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Describe endomysium

within a fasicle each muscle fiber is surrounded by a fine sheath of connective tissue called endomysium

Found in the cavity of the diaphysis: _____ _____

yellow marrow

The neurovascular bundle is usually on the deep side of the muscles. True or False


Describe long bone

. Long Bone: composed of a shaft (diaphysis) with two ends (epiphyses), shaft is compact bone and its cavity contains yellow marrow. The epiphyses are covered with hyaline cartilage and contain spongy bone (where red marrow is found). An example is the humerus (upper arm bone).

List the structures of the diaphysis in the correct order from superficial to deep. : Endosteum, (of medullary cavity) compact bone, periosteum, yellow marrow, spongy bone.

1. Periosteum 2. compact bone 3. spongy bone 4. endosteum 5. yellow marrow

Peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of cranial nerves that originate from the brain (___ pairs) and spinal nerves (___ pairs) that originate from the spinal cord.

12, 31

The spinal cord has ____ enlargements that accommodate the increased number of cell bodies serving the nerves of a particular region. The cervical enlargement serves the ____ _____ (C5 through T1) supplying the upper limb. The lumbar enlargement serves the ______, ______(L4-S3) supplying the lower limb. The ventral rami of T1 through L5 also innervate the body walls in a ______ pattern.

2, brachial plexus, lumbosacral plexus, segmental

Describe short bone

2. Short Bone: roughly cube in shape, present in the wrist and ankle. A special type of short bone is called the sesamoid bone (named because it looks like a sesame seed) and example is the patella (knee bone)

Appendicular Skeleton Consists of bones, cartilages, joints and ligaments; designed to be strong but light and adapted for weight bearing, locomotion, protective and manipulative functions; ____ named bones that are group into the axial and appendicular skeletons. The axial skeleton consists of the skull, vertebral column and thoracic cage (discussed in previous section) and appendicular skeleton consists of the bones of upper and lower limbs, pectoral region (shoulder) and the pelvic girdle.


Overall Skeleton consists of bones, cartilages, joints and ligaments; designed to be strong but light and adapted for weight bearing, locomotion, protective and manipulative functions; ____ named bones that are group into the ___ and ______ skeletons. The axial skeleton consists of the ____, ____ ____, and ____ ____ and the appendicular skeleton (discussed later) consists of the bones of ____ and ___ ____, ____ _____ (shoulder) and the ____ ______.

206, axial, appendicular, skull, vertebral column and thoracic cage, bones of upper and lower limbs, pectoral region, pelvic girdle.

Vertebral Column (spine): is formed from _____ vertebrae, the sacrum, and the coccyx. There are ___ cervical vertebrae, ____ thoracic vertebrae, and ___ lumbar vertebrae, which have common as well as unique features. The vertebrae are separated by fibrocartilage that are called _______ ________ that allow the vertebral column to be flexible

24, 7, 12, 5, intervertebral discs

VC Consists of ____ vertebrae: consist of ____ pre-sacral: cervical (__), thoracic (___), and lumbar (__) movable vertebrae held together by ligaments. Sacral and coccygeal vertebrae are fused together.

33, 24, 7, 12, 5

There are __ normal curves of the vertebral column. The thoracic and sacral curves are ____ curves, present even in fetal life. The cervical and lumbar curves are _____ curves that appear during the first year of life. The cervical curve appears when the baby holds up the head, and the lumbar curve appears when the baby ____. Abnormal curves can occur in adults. An exaggerated thoracic curve, often seen in elderly women due to osteoporosis, is called _____. An exaggerated lumbar curve is called ______. An abnormal lateral curvature in the thoracic region is called ______, often seen in young women.

4, primary, secondary, walks, kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis

The 31 pairs of spinal nerves consist of ___ pairs of cervical nerves, ___ pairs of thoracic nerves and ___ pairs of lumbar nerves, __ pairs of sacral nerves and ___ pair of coccygeal nerves.

8, 12, 5, 5, 1

All three connective tissue layers are continuous with a tendon, the connective tissue structure that joins skeletal muscle to bones. The term...refers to a flat tendon.


The most inferior bone of the os coxae is the _______


IV Disc Structure: ____ ______= ___________ rings; largely ______ (all but most superficial layers in the adult) and ____ _____ = vestige of the notochord, gelatinous center, high water content

Annulus fibrosus, fibrocartilagenous, nucleus pulposus

Dens of the axis (body of the atlas) forms a pivot joint with ____ arch of the atlas, specialized for rotation (turning of head from "side to side" = no)


A____-axial joints: atlas (C1) and axis (C2), No IV disc between atlas and axis, Facet joints


Describe basic features of skeletal muscle

Basic Features of Skeletal Muscle: sheaths of connective tissue coverings enclose and protect the muscle fibers and increase the strength of skeletal muscles

Atypical Vertebrae: Regional Characteristics: Cervical vertebrae: _____ spines and ______ _______ (vertebral artery) _____ (C1) and ____ (C2)

Bifid, transverse foramina, atlas, axis

Typical Vertebrae: ____, _____ (neural) Arch, Pedicles, L_______, P______, V_____ or S_____ Canal (house the spinal cord) and I______ F______(formed by the articulation of adjacent vertebrae, exit of spinal nerve, entrance of blood and nerve supply to bone, meninges and spinal cord).

Body, Vertebral, Laminae, Processes, Vertebral, Spinal, Intervertebral Foramina

Structure of Bone- Structure: ... bone is the external layer of the bone and internal to this is the ... bone also called .... and the open spaces between the trabeculae are filled with red and yellow marrow.

Compact, spongy, trabeculae

Lamellae-_____ layers of bone _____.

Concentric, tissue

The sheaths from external to internal: list 3

Epimysium, perimysium, endomysium

________ joints or ________ are joined by a fibrocartilage disc separated and attached to vertebral bodies by a thin plate of _____ cartilage and slightly movable in all directions.

Fibrocartilagenous, symphysis, hyaline

Describe flat bone

Flat Bone: are thin, flattened and usually somewhat curved, examples are cranial bones, ribs, sternum (breastbone) and scapula (shoulder blade)

The osteon (________ system) is the structural unit of most compact bone. Each osteon is composed of the following: ______ ______, ________, _______, _______ and _______

Haversian, lamellae, lacunae, osteocytes, canaliculi

Classification: are classified into four groups on the basis of their shape and the amount of compact or spongy bone they contain, four classifications are ... bone, ... bone, ... bone and .... bone.

Long, short, flat, irregular

Abnormal Curvatures _____ = an exaggeration of the thoracic curvature ______ = an exaggeration of the lumbar curvature ______ = complex lateral deviation or torsion

Kyphosis, Lordosis, Scoliosis

Since the Vertebral Column Grows Much Longer than Spinal Cord during Development: the spinal cord ends at vertebral level ___.


_____ ______ (laminae) = yellow, elastic fibers Inter______ Supraspinous (replaced by the _____ _______, or ligament of the neck in the cervical region) Intertrans_____

Ligamentum flavum, Interspinous, Supraspinous, ligamentum nuchae, Intertransverse

Bone Tissue Structure: is a type of connective tissue, consists of cells separated by an extracellular ..., bone has organic components (cells, fibers and ground substance) and inorganic components (mineral salts).


Skeletal muscle cells or fibers must be stimulated by nerve impulses to contract. The nerve cells that innervate muscle fibers are called motor neurons. One motor neuron and all the skeletal muscle cells (fibers) it stimulates are called a ____ ____

Motor unit

The nerve stimulates the skeletal muscle fiber to contract at theneuromuscular (nerve-muscle) junction by releasing a chemical called a....


____ _______ enters nutrient foramen.

Nutrient artery

Three cell types in bone tissue that produce and maintain the tissue: ... cells (stem cells differentiate into bone forming cells), ... (bone forming cells) and .... (keep bone matrix healthy). Cells responsible for resorption of bone is a fourth type of cell found within bone tissue called ....

Osteogenic, osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts

_______ joint is the attachment of the lower limb with the axial skeleton


Describe skeletal muscle tissue

Skeletal Muscle Tissue: is located in skeletal muscle, attached to the skeleton to move limbs and other body parts. Skeletal cells are long, striated and contain many nuclei (multinucleate). Contraction of muscle is subject to voluntary control.

The muscular system is An organ system composed of ..., ... and .... muscles that permits movement of the body, maintains posture and circulates blood through out the body.

Skeletal, cardiac, smooth

Axial Skeleton: A group of bones in the human skeleton that forms the long axis of the body and are arranged into three major areas: 1. ____, 2. ______ ______ and 3. ____ _______ , these bones support the head, neck and trunk and protect the brain, spinal cord and organs of the thorax

Skull, vertebral column, thoracic cage

Each type is characterized by two main features:1.) Presence or absence of ... - light and dark stripes in muscle cells2.) Voluntary (conscious control) or ... control (can't be controlled consciously) - innervation of muscle tissue

Striations, involuntary

Atypical Cervical Vertebrae and Craniovertebral Joints: _____ joints between the atlas and axis, and the atlas and occipital condyles responsible for the greatest range of head movements


______ joints between articular processes of adjacent vertebrae, amplify movement permitted by the IV discs _______ of articular processes determines movement Ligaments: run between adjacent laminae, spinous process and transverse processes, none between _________

Synovial, orientation, pedicles

Head: A rounded articular surface joined to the shaft of the bone by a ______, the neck


Does the number of somites in the cervical region correspond to the number of vertebrae or the number of spinal nerves exiting form the spinal cord in the cervical region?

Yes, the number of somites corresponds to the number of spinal nerves.

Describe epimysium

a layer of dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds whole muscle

Joints of the Vertebral Bodies - occur at intervertebral discs between _____ vertebrae


Vertebrae and Ligaments There are strong ligaments that hold the vertebral column together. The _____ ______ ______ is a broad ligament on the ____ surfaces of the bodies of the vertebrae. The intervertebral (IV) discs located between adjacent vertebral bodies consists of a tough fibrous ring around the outside called the _____ _______. The central part of the IV disc is soft gelatinous connective tissue called the _____ ________. The posterior longitudinal ligament located on the _______ surface of the bodies of the vertebrae is narrow with space on both sides. The posterior longitudinal ligament is located inside the vertebral canal.

anterior longitudinal ligament, anterior, annulus fibrosis, nucleus pulposus, posterior

Longitudinal Ligaments allow the strongest attachment between vertebrae and are held together by _____ and _____ longitudinal ligaments.

anterior, posterior

facet: A smooth surface for _______


Atlanto-occipital joints: No IV disc between atlas and base of the skull Flexion and extension (turning head up and down = yes), limited by the anterior and posterior_____-_____ _______ (= ant/post longitudinal ligaments)

atlanto-occipital membrane

The first two vertebrae have special names. C1 is called the ____, and C2 is called the ____.

atlas, axis

Tuberosity: A large, blunt, or rounded _______


tubercle: a ____, blunt, or rounded process


Cervical Vertebrae The rest of the cervical vertebrae (3-7) have the typical features of a vertebra. For identification purposes, the special features of cervical vertebrae are spinous processes that are sometimes ____ (two points at the tip), and all the cervical vertebrae have openings in the _____ __________

bifid, transverse processes

Haversian canal is for passage of the _____ ____.

blood vessel

Lumbar Vertebrae Lumbar vertebrae are the largest vertebrae designed for weight bearing. All the vertebrae have the following features: ____ (for weight-bearing), ______ processes (to anchor to adjacent vertebrae), ______ and _______ (to increase the size of the vertebral foramen), and ______ processes and ______ process (for muscle and ligament attachment).

body, articular, pedicles, laminae, transverse, spinous

Skull: body's most complex bony structure, formed by cranial and facial bones, cranial bones protect the _____ and provide attachment for muscles, facial bones form framework of face


Organization of the Nervous System: Central nervous system (CNS) refers to the _____ and _____ _____

brain, spinal cord

In the cervical region, the first pair of cervical spinal nerves exits above ___ vertebra and the last pair of cervical spinal nerves ____ exits below ____. There are eight cervical nerves but only ____ cervical vertebrae.

c1, c8, c7, 7

This causes the roots of the lumbar, sacral and coccygeal spinal nerves to be very long. The roots of these spinal nerves located below the end of the spinal cord are called the _____ _____ (horses tail).

cauda, equina

osteocytes-mature bone _____


Inferior to the spinal cord at the L1 or L2 vertebral level, the lumbar and sacral spinal nerve roots float in the ____ _________ (CSF) of the sub-arachnoid space before exiting through their appropriate intervertebral foramen in the lumbar and sacral region.

cerebrospinal fluid

Cervical nerves (8 pairs): ventral rami of C1 through C4 form the ____ _____. Important nerves of the cervical plexus are the _____ nerves that originate from spinal cord segments C3, C4, and C5, travel through the thorax passing along the sides of the pericardial sac to innervate the diaphragm. Damage to the cervical spinal cord at the C3-C5 level can be life threatening as phrenic nerve supply to the skeletal muscle of the diaphragm is an important part of normal respiration.

cervical plexus, phrenic

Herniated or Prolapsed disc: symptom producing in the _____ and _____ regions. Protrusion of the nucleus pulposus into and through the _____ _________; usually in a posterior and lateral direction (annulus is weak or poorly supported by the posterior longitudinal ligament at this point) Causes compression or impingement of spinal nerve roots

cervical, lumbar, annulus fibrosus

The vertebral column is S-shaped to allow for upright posture. There are four curvatures that give the vertebral column this S-shape: ______, ______,_______and _______. Spinal curvatures present and well developed at birth are the thoracic and sacral and are called _____ curvatures. The ______ curvatures (cervical and lumbar) develop after birth and during the first two years of life

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, primary, secondary

condyle: A smooth structure, either concave or ______, joined directly to the shaft of a long bone.


Pelvic girdle formed by the two ___ bones (also called hip bone), each hipbone is the result of fusion of the _____, ______, and _____ bones. Pelvic girdle is securely attached to the _____ of the axial skeleton, and the socket for the thighbone is deep and heavily reinforced. This girdle receives the weight of the upper body and transfers it to the lower limbs. The female pelvis is lighter and broader than the male's; its inlet and outlet are larger, which reflects the childbearing function of the female

coxal, ilium, ischium, pubic, sacrum

long bone-another word for shaft is ________


Epiphysis-found at both proximal and _______ ends of long bones


Dorsal and Ventral Rami: Each spinal nerve divide into a ____ and ____ ramus.

dorsal, ventral

Yellow Marrow-Mostly ____. It is seen here in the medullary cavity, a space lined with _______, some ______ found here.

endosteum, osteoclasts

A structure not found in an adult is an _______ plate.

epiphyseal plate

Compact Bone-The _____ coat of solid bone


Name all the bones of the thigh (1)


Trochanter: Relatively large, blunt type of process found only in the _____


Describe irregular bone

have various shapes that do not belong to the previous categories, examples are vertebrae and hipbones

Bones of the upper limb include the _____ of the arm, the ____ and ____ of the forearm, and the ____, ______, and ______ of the wrist and hand. Bones of the lower limb include the _____ of the thigh, the ___ and _____ of the leg, and the ____, _____ and ______ of the foot and ankle

humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, femur, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges

Anterior Longitudinal Ligaments: limits _____ (whiplash - stretches the anterior ligament).

hyperextension, anterior

Posterior Longitudinal Ligaments: limits ______.


When in the correct anatomical position, the anterior superior ____ spine and the pubic _______ are in a vertical plane.

iliac, tubercle

The ______ lies over the angle of the ribs, _______ lies over the transverse processes of the vertebrae, and the ______ muscle attaches to the spinous processes of the vertebrae very close to the midline

iliocostalis, longissimus , spinalis

The bone involved information of the acetabulum but not the obtruator foramen is the ______


Transverse (cruciform) ligament - secures the dens in position, critical to the _____ of the joint


At each vertebral level, the spinal nerves emerge from openings between the vertebrae called the _________ _________ and branch into a small dorsal rami (branches) to the true back muscles and a larger ventral rami to the rest of the body. In the illustration the dorsal ramus provides the nerve supply to this area of the erector spinae and overlying skin.

intervertebral foramina

Canaliculi-connections between _____


Describe. Smooth tissue

mostly found in walls of hollow internal organs (stomach, urinary bladder blood vessels and respiratory passages), smooth muscle cells lack striations, contain one nucleus (uninucleate), spindle-shaped, and arranged in opposing layers in the walls of hollow organs. When they contract, substances (food, urine, a baby) are moved along the internal pathways. Contraction of muscle is involuntary.

Describe perimysium

muscle fibers within a skeletal muscle are separated into groups called fasicles, layer of connective tissue surrounding a fasicle is called perimysium

Ventral rami of the spinal nerves form plexuses that innervate the ____, ____ and ____extremities. In addition, the ventral rami serve the ______ walls of the trunk.

neck, upper, lower, anterolateral

Herniated Disc (Herniated Intervertebral Disc) The _____ _____ part of the disc is what herniates or pushes out when a person has a "slipped or ruptured disc". The posterior longitudinal ligament located on the posterior surface of the bodies of the vertebrae (in the vertebral canal) is narrow and allows the nucleus pulposus to push out postero-laterally into the vertebral canal and possibly into the ______ ________.

nucleus pulposus, intervertebral foramen

Describe cardiac muscle tissue

occurs only in the walls of the heart, cardiac muscle cells are striated, branching cells that fit closely together and are arranged in spiral bundles. Their contraction pumps blood through the blood vessels. Contraction of muscle is involuntary.

The pelvic girdle is made up of two ____ ____, _______ skeleton bones which join ________ at the _______ pubis and ______ to the sacrum, (an ______ skeleton bone)

ossa coxae, appendicular, anteriorly, symphysis, posteriorly, axial

Name of a bone forming cell: _______


Lacunae-spaces containing ______


Major unit of compact bone is called ______


A covering found on all bones is called ______


Fossa: A saucer like ______


spine: A pointed _____ of bone


Process: A roughened, bony ______ usually serviing as the site of the attachment for muscles or connective tissue structures.


Site of blood cell formation: _____ ______

red marrow

Crest: A prominent border that may be ______


There are ____ cervical vertebrae. The twelve thoracic vertebrae match the __ pairs of ribs. There are five _____ vertebrae and the ____ originally consisted of five vertebrae but they have fused into one bone. In the sacrum the _____ processes can still be seen. The sacrum still has openings to allow nerves to pass through. These are the equivalent of the _______, _______ in the rest of the vertebral column. The coccyx consists of _____ tiny vertebrae that are also fused.

seven, twelve, lumbar, sacrum, spinous, intervertebral foramina, four

Pectoral girdle (also called ______) composed of two bones: 1. ______ and 2. ______and attaches the upper limb to the axial skeleton. It is a light, poorly reinforced girdle that allows the upper limb a great deal of movement

shoulder, scapula, clavicle

The area inferior to the spinal cord provides the clinician a pool of accessible CSF that can be withdrawn without damaging the spinal cord. Only the cauda equina, the bundle of spinal nerve roots, are located in this cistern of cerebrospinal fluid extending inferiorly into the sacral region. These move away from an aspiration needle without being harmed. This procedure is called a ____ ___, ___ ___, or _____.

spinal tap, lumbar tap, puncture.

Spongy (cancellous) bone (also in distal epiphysis) contains red marrow in the proximal epiphysis; the blood cell producing red marrow is also found in _____ bone of flat bones.


Thoracic Cage: is formed by the s______ and ___ pairs of ribs and ____ thoracic vertebrae. Anteriorly, Ribs __-___ attach directly to the sternum, ____ ribs; Ribs __-___ attach indirectly to sternum, ____ ribs and Ribs ___-___ do not attach all, _____ ribs. The bony thorax encloses the lungs, heart, and other organs of the thoracic cavity.

sternum, 12, 12, 1-7, true, 8-10, false, 11-12, floating

Thoracic Vertebrae The thoracic region is specialized for rib attachment. All the joints between adjacent vertebrae and vertebra-rib attachments are ______ (movable) joints enclosed in connective capsules. _____ cartilage makes the joint movement smooth.

synovial, hyaline

In the _____ region each ventral ramus (branch) travels along the lower border of the rib with an intercostal artery and vein forming the neurovascular bundle to that rib space. A similar segmental arrangement is present in the abdominal body wall


Normal Curvatures Primary: ____ and ____ curvatures Secondary: ____ and _____ curvatures, form after birth as a result of lifting the head and walking, respectively

thoracic, sacral, cervical, lumbar

The major weight bearing bone of the leg is the _____. It is on the _____ side of the leg

tibium, medial

Atlanto-axial dislocation: rupture of the transverse ligament due to trauma or rheumatoid arthritis allows movement of the dens within the spinal canal, places the cervical spinal cord at risk (compression or ______)


The spinal nerve branches into the large ventral ramus that innervates all the skeletal muscles of the body wall and extremities. The small dorsal ramus innervates only the ____ muscles of the back, the erector spinae muscles, the columns of muscle located on both sides of the spinous processes of the vertebral column.


Pelvic Brim-Inferior to the pelvic brim, the ________ pelvis is located between the pelvic bones. The _____ pelvis is the space above the pelvic brim and between the ______ bones.

true, false

Deep (Intrinsic) Back Muscles When the trapezius and latissimus dorsi and the scapulae are removed, the deep/intrinsic/true native back muscles are seen. The _____, ______ (true or intrinsic) muscles are the chief extensors of the vertebral column. These muscles maintain posture and control movement of the spinal column. The ______ ______ muscles form three columns on both sides of the vertebral column. The names of the three columns from lateral to medial on each side are _____, _____ and _______. These muscles are also given a regional designation to indicate the region of the body. The longissimus muscle is called: longissimus thoracis in the ____ region, longissimus cervicis in the ____, and longissimus capitus where it attaches to the _____.

true, intrinsic, erector, spinae, iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis, thorax, neck, skull

Appendicular Skeleton: Bones of the _____/_____ Limb, ____ and _____ Girdles

upper, lower, pectoral, pelvic

Foramen: A hole in the bone: size is extremely _______


Spinal Nerves: the spinal cord is located within the ____ _____(protects the spinal cord). The spinal cord is a stack of spinal ______, each serving a pair of spinal nerves. There are ____ pairs of spinal nerves coming off the spinal cord.

vertebral column, segments, 31

Intervertebral Articulations Movement of the pre-sacral segments is a summation of movement between individual vertebrae that lends itself to the flexibility and mobility of the vertebral column. For most of the pre-sacral vertebral column, movement occurs by adjacent vertebrae at the intervertebral discs and facets, or _______ joints


Joints of the Vertebral Arches: ________ or ______ joints

zygapophyseal, facet

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