Nationalism and Sectionalism

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What was the Monroe Doctrine? Did it promote nationalism or sectionalism? Explain.

A message (warning) to European nations to avoid future colonization of the Western Hemisphere. It clearly promotes nationalism in that America's interests are placed ahead of other nation's.

Identify and describe the objectives and reformers in each of the following reform movements

Abolitionist Movement - abolish slavery - Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, Henry David Thoreau, William Lloyd Garrison (The Liberator newspaper) Temperance Movement - get rid of alcohol - led by women and clergymen Public Education Reform - improve education through tax-supported public schools - Horace Mann (Secretary of Education of Massachusetts) Asylum & Prison Reform - separation of criminal and mentally ill and focus on rehabilitation - Dorothea Dix Transcendentalist Movement - Ralph Waldo Emerson & Henry David Thoreau - focused on self-reliance in nature. Thoreau will protest the Mexican War because he felt the war was about spreading slavery. His protest was an early example civil disobedience - peaceful protest (refused to pay tax)

What were the causes and effects of the Mexican War?

Causes - Land dispute between Texas and Mexico and the belief that "American blood was spilled on American soil". In addition, some felt the war was motivated by slaveowners' desire to spread slavery into the southwest. Effects - The US acquired the Mexican Cession territories.

How did the Cherokee Indians attempt to defend their rights to their land in the Worcester v. Georgia (1832) case? Were they successful? Explain why or why not.

Cherokee were facing eviction by the state of Georgia. (Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830). The Cherokee sought remedy via a court case in the Supreme Court. Chief Justice John Marshall favored with the federal treaty over the states stating that the Cherokee can remain in Georgia. Jackson refused to enforce the ruling. Trail of Tears took place in 1836-1837.

What was the relationship between cotton production and slavery?

Direct relationship between cotton production and the demand of slavery. (Eli Whitney's cotton gin further cemented the need for slavery in the South).

What was Henry Clay's American System? What did it intend to do? What did it actually do? Did it promote nationalism or sectionalism?

Henry Clay (Kentucky Representative - Speaker of the House) - sought to promote national interests via protective tariffs, internal improvements (railroads, canals, roads), and a second national bank to facilitate the borrowing and spending of tax money. This promotes nationalism in that it improved transportation and promotes manufacturing in America. Northerners favored this plan more than the south since it appeared the manufacturing sector of the economy was growing.

How did Andrew Jackson kill the Second Bank of the United States? Why did Andrew Jackson dislike the bank and its president Nicholas Biddle?

Jackson vetoed the recharter bill to kill the Bank and withdrew all of the money since he felt the bank benefited the North and the elite. Jackson deposited the federal money into state pet banks. Jackson felt that the president of the national bank, Nicholas Biddle was coordinating with Henry Clay to wreck his chance at reelection. Jackson would go on to win reelection and the Bank was dead before its charter was to expire.

What power did John C. Calhoun claim states could use when they disagreed with a federal law? Explain the significance of his interpretation of this power. How did Andrew Jackson respond to South Carolina in the Tariff & Nullification Crisis? Was the issue of federal supremacy vs. states' rights resolved or were there lingering problems?

John C. Calhoun (VP) claims states can nullify federal laws they disagreed with. Jackson threatened South Carolina via a force bill which would allow Jackson to send troops to forcibly collect tariffs. While a lower tariff was negotiated, South Carolina continued to assert their right to nullify federal laws. The issue of federal supremacy vs. states' rights was left unresolved until the end of the Civil War in 1865. Calhoun is most certainly a sectionalist due to his views on states' rights and slavery.

What was the Missouri Compromise? Did it promote nationalism or sectionalism?

ME - enters as free state maintains the balance of power in the Senate MO - enters as a slave state boundary established at 36 30 parallel Promotes sectionalism in that each side gets something in their own interest. Promotes nationalism in that it keeps the nation united and does not give each side everything it wanted.

What is Manifest Destiny? How did it influence U.S. foreign policy during the first half of the 19th century? Which president added the most land to the United States?

Manifest Destiny was the belief that the United States was destined to expand from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. It was believed that it was divinely inspired and that anyone that resisted such movement would be eliminated. This led to the removal of Native Americans and Mexicans in the Southwest. President James K. Polk was responsible for adding the most land to the United States and accomplishing Manifest Destiny.

How did the US treat Mexican-Americans in the newly acquired western territories?

Mexicans were supposed to retain property and had the freedom to stay in the United States and eventually become US citizens or they could return to Mexico. Mexicans faced discrimination in the Southwest in that many Mexicans could not be taught in public schools unless they spoke English. Mexicans increasingly were segregated from white Americans.

Why were the immediate years after the War of 1812 (James Monroe's Presidency 1816-1824) referred to as the "Era of Good Feelings"?

Most Americans shared the same political views due to the fact that only one party emerged, the Democratic-Republican Party. Monroe was viewed as a nationalist.

Compare and contrast the North and South with regards to their economy, internal development, views on diversity and views on slavery.

North: more developed, more open to diversity, gradually more opposed to slavery South: Less developed, far less diverse, wanted to perpetuate slavery

What major political changes took place during the "Age of Jackson"?

States dropped the property ownership requirements for voting which promoted more common men voting. Jackson will establish the spoils system to hire political friends/supporters into government jobs.

How did the Election of 1824 bring about the 2nd 2 party system in American History?

The "corrupt bargain" was sought by Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams became president. Jackson left the party and forms his own party. 2nd 2 party system was established (Jacksonian Democrats vs. The National Republicans (Clay/Adams)

What was the purpose of the Declaration of Sentiments issued at the Seneca Falls Convention? Name some of the original suffragettes that attended.

The Declaration of Sentiments was a document issued at the Seneca Falls Convention where it was declared that women sought equal rights and the end of certain laws that gave men preferential treatment with regards to marriage, divorce, custody and employment/educational opportunities. Most importantly, women claimed that they were entitled to suffrage (right to vote). Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott were among the signers.

What were the effects of the internal improvements and technological innovations of the Transportation and Communication Revolutions such as canals (Erie Canal), roads (National Road), railroads, telegraph, steel plow, mechanical reaper, cotton gin, and steamboat (Robert Fulton's Clermont)?

The economy develops and people can more easily communicate across the country (telegraph) - mail and railroad industries benefit initially and later northern manufacturers. Steamboats can move against the flow of the river. Cotton gin, steel plow, and mechanical reaper will lead to higher crop yields.

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