Music Theory Questions ch1-5

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How do pitches and pitch classes differ?

A pitch is a note in that particular octave. A pitch class is that note but in different octaves.

What is the function of (a) C-clefs, (b) accidentals, (c) ledger lines?

(a) C-clef is a movable clef. It a establish pitches for middle C. (b) accidentals can raising a note one semitone, or lowering a note one semitone, and is not a member of the key signature. (c) ledger lines are used to notate pitches above or below the lines.

What is the difference between (a) simple and compound meters, (b) rhythm and meter, (c) beat division and subdivision, (d) a flag and a beam, (e) a tie and a slur, (f) a syncopation and a hemiola?

(a) Simple meter is divisible by 2, compound is divisible by 3. (b) Rhythm refers to the durations of pitch and silence. Meter provides a framework of strong and weak beats against which the rhythms are heard. (c) Beat divisions are note values that divide beats. Subdivision is dividing the beat into smaller units (a whole note to 4 quarter notes). (d) Beam is like a line through the eighth notes, sixteenth notes. Flags is for (e) Slurs connect two or more different pitches, but ties lengthens the duration of the same note when connected. (f) Syncopation means making changes to a rhythm that makes it off-beat. Hemiola is like a temporary change of meter, like when you hear two groups of three beats is replaced by three groups of two beats.

What are the notation rules for (a) stem direction, (b) beaming beat divisions and subdivisions, (c) upbeats?

(a) The stem changes direction where it is in the middle line. Usually, the stem points upward when it is below the middle line. The stem point downward when it is above the middle line. (b) You can't beam across the bar line. You have to beam within the beat. You can't beam something across the beat. Connecting eighth notes across beat 1 and 2 is not right! (c) upbeat, also anacrusis or pickup. In the music with an anacrusis, the last measure is often notated as an incomplete bar to "balance" the opening incomplete measure.

When reading a compound meter signature, how do you determine (a) the number of beats per measure and (b) the beat unit?

The top number is divided by 3 to get the number of beats per measure. The beat unit is based on the beat division and it is the bottom number. So, a dotted black note is the beat unit for 8, dotted half note is the beat unit for 4, dotted quarter note is the beat unit for 16.

How are compound meter distinguished from simple meters?

Compound meters are divisible by three.

What is the order of sharps in a key signature? of flats? What pattern do you follow to place them in the correct octave?

Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle. Then reverse for for flats. That sentence also tells us the pattern.

How can you identify the key of a flat-key from its key signature? a sharp-key work?

Flat key is always the second flat. Sharp key is the last sharp raised one semitone.

Give two guidelines each for notating ledger lines, note heads, and stems.

1) Notes higher than the staff have ledger lines drawn through them or below them, but never above them. And notes below the staff have ledger lines through them or above them, but never below.

Provide the number of beats per measure and the beat unit for each of the following meter signature: 12/4, 9/16, 6/4

12/4 (4 beats per measure, dotted half note as the beat unit), 9/16 (3 beats per measure, dotted quarter note as the beat unit), 6/4 (2 beats per measure, dotted half note as the beat unit).

Which white-key pairs of notes form half steps, without the addition of accidentals?

B and C, E and F

What are the whole and half step patterns in the major and chromatic scales?

Chromatic scales are made up entirely of half steps. Major scale is W-W-H-W-W-W-H.

Name two systems for identifying scale degrees.

Either in numbers with a caret above or the solfège which is do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do.

Given a minor key, how do you find the relative major?

Find the 3 of that minor scale and that pitch is the tonic of the relative major.

Given a key signature, how do you know which minor key it represents?

Find the major key of that key, then go to the 6th.

Which scale degrees form a major pentatonic scale? a major pentachord?

Major Pentatonic: 1,2,3,5,6 Major Pentachord: 1,2,3,4,5

How are octave numbers assigned? What is the octave number for middle C?

Middle C is C4. Octave numbers are assigned based on the octave that the notes are in.

What are the differences between the three minor scale types? How are these differences reflected in the scale-degree names?

Natural minor only has flatted 3,6,7 Harmonic only has flatted 3,6. Raised 7 And melodic only flatted 3 and has raised 6 and 7, then flatted 6 and 7 on the way down.

How do the diatonic modes differ from major and minor scales? Describe the relative and parallel methods for identifying and spelling modes.

See more on page 104-105.

Given a pitch and a mode to build on it, what steps should you follow?

See page 106.

What are two different systems for spelling chromatic scales? How do you decide which one to use?

Sharps ascending, flats descending. So simply raise notes when ascending and lower them when descending.

Provide two appropriate meter signatures each for a simple duple, simple triple, and a simple quadruple piece.

Simple duple 2/4, 2/2. Simple triple 3/4, 3/2, 3/8. Simple quadruple 4/4, 4/8, 4/16

What do the two numbers in a simple meter signature represent?

The bottom number represents the beat unit and the top number represents how many beats is in a measure.

How is the circle of fifths constructed, and how can it help you learn key signatures?

The circle of fifths are constructed by how each time a sharp is added, the new key is five steps higher than the last. It can help you to learn which keys belong to which sharps.

How do a staff and clef work together to identify pitches?

The staff is a notation that contains five lines and four spaces to identify pitches. The clef is a symbol on the left of every staff, representing which lines and spaces represents which pitch.

What similarities do relative and parallel minor share with major? How do relative and parallel minor differ from each other?

They have the same letter, but different key signatures.

In addition to the key signature, what other musical aspects should you check to identify the key of work?

Tonality, how the music sounds. It can be major or minor. Check also how that music starts and ends.

What is the interval pattern for a major tetrachord? Spell the two major tetrachords in E Major.

W-W-H E-F#-G#-A

How are syncopations created?

When an expected metric accent (strong beat like 1 and 3) is displaced or moved to another beat or part of a beat - by ties, dots, rests, dynamic markings, accent marks, or the rhythm itself-the result is syncopation.

What guidelines should you follow in beaming rhythms together? What makes this difficult when the dotted-half note is the beat unit?

When beaming rhythms together, they should be beamed to reflect the beat unit. This is difficult when the beat unit is a dotted-half note because if you grouped quarter notes in groups of three to show the dotted-half beat, that would turn them into eighths.

How do the piano's white and black keys help you determine whole and half steps?

White keys correspond to the seven letters of the musical alphabet, and is natural. Black keys are usually the accidentals, and represents the half steps between the two white keys.

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