Nationalism & Economic Development (1816-1848)

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Protective Tariff (WXT)

A protective tariff is a tax on imported goods that raises the price of imports so people will buy domestic goods/ supplies. The first protective tariff in U.S history is the Tariff of 1816 which improved the market economy by allowing growth for the infant industries and would therefore increase economic prosperity by increasing domestic Industry consumption. This also eliminated foreign competition.

Industrialization (WXT)

At the start of the 19th century, a manufacturing economy had barely begun in the US. By mid century, however, US manufacturing surpassed agriculture in value, and by century's end, it was the world's leader. This rapid industrial growth was the result of a unique combination of factors such as inventions, the factory system, labor, unions, and capital. Industrialization meant the end of self-sufficient households and a growing interdependence among people . Industrialization would become the basis of economic markets and would be subject to technological innovation.

Eli Whitney; Interchangeable Parts (WXT)

Besides inventing the cotton gin in 1793, he devised a system for making rifles out of interchangeable parts during the War of 1812. Interchangeable parts became the basis for mass production methods in the new northern factories.

Second Bank of the United States (WXT)

Congress had established the bank in 1816, giving it a 20 year charter. The purpose of the bank was to regulate state banks, which had grown rapidly since the First Bank expired in 1811. It was part of Henry Clay's American System and the bank would aid in the economies of the West and the South and would stimulate industry.

John Marshall (POL)

Democratic-Republican John Marshall was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1800 by Federalist John Adams and was its chief justice. His decisions favored the central govt. and the rights of property against the advocates of states rights. He's very influential in politics because several of Marshall's decisions have become mark rulings that defined the relationship between the central govt. and the states. In the Marbury VS Madison, he established judicial review.

Rush-Bagot Agreement (1817) (WOR)

During Monroe's first year, British and American negotiators agreed to a major disarmament pact. It limited naval armament on the Great Lakes and was extended to place limits on boarder fortifications as well. In terms of American history, is set a permanent boundary between the US and Canada which is the longest unfortified border in the world.

Economic Nationalism (NAT)

Economic nationalism was a political movement to support the growth of the nation's economy. Two aspects of economic nationalism include subsidizing internal improvements, such as building roads and canals, and protecting the US infant industries from European competition. America is at the center of economic prosperity and Americans get a sense of nationalism and confidence withing their nation that will have a major impact on their national identity.

Lowell System; Textile Mills (WXT)

Factory life couldn't compete with the lure of cheap land in the west and as a result, had a shortage of workers. Textile mills in Lowell, MA recruited young farm women and housed them in company dormitories. In the 1830's, other factories followed. Many factories also made use of child labor. Later would they employ immigrants. As the factory system expanded, it encouraged the growth of financial businesses such as banking and insurance.

Missouri Compromise of 1820 (POL)

Henry Clay represented a compromise that would admit Missouri as a slave holding state, admit Maine as a free state to preserve the balance, and prohibit slavery in the rest of the Louisiana Territory north of latitude 36 30. Both houses passed the bills. The practicality of this is important because sectional feelings on the slavery issue subsided after Monroe signed the compromise in 1820. It was able to preserve sectional balance for 30 years.

Corporations (WXT)

In 1811, NY passed a law that made it easier for a business to incorporate and raise capital by selling shares of stock. Other states soon imitated NY's example. Owners of a corporation risked only the amount of money they put in. Changes in state corporation laws facilitated the raising of the large sums of capital necessary for building factories, canals, and railroads.

Fletcher v. Peck (POL)

In a case involving land fraud in GA, Marshall concluded that a state couldn't pass legislation invalidating a contract. This was the first time that the supreme court declared a state law to be unconstitutional and invalid. This is important to politics and law because not only in this case did the supreme court declare a state law to be unconstitutional, but in the Marbury VS Madison case the court ruled a federal law unconstitutional.

Tariff of 1816 (WXT)

In peacetime after the war of 1812, American manufacturers feared that British goods would be dumped on American markets and take away much of their business, so congress raised tariffs for the express purpose of protecting U.S manufacturers from competition. This tariff would improve the market economy by allowing growth for the infant industries and would therefore increase economic prosperity by increasing domestic consumption.

Factory System (WXT)

In the 1820's NE emerged as the country's leading manufacturing center as a result of the region's abundant water power for driving the new machinery and excellent seaports for shipping goods. The decline of NE maritime industry made capital available for manufacturing and the decline of farming yielded a ready labor supply. As the factory system expanded, it encouraged the growth of financial businesses such as banking and insurance. The War of 1812 stimulated domestic manufacturing and the protective tariffs enacted by Congress helped the new factories prosper.

Andrew Jackson (WOR)

Jackson was commissioned in 1817 by the president to stop raiders and pursue them into Spanish Florida if necessary. Also, in 1818, Jackson led a militia into Florida, almost with a vengeance, and destroyed Seminole villages, hanged two chiefs, and drove out Spanish governor. On an international scale, Jackson's military campaign caused many members of Congress to fear Jackson's over-zealousness would precipitate a war with Spain and Britain. But fortunately, it didn't.

James Monroe (NAT)

James Monroe was a revolutionary war veteran and was a prominent man in Virginia politics and even served as Jefferson's minister to Great Britain and as Madison's secretary of state and eventually became the president. Monroe represented the growing nationalism of the American people which is why he played a significant role in it's national identity. Under Monroe, the country acquired Florida, agreed on the Missouri Compromise, and adopted the Monroe Doctrine.

Tallmadge Amendment (POL)

James Tallmadge ignited the debate about the Missouri question by proposing an amendment to the bill for Missouri's admission. It called for prohibiting further introduction of slaves into Missouri, and emancipation at 25. It was defeated. It's important to the political state at the time because the Southerns saw it as the first step in a northern effort to end slavery in all states, ans also, if it was adopted, the amendment would have led to the gradual elimination of slavery in Missouri.

McCulloch v. Maryland (POL)

MD attempted tot ax the Second Bank of the US located in MD. Marshall ruled that a state couldn't tax a federal institution because "the power to tax is the power to destroy," and federal laws are supreme over state laws. This decision was important to politics because Marshall settled the long running debate over constitutionality of the national bank. Using a loose interpretation of the Constitution, Marshall ruled that, even though no clause specifically mentions a national bank, the constitution gave the federal govt. the implied power to create one.

Sectionalism (NAT)

Sectionalism during 1816-1848 created a sense of pride in ones own region. They also had pride in the views they held, one of which being the issue of slavery. Westerners didn't permit, nor exclude slavery. The south wanted slavery for economic reasons such as labor in the cotton fields, while the North had no use for it. The Missouri Compromise was the attempt by Congress to preserve a sectional balance between the North and South. Sectionalism creates the precedent for national identity because the people residing in these regions prided themselves on where they lived and what they believed regarding slavery which would become heavily implemented in the South.

Florida Purchase Treaty (1819) (WOR)

Spain turned over the rest of western Florida along with all of the east and its own claims in the Oregon Territory to the United States. In exchange, US agreed to assume $5 million in claims against Spain and give up any US territorial claims to the Spanish province of Texas. Also called the Adams-Onis Treaty. This was a result of Spain being worried that the US would seize FL and since they were preoccupied with troubles in Latin America, the decided to settle. Due to this, Spain was able to focus on Latin America and its wars of Independence.

Specialization (WXT)

Specialization is a process in which different individuals and units perform different tasks. Specialization on the farm meant the end of self-sufficient households and a growing interdependence among people. This will increase the domestic market overall.

Market Revolution (WXT)

Specialization on the farm, the growth of cities, industrialization, and the development of modern capitalism meant the end of self-sufficient households and a growing interdependence among people. The farmers fed the workers in the cities, who in turn provided farm families with an array of mass-produced goods. For most Americans, the standard of living increased. At the same time, however, adapting to a impersonal, fast-changing economy presented challenges and problems such as women and economic and social mobility.

Henry Clay; American System (WXT)

The American System consisted of protective tariffs, a national bank, and international improvements. The tariffs would promote American industry/manufacturing domestically and raise the revenue to implement a national transportation system that included roads and canals. The tariffs and the bank would aid in the economies of the West and the South.

Era of Good Feelings (NAT)

The Era of Good Feelings describes the years of Monroe's presidency. During this period there was unity and their was harmony. The era builds up national identity because it was marked by a period of nationalism, optimism, and goodwill. Despite this, there was sectional tensions and antagonistic factions withing the Democratic-Republican party.

Lancaster Turnpike (WXT)

The Lancaster Turnpike was a road built in the 1790s by a private company, linking Philadelphia and the rich farmlands of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The success of the Lancaster Turnpike stimulated the construction of roads that connected most major cities. The Lancaster turnpike was vital to the development of a national and industrial economy because it used interconnecting roads and canals to move people, raw materials, and manufactured goods.

Monroe Doctrine (1823) (WOR)

The Monroe Doctrine is a statement delivered by President James Monroe, warning European powers to not interfere in the affairs of any republic in the Western Hemisphere. The United States largely lacked the power to back up the pronouncement, which was actually enforced by the British, who sought unfettered access to Latin American markets. This is an important document in the worlds affair at this time because the British and US leaders decided they had a common interest in protecting North and South America from possible aggression by a European power.

National (Cumberland) Road (WXT)

The National Road was a paved highway and major route to the west that extended more than 1,000 miles from Maryland to Illinois. It used federal and state money and different states received ownership of segments of the highway. This highway was an important network of roads for industry and manufactures because it was a new form of transportation, seen as the latest technology and development at the time that was able to move people , raw materials, and manufactured goods.

Stephen Decatur (WOR)

The US adopted a more aggressive approach to foreign relations. When the problems of Barbary Pirates again developed during Madison's presidency, Decatur was sent in 1815 to North Africa to force the rulers to allow American shipping the free use of the Mediterranean. This helped established Americas presence in the world as a country who will stand its ground.

Robert Fulton; Steamboats (WXT)

The age of mechanized, steam-powered travel began in 1807 with the successful voyage up the Hudson river of the Clermont, a steamboat developed by Robert Fulton. Commercially operated steamboat lines soon made round-trip shipping on the nation's great rivers both faster and cheaper, thus improving the national and industrial economy.

Dartmouth College v. Woodward (POL)

The case involved a law of NH that changed Dartmouth College from a privately charted college into a public institution. The Marshall Court struck down the state law as unconstitutional, arguing that a contract for a private corporation could not be altered by the state. This is important regarding politics because Marshall is making decisions defining the relationship between the central govt. and the states.

Erie Canal (WXT)

The completion of the Erie Canal in NY State in 1825 was a major event in linking the economies of western farms and eastern cities. The success of this canal in stimulating economic growth touched off a frenzy of canal-building in other states. Improved transportation meant lower food prices in the East, more immigrants settling in the West and stronger economic ties between the two sections.

Railroads (WXT)

The early were hampered at first by safety problems, but by the 1830's they were competing directly with canals as an alternative method for carrying passenger and freight. The combination of railroads with the other major improvements in transportation rapidly changed small towns into booming commercial centers of the expanding national economy.

Panic of 1819 (WXT)

The economic disaster was caused by the second bank of the united states. The bank had tightened credit in an effort to control inflation. Many state banks closed and unemployment, bankruptcies, and imprisonment for debt increased sharply. The depression was worst in the West and in 1819, the Bank of the US foreclosed on large amounts of farmland. The economic crisis caused a depression and caused many to be unemployed and go bankrupt. It also caused strong opposition to the national bank and debtors prisons.

Cotton Gin (WXT)

The principle cash crop in the south was cotton.Eli Whitney's cotton gin transformed the agriculture of the whole region. Planters found cotton more profitable than tobacco and indigo. They invested their capital in the purchase of slaves and new land in AL and MS. In the cotton industry they shipped their cotton crop over seas for sale to British textile factories. This would become their number one export and they made a very profitable trade off of it with the help of slave labor.

Treaty of 1818 (WOR)

The treaty of 1818 improved relations between the US and Britain by providing fishing rights, joint occupation of the Oregon territory, and set northern limits of the Louisiana territory, or, the US-Canada boundary line. Which is the longest unfortified border in the world.

Cultural Nationalism (NAT)

The younger generation was the bulk of nationalism during this era. They were excited about the prospects of the new nation expanding westward and didn't divulge into European politics. They believed America was subject to unlimited prosperity. Their nationalism was infused into books, art, and even into public schools. The basic ideals/ideas of nationalism and patriotism would dominate the 1800's.

Gibbons v. Ogden (POL)

This issue was weather the state of NY could grant a monopoly to a steamboat company if that action conflicted with a charter authorized by congress. Marshall ruled that is was unconstitutional. In making this decision, Marshall established the federal govt. broad control of interstate commerce which great affected political decisions to be made in the future.

Unions (WXT)

Trade and craft unions were organized in major cities and increased in number as the factory system took hold. Many skilled workers had to seek employment in factories because their earlier practice of working in their own shops could no longer compete with the low priced, mass produced goods. Long hours, low pay, and poor working conditions led to widespread discontent among factory workers. Many states outlawed unions and there were many economic depressions. Early unions wanted to reduce the workday to 10 hours.The obstacles included immigrant replacement workers, state laws outlawing unions, and frequent economic depressions with high unemployment.

Implied Powers (POL)

Using a loose interpretation of the Constitution, in McCulloch v. Maryland, Marshall ruled that, even though no clause specifically mentions a national bank, the constitution gave the federal govt. the implied power to create one. This decision was important to politics because Marshall settled the long running debate over constitutionality of the national bank.

Samuel Slater (WXT)

When Samuel Slater emigrated from Britain, he took with him the British secrets for building cotton-spinning machines, and he put this knowledge to work by helping establish the first U.S factory in 1791. The embargo act and the War of 1812 stimulated domestic manufacturing and the protective tariffs enacted by Congress helped the new factories prosper. As the factory system expanded, it encouraged the growth of financial businesses such as banking and insurance.

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