Nehemiah Chapter 9

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What did God give to instruct the people in the wilderness?

his good spirit

What did God make known to them at Sinai, in addition to precepts, statutes, and laws?

his holy sabbath

Sihon was the king of what land?


What was the new name that God gave Abram?


What did God do against the children of Israel?


Because of God's great mercy, the people wanted to make a covenant, but also do what with it, so that their leaders, Levites, and priests could seal it?

write it

Did God deliver the children of Israel from their enemies while they were in captivity?


What city and area did God call Abram to leave?

Ur of the Chaldeans

What happened to the children of Israel's persecutors?

God threw them into the sea

Because the children of Israel had hardened their necks, what did they not heed?

God's commandments

What did Nehemiah say they had cast behind their backs, after the children of Israel were living in the land of Canaan for a while?

God's law

Of what did Nehemiah and the Levites say that their fathers were not mindful?

God's wonders

Whom did God choose, and brought him out of Ur of the Chaldeans?


Og was the king of what land?


List the 6 people groups who are given as peoples who were in the land of Canaan before Abraham got there?

Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, and the Girgashites

What did they say God alone was?


Who was the king of Bashan?


Against whom did they remind God He had shown signs and wonders?


Nehemiah is remembering that the children of Israel took possession of Heshbon, which was what king's land?


What other agricultural items were already established in the land of Canaan, other than vineyards, and olive trees, that the children of Israel didn't have to plant?

fruit trees

The children of Israel took over houses that had what, when they took over the land of Canaan?

full of all goods

After the children of Israel had what, they again did evil before God?

after they had rest

Against whom had God shown signs and wonders, in addition to Pharaoh and against all his servants?

all the people of his land

What did Nehemiah want God to remember, and think was important, and not small?

all the troubles

What simile does Nehemiah use to describe what happened to the persecutors of the children of Israel at the Red Sea?

as a stone into the mighty waters

What had the children of Israel done, so that they did not heed God's commandments?

became arrogant and stiff-necked

Why had God set kings over the children of Israel, who took all their increase from their land?

because of their sins

Where else had God heard the cry of the Israelites, after they came out of Egypt?

by the Red Sea

What did Nehemiah say they had done with God's law, after they were living in the land of Canaan for a while?

cast it away

What was already dug for the children of Israel, when they took over the land of Canaan?


The children of Israel stood and read the book of the law 1 fourth part of the day, and ________________ another fourth of the day.

confessed and worshipped the Lord their God

What did the seed of Israel do after separating themselves from strangers?

confessed their sins and the iniquities of their fathers

What two things did Nehemiah say God keeps.

covenant and mercy

When the people were in the hands of their enemies, what did they do?

cried out to God

In the time of their captivity, in the time of their trouble, what did the Children of Israel do?

cried to God

What did Jeshua and the other Levites do on the stairs?

cried with a loud voice unto the Lord their God

Because of God's mercies, the cloud didn't do what?

depart from them

What did they do with the land, once they had conquered the kingdoms and nations, back in Joshua's day?

divided them into districts

Nehemiah said that when the people did evil in the sight of God, He left them in the hand of their enemies, who had what over them?


According to Nehemiah 9:6, The people affirmed that God alone made everything in the sky, and what else, including the seas, and all that is in them?

earth and everything on it

Nehemiah said that after they had rest from their enemies in a foreign land, what did they do again?


What were the children of Israel doing on the 24th day of the month?


What did they say God did NOT do, after they appointed a leader to return to Egypt?

forsake them

Because of God's manifold mercies, He did not do what?

forsake them in the wilderness

How many years did the children of Israel wander in the wilderness, and God took care of them?

forty years

From the days of whom, until now, did Nehemiah want God to remember how much trouble their kings and princes, their priests and prophets,and their fathers and all people had suffered?

from the days of the kings of Assyria until that day

What was God going to do with the land that had belonged to the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, and the Girgashites?

give it to his descendants

What was Nehemiah's description of how the children of Israel felt about being still under the control of the foreign kings?

great distress

When the children of Israel made a molded calf, and said that it was the god that brought them up out of Egypt, what was that to God?

great provocation

What did Nehemiah and the Levites say their fathers had done, instead of obeying?

hardened their necks

What did God do for the people at the Red Sea?

he divided the sea for them

According to Nehemiah 9:13, What did God give them?

he gave them ordinances, true laws, statutes, and commandments

How did Nehemiah describe the way God had acted toward the children of Israel?

he had dealt faithfully

Why didn't God utterly consume or forsake the children of Israel, even when they were not obeying His laws and judgements?

he had great mercy

What was the result, in God's reputation, after He had shown signs and wonders against Pharaoh?

he had made a name for himself

What was God's response when the Children of Israel were in a time of trouble, and they called out to God?

he heard from heaven

What does God promise, if a man does God's judgements?

he shall live

Even after God helped them get back to His law, what did the people not heed, even while they were in captivity?

his commandments

What compliment about Abraham's faith did they mention to God in their prayer?

his heart was faithful to God

What three judicial statutes did Nehemiah say their kings, nor princes, their priests, nor their fathers had kept?

his law his commandments or his testimonies

Against whom had God shown signs and wonders, in addition to Pharaoh and against all the people of the land?

his servants

Nehemiah pledged that all the people were what, to God?

his servants

When the people had done evil again before God, where did God leave them?

in the hand of their enemies

Where were Nehemiah and the children of Israel that day?

in the land he gave their fathers

Nehemiah said that previous to this, the children of Israel had not served God in their kingdom, in what way, other than besides with the many good things He gave them?

in the large rich land he gave them

When did the children of Israel cry to God in their captivity, and He heard from heaven and saved them from the hand of their enemies?

in the time of their trouble

What did the land of Israel give to the kings that God had set over them?

increased yields

What did Nehemiah say they had done with the prophets, after the children of Israel were living in the land of Canaan for a while?

killed them

What did God give the children of Israel, when He divided them into districts?

kingdoms and nations

Because of God's great mercy, what did the people want to do, and have their leaders, their Levites, and their priests seal it?

make a covennant

Because of God's what, He did not forsake them in the wilderness?

manifold mercy

What did God give the people in the wilderness to eat?


How long was God patient with the Children of Israel before their captivity?

many years

Did Nehemiah think God was fair in his judgements of His people?


Did the Children of Israel listen to the prophets that God sent to tell them about their sins?


Did the children of Israel need new clothes in the wilderness, during the 40 years they were there?


Did the children of Israel need new shoes in the wilderness, because their feet were swollen?

no, their feet didn't swell

What did the children of Israel lack in the wilderness?


What kind of trees, besides other fruit trees, were already established in the land of Canaan, that the children of Israel didn't have to plant when they got to the land of Canaan?

olive groves

What did their enemies do to the children of Israel once they got delivered into the hands of their enemies?

oppressed them

What did God give the children of Israel when they were in a time of trouble, and they cried unto God to help them?

people to save them

What did the children of Israel do with the land of the Canaanites?

possess the land

What did God tell them to do, after He had given them food and water?

possess the land he had promised to give them

What three things did God command them?

precepts, statutes, and laws

According to Nehemiah 9:6, What did the people say God does for all His creation?

preserve them all

What kinds of acts were the children of Israel doing after they were in the land of Canaan for a while?What were they doing to God?

provoking him

What kind of land was the land of Canaan, when the children of Israel took it?

rich land

The seed of Israel __________________ themselves from all strangers


Nehemiah said that previous to this, the children of Israel had not done what, in their kingdom?

served God in his kingdom

What was the purpose of the pillar of fire by night, besides showing them light?

showing the way they should go

What had God shown against Pharaoh?

signs and wonders

What did the people do with God's judgement, while they were in captivity?

sinned against it

According to Nehemiah 9:13, What did God do?

spoke with them from heaven

What did the Levites say to the people?

stand up and bless the Lord your God for ever and ever

What did the people do with their necks, instead of doing God's commandments and judgements?

stiffened their necks

The children of Israel ___________________ 1 fourth part of the day, and confessed and worshipped the Lord their God another fourth of the day.

stood and read the book of the law

What kind of cities did the children of Israel take, when they first got to the land of Canaan?

strong cities

What did the children of Israel do with the inhabitants of the land of Canaan?

subdued them

Nehemiah said God used the fact that they had not kept His law, nor heeded His commandments and his testimonies, what did God do with that information?

testified against them

What day was it when the children of Israel were assembled with fasting?

the 24th day of that month

What people did God give into the hands of the Israelites?

the Canaanites

Who chose Abram to come out of Ur of the Chaldeans?

the Lord God

List three adjectives that they used to describe God.

the great, the mighty, and the awesome

According to Nehemiah 9:6, The people affirmed that God alone made not only the heaven, but what else, with all their host?

the heaven of heavens

According to Nehemiah 9:6, The people said that even what worship God?

the host of heaven

List the 4 types of people who had not kept God's law, nor heeded His commandments and testimonies?

the kings and the princes and the priests and their fathers

List the 6 people groups upon whom Nehemiah listed had been in trouble.

the kings, the princes, the priests, the prophets, their fathers, and all of God's people

Where did God bring Abraham, and keep Isaac?

the land he had told their fathers to possess

After they made and wrote the covenant, whom did they want to seal it?

the leaders, the Levites, and the priests

Nehemiah said that previous to this, the children of Israel had not served God in their kingdom, in what way, besides the rich land that He had set before them?

the many good things he gave them

What did not depart from them by day, to lead them on the road?

the pillar of cloud

What did not depart from them by night?

the pillar of fire

Whom did Nehemiah say they had killed, after the children of Israel were living in the land of Canaan for a while?

the prophets

From where did God give the children of Israel water for their thirst?

the rock

According to Nehemiah 9:6, The people affirmed that God alone made everything in the sky, and the earth, and everything in it, including what?

the seas and all that is in them

God promised Abraham and Isaac they would have as many children as what?

the stars of heaven

Over what two things did Nehemiah say the foreign kings still had dominion?

their bodies and their cattle

Into whose hands did God deliver the children of Israel, because they had not obeyed God's laws?

their enemies

Whose affliction did they say God had heard?

their fathers in Egypt

What didn't swell, all the time the children of Israel were in the wilderness?

their feet

Nehemiah said that previous to this, the children of Israel had not turned from what?

their wicked ways

How did Nehemiah describe the actions of the children of Israel before they came in the Promised Land the first time?

they acted proudly

How did the people act, even after God helped them get back to his law, how did the people in captivity act?

they acted proudly

What did the children of Israel do, instead of going into the Promised Land the first time they had a chance to do so?

they appointed a leader

What happened to the children of Israel after they got into the land of Canaan, and ate all the good food?

they got fat

Why had God shown signs and wonders against Pharaoh, all his servants, and all the people of the land of Egypt?

they had acted proudly against him

Even when the children of Israel did what horrible thing, God did not forsake them?

they made a molded calf for themselves

What did the people do with their shoulders, instead of doing God's commandments and judgements?

they shrugged their shoulders

What was the purpose of the pillar of fire at night, when the children of Israel were in the wilderness?

to give them light on the road they should travel

What was the purpose of the pillar of the cloud being with them by day?

to lead them on the road

What was the purpose of the pillar of fire by night, besides showing them the way they should go?

to show them light

Why did they kill the prophets, after the children of Israel were in the land of Canaan for a while?

to testify against them

What two things did God NOT do to the children of Israel, even though they deserved it?

utterly consume them or forsake them

What kind of agricultural items were already established, besides olive groves and fruit trees, that the children of Israel didn't have to plant when they got to the land of Canaan?


What did God give the people in the wilderness to drink?


Once God gave the children of Israel the kings and the people of Canaan, what could they do with them?

what they wished

How did Nehemiah describe the way the children of Israel had acted toward God?


How did God lead the children of Israel during the day, in the wilderness?

with a cloudy pillar

How did God lead the children of Israel at night, in the wilderness?

with a pillar of fire

According to Nehemiah 9:6, The people affirmed that God alone made the heaven, the heaven of heavens, with what else?

with all their hosts

How did God testify against the people before their captivity?

with his spirit and his prophets

How were the children of Israel dressed while fasting?

with sackclothes and earth upon them

How did the children of Israel cross the Red Sea?

they walked through the parted waters

Who told the people what God's precepts, statutes, and laws were, at Sinai, after God told them about the 10 Commandments, which included the holy sabbath?


What mountain did God come and speak with the children of Israel, and tell them His laws?

Mount Sinai

Name the two kings, and their cities or lands which the children of Israel conquered while Moses was still alive?

Og king of Bashan and Sihon king of Heshbon

What did Nehemiah and the Levites say God did, when their fathers appointed a leader to return to Egypt?

You are God, ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abundant in kindness

What was God's response to the children of Israel crying out to Him, in the land of their enemies?

he heard them from heaven

Why didn't God utterly consume or forsake the children of Israel, even after they had not followed His Commandments and judgements for many years?

he was gracious and merciful

According to Nehemiah 9:6, The people affirmed that God alone made what, with all their host?


From where did God give the children of Israel bread for their hunger?


What did Nehemiah and the Levites say their fathers had refused to do, and were not mindful of God's wonders that He did among them?

they refused to obey

How did the children of Israel react to all the good things they had inherited from the Canaanites?

they were delighted

What was the result of the children of Israel not listening to the prophets that God had sent, even after God was patient with them for many years?

they were given into the hand of the people of the land

What effect was God looking to happen, when He testified against them?

they would come back to his law

How did Nehemiah say they would enjoy the land that God had promised to give to their fathers?

they would eat the fruit in it's bounty

What did the people do with their ears, instead of doing God's commandments and judgements?

they would not hear

What had their fathers said about the golden calf, that worked great provocations to God?

this is your god that brought you up out of Egypt

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