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An enclosure or piece of equipment constructed so that dust will not enter the enclosure under specified test conditions is known as "______."

A) dusttight

Capable of being removed or exposed without damaging the building structure or finish, or not permanently closed in by the structure or finish of the building is known as _____.

Accessible (As applied to wiring methods)

Capable of being reached quickly for operation, renewal, or inspections without resorting to portable ladders or the use of tools is knows as ________.

Accessible, readily

"_________" means acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.


Factory-installed ______ wiring of listed equipment need not be inspected at the time of installation of the equipment, except to detect alterations or damage.


_____ in other that dweling units must be legibly field marked with the maximun available fault current, including the date the fault-current calculation was performed and be of sufficient durability to withstand the environment involved.

a) Service equipment

A fixed, stationary, or portable self-contained, electrically illuminated equipment with words or symbols designed to convey information or attract attention describes______.

a) an electric sign

Non mandatory Informative Annexes contained in the back of the Code book________.

a) are for information only b) aren't enforceable as requirement of the Code

Communications equipment includes equipment and conductors used for the transmission of______.

a) audio b) video c) data d) any of these

When the term "exposed," as it applies to live parts, is used in the Code, it refers to_______.

a) being capable of being inadvertently touched or approached nearer that a safe distance by a person b) parts that are not suitably guarded, isolated, or insulated

A____ location may be temporarily subject to dampness and wetness.

a) dry

The NEC applies to the installation of...

a) electrical conductors and equipment within or on public and private buildings b) outside conductors and equipment on the premises c) optical fiber cables and raceways d) all of these

Examples of ground-fault current paths include any combination of conductive materials including______.

a) equipment grounding conductors b) metallic raceways c) metal water and gas piping d) all of these

As used in the NEC, equipment includes______.

a) fittings b) appliances c) machinery d) all of these

A"_______" is an accommodation that combines living, sleeping, sanitary, and storage facilities within a compartment.

a) guest room

The NEC requires that electrical equipment be_______.

a) installed in a neat and workmanlike manner

All switchboards, panelboards, and motor control centers shall be______.

a) located in dedicated spaces b) protected from damage

The authority having jurisdiction has the responsibility for _______.

a) making interpretations of rules b) deciding upon the approval of equipment and materials c) waiving specific requirements in the code and permitting alternate methods and material if safety is maintained d) all of these

This code covers the installation of ________ for public and privates premises, including buildings, structures, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, and floating buildings.

a) optical fiber cables b) electrical equipment c) raceways d) all of these

Hazards often occur because of ...

a) overloading of wiring systems by methods of usage not in conformity with the NEC b) initial wiring not providing for increases in the use of electricity

A hybrid system is comprised of multiple power sources, such as _____, but not the utility power system.

a) photovoltaic b) wind c) micro-hydro generators d) all of these

A(n)______ system is an electrical source, other that a service, having no direct connection(s) to circuit conductors of any other electrical source other that those established by grounding and bonding connections.

a) separately derived

The overhead system service-entrance conductors are the service conductors between the terminals of______and the point where they are joined by a tap or splice to the service drop or overhead service conductors.

a) service equipment

The underground system service-entrance conductors are the service conductors between the terminals of______ and the point of connection to the service lateral or underground service conductors.

a) service equipment

In the NEC the words "______" indicate a mandatory requirement.

a) shall or b) shall not

The prospective symmetrical fault current at a nominal voltage to which an apparatus or system is able to be connected with out sustaining damage exceeding defined acceptance criteria is known as the"______."

a) short-circuit current rating

A(n)____ is intended to provide limited overcurrent protection for specific applications and utilization equipment such as luminaires and appliances. This limited protection is in addition to the protection provided by the required branch-circuit overcurrent protective device.

a) supplementary overcurrent device

A cable routing assembly is composed of single or connected multiple channels as well as associated fittings, forming a structural system to_____ high densities of wires and cables , typically communications wire and cables, optical fiber and data (class 2 and class 3) cables.

a) support b) route

"Underground" means not connected to ground or to a conductive body that extends the ground connection.

a) true

A structure is that which is built or constructed.

a) true

A thermal protector may consist of one or more sensing elements integral with the motor or motor-compressor and an external control device.

a) true

Accepted industry workmanship practices are described in ANSI/NECA 1-2010, Standard Practice of Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction, and other ANSI-appoved installation standards.

a) true

Equipment intended to interrupt current at fault levels shall have an interrupting rating at nominal circuit voltage sufficient for the current that is available at the line terminals of the equipment.

a) true

Field markings of maximum available fault current at a service are not required in industrial installations where conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons service the equipment.

a) true

Listed or labeled equipment shall be installed and used in accordance with any instructions included in the listing or labeling.

a) true

Service conductors originate at the service point and terminate at the service disconnecting means.

a) true

Some cleaning and lubricating compounds can cause severe deterioration of many plastic materials used for insulating and structural applications in equipment.

a) true

The NEC requires tested series-rated installations of circuit breakers or fuses to be legibly marked in the field to indicated the equipment has been applied with series combination rating

a) true

Utilities may be subject to compliance with codes and standards covering their regulated activities as adopted under governmental law or regulation.

a) true

A power supply used to provide alternating current power to a load for some period of time in the event of a power failure is known as a(n)"_____."

a) uninterruptible power supply

An enclosure constructed so that moisture will not enter the enclosure under specific test conditions is called "______".

a) watertight

A(n)_______enclosure is constructed or protected so that exposure to the weather will not interfere with successful operation.

a) weatherproof

The______has the responsibility for deciding on the approval of equipment and materials.

authority having jurisdiction

Connection by means of wire-binding screws, studs, or nuts having upturned lugs or the equivalent shall be permitted for______ or smaller conductors.

b) 10 AWG

The required working space for access to live parts operating at 300 volts-to-ground, where there are exposed live parts on one side and grounded parts on the other side, is_____.

b) 3 1//2

A minimum working space depth of______to live parts operating at 277 volts-to-ground is required where there are exposed live parts on one side and no live or grounded parts on the other side.

b) 3 ft.

The minimum working space on a circuit that is 120 volts-to-ground, with exposed live parts on one side and no live or grounded parts on the other side of the working space, is______.

b) 3 ft.

The dedicated equipment space for electrical equipment that is required for panelboards installed indoors is measured from the floor to a height of______ above the equipment, or to the structural ceiling, whichever is lower.

b) 6 ft

Conductor ampacity shall be determined using the____ column of table 310.15(B)(16) for circuits rated 100A or less or marked for 14 AWG through 1 AWG conductors, unless the equipment terminals are listed for use with conductors that have higher temperature ratings.

b) 60* C

______is a term indicating that there is an intentional delay in the tripping action of the circuit breaker, which decreases as the magnitude of the current increases.

b) Inverse time

Electrical equipment rooms or encloures housing electrical apparatus that are controlled by a lock(s) shall be considered_____to qualified persons.

b) accessible

Conductor sizes are expressed in American Wire Gage (AWG) or in ______.

b) circular mils

Wires are considered______ if rendered inaccessible by the structure or finish of the building

b) concealed

A______ location is protected from weather and not subject to saturation with water or other liquids.

b) damp

A hybrid system includes the utility power system.

b) false

An overload is the same as a short circuit or ground fault.

b) false

The dedicated space above a panelboard extends to a dropped or suspended ceiling, which is considered a structural ceiling.

b) false

When normally enclosed live parts are exposed for inspection or servicing, the working space, if in a passageway or general open space, shall be suitably_____.

b) guarded

Illumination shall be provided for all working spaces about service equipment, switchboards, switchgear, panelboards, and motor control centers_______.

b) located indoors

A clothes is defined as a______room or space intended primarily for storage of garments and apparel.

b) non-habitable

A_____ is a chamber to which one or more ducts are connected and form part of the air distribution system

b) plenum

A hand hole enclosure is an enclosure for use in underground system, provided with an open or closed bottom, and sized to allow personnel to______.

b) reach into but not enter

When one electrical circuit controls another circuit through a relay, the first circuit is called a "_____."

b) remote-control circuit

The connection between the grounded circuit conductor and the supply-side bonding jumper or equipment grounding conductor, or both, at a ______ is called a "system bonding jumper."

b) separately derived system

A single receptacle is a single contact device with no other contact device on the same______.

b) yoke

A Class A GFCI protection device is designed to trip when the current to ground is _____ or higher.

c) 6 mA

Conductors shall have their ampacity determined using the____column of table 310.15(B)(16) for circuits rated over 100A, or marked for conductors larger that 1 AWG, unless the equipment terminals are listed for use with higher temperature rated conductors.

c) 75*C

A device that provides a means to connect intersystem bonding conductors for______ systems to the building grounding electrode system is an intersystem bonding termination .

c) communications

A unit of an electrical system, other than a conductor, that carriers or controls electric energy as its principal function is a(n)"_______"

c) device

A______ is a single unit that provides independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation.

c) dwelling unit

A ground- fault current path is an electrically conductive path from the point of a ground fault though normally non current-carrying conductors, equipment, or the earth to the_____.

c) electrical supply source

Lighting track is a manufactured assembly designed to support and _____ luminaries that are capable of being readily repositioned on the track.

c) energize

The installed conductive path(s) that provide(s) a ground-fault current path and connects normally noncurrent-carrying metal parts of equipment together and to the system grounded conductor or to the grounding electrode conductor, or both, is know as a(n)______.

c) equipment grounding conductor

Equipment enclosed in a case that is capable of withstanding an explosion of a specified gas or vapor that may occur within it, and preventing the ignition of a specified gas or vapor surrounding the enclosure by sparks, flashes, or explosion of the gas or vapor within, and that operates at such an external temperature that a surrounding flammable atmosphere will not be ignited thereby defines the phrase"______."

c) explosionproof equipment

For wiring methods, "on or attached to the surface, or behind access panels designed to allow access" is known as _____.

c) exposed

A device intended for the protection of personnel that functions to de-energize a circuit or portion there of within an established period of time when a current to ground exceeds the values established for a Class A device, is a(n)"_______."

c) ground-fault circuit interrupter

Connected to ground or to a conductive body that extends the ground connection is called "______."

c) grounded

Conductor terminal and splicing devices must be_____ for the conductor material and they must be properly instilled and used.

c) identified

Connectors and terminals for conductors more finely stranded that Class B and Class C, as show in Table 10 of Chapter 9, must be______ for the specific conductor class or classes.

c) identified

A value assigned to a circuit or system for the purpose of conveniently designating its voltage class, such as 120/240, is called "_______voltage."

c) nominal

A panel, including buses and automatic overcurrent devices, designed to be placed in a cabinet or cutout box and accessible only from the front is known as a "____."

c) panelboard

A contact device installed at an outlet for the connection of an attachment plug is known as a(n) "______."

c) receptacle

Equipment enclosed in a case or cabinet with a means of sealing or locking so that live parts cannot be made accessible with out opening the enclosure is said be "_______."

c) sealable

The conductors and equipment from the electric utility that deliver electric energy to the wiring system of the premises is called a "_____."

c) service

Where required by the Code, markings or labels on all electrical equipment shall contain voltage, current,wattage, or other ratings with sufficient durability to withstand______.

c) the environment involved

Conduit installed underground or encased in concrete slabs that are in direct contact with the earth is considered a____location.

c) wet

A load is considered to be continuous if the maximum current is expected to continue for______ or more.

d) 3 hours

A(n)______ branch circuit supplies energy to one or more outlets to which appliances are to be connected.

d) appliance

Surrounded by a case, housing, fence, or wall(s) that prevents persons from accidentally contacting energized parts is called"_______."

d) enclosed

A solder less pressure connector is a device that______ between two or more conductors or between one or more conductors and a terminal by means of mechanical pressure and without the use of solder.

d) establishes a connection

Equipment or materials included in a list published by a testing laboratory acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction is said to be "______."

d) listed

A circuit breaker is a device designed to_____the circuit auto-matically on a predetermined overcurrent without damage to itself when properly applied within its rating.

d) open

On a 4 wire, delta-connected system where the midpoint of one phase winding is grounded, the conductor having the higher phase voltage-to-ground shall be durably and permanently marked by an outer finish that is_____in color.

d) orange

A kitchen is defined as an area with a sink and _____ provisions for food preparation and cooking.

d) permanent

Constructed, protected, or treated so as to prevent rain from interfering with the successful operation of the apparatus under specified test conditions defines the term "_____."

d) rainproof

The NEC is _

for the practical safeguarding of persons and property

According to the Code "automatic" is performing a function without the necessity of _________.

human intervention

The connection between the grounded circuit conductor and the equipment grounding conductor at the service is accomplished by installing a(n) ______ bonding jumper.


When modifications to the electrical installation affect the maximun available fault current shall be verified or ______ as necessary to ensure the service equipment ratings are sufficient for the maximum available fault current at teh line terminals of the equipment.


When the Code uses "________"it means the identified actions are allowed but not required, and they may be options or alternative methods.

shall be permitted

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