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26. How many days of advance notice, via naval message, is required prior to sending an aircraft to the Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center (AMARC) for storage? (Page 5-20)


90. When shortages are discovered upon receipt of an aircraft and are not properly recorded in the Aircraft Inventory Record (AIR), the receiving organization will itemize shortages and submit a list of such shortages, within how many working days after receipt of the aircraft, to the organization from which the aircraft was received? (Page 5-60)


14. To meet unusual situations or to ease workload scheduling, reporting custodians may apply plus or minus deviations to inspection intervals, if specified in T/M/S MRCs or commercial aircraft derivative task cards. If deviations are not specified in T/M/S technical manuals or commercial aircraft derivative task cards, the following maximum deviations may be applied. Plus or minus which percent, or a portion thereof, may be applied to the authorized inspection interval of scheduled maintenance requirements based on flight hours, operating hours, cycles, or events? (Page 5-12)


32. Scheduled Removal Components (SRC) and Assemblies with operating limitations are normally replaced at the scheduled inspection which falls nearest to the applicable limitation. To reduce replacements at other than scheduled inspections, a margin of plus or minus what percentage of the stated operating limitations is authorized for components or assemblies, unless such extension is prohibited by the applicable PMIC or other directive? (Page 5-23)


28. Engines with major inspection intervals of less than 400 hours will have major inspections performed if less than how many hours remain until the next inspection? (Page 5-21)


11. Completed Functional Check Flight (FCF) checklists shall be retained in the aircraft maintenance files for a minimum of how many months or one phase cycle, whichever is greater? (Page 5-9) 6

12. Which maintenance concept divides the total scheduled maintenance requirement into small packages or phases of approximately the same work content? (Page 5-10) Phase

82. The Age Unfilled Order Listing (AUOL) lists all unfilled orders held in the DFAS files over how many days old which have not matched with related expenditure documents and have not been cancelled? (Page 5-53)


18. The turnaround inspection is conducted between flights to verify the integrity of the aircraft for flight, verify proper servicing, and to detect degradation that may have occurred during the previous flight. The turnaround inspection is valid for a period of how many hours commencing from the date and time the inspection is completed, provided no flight and no maintenance other than servicing occurs during this period? (Page 5-15)


5. Unless otherwise specified in aircraft MRCs, fuel samples must be taken within how many hours preceding the aircraft's initial launch? (Page 5-4)


58. All repairable Support Equipment (SE) components beyond Intermediate Maintenance Activity (IMA) repair capability shall be preserved, packaged, documented, and shipped within how many hours via fastest traceable means to the organic or commercial DRP or ATAC hub (as appropriate)? (Page 5-36)


76. Material control must turn in defective repairable Consolidated Remain-in Place List (CRIPL) components within how many hours of receipt? (Page 5-46)


27. Engines with major inspection intervals of 400 hours or more will have major inspections performed if what percent or less of the interval remains until the next inspection? (Page 5-21)


37. For aircraft without specific T/M/S operational system check maintenance technical manuals, aircraft systems will be exercised every how many days (+/- 3 days) using applicable maintenance technical manuals? (Page 5-26)


31. All Aviation Life Support Systems (ALSS) inspections are special inspections based on calendar days and are authorized a plus or minus how many days deviation during compliance by the prescribed maintenance level? (Page 5-23)


55. When check, test, and repair capability does not exist at the IMA, all AVDLRs and some field level repairables (FLR) must be shipped to the designated support point (DSP), designated rework point (DRP), or another activity having the capability to repair that component. Under normal circumstances, the determination must be made within 24 hours. When determined that repair capability does not exist, the component will be shipped to another activity within 48 hours. Total IMA, Supply and Maintenance, hold time shall not exceed how many days? (Page 5-31)


10. Unless directed by the applicable T/M/S NATOPS manual, Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) may not require an Functional Check Flight (FCF), other than for acceptance inspection, after completion of standard rework, or when not flown for how many or more days? (Page 5-7)


71. Beyond Capability of Maintenance (BCM) 2, BCM 3, and BCM 6 are authorized only if the deficiency in equipment, skills, or technical data cannot be resolved within how many days? (Page 5- 40)


89. When an aircraft is transferred via a D-level or contractor program, the transferring activity will ship only the minimum of essential Aircraft Inventory Record (AIR) items, noting all shortages on an Aircraft Inventory Record (Shortages) (OPNAV 4790/112). The remaining equipment will be shipped to the receiving activity how many days prior to the scheduled depot or contractor completion date? (Page 5-58)


94. How many parts is the Naval Aeronautical Publications Index made up of? (Page 5-64)


16. The daily aircraft inspection is conducted to inspect for defects to a greater depth than the turnaround inspection. The daily inspection is valid for a period of how many hours commencing from the date and time the inspection is completed, provided no flight occurs during this period and no maintenance other than servicing has been performed? (Page 5-14)


17. Commanding Officers (COs) may authorize pilots-in-command to conduct applicable T/M/S NATOPS pilot inspections, ensure servicing requirements are accomplished, and sign the Aircraft Inspection and Acceptance Record (OPNAV 4790/141) in the certification block while operating away from home without qualified maintenance personnel for periods not exceeding how many hours? (Page 5-14)


20. When an individual special inspection or a group of special inspections due simultaneously will consume more than how many hours of elapsed maintenance time, the inspection requirements may be divided into portions performed incrementally at any time during the allowable deviation period? (Page 5-15)


24. Aircraft originally planned for short-term transfer, but due to operational or Test Evaluation (TE) requirements exceed how many days, will require a complete transfer inspection before transferring the aircraft to another reporting custodian? (Page 5-19)


25. Per OPNAVINST 3110.11, aircraft that fail Aircraft Service Period Adjustment (ASPA) must be inducted for Phased Depot Maintenance (PDM) no later than how many days after the current Period End Date (PED)? (Page 5-19)


3. OMA NALCOMIS Optimized squadrons that operate from a detachment based concept for how many or more days shall have one System Administrator (SA) per detachment attend the NALCOMIS OOMA system analyst course (Course C-555-0049)? (Page 5-2)


92. Aircraft Inventory Record (AIR) shortages which persist for how many days before transfer, without proper authority/justification noted in Column D or E of the Aircraft Inventory Record (Shortages) (OPNAV 4790/112), will be forwarded to COMNAVAIRSYSCOM (AIR-6.6) for resolution? (Page 5-60)


84. What are all components received in the repairable material section (RMS) SSU from O-level or I-level maintenance units processed through to determine whether the component is within the check, test, or repair capability of the Intermediate Maintenance Activity (IMA)? (Page 5-54)

Aeronautical Material Screening Unit (AMSU)

88. Which form shall be completed to identify shortages of Aircraft Inventory Record (AIR) items and MESM related equipment which are not available for transfer, concurrent with the aircraft? (Page 5-58)

Aircraft Inventory Record Shortages (OPNAV 4790/112)

86. What shall be used to establish a formal, continuous chain of accountability for specific equipment and material installed on or designated for use on any aircraft of a specified T/M/S? (Page 5-55)

Aircraft Inventory Records (AIRs)

85. What is the title of the overall program which provides the data required for the effective management of Support Equipment (SE) at all levels of aircraft maintenance? (Page 5-55)

Aircraft Maintenance Material Readiness List (AMMRL)

36. What is designed to protect the material condition of aircraft which are not expected to be flown for extended periods of time? (Page 5-26)

Aircraft preservation

95. What specifies all maintenance significant repair parts associated with the equipment and is the basis for allowances? (Page 5-64)

Allowance Parts List (APL)

98. How often must Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Control Station Aeronautical Equipment Service Records (AESRs) be inventoried and verified? (Page 5-69)


78. Which type of funds will be used to finance the cost of paints, wiping rags, towel service, cleaning agent, and cutting compounds used in preventive maintenance and corrosion control of aircraft? (Page 5-50)

Aviation Fleet Maintenance (AFM)

62. Which Beyond Capability of Maintenance (BCM) code is used by Intermediate Maintenance Activities (IMAs) when the activity is specifically not authorized to repair the item in applicable directives, for example, required maintenance function not assigned by SM&R code, MIM, maintenance plan, other technical decision, peculiar item from an aircraft not supported by an activity, or SM&R coded XXXXD? (Page 5-39)


63. Which Beyond Capability of Maintenance (BCM) code is used by Intermediate Maintenance Activities (IMAs) when the repair is authorized but cannot be performed due to lack of equipment, tools, or facilities? (Page 5-39)


64. Which Beyond Capability of Maintenance (BCM) code is used by Intermediate Maintenance Activities (IMAs) when the repair is authorized but cannot be performed due to a lack of technical skills? (Page 5-39)


65. Which Beyond Capability of Maintenance (BCM) code is used by Intermediate Maintenance Activities (IMAs) when the repair is authorized but cannot be performed because required parts will not be available? (Page 5-39)


66. Which Beyond Capability of Maintenance (BCM) code is used by Intermediate Maintenance Activities (IMAs) when the activity's authorized level of maintenance is limited to check and test only and repair is required? (Page 5-39)


67. Which Beyond Capability of Maintenance (BCM) code is used by Intermediate Maintenance Activities (IMAs) when the repair is authorized but cannot be performed due to a lack of technical data? (Page 5-39)


68. Which Beyond Capability of Maintenance (BCM) code is used by Intermediate Maintenance Activities (IMAs) when some level of repair beyond check and test is authorized, but the maintenance function required to return the item to a RFI condition is not assigned by SM&R code, MIMs, maintenance plan, or other technical decision? (Page 5-39)


69. Which Beyond Capability of Maintenance (BCM) code is used by Intermediate Maintenance Activities (IMAs) when the repair is authorized and feasible but not attempted due to an EI exhibit, SRC data unknown and cannot be determined, item under warranty, I-level repair costs exceed AVDLR Net Unit Price or replacement cost, excessive backlog, budgetary limitations, materials in excess of requirements, or when specifically directed by the ACC or TYCOM? (Page 5-39)


70. Which Beyond Capability of Maintenance (BCM) code is used by Intermediate Maintenance Activities (IMAs) when a repairable item is so severely worn or damaged that repair is not feasible, as determined by local maintenance personnel, or specifically directed by ACC or TYCOM? (Page 5- 39)


46. Which project code is assigned by the Intermediate Maintenance Activity (IMA) when requisitioning material to repair Support Equipment (SE) that is inoperative and a workaround, redundancy, or local backup is available? (Page 5-29)


47. Which project code is assigned by the Intermediate Maintenance Activity (IMA) when requisitioning material to stop an Awaiting Parts (AWP) condition on a specific end item or component (other than aircraft engines) undergoing repair? (Page 5-29)


57. Which Intermediate Maintenance Activity (IMA) Support Equipment (SE) report occurs when there is an item of inoperative Support Equipment (SE) and there is no redundancy in that piece of SE, or the redundancy is inadequate such that aircraft support will be impacted, thereby, jeopardizing the operational readiness of supported units? (Page 5-34)

Broad Arrow (BA)

60. What is responsible for the development, expansion, execution, and support of maintenance plans for component repair? (Page 5-37)


87. Who is the sole authority for changes and revisions of Aircraft Inventory Records (AIRs)? (Page 5-57)


38. Which preservation category would be assigned to Support Equipment (SE), Armament Weapons Support Equipment (AWSE), Weapons Handling Equipment (WHE) which has anticipated usage within the next 90 days? (Page 5-26)

Category A

39. Which preservation category would be assigned to Support Equipment (SE), Armament Weapons Support Equipment (AWSE), Weapons Handling Equipment (WHE) which could possibly be used within the next 180 days? (Page 5-26)

Category B

40. Which preservation category would be assigned to Support Equipment (SE), Armament Weapons Support Equipment (AWSE), Weapons Handling Equipment (WHE) which is not needed for extremely long periods of time (in excess of 180 days)? (Page 5-26)

Category C

93. Which department is responsible for providing NTCSS IT21 Optimized OMA NALCOMIS support for tenant fleet aircraft and reserve squadrons? (Page 5-62)

Combat Information Systems (CIS)

59. What is defined as the overhaul, repair, check, test, certification, modification, or manufacturing of aeronautical material, mission equipment, engines, and Support Equipment (SE)? (Page 5-37)

Component repair

21. Which type of maintenance requirements are unscheduled events required as the result of a specific over limit condition, or as a result of circumstances or events which create an administrative requirement for an inspection? (Page 5-16)


75. Which form must Material Control obtain signature on of work center personnel receiving material? (Page 5-46)

DD 1348

91. What is the Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss form number? (Page 5-60)

DD 200

44. What are all activities in the Navy assigned for determining priorities for material support based on their mission? (Page 5-29)

Force Activity Designator (FAD)

9. What are required to determine whether the airframe, power plant, accessories, and equipment are functioning per predetermined standards while subjected to the intended operating environment? (Page 5-7)

Functional Check Flights (FCFs)

7. What is defined as an operational evolution where an aircraft is refueled while the engine(s) is (are) operating? (Page 5-6)

Hot Refueling

8. What is defined as an operational evolution where the pilot/crew of manned aircraft is changed while the engine(s) is (are) operating and the aircraft is to be immediately relaunched? (Page 5-6)

Hot Seating

96. What is designed to let the Supply and Maintenance personnel identify and order replacement parts for the aircraft or equipment? (Page 5-65)

Illustrated Parts Breakdown (IPB)

23. Which delivery procedure eliminates the requirement for configuration verification during acceptance inspection when received from the factory? (Page 5-17)

Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

41. Which level of preservation is used for aircraft and Support Equipment (SE), Armament Weapons Support Equipment (AWSE), Weapons Handling Equipment (WHE) for 0-90 days? (Page 5-27)

Level I

42. Which level of preservation is used for aircraft and Support Equipment (SE), Armament Weapons Support Equipment (AWSE), Weapons Handling Equipment (WHE) for 0-365 days? (Page 5-27)

Level II

43. Which level of preservation is used for aircraft and Support Equipment (SE), Armament Weapons Support Equipment (AWSE), Weapons Handling Equipment (WHE) for 0-indefinitely? (Page 5-27)

Level III

4. Which publication provides the standardized policy and procedures for Aviation Logistics Information Management and Support (ALIMS) operations? (Page 5-3)

MCO 2020.1

1. What is responsible for the efficient attainment of aircraft and equipment readiness in support of operational objectives? (Page 5-1)

Maintenance Control

33. Where must orders to cannibalize come from? (Page 5-24)

Maintenance Control

56. Who serves as a contact point between work centers and the SSCA and is responsible for the management of all aspects of the MDS to include NALCOMIS reports/inquires at the activity level? (Page 5-32)

Maintenance Database Administrator/Analyst (MDBA/A)

73. Who is responsible for the overall management of the Material Control function? (Page 5-44)

Maintenance Material Control Officer (MMCO)

72. Which centers are contact points within maintenance organizations where requirements for indirect material are coordinated with the Aviation Support Division (ASD)? (Page 5-43)

Material Control

80. How often must the Summary Filled Order/Expenditure Difference Listing (SFOEDL) (original and 1 copy) be forwarded by the DFAS to individual OPTAR holders for each OPTAR held? (Page 5-53)


83. How often at a minimum must flight packets be inventoried by the Supply Officer or Material Control Officer? (Page 5-53)


34. What provides scheduled control of the predictable maintenance workload, for example, inspections, transfer or receipt of aircraft, and compliance with Technical Directives (TDs)? (Page 5- 25)

Monthly Maintenance Plan (MMP)

81. After posting the differences, the OPTAR holder will review the listing and annotate transactions considered invalid with the rejection codes. Which publication are rejection codes listed in? (Page 5- 53)

NAVSO P-3013-1

6. What is the Aircraft Inspection and Acceptance Record form number? (Page 5-5)

OPNAV 4790/141

101. What is the Monthly Flight Summary form number? (Page 5-78)

OPNAV 4790/21A

74. Which instruction contains the responsibilities and procedures for establishing, maintaining, and modifying the NAVSUP WSS Consolidated Remain-in Place List (CRIPL)? (Page 5-45)


45. Which series contains instructions for using the material priority system and for assigning Force Activity Designators (FADs)? (Page 5-29)


15. Which form is used to document aircraft daily and turnaround inspections? (Page 5-13)

Pre-flight/Daily/Turnaround/Post-flight Maintenance Record (OPNAV 4790/38)

51. Which workload priority will be set by production control for all workload for activities within 30 days of deployment, regardless of NMC/PMC status? (Page 5-30)

Priority 1

52. Which workload priority will be set by production control for repair of critical Local Repair Cycle Assets (LRCA) and Support Equipment (SE)? (Page 5-30)

Priority 2

53. Which workload priority will be set by production control for repair of noncritical Local Repair Cycle Assets (LRCAs) and Support Equipment (SE), and repair or manufacture of material for non- fixed allowance stock? (Page 5-30)

Priority 3

54. Which workload priority will be set by production control for processing of salvaged material and non-aeronautical work? (Page 5-30)

Priority 4

79. What must each ship, aviation squadron, and command establish to record OPTAR grants and the value of transactions authorized to be incurred as chargeable to the ACC or TYCOM operating budget? (Page 5-52)

Requisition/OPTAR Log (NAVCOMPT 2155)

99. Which publication provides guidance for shipping classified information to the Washington National Records Center? (Page 5-76)


61. Which codes specify if a component is intended to be repaired at the O-level, I-level, or D-level of maintenance? (Page 5-37)


77. Which codes are used to communicate maintenance and supply instructions to various logistic support levels and using commands for the logistic support of systems, equipment, and end items? (Page 5-48)

Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability (SM&R)

19. Which type of inspections are scheduled inspections with a prescribed interval other than daily or phase? (Page 5-15)


35. What is Phased Depot Maintenance (PDM) categorized as which is scheduled D-level maintenance performed per an established recurring schedule? (Page 5-25)

Standard Rework

100. Which form is used to monitor structural life limited components designated for D-level replacement which do not require Scheduled Removal Component (SRC) or Assembly Service Record (ASR) documentation? (Page 5-76)

Structural Life Limits (OPNAV 4790/142)

30. Which form is used to record acceptance information, custody and transfer, rework, preservation and depreservation, Technical Directives (TDs), and any other miscellaneous history required to accompany the Support Equipment (SE) throughout its service life? (Page 5-22)

Support Equipment (SE) Custody and Maintenance History Record (OPNAV 4790/51)

29. Which form is used to record Support Equipment (SE) issue and receipt transactions? (Page 5-22)

Support Equipment Transaction Report (OPNAV 4790/64)

97. What is the procedure required when Navy property and Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) material, including IMRL equipment/SE, in Navy custody is lost, damaged, or destroyed? (Page 5- 66)


2. Who serves as a contact point between work centers and the SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic (SSCA) and is responsible for the management of all aspects of the MDS to include NALCOMIS reports/inquiries at the activity level? (Page 5-1)

System Administrator/Analyst (SA/A)

48. Which project code is assigned by the Intermediate Maintenance Activity (IMA) when requisitioning material to stop to stop an Awaiting Parts (AWP) condition on components and aircraft engines undergoing repair when directly related to aircraft support? (Page 5-29)


49. Which project code "Broad Arrow" is assigned by the Intermediate Maintenance Activity (IMA) to material requirements for nonoperational Support Equipment (SE) used in direct support of operational aircraft for which there is no redundancy? (Page 5-29)


50. Which project code means engine maintenance work stoppages for all model aircraft engines? (Page 5-29)


22. Which type of inspection is a general inspection of a specific area of an aircraft? (Page 5-16)


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