Music of Spain #2 Midterm

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-a large region (capital of zaragoza) in Northeastern Spain and IS HOME TO JOTA, a distinctive type of music and dance


-a specific style of Song and Dance in Aragon -accompanied by a singer, a guitar, mandolin, and castanets -strong nationalistic symbol -traditionally performed with plucked string instruments


-always in triple meter -a slow, elegant, and courtly dance (it was supposed to listened, not intended to be a dance to) -popular among the nobility in the 18th century


-are a very popular instrument for flamenco dancers -they aid in keeping rhytm and helping the dancers express their emotions -idiophone -clackers

cante jondo

-deep sing usually about persecution and rejection

Polychoral Sacred Music

-employs 2 or more choirs -An example is Gloria á 12 -Music for Mass and the Divine office -Created in Venice in the 16th century


-strong sense of regional identity rooted in language and culture history and economics


-strumming the strings of a guitar -technique used in flamenco


-the heartland of birthplace of the Flamenco -creation of Gypsies, now called Roma


-traditional music ensemble of Catalonia, Spain, and in Norther Catalonia France during the Sardana

Baroque Period

-1600-1750 -Begins in Italy, and European nation adopted it -Music and Art trends towards extravagance & emotional intensity, as opposed to more serene & meditative Renaissance -Emphasizes grandeur & authority, power, and wealth of Catholic Church

Classical Period

-1750-1820 -period that rejects extravagance, opulence, lavishness of baroque -Values symmetry, clarity, order, reason and human scale -this doesn't mean that you are not religious, just mean thought of God as rational reasoning who used science and math to prevail -these beliefs were also "consequences from the period of enlightenment"


-1820-1900 -A period where there is emphasis on subjective experience over objective experience -Emotion, fantasy, escapism, exoticism, extreme states of being, sexual, religious (makes a big come back now), psychological Not what causes the rainbow, but how the this rainbow is caused" -Romance: comes from dragons, and shining armors, told stories that were fantastic that feature mythical creatures


-A keyboard instrument with strings attached that are plucked, not struck! -Looks quite similar to a keyboard


-A local dance and song of Galicia and it involves the Gaita


-City known for their "Arts and Sciences" in Spain -Many composers came from


-Community in the northwest corner of spain -strong keltic element in the culture so they use gaita (bagpipes) in their music -also famous for their santiago de Compostela

J.B Comes (Juan Bautista Comes)

-Composer of a polychoral sacred music at Valencia Cathedral -Adopted many different parts of of Italian Music -Wrote Gloria à 12 for Mass (Gloria for 12 voices)

Fernando Sor

-Great guitar player and composer of the early 1800s -composed operas, ballets, vocal/choral music -Composed minuet for court dances (Sor's Minuet)

Padre Antonio Soler

-He was a virtuoso harpsichordict, teacher, and a composer of sonatas -Wrote secular music, meaning not for the church, court music -He was a preist in Madrid

J.B Cabanilles

-He was an organists and organ composer at the same Valencia cathedral as Juan Bautista in late 17th century -Wrote Battala Imperial (Imperial Battle)


-It was a popular dance and music of the 17th century (in duple meter)

Juan Hidalgo

-Most influential Spanish composer & harpist in the Hispanic world -"Ay que si ay, eu no" -Wrote music for the first 2 operas that were created in Spanish -Leading composer of Zarzuela in the late 17th century -He composed El Tiempo de Palas, a Zarazuel from 1675

"Battle" pieces

-Organ piece that was used to simulate battle -Batalla Imperial, which was written Juan Bautista Cabanilles

Francisco Barbieri

-Revives the Zarazuela which had died out in early 1800s due to popularity of Italian opera - Wrote "El barberillo de Lavapies" zarzuela

Baroque Guitar

-Similar to vihuela -has double strings -can be plucked and strummed

"El templo de Palas"

-Zarazuela from 1675 -Composed by Juan Hidalgo -Accompanied by a baroque guitar and is very lively dance like -it is an "amusing song" because it is similar to "she loves me, she loves me not" -The woman is singing about whether or not her lover reciprocates her feelings


-expresses full range of human emotion from tragic to joyous -Emphasis is on the individual, rather than in a group -Music reflects influence of Roma, Jews, and Muslims


-is a kind of musical drama that alternates spoken dialogue in spanish musical numbers


-it is strictly instrumental work -sonatas were typically wrriten for haprsichord -Sonatas in D minor: is used for ornamental (decorates the piece)


-music and dance of the romantic period -a communal circle dance accompanied by wind instruments

Felipe Pedrell

-musicologist and composer -the great patriarch of Spanish nationalism in music -composed music: operas, sacred music inspired by spanish culture -Music historia, studied Victoria -"O Gloriosa Virginum"


-plucking the strings, playing scales on the guitar

Modern classical guitar (six single strings)

-simple than a Baroque guitar -has fewer strings -simpler tuning -uses regular musical notation


-soul of flamenco -deep talent in something

Zarzuela revival

-was revived by barbieri -seen in the first half of the 19th century and was intended for normal citizens in public theater, not just for the wealthy like other dances


A bagpipe that is played during the Muneria (song and dance) in Galicia


-Large and Loud instruments that sounds & can sound like a trumpet -It is an aerophone -In churches

Palacio de la Zarzuela

-Named after zarzas on bramble bushes that were growing around the palace -It was a hunting lodge/palace in rural spain where the kings and nobility spend their spare time

Gaspar Sanz

-Spanish Baroque guitarist and composer of 17th century -wrote on of the most famous Canarios

El barberillo de Lavapies

-a district in madrid -is famous for its colorful characters

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