mouth, while the orbicularis __________surrounds the eye.

oris oculi

What is the alternative term for excess post-exercise oxygen consumption?

oxygen debt

The trapezius, the rhomboid major and minor, and the levator scapulae are all muscles that move the ______ __________

pectoral girdle

What is the name of the connective tissue layer that separates a skeletal muscle into fascicles?


List the four components of a lever.

pivot point object to move force rigid bar or rod

Considering their type of metabolism, which type of fiber is prone to fatigue?

predominantly glycolytic type II fibers

Which muscle has its origin on the iliac crest

quadratus lumborum

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