my courses Pre-Int 1 & Pre-Int 2

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golf course

an area of land used for playing golf


an expensive vessel propelled by sail or power and used for cruising or racing


an impression left on any surface that consists of patterns made by the ridges on a finger اثر انگشت


not completely cooked OPP >> overdone

contestant (/kənˈtestənt/)

someone who competes in a contest

teenager (teen)

someone who is between 13 and 19 years old


something that causes stress

drop (sth/sb) off

to stop a vehicle and let someone get out; to take something (or someone) to a place and leave it there

to begin with

1. used to introduce the first and most important point you want to make 2. used to say that something was already in a particular condition before something else happened (I didn't break it! it was like that ~) 3. during the first part of a process or activity

might as well

1. used to suggest doing something, often when there is nothing better to do (an unenthusiastic suggestion) 2. used to say that the effect of an action or situation is the same as if it was another (the road was open again, but ~ have remained closed, such where the delays)


1. [UC] the time of life when someone is young : the time when a young person has not yet become an adult 2. [C] a teenage boy; used esp. in newspapers to show disapproval (a gang of ~s) 3. [UC] young ppl in general (the ~ of today are the pensioners of tomorrow)

hang on

1. [informal] to ask sb to wait for a short time or to stop what they're doing 2. used when you have just noticed or thought of sth that is interesting or wrong (now ~ a minute - you can't really believe what you just said!)


1. an outbuilding (or part of a building) for housing automobiles 2. a place where motor vehicles are repaired 3. a place where you buy petrol

promptly (adv)

1. at the right time without being late Syn >> on time (She arrived promptly) 2. immediately 3. without delay


1. having a personality that is fully developed in all aspects and having a variety of experiences (~ graduates/individuals) 2. ~ education or experience of life is complete and varied ( she has a ~ background in management)

to start with

1. said to emphasise the first of a list of facts or opinions you are stating (There are problems. ~, neither of us likes housework) 2. said when talking about the beginning of a situation especially when it changes later (I was pretty nervous ~, but after a while I was fine)


1. the natural features of a particular part of a country that you can see such as mountains Forests desserts etc (Ex1. relax while you take in the beautiful scenery. Ex2. to enjoy the scenery) 2. Onstage decoration to help establish the time and place of a play Syn >> set

torment (v.) (/tɔːrˈment/)

1. to make someone suffer a lot, especially mentally (She was ~ed by feelings of guilt) 2. to deliberately treat sb cruelly by annoying them or hurting them Syn >> torture(/ˈtɔːrtʃər/)


1. to state officially and publicly that a particular situation exists or that something is true 2. to tell a customs official that you're carrying goods on which you should pay tax when you enter a country (Do you have anything to declare?)

Hairdresser, stylist, barber(a man)

A person whose job is to cut, wash and shape hair


A person's emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others. (Ex1. The ~s weren't right. Ex2. I have good ~s about this contract)


A portable camera/recorder combination. از همون دوربین‌هایی که ما داریم

mailman(/woman)(AE), postman(/woman)(BE)

Delivers mail and packages.

succeed in doing sth

Syn >> to manage to do sth


The area an aircraft uses for landing and take-off (باند پرواز) 2. ~ (AE) = catwalk (BE)

hang up

To hang clothes or an object on a hook, hanger or rod.


Typed symbols that convey emotional aspects of an online message

check (AE), bill (BE)

a written statement of the amount owed in a restaurant


[formal] to make (s.o. or sth) seem small or unimportant Ex. He tends to ~ her efforts. Syn >> pit sb down [inf]

mess around, mess about (BE)

[informal] 1. to spend time doing various things that are not important, without any particular purpose or plan (my brother likes ~ing with computers) 2. behave in a silly and annoying way, esp. instead of doing something useful Syn >> fool around (Ex1.Stop ~ing and get ready for school. Ex2. I ~ed in my first year at college)

put sb down

[informal] make sb look or feel stupid or not important by criticizing them, esp. in front of other people Syn >> belittle [formal]

contest (/ˈkɑːntest/)

a competition in which ppl do an activity and a gp of judges decide the winner

your fair share of sth

a fair and reasonable amount of sth (often used about work) (Ex. I've had my ~ success in the past. Ex. he has more than his ~ problems.)

connecting flight

a flight that leaves soon after another one arrives (Ex. we had to wait for 3 hours in NY before catching a ~ to Chicago)

dozen (abbr. >> doz.)

a group of twelve abbreviation?


a job or piece of work that is often boring or unpleasant but needs to be done regularly (we share the domestic ~ chores)


a job that you do for somebody that involves going somewhere to take a message, to buy something, deliver goods, etc. ∆ run ~s


a large increase in activity or in the level of something (They saw a ~ in orders)


a lot of people or things (but not hundreds/thousands) (Ex. she's had dozens of boyfriends)


a mark made by dirty fingers on something clean

caregiver (AE)

a person who takes care of a child or sick person


a person whose job involves preparing and serving different types of coffee (In a coffee shop)

gas station (AE), petrol station(BE), garage(BE), filling station

a place at the side of a road where you take your car to buy gas/petrol, oil, etc.

hair salon (beauty salon, beauty shop (AE))

a place for women, men or children get their hair cut or styled

spa resort

a place that offers massages, saunas etc

appetizer(AE), starter (BE)

a small amount of food that is served before the main course of a meal

pacifier (AE), dummy (BE)

a smooth rubber or plastic object that is given to a baby to suck in order to comfort it and make it stop crying


a substance that decreases activity in the body and nervous system

beauty treatment

a treatment or therapy done to improve a person's physical appearance, e.g. a face mask. + manicures + depilation

bound to do/be sth

certain or likely to happen or to do/be sth (Ex1. it was ~ happen sooner or later = we should have expected it Ex2. you're ~ be nervous the first time = it's easy to understand Ex3. "it's hot!" "well,it was ~ be. I just took it out of the oven") in written English >>> use >>> "certain to" or "it's inevitable that"


cooked for only a short time so that the inside is still red


cooked thoroughly

obesity (/oʊˈbiːsɪti/)

excessive fatness


extremely silly, or unreasonable, not logical Syn >> ridiculous

to have your share of sth

if you've ~ sth, e.g. problems, success, or adventure, a lot of it has happened to you (Ex1. you've sure ~ problems, haven't you?)

take care of

look after (esp. BE)


machine used to cut the grass

car (AE), carriage (BE)

one of the parts of a train where passengers sit (واگن قطار)

open up

open a locked door, container or building

(medium,) medium rare

partly cooked but still slightly pink inside

opera (/ˈɑːprə/)

play mostly sung, with costumes, scenery, action, and music ∆ go to the ~

load the washing machine

put the clothes into the washing machine

tell time(AE), tell the time (BE)

read the time from a clock (How old is your son? can he ... yet?)

operatic (/ɑːpəˈrætɪk/)

relating to opera


relating to or suffering from depression (parents with ~ symptoms)

clean off

remove sth from sth by brushing, rubbing, etc (Ex1. I ~ed the mud ~ my shoes. Ex2. would you ~ the fingermarks ~/from the door. Ex3. he used a tissue to ~ the fingerprints ~ the gun. Ex4. ~ the counter)

torment (n.) (/ˈtɔːrment/)

severe physical or mental suffering ∆ in ~ (She lay awake all night in ~)

departure lounge

the area in an airport where passengers wait before getting onto an aircraft OPP >> the arrivals lounge


the part of an airport that deals with passengers who are leaving OPP >> arrivals


the use of threats or physical force to intimidate and control another person


the work that you do to keep your house clean (All the ~ "was" done by him. [Uncountable])


throw lightly; move or lift (the head) with a sudden motion (Ex1. she ~ed the letter into the fire Ex2. ~ in the washing machine Ex3. ~ clothes into/in the basket)

enjoy yourself

to be happy and get pleasure from what you are doing (Ex. They all ~ed at the party.)


to describe or express sth, using movements not words (Ex. He put his finger on his mouth, ~ing shush.) 2. to pretend to play/sing a piece of music without making any sound (Ex. singers on television often ~ "to" pre-recorded tapes)

ground (v.)

to forbid a child or young person from going out with their friends as a punishment (my parents ~ed me for a week)

ramp up

to increase the speed, power or cost of something

load the dishwasher

to put dishes into the dishwasher

set the table (AE), lay the table (BE)

to put dishes, plates, glasses, etc. on a table before a meal OPP >>> clear the table

put sth away

to put something in the place where you usually keep it

(had) better do sth

used for saying that s.o. should do sth Ex. I ~ not waste any more of your time. نکته مهم اینکه to نیاری قبل فعل.

dryer stand, drying rack

used to dry clothes


very good at noticing and understanding things that many people do not notice - used to show approval (It was very ~ of you to notice that)

wash out

wash the inside of sth quickly (I'll go and ~ these glasses. ~ this vase for flowers)

to do the ironing, to iron

اتو زدن Syn >> press

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