NCE Career Development

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The Guide for Occupational Exploration (GOE) was published by the US Department of Labor. The guide lists groups of jobs listed in: a. 14 interest areas b. 6 interest areas c. 3 interest areas d. 175 interest areas

14 interest areas

Most research in the area of career development and its relationship to students indicates that: a. a very high proportion of students in high school and at the junior high or middle school level wanted guidance in planning a career. Career interests are more stable after college. b. students did not want career guidance despite its importance c. many students were too inflexible to benefit from career guidance d. high school students wanted career guidance but junior high school or middle school level students did not

A very high proportion of students in high school and at the junior high or middle school level wanted guidance in planning a career. Career interests are more stable after college.

The National Vocational Guidance Association was founded in 1913. It was fused with other organizations in 1952 to become: a. the American Psychological Association b. AACD c. APGA d. NASW

APGA (American Personnel and Guidance Association)

John Krumboltz postulated a social learning approach to career choice. This model is based mainly on the work of: a. Joseph Wolpe b. Albert Bandura c. Donald Super d. Karen Homey

Albert Bandura

Self-efficacy theory is based on the work of: a. Roe b. Holland c. H.B. Gelatt d. Albert Bandura

Albert Bandura

This theorist believed career choice is influenced by genetics, parent-child interaction, unconscious motivators, current needs, interests (people/things), education, and intelligence.

Anne Roe

A leisure activity that one engages in for pleasure rather than money is often referred to as an __________.


The trait-and-factor or actuarial approach asserts that: a. job selection is a long-term development process b. testing is an important part of the counseling process c. a counselor can match the correct person with the appropriate job d. b & c

B & C

Roe recognized the role of the unconscious mind in terms of career choice. Another theorist who emphasized the unconscious processes in this area of study was: a. Krumboltz b. Parsons c. Super d. Bordin


SIGI Plus, Choices, and Discover are: a. Computer Assisted Career Guidance Systems (CACG) b. paper and pencil career tests c. career theories proposed in the 1940s d. computer systems which are slower to use than traditional texts such as the DOT or the OOH

Computer Assisted Career Guidance Systems (CACG)

The decision-making theory, which refers to periods of anticipation and implementation/adjustment, was proposed by: a. Crites b. Holland c. David Tiedeman and Robert O'Hara d. Super

David Tiedeman and Robert O'Hara

This approach views career decisions as longitudinal and reversible. It delineates stages or specifies vocational choice in terms of a process which can change throughout the life span.

Developmental approach

__________ is a woman with children who was a homemaker but is currently in need of work to support her family.

Displace homemaker

The US Employment Service created the: a. ASVAB b. DAT c. GATB d. SCII

GATB (General Aptitude Test Battery

Developmental career theorists view career choice as an ongoing or so-called longitudinal process rather than a single decision made at one point in time. The pioneer theorists in this area--who were the first to forsake the matching models--were: a. Super and Roe b. Hoppock and Holland c. Ginzberg, Ginsburg, Axelrad, and Herma d. Brill and Bordin

Ginzberg, Ginsburg, Axelrad, and Herma

Holland relied on a personality theory of career choice. Hoppock's theory, based on the work of ___________ is also considered a personality approach. a. Donald Super b. Robert Rosenthal c. David Wechsler d. Henry Murray

Henry Murray

Research into the phenomenon of career maturity reflects the work of: a. John Crites b. Roe c. Holland d. Schlossberg

John Crites

As you walk into a professional seminar on career counseling you note that the instructor is drawing a hexagon on the blackboard. The instructor in most likely discussing: a. David Tiedeman b. John Holland c. Anne Roe d. John Crites

John Holland

Edmund Griffith Williamson's work (or the so-called Minnesota Viewpoint) purports to be scientific and didactic, utilizing test data from instruments such as the: a. Rorschach and the TAT b. Binet and the Wechsler c. BDI and the MMPI d. Minnesota Occupational Rating Scales

Minnesota Occupational Rating Scales

Henry Murray created the __________ theory and the TAT projective test.

Needs-press theory

A counselor wants to suggest an easy-to-read source for a client in search of career information. The counselor should recommend: a. DOT b. SOC c. SIC d. OOH


A counselor who is interested in trends in the job market should consult the: a. State Department of Economic Regulation b. SOC c. SIC d. OOH


The trait-and-factor career counseling, actuarial, or matching approach (which matches clients with a job) is associated with: a. Parsons and Williamson b. Roe and Brill c. Holland and Super d. Tiedeman and O'Hara

Parsons and Williamson

Anne Roe's work is sometimes referred to as __________ and is primarily psychoanalytic.

Person-environment theory

Growth--birth to 14 Exploration--15 to 24 Establishment--24 to 44 Maintenance--44 to 64 Decline--65 plus

Super's five life stages

You are working as a counselor for a major university. A student wants detailed statistics about the average wages in her state. The best resource would be: a. Richard N. Bolles's book "What Color is Your Parachute?" b. The Bureau of Labor Statistics website c. any professional journal related to career counseling is inundated with articles of this nature d. DISCOVER and the System of Interactive Guidance and Information known as Sigi Plus

The Bureau of Labor Statistics website

This phenomenon suggests that women are limited in terms of how far they can advance in the world of work and is a form of occupational sex-role stereotyping that can limit women's careers.

The glass ceiling phenomenon

This theory assumed that via psychological testing one's personality could be matched to an occupation which stressed those particular personality traits.

Trait-and-factor theory

True or False? The terms structural theory and personality theory can be used interchangeably.


True or False: most popular career theories are based on middle-class or upper middle-class white males who are heterosexual and not disabled.


Holland's artistic type seems to value feelings over pure intellect or cognitive ability. Which of the following clients would not be best described via the artistic typology? a. a 72-year-old part-time male ballet instructor b. a 29-year-old female fiction writer c. a 33-year-old female drill press operator d. a 41-year-old singer for a heavy metal rock band

a 33-year-old female drill press operato

The model Krumboltz suggested is: a. a human capital theory b. an accident theory of career development c. a status attainment theory d. a behavioristic model of career development

a behavioristic model of career devleopment

Holland believed that: a. a given occupation will tend to attract persons with similar personalities b. a given occupation will tend to attract persons with a very wide range of personality attributes c. one's personality is, for the most part, unrelated to one's occupational choice d. b & c

a given occupation will tend to attract persons with similar personalities

Ginzberg and his colleagues now believe in a development model of career choice which asserts that: a. the process of choosing a career does not end at age 20 or adulthood b. career choice decisions are really made throughout the life span c. career choice is reversible d. all of the above

all of the above

Lifestyle includes: a. work b. leisure c. style of living d. all of the above

all of the above

The Self-Directed Search (SDS) is: a. based on the work of Holland and yields scores on his six types b. self-administered c. self-scored and self-interpreted d. all of the above

all of the above

In the Gelatt Model the predictive system deals with: a. personal likes, dislikes, and preferences b. personal rules c. alternatives and the probability of outcomes d. the self-directed search

alternatives and the probability of outcomes

Counselors who support John Holland's approach believe that: a. an appropriate job allows one to express his or her personality b. stereotypes cannot be considered relevant c. four major personality categories exist d. sublimation is the major factor in job selection

an appropriate job allows one to express his or her personality

The DOT was first published by the Department of Labor in 1939. The first three digits in a DOT code referred to: a. an occupational group b. career options c. OOH data d. the transfer of skills

an occupational group

At its zenith the DOT listed: a. approximately 10,000 job titles b. nearly 5,000 job titles c. approximately 30,000 job titles d. nearly 100,000 job titles

approximately 30,000 job titles

Edwin Bordin felt that difficulties related to job choice: a. are indicative of neurotic symptoms b. are indicative of inappropriate reinforcers in the environment c. are related to a lack of present moment awareness d. are the result of irrational cognitions

are indicative of neurotic symptoms

A client says she has always stayed home and raised her children. Now the children are grown and she is seeking employment. She is best described: a. as a displaced homemaker b. as a victim of underemployment c. by a DSM diagnosis d. as a victim of the hidden job market

as a displaced homemaker

One major category of career theory is known as trait-factor (aka trait-and-factor) approach. It has also been dubbed the actuarial or matching approach. This approach: a. attempts to match conscious and unconscious work motives b. attempts to match the worker and the work environment (job factors). The approach thus makes the assumption that there is one best or single career for the person c. attempts to match career behavior with attitudes d. attempts to match cognition with the workload

attempts to match the worker and the work environment (job factors). The approach thus makes the assumption that there is one best or single career for the person

Anne Roe suggested a personality approach to career choice: a. based on cognitive-behavioral therapy b. based on a model of strict operant conditioning c. based on the premise that a job satisfies an unconscious need d. based on the work of Pavlov

based on the premise that a job satisfies an unconscious need

The leading method adults use to find career information in the United States is: a. to see a state employment counselor b. to visit a private practice career counselor c. to undergo counseling with a counselor with NCCC credentials d. by securing information via the newspaper

by securing information via the newspaper

This occurs when the rater rates almost everybody in the average range.

central tendency bias

Linda Gottfredson's developmental theory of career focuses on: a. fields and levels b. circumscription and compromise theory c. the career rainbow d. mainly on the concept of career maturity

circumscription and compromise theory

a worker compensates or makes up for things he or she can't do on the job.

compensatory effect

evaluation of a person's characteristics that is affected by comparisons with other people recently encountered who rank higher or lower on the same characteristics

contrast effect

Holland did indeed believe in career stereotypes. In other words the person psychologically defines himself or herself via a given job. Thus, a bookkeeper or a clerical worker would primarily fit into the _________ category. a. artistic b. conventional c. realistic d. social


A dual-career family (or dual-worker couple) is one in which both partners have jobs to which they are committed on a somewhat continuous basis. Which statement is true of dual-career families? a. surprisingly enough, dual-career families have lower incomes than families in which only one partner works b. dual-career families have higher incomes than the so-called traditional family in which only one partner is working c. dual-career families have incomes which are almost identical to families with one partner working d. surprisingly enough, no research has been conducted on dual-career families

dual-career families have higher incomes than the so-called traditional family in which only one partner is working

In terms of leisure time and dual-career families: a. dual-career families have more leisure time b. dual-career families have the same amount of leisure time as families with one wage earner c. dual-career families have less leisure time d. dual-career families have more weekend leisure time

dual-career families have less leisure time

Holland's theory would predict that the vice president of the United States would be: a. artistic b. social c. enterprising d. realistic


Initially, Ginzberg and his associates viewed career choice as irreversible and the result of compromises between wishes and realistic possibilities. This theory identified three stages of career development: a. informal, formal, and concrete b. fantast (birth to age 11), tentative (ages 11 to 17), and realistic (age 17 to early 20s) c. sensorimotor, formal, and concrete d. oral, anal, and phallic

fantasy (birth to age 11), tentative (ages 11 to 17), and realistic (age 17 to early 20s)

Roe was the first career specialist to utilize a two-dimensional system of occupational classification utilizing: a. unconscious and preconscious b. fields and levels c. yin and yang d. transactional analysis nomenclature

fields and levels

Super's theory emphasizes _____________ life stages.


A client who says, "I feel I cannot really become an administrator in our agency because I am a woman," is showing an example of: a. gender bias b. counselor bias c. the trait-and-factor theory d. developmental theory and career choice

gender bias

In terms of genetics, Roe's theory would assert that: a. genetics play a very minor role in career choice b. genetics help to determine intelligence and education, and hence this influences one's career choice c. genetics are important while upbringing is not d. genetics are important while the unconscious is not

genetics help to determine intelligence and education, and hence this influences one's career choice

The trait-and-factor approach fails to take __________ into account. a. individual change throughout the life span b. relevant psychometric data c. personality d. job requirements

individual change throughout the lifespan

Holland's psychological needs career personality theory would say that a research chemist is primarily the ________ type. a. investigative b. social c. enterprising d. artistic


In the dual-career family, partners seem to be more self-sufficient than in the traditional family. In a dual-career household, the woman: a. generally has children before entering the work force b. rarely if ever has children c. is not self-reliant d. is typically secure in her career before she has children

is typically secure in her career before she has children

A 37-year-old Caucasian male states during a counseling session that he is working as a clerk at Main Street Plumbing. This verbalization depicts the client's: a. career b. lifestyle c. job or position d. occupation

job or position

This occurs when a rater tends to give employees very high/lenient or very low/strict ratings while avoiding the middle or so-called average range.

leniency/strictness bias

Roe's theory relies on Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs in the sense that in terms of career choice: a. lower order needs take precedence over higher order needs b. self-actualization needs take precedence over lower order needs c. all needs are given equal consideration d. the need for self-actualization would overpower a physical need

lower order needs take precedence over higher order needs

The notion of the hidden job market would suggest that: a. most jobs will appear on college bulletin boards b. most jobs will appear in supermarket tabloids c. most jobs will appear in daily newspaper classified ads d. most jobs are not advertised

most jobs are not advertised

In regard to an individual's behavioral style or so-called modal orientation, Holland believed that: a. every person has a pure or discrete orientation that fits perfectly into one of the six categories b. occupational measures like the Strong Vocational are for the most part useless c. most people are not pure personality types and thus can best be described by a distribution of types such as Realistic, Social, Investigative (RSI) d. a & b

most people are not pure personality types and thus can best be described by a distribution of types such as Realistic, Social, Investigative (RSI)

In the Dictionary of Occupational Titles each job was given a _____ digit code. a. nine b. eight c. six d. five


Statistics reveal that: a. on average, a worker with a bachelor's degree earns over $10,000 a year more than a worker with a high school diploma b. fewer workers possess a high-school degree than ever before c. blue-collar jobs are growing faster than white-collar jobs d. older workers are slower than younger workers and have less skill

on average, a worker with a bachelor's degree earns over $10,000 a year more than a worker with a high school diploma.

All of the following are examples of Anne Roe's "levels" except: a. outdoor b. semiskilled c. semiprofessional/small business d. professional and managerial


Most experts in the field of career counseling would classify Roe, Brill, and Holland as ________ theorists. a. behavior modification b. ego psychologists c. experiential d. personality


A fairly recent model to explain career development is the decision approach. The Gelatt Decision Model created by Harry B. Gelatt refers to information as "the fuel of the the decision." The Gelatt Model asserts that information can be organized into three systems: a. predictive, value, and decision b. internal, external, and in between c. predictive, external, and internal d. internal and external

predictive, value, and decision

A client who wishes to work on an assembly line would fit into Holland's ________ typology. a. artistic b. conventional c. social d. realistic


The Strong Interest Inventory (SCII) is based on John Holland's theory. The test assumes that a person who is interested in a given subject will experience: a. satisfaction in a job with workers who have different interests b. satisfaction in a job in which those working in the occupation have similar interests c. generalized anxiety if he or she is placed in a job where people have similar interests d. the best results if he or she finishes the inventory in one hour or less

satisfaction in a job in which those working in the occupation have similar interests

Lifestyle and career development have been emphasized: a. only since the late 1950s b. only since the late 1960s c. only since nondirective counseling became popular d. since the beginning of the counseling and guidance movement and are still major areas of concern

since the beginning of the counseling and guidance movement and are still major areas of concern.

Holland categorized ________ personality orientations which correspond to analogous work environments. a. two b. five c. three d. six


Holland mentioned six modal orientations: artistic, conventional, enterprising, investigative, realistic, and social. A middle school counselor is most likely: a. artistic b. social c. enterprising d. realistic


A client who likes her flower arranging job begins doing flower arranging in her spare time on the weekends and after work. This phenomenon is best described as: a. the contrast effect b. sublimation c. the compensatory effect d. spillover


Studies indicate that: a. students receive ample vocational guidance b. most parents can provide appropriate vocational guidance c. students want more vocational guidance than they receive d. career days meet the vocational guidance needs of most students

students want more vocational guidance than they receive

A client who becomes a professional football player because he unconsciously likes to hurt people would be utilizing __________ according to Brill's theory of career choice. a. subliminal b. sublimation c. suppression d. introjection


Another career theorist who drew upon psychoanalytic doctrines was A.A. Brill. Brill emphasized _________ as an ego defense mechanism: a. subliminal b. sublimation c. repression d. rationalization


A counselor who favors a behavioristic mode of career counseling would most likely: a. analyze dreams related to jobs and/or occupations b. give the client a standardized career test c. suggest a site visit to a work setting d. a & b

suggest a site visit to a work setting

In 1909 a landmark book entitled "Choosing a Vocation" was released. The book was written by Frank Parsons. Parsons has been called: a. the Father of lifestyle b. the Father of modern counseling c. the Father of vocational guidance d. the fourth force in counseling

the Father of Vocational Guidance

The Strong is considered an Interest inventory. So is: a. the Kuder, created by George Frederic Kuder b. the Wechsler c. the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test d. the MMPI-2

the Kuder, created by George Frederic Kuder

When career counselors speak of the OOH they are referring to: a. the Occupational Options Handbook b. the Occupational Outlook Handbook c. the Career Options Occupational Titles d. the Optional Occupations Handbook

the Occupational Outlook Handbook

Some support for Roe's theory comes from: a. the BDI b. the WAIS-R c. the Rorschach and the TAT d. the gestalt therapy movement

the Rorschach and the TAT

Which statement is not true of the trait-and-factor approach to career counseling? a. the approach attempts to match the person's traits with the requirements of a job b. the approach usually relies on psychometric information c. the approach is developmental and thus focuses on career maturity d. the approach is associated with the work of Parsons and Williamson

the approach is developmental and thus focuses on career maturity

According to Anne Roe, who categorized occupations by fields and level, a. the decision to pursue a career is purely a conscious decision b. using the Strong is the best method of explaining career choice c. early childhood experiences are irrelevant in terms of career choice d. the choice of a career helps to satisfy an individual's needs

the choice of a career helps to satisfy an individual's needs

At a case staffing, one career counselor says to another, "The client's disability suggests she can only physically handle sedentary work." This technically implies: a. the client will not need to lift over 10 pounds b. the client will not need to lift over 100 pounds c. the client will be standing a lot d. the client could walk or stand up to six hours daily

the client will not need to lift over 10 pounds

A male client who hates his job is trying desperately to be the perfect father, husband, and family man. This phenomenon is best described as: a. the recency effet b. the leniency/strictness bias c. the compensatory effect d. spillove

the compensatory effect

An SDS score will reveal: a. career aptitude b. the personality via projective measures c. the individual's three highest scores based on Holland's personality type d. spillover personality tendencies

the individual's three highest scores based on Holland's personality type

Super's theory includes: a. the life-career rainbow b. the life-career stars c. the life-career moon d. the life-career psychosis

the life-career rainbow

This occurs when a rater's judgement of an employee reflects primarily his or her most recent performance.

the recency effect

The most popular developmental career theorist is Donald Super. Super emphasizes: a. id impulses b. the critical parent c. the self-concept d. ego strength

the self-concept

When professional career counselors use the term leisure they technically mean: a. the client is having fun at work or away from work b. the client is relaxing at work or away from work c. the client is working at less than 100% capacity at work or away from work d. the time the client has away from work which is not being utilized for obligations

the time the client has away from work which is not being utilized for obligations

Today, the most popular approach to career choice reflects: a. the work of Anne Roe b. the work of Donald Super c. the work of John Holland d. the work of Jane Loevinger

the work of John Holland

Occupational aptitude tests such as the Differential Aptitude Test (DAT), the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Test Battery (ASVAB), and the O*NET Ability Profiler grew out of the: a. cognitive therapy movement b. humanistic psychology movement c. individual psychology movement d. trait-and-factor movement related to career counseling

trait-and-factor movement related to career counseling

A counselor with a master's degree who is working for minimum wage at a fast-food restaurant due to a lack of jobs in the field is a victim of: a. unemployment b. underemployment c. the phi phenomenon d. the risky shift phenomenon


All of the following are examples of Anne Roe's "fields" except: a. service b. science c. arts and entertainment d. unskilled


Roe spoke of three basic parenting styles: overprotective, avoidant, or acceptant. The result is that the child: a. experiences neurosis or psychosis b. will eventually have a lot of jobs or a lack of employment c. will develop toward a personality which gravitates toward people or away from people d. will suffer from depression in the work setting or will be highly motivated to succeed

will develop toward a personality which gravitates (i.e., moves) toward people or away from people

According to the concept of wage discrimination: a. women make more than men for doing the same job b. women make less than men for doing the same job c. men and women make identical salaries thanks to legislation d. women who are seen as attractive still make 6% more than men for doing the same job

women make less than men for doing the same job

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