music 1600 exam 3

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years of the counterculture


who wrote "good times"

Bernard Edwards and Nile Rodgers

leader of the beach boys

Brian wilson

anti-war time was a result of which wars

Cold War/vietnam

where and when was disco demolition night

Comiskey park Chicago 1979

What happened to all of the privately owned record labels in the 70s

Consolidated, lots of money in a few hands

What was the "death" in the 60s-70s associated with

Death of celebrities through assassinations, murder, and drugs

center of urban fold and folk revival

Greenwich village, NYC

famous artist also known as "soul brother no. 1"

James brown

What was the most popular band of the 70s

The eagles

DIY grunge music

garage band music

what is the principal mode of transmission for folk music


where do folk songs usually come from

regular working people in rural areas

famous soul artists

sam cooke/ray charles

The song was 6+ minutes also like what other song

"Like a rolling stone" by bob dylan


famous on berry goody's labels, aimed toward mainstream pop charts

who was chic's co founder

nile rodgers

who wrote "respect"

otis redding

3 traits that make James brown the "father of hip hop"

1. spoken lyrics 2. emphasizes rhythm not harmony 3. music was widely sampled

what year was Pancho and lefty recorded


What concert was the epitome of the death of the peaceful hippie era

Altamont free concert in 1969

when was 'like a rolling stone' written/who recorded it

1965 recorded by bob Dylan and studio musicians

two record industry masterminds

Phil Spector (philles records) and berry Gordy (Motown records)

California represented what in the United States in the 60s

Social idealism

popular disco club in NYC

Studio 54

Best selling album of the 20th century

Their Greatest Hits by the eagles

what was folk music like in the 60s?

acoustic, melodic, and featured little studio production

term linked to fairness in society between genders, race, class, etc.


progressive country was AKA

anti-nashville/outlaw country

rock n roll Bands famous for developing new style of lyrics

beach boys and Beatles

what did Aretha Franklin change about the original song?

calling a man to respect a woman instead of the opposite

famous disco band that created a string of disco hits in the 70s



church music linked to pop music, deep expression of emotion, blue notes

soul has ties to 1960s-70s social movements such as...

civil rights, black pride, women rights

what Mexican style did Pancho and lefty resemble


disco was often created by

studio musicians and producers

what does a corrido song consist of

tales of murders and life on the border

what was a popular punk rock band

the Ramones

traits that made the beach boys iconic

-complex studio production techniques -concept album: themed albums -laid back California style

3 steps to creating a new style of music in rock n roll

1. master early rock n roll style 2. develop new songs with that style 3. branch out completely/form new style

year good vibrations was written


year you can't hurry love was written


year Aretha Franklin recorded "respect"


years of the disco craze


What year was hotel California written


when was "good times" written and who recorded it


characteristics of "like a rolling stone"

6 mins long, bleak lyrics, sonic density, no special effects

What kind of music did the AM band play

All of the top hits

artist also known as "lady soul"

Aretha franklin

who wrote "good vibrations"

Brian wilson and mike love

which bands began to become more popular than American bands..this time period is called what?

British pop bands caused the "British Invasion"

Fragmentation of styles of different music lead to what certain new genres?

Funk, country pop, raggae

Who was working security at altamont?

Hells angels motorcyle gang

who was known as a funk pioneer

James brown

The lyrics to hotel California are associated with..

Loss of innocence and disillusionment

3 types of music pioneered by African Americans in the 60s

Motown, soul, and gospel

The music industry migrated from ___ to ___


where was bob Dylan famously "booed" by fans for his electric music

Newport folk festival 1965

Which city became closely associated with hippies in the counter culture?

San Francisco

what movie in 1977 made disco even more popular

Saturday night fever

who wrote/recorded Pancho and lefty

Townes Van Zandt

What was the format of music in the 70s?

Track tapes and cassette tapes


black style music popular in the second half of the 60s, shade of R/B, influenced by gospel and blues

launched urban folk career in 1961 in NYC-hero of the folk movement

bob Dylan

black pop music in the 60s consisted of a lot of ______ activity


innovative instrument used in good vibrations


old songs of unknown authorship, handed down from one musician to the next

folk music

renewal of interest in older generation of traditional musicians who played old styles of folk music.

folk revival

interlocking patterns forms by bass, drums, and guitar


main traits of disco

heavy bass, repetitive, straight forward lyrics

from 1965-66 how did Dylan's music evolve

it went electric and reflected his dissatisfaction in his old role

what did progressive country/punk rock go against

mainstream country and disco

which type of person became influential in the music industry

music producer

studio musicians

play the background music but not in the actual band

2 examples of countermovements in the 70s

punk rock and progressive country

who recorded and wrote "you can't hurry love"

recorded by: the supremes written by: holland-dozier-holland (production team)

Townes van zandt was famous for what

songwriting skills

example of folk song


what was the epitome of the gender and womens rights movement

stonewall riots in 1969

new music in those styles by a younger generation of college-educated, urban musicians

urban folk

who did bob Dylan model himself after

woody guthrie

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