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Read the sentence. I told them how surprised and excited I was to have my painting selected, especially since I'd felt so incompetent at the beginning and I knew the competition was so ruthless. Which revision best uses dialogue to improve the sentence?

"I'm in! My painting is in! I feel a fist pump and a little dance coming on," I said, grinning. I thought about how I felt so incompetent at the beginning because of the ruthless competition.

Which line from "Cruel Tribute" best supports the idea that the elders help to advance the plot?

"It is better that a few should perish than that the whole city should be destroyed," they said.

The contemporary novel The Hunger Games features a lottery where children are selected to fight to the death in combat. The section of "Cruel Tribute" that best features a similar mythological element is

"The Tribute."

By studying the suffix, the reader can determine that "impetuous" most likely means

"having the quality of acting impulsive or with emotion."

Based on the prefix, the word "extricate" most likely means

"to get out of a situation."

For a reader to______,two or more things, the reader must consider how the things are different.


Which sentence has an underlined word that means "leave"?

During a fire drill, we evacuate the building.

Read Fatima's paragraph. Having moved up north just last year, I experienced my first snowstorm this past winter. At first, the snow twirled gently, lightly dusting the street, cars, and trees with snowy frosting. Then, the snow became a curtain, blinding my view so that I felt cocooned from the outside world. When the snow stopped, ice coated the trees and branches clacked like chattering teeth. Which sentence will Fatima's teacher most likely ask her to revise?

Having moved up north just last year, I experienced my first snowstorm this past winter.

In part one of "Cruel Tribute," how do King Aegeus's actions affect the advancement of the plot?

He causes the birth of a hero in Troezen.

Read the paragraph that Lukas is planning to include in his narrative essay. Running is my life. Beginning last summer I practiced every day from the early break of dawn until the heat of the midday sun forced me to take a break. Sipping from my bottle of icy water to keep myself hydrated, I dreamed about running a mile in under ten minutes to compete in the statewide race. What should Lukas do with this paragraph?

He should put it in the beginning of the essay.

Read the summary of the section of "The Beginnings of the Maasai," where the volcanic eruption and its results are described. As a result of a volcanic eruption, Enkai and the cattle were thrown into the sky. Enkai wanted to save his cattle. He grew a tree that bridged the sky and the earth. The cattle walked down the tree to Neiterkob. Neiterkob and the Maasai tribe took over caring for the cattle. Why does the summary need to be revised?

The summary lacks transitions that connect ideas.

In "Cruel Tribute," which character's actions most advance the development of the plot?


Read the passage from "Cruel Tribute." Then every maiden, without looking, reached her hand into one of the vessels and drew forth a ball, and those who took the black balls were borne away to the black ship, which lay in waiting by the shore. The young men also drew lots in like manner, but when six black balls had been drawn Theseus came quickly forward and said: "Hold! Let no more balls be drawn. I will be the seventh youth to pay this tribute." What is the effect when Theseus volunteers?

Theseus sets himself up to battle the Minotaur

An author has successfully created a suspenseful sequence of events when the reader asks which question?

What will happen next?

Read the sentence. I was telling my dad about how much I like starting a new notebook. Which revision best uses dialogue to show the narrator's feelings?

When I open the cover, the smell of fresh paper wafts up to greet me and the crisp, open page fills me with an exquisite sense of possibility.

Read the passage from the end of a narrative essay. When I talk about the experience now, I have mixed emotions. On the one hand, I'm envious of how simple life was before the accident. But on the other, I've grown so much as a result of everything that happened that, in an odd way, I'm grateful. The most likely reason this passage was included at the end of the narrative is because the narrator is

reflecting on an experience.

Read the sentence. The office's boisterous celebration, full of cheering, shouting, and laughter, caused other businesses on the same floor to shut their doors. The word "boisterous" most likely means


Words with the word root "dorm" will have a meaning related to


Read the summary of the contemporary novel Jurassic Park. A wealthy businessman uses modern DNA technology to bring dinosaurs back from extinction. He breeds many varieties of dinosaurs and plans to open a theme park where visitors can see them. However, the dinosaurs soon escape their pens and wreak havoc across the park, resulting in death and destruction. How did Ancient Greek mythological literature most likely influence this story?

through the use of frightening creatures

Why does Neiterkob's daughter most likely tell the myth "The Beginnings of the Maasai"?

to explain to the reader the origin of Maasai culture

Read the passage from "The Beginnings of the Maasai." These cattle are sacred, because they are actually a divine gift from the sky god, Enkai. Our tribe makes a living by caring for the cattle, feeding them, and protecting them. What is the purpose of this passage?

to explain why the culture honors cattle

Read the passage from "The Beginnings of the Maasai." In the very beginning of the world, Enkai was the only god: the guardian of rain, fertility, sun, and love. With that love, Enkai birthed three sons who became the Fathers of the three tribes. Enkai gave each tribe a gift to help them succeed in their new home. Upon the Father of the Kikuyu, Enkai bestowed a hoe to cultivate the plains. To the Father of the Kamba, Enkai gifted a bow and arrow so his people could hunt wild animals in the forests and plains. To my father, Neiterkob, the Father of the Maasai, Enkai gave a stick. Why does the myth explain that each tribe has its own gift?

to show the Maasai's view that each tribe has a purpose

During the revision process, which type of wording should a writer delete in a narrative essay?

vague language

Peace, discipline, freedom, and equality are all examples of .


Read the passage from "Cruel Tribute." "He is coming!" cried Theseus, and he ran forward to meet the beast. The seven maidens shrieked, but tried to stand up bravely and face their fate; and the six young men stood together with firm-set teeth and clinched fists, ready to fight to the last. The author builds suspense most by

waiting to reveal the Minotaur.

Read the sentence. Returning home from the trip, we peeled off our sodden coats, dropped all of our suitcases on the floor, and headed for the kitchen in the back. Which part of the sentence uses description to hold the reader's interest?

we peeled off our sodden coats

Read the passage from "The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand." Light flooded into the world that had been created between Rangi and Papa. The brothers rejoiced, and were amazed to find that in the dark, they had birthed many children—the first humans! These offspring fell to Papa, and were warmly received by the earth, their new home. Which excerpt from the passage best allows the reader to infer that the Maori people felt cared for by the earth?

were warmly received

Which word contains a word root that means "believe"?


A traditional story that explains a belief system, a natural phenomenon, or a world view of a group of people is called a


Myths often function as a connection to______ , or the customs and beliefs of a group of people.


Read the sentence. While we could never prove it, we suspected him of duplicity, so we were never able to fully trust him despite his numerous good deeds. What is the most likely definition of "duplicity"?


Read the passage from "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida." The men were hungry and thirsty, but there was no food on the large sandy beach, and the salt water just made them thirstier. Determined to take care of the men he had found, Raven flew to find them provisions. When he returned, he gave them almost everything they would ever need. Still, Raven could tell the men were not truly happy. They did not have companions to join them in caring for the earth. So Raven, wise and determined, searched the earth and sea until he found a group of women trapped inside a chiton. He brought them to the men. The two groups of humans fit well together, and Raven became very protective of his people. Based on the passage, the Haida had values that

encompassed physical and emotional needs.

The best way to make inferences is to combine background knowledge with , or the proof found in the details provided in the text.


Read the passage from "The Beginnings of the Maasai." I am the daughter of the great Neiterkob, the Father of the Maasai tribe in Africa. You might think that this makes me special, but my father believes that I should live just like the rest of the tribe. Thus, he sends me to look after our tribe's cattle with the other daughters and sons. These cattle are sacred, because they are actually a divine gift from the sky god, Enkai. Our tribe makes a living by caring for the cattle, feeding them, and protecting them. Which phrase from the passage refers to a key element found in myths?

from the sky god, Enkai

Read the passage from "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida." Raven crept into the chief's dwelling. He appeared as a baby, with raven hair and black eyes. The chief's daughter adopted the child, never knowing that he was in fact Raven the trickster. The daughter loved the child, but soon the baby began to cry. The Sky Chief did whatever he could to comfort his new grandson, but the baby was inconsolable. Finally, to appease the child, he gave him a small box to play with. Raven, as the baby, tumbled and tossed the box until it fell open. Whoosh! The stars flew up through the smoke hole in the ceiling, settling in the night sky. The chief was very upset, but was able to recover, as they were only stars and not very luminous. Based on the passage, the reader can infer that some Haida families lived in homes that

had fireplaces

Read the passage from Perseus. "Your child!" Acrisius cried in great anger. "Who is his father?" But when Danaë answered proudly, "Zeus," he would not believe her. In the passage, the dialogue primarily serves to

illustrate the feelings of the characters.

What does the structure of the word "altruistic" tell the reader about its meaning?

The suffix tells the reader that the meaning is related to "having the quality of something."

Read the passage from "The Beginnings of the Maasai." Our relationship with Enkai is essential to the tribe. Enkai is neither male nor female. The sky god is powerful, but can change from nurturing to vengeful depending on our behavior. Sometimes Enkai is Enkai Narok, the Black God, happy with us and blanketing the sky with dark clouds that pour out rain to nourish the plains. When angry, though, Enkai becomes Enkai Nonyokie—the Red God. In these times, the sun grows incredibly hot until the earth dries up and becomes barren. Because of this, we work to keep Enkai happy. Why is this excerpt a good example of a feature often found in a myth?

It features a reference to a supernatural being.

Which reason best explains why "The Beginnings of the Maasai" can be classified as a myth?

It has fantastic features that help to explain the reason for the Maasai's traditions.

Read the passage from "The Beginnings of the Maasai." Neighboring hunters from the Kamba were jealous of Neiterkob's special relationship with Enkai and the gift of our cattle. Out of vengeance, they hewed the fig tree into little pieces. It was heartbreaking to lose this strong bond with the sky god, but as long as we still have our cattle, we can still feel the joy of being connected to Enkai. Now Enkai lives at the top of Mount Kenya, and we Maasai still live below, herding cattle down in the plains. It's not a bad life, especially when Enkai is the Black God, providing for us. And when the cattle or other children cause problems, I just warn them that they never know when I might suddenly develop my godly powers. Which sentence contains the most elements of a final summary?

Now Enkai lives at the top of Mount Kenya, and we Maasai still live below, herding cattle down in the plains.

Which excerpt from "The Beginnings of the Maasai" is the best example of a feature found in myths?

One by one, Enkai sent the cattle walking down branches of the fig tree, all the way down to the roots at the ground.

Writers can use to build suspense.

Sequence of Events

In "The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand," which evidence best helps the reader infer that the Maori people live in a difficult climate?

Since Tawhiri escaped, the Maori often battle the weather.

Read the passage that Gabriel wrote for his narrative essay. Once we arrived at the local pool, I looked around to see who else was there. Normally, I would have found the kids frolicking and splashing in the water hilarious, but not today. They were cute, but the fact that they were half my age and swimming around like so many ducks just made me feel worse. "You nervous?" my mom asked. I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Not really," I mumbled, trying to hide my shaking hands in my pockets. I don't think I fooled my mom, but she didn't comment on the fact that I looked a little green. Instead, she tried to encourage me, saying, "Well, I think it's really impressive that you're going to confront your fear of water and learn to swim." What is the most likely reason Gabriel chose to write his essay with this point of view?

Since a narrative essay tells a story about the writer's life, it is most effective to tell the story from the writer's point of view.

Read the conclusion about "The Beginnings of the Maasai," and then answer the question. One purpose of "The Beginnings of the Maasai" is to explain the weather. Which excerpt best justifies this conclusion?

Sometimes Enkai is Enkai Narok, the Black God, happy with us and blanketing the sky with dark clouds that pour out rain to nourish the plains.

Read the passage from "The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand." In his anger, Tû chopped down the forests to find Tâne and threw him into a basket. Next, Tû searched out Haumia and Rongo by digging into the soft earth, putting them into the basket as well. At last, Tû made nets to capture Tangora's fish, and lured Tangora into the basket. In a rage, Tû opened his mouth and ate his brothers to punish them for their cowardice. Tû's descendants became the Mâori, the humans who are able to master anything that they decide to conquer: the forest, the sea, the food, and the earth. What can be inferred about how the Maori feel about the land they live on?

The Maori feel in control of their land.

Based solely on their titles, which contemporary novel most likely contains a mythological element that is also found in "Cruel Tribute?"

The Maze Runner

Which is the best summary of the beginning of "The Beginnings of the Maasai"?

The daughter of the Maasai introduces herself and the Maasai, and explains their important relationships with their cattle and the sky god Enkai.

Which sentence uses an antonym clue to help the reader determine the meaning of the underlined word?

The former king was adored by the people for his reasonable decisions, but the new king was disliked for his arbitrary decisions.

Read the sentence. I work at the community garden. Which revision most improves the sentence by adding description?

The mixed aroma of spicy garlic and sweet roses tickles my nose when I work at the community garden.

In "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida," which evidence best helps the reader infer that the Haida might find it acceptable behavior to play tricks on one another?

The story presents Raven's trick against the Sky Chief in a matter-of-fact manner.

When planning his narrative essay, should Noam include a section about how his experience affected him?

Yes, he should include at the end of the essay information about what he learned and if it changed him.

Read the passage from "The Beginnings of the Maasai." Neiterkob was confused at first. It was one thing for an eruption to send cows flying up into the sky, but it was another problem entirely to get them down to earth again. The wise god knew how to solve the problem. Enkai grew a giant fig tree out on the plains. The tree grew rapidly, and its branches grew so high that they reached up into the heavens. One by one, Enkai sent the cattle walking down branches of the fig tree, all the way down to the roots at the ground. My father and our people accepted the cattle and began to herd them with the sticks that Enkai had given us. Now, the rest of the tribe calls my father the "Beginner of the Earth" because he mediates between Enkai and our tribe, just as he did when the cattle returned from the sky. What does the passage explain?

a people's culture

Which is the best definition of "value"?

a quality or idea that is considered important

What should a writer plan to include in the end of a narrative essay? Check all that apply.

a reflection on what was learned a discussion about how the experience caused change

Read the sentence. Juanita used her affinity for numbers to help her design a computer program that relied on college-level math formulas, even though she was only in middle school. Based on the context clues in the sentence, what is the best meaning of "affinity"?

a talent for

What element of a myth is featured in the title "The Beginnings of the Maasai"?

an attempt to explain an origin

Characters advance the plot of a story through _______relationships, where their actions lead to results that move the plot along.

cause and effect

Read the passage from "Cruel Tribute." Years passed by. Every spring when the roses began to bloom seven youths and seven maidens were put on board of a black-sailed ship and sent to Crete to pay the tribute which King Minos required. In every house in Athens there was sorrow and dread, and the people lifted up their hands to Athena on the hilltop and cried out, "How long, O Queen of the Air, how long shall this thing be?" In the meanwhile the little child at Troezen on the other side of the sea had grown to be a man. His name, Theseus, was in everybody's mouth, for he had done great deeds of daring; and at last he had come to Athens to find his father, King Aegeus, who had never heard whether he was alive or dead; and when the youth had made himself known, the king had welcomed him to his home and all the people were glad because so noble a prince had come to dwell among them and, in time, to rule over their city. In this excerpt, the sequence of events creates suspense by

slowing down the plot to focus on an important character.

Read the passage from "Cruel Tribute." Then the youths and maidens ran to Theseus and kissed his hands and feet, and thanked him for his great deed; and, as it was already growing dark, Theseus bade them follow him while he wound up the silken thread which was to lead them out of the Labyrinth. Through a thousand rooms and courts and winding ways they went, and at midnight they came to the outer door and saw the city lying in the moonlight before them; and, only a little way off, was the seashore where the black ship was moored which had brought them to Crete. The door was wide open, and beside it stood Ariadne waiting for them. "The wind is fair, the sea is smooth, and the sailors are ready," she whispered; and she took the arm of Theseus, and all went together through the silent streets to the ship. In this excerpt, the sequence of events creates suspense by

speeding up the plot to move the story forward and build tension

A reader can tell that the meaning of "obnoxious" will include "having the quality of something" because of the .


Which are features of myths? Check all that apply

supernatural gods or animals fantastic settings an attempt to explain the origin of the universe conflicts between worlds, beings, self, or natural elements

From reading "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida," the reader can tell that the Haida people value family due to the actions of.

the daughter toward the baby.

Both "The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand" and "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida" feature

the gods.

Based on a comparison of the myths "The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand" and "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida," if the Maori and the Haida people decided to create a myth together, what would most likely be the value expressed?

the importance of family

Which part of "The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand" best shows that the Maori value freedom?

the motivation of the brothers

Which phrases include sensory language? Check all that apply.

the softly drifting snow the bumpy, twisted tree the scarred, stained rug

Yasmin saw this word in her vocabulary list. monocracy What is the most likely way Yasmin determined the meaning of "monocracy" as being related to "ruling"?

the word root

Read the passage from "The Beginnings of the Maasai." Now Enkai lives at the top of Mount Kenya, and we Maasai still live below, herding cattle down in the plains. It's not a bad life, especially when Enkai is the Black God, providing for us. And when the cattle or other children cause problems, I just warn them that they never know when I might suddenly develop my godly powers. The main purpose of the passage is to illustrate the relationship between the Maasai and

their god.

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