.Net Glossary

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12) Select the operator which is used for casting of object to a type or a class.

"as" operater ("as" operater)

11) Select the operator used to check the compatibility of an object with a given type

("is" operater)

4) Select the method that doesn't gaurantee the garbage collection of an object.


9) Can you specify accessibility modifier for methods inside an interface?



.NET Core Base Class Library (BCL) A set of libraries that comprise the System.namespaces * (and to a limited extent Microsoft.*). The BCL is a general purpose, lower-level framework that higher-level application frameworks, such as ASP.NET Core, build on.


.NET Core Common Language Runtime. This CLR is built from the same code base as theCLR. CoreCLR is also a virtual machine with JIT and code execution capabilities.


.NET Core runtime. In contrast to the CLR/CoreCLR, CoreRT is not a virtual machine, which means it doesn't include the facilities to generate and run code on-the-fly because it doesn't include a JIT. It does, however, include the GC and the ability for runtime type identification (RTTI) and reflection. However, its type system is designed so that metadata for reflection isn't required. This enables having an AOT tool chain that can link away superfluous metadata and (more importantly) identify code that the app doesn't use. CoreRT is in development.

Examples of .NET implementations:

.NET Framework .NET Core Universal Windows Platform (UWP)

.Net project system


target framework

.he collection of APIs that a .NET app or library relies on.


A .dll/.exe file that can contain a collection of APIs that can be called by applications or other assemblies. Assemblies in a project's bin folder are sometimes referred to as binaries. See also library.


A NuGet package that has no library of its own but is only a list of dependencies. The included packages can optionally establish the API for a target framework.


A NuGet package — or just a package — is a .zip file with one or more assemblies of the same name along with additional metadata such as the author name. The .zip file has a .nupkg extension and may contain assets, such as .dll files and .xml files, for use with multiple target frameworks and versions. When installed in an app or library, the appropriate assets are selected based on the target framework specified by the app or library. The assets that define the interface are in the ref folder, and the assets that define the implementation are in the lib folder.


A collection of APIs that can be called by apps or other libraries. A .NET library is composed of one or more assemblies. The words library and framework are often used synonymously.

.NET Native

A compiler tool chain that produces native code ahead-of-time (AOT). It extracts code from libraries and merges them into the executable. The result is a single module that represents the entire app.


A cross-platform toolchain for developing .NET Core applications.

.NET Core

A cross-platform, high-performance, open source implementation of .NET. Includes the Core Common Language Runtime (CoreCLR), the Core AOT Runtime (CoreRT, in development), the Core Base Class Library, and the Core SDK.


A cross-platform, high-performance, open source implementation of ASP.NET built on .NET Core.

.NET Standard

A formal specification of .NET APIs that are available in each .NET implementation. it's misleading to call .NET Standard a "library."

What is RSS (Really Simple Syndication)?

A lightweight XML format for distributing news headlines or site summary & other contents of a website


A set of libraries and tools that allow developers to create .NET Core applications and libraries. Includes the .NET Core CLI for building apps, .NET Core libraries and runtime for building and running apps, and the dotnet executable (dotnet.exe) that runs CLI commands and runs applications.


A set of programming technologies that are used together to build and run applications. "The .NET stack" refers to the .NET Standard and all .NET implementations. The phrase "a .NET stack" may refer to one implementation of .NET.

Target framework moniker. (TFM)

A standardized token format for specifying the target framework of a .NET app or library.

what does aspx stand for?

Active Server Pages Extension


All of the runtime software, development tools, and community resources that are used to build and run applications for a given technology. The term ".NET ecosystem" includes third-party apps and libraries. Here's an example in a sentence:"The motivation behind the .NET Standard is to establish greater uniformity in the .NET ecosystem."

What may an assembly include?

An assembly may include types such as interfaces, classes, structures, enumerations, and delegates.

common features of implementations of .NET

An implementation of .NET includes the following: One or more runtimes. A class library that implements a version of the .NET Standard and may include additional APIs. Examples: .NET Framework Base Class Library, .NET Core Base Class Library. Optionally, one or more application frameworks. Examples: ASP.NET, Windows Forms, and WPF are included in the .NET Framework. Optionally, development tools. Some development tools are shared among multiple implementations.

Universal Windows Platform. (UWP)

An implementation of .NET that is used for building modern, touch-enabled Windows applications and software for the Internet of Things (IoT).

.NET Framework

An implementation of .NET that runs only on Windows. Includes the Common Language Runtime (CLR), the Base Class Library, and application framework libraries such as ASP.NET, Windows Forms, and WPF.


An operating system and the hardware it runs on.

What is Boxing and Unboxing?

Boxing - Converting a value type to reference type is called boxing. An example is shown below. int i = 101; object obj = (object)i; // Boxing Unboxing - Converting a reference type to a value type is called unboxing. An example is shown below. obj = 101; i = (int)obj; // Unboxing

List some value types

Byte, Single, Double, Int

What is CLS?

CLS also known as Common Language Specification defines the rules which all language must support, in order to be a part of .Net framework.

7) What is used as inheritance operator in C#.

Colon (Colon)

14) What is used in conversion where the conversion is defined between the expression and the type.



Garbage collector. The garbage collector is an implementation of automatic memory management. The GC frees memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use.


In general, a comprehensive collection of APIs that facilitates development and deployment of applications that are based on a particular technology. In this general sense, ASP.NET Core and Windows Forms are examples of application frameworks.

what are session management techniques in .net?

InProc StateServer SQLServer


Intermediate language. Higher-level .NET languages, such as C#, compile down to a hardware-agnostic instruction set, which is called Intermediate Language (IL). IL is sometimes referred to as MSIL (Microsoft IL) or CIL (Common IL).

What is the MVC pattern?

Its a pattern that separates the modeling from the domain, the presentation and the actions based on user input into three separate classes. This is done to separate internal representations of information from the ways information is presented to and accepted from the user.


Just-in-time compiler translates IL to machine code that the processor understands. this compilation happens on demand and is performed on the same machine that the code needs to run on. Since JIT compilation occurs during execution of the application, compile time is part of the run time.

What is MSIL?

Microsoft Intermediate Language. a CPU-independent instruction set into which .NET Framework programs are compiled. It contains instructions for loading, storing, initializing and calling methods on objects

NuGet Package Manager

Microsoft's package manager for .NET


Mono is an open source, cross-platform .NET implementation that is mainly used when a small runtime is required.


Native (image) generation. You can think of this technology as a persistent JIT compiler. It usually compiles code on the machine where the code is executed, but compilation typically occurs at install time.

10) can Structs can be inherited?


15) What does the sealed Modifier do?

Prevents inheritance of a class

what is the use of RCW & CCW

RCW - Runtime Collable Wraper takes a COM component, wraps it up and allows .NET client to consume it CCW - Collable Wrapper wraps a .NET object for consumption by COM client.

13) In c#, the attribute's information for a Class can be retrieved at


Where are reference and value types stored?

Stack(value types) and Heap(reference types)

6) Select the type of exceptions which is NOT used in .Net.

StackUnderflowException (StackUnderflowException)

8) Which is the base class in .NET from which all the classes are derived from?


What is a Singleton

The Singleton design pattern ensures that only one instance exists for a given class and that there's a global access point to that instance. It usually uses lazy loading to create the single instance when it's needed the first time. Typically accessed by using a static 'getInstance()' method. Code Example: https://gist.github.com/Dakota628/426b7f78109186cf668d81d80cecc12a


The ability to develop and execute an application that can be used on multiple different operating systems. This enables code re-use and consistency between applications on different platforms.

What is CTS?

The common type system is a rich type system, built into the common language runtime, which supports the types and operations found in most programming languages.

CLR Common Language Runtime.

The exact meaning depends on the context, but this usually refers to the runtime of the .NET Framework. The CLR handles memory allocation and management. The CLR is also a virtual machine that not only executes apps but also generates and compiles code on-the-fly using a JIT compiler.


The execution environment for a managed program. The OS is part of the runtime environment but is not part of the .NET runtime. Here are some examples of .NET runtimes: Common Language Runtime (CLR) Core Common Language Runtime (CoreCLR) .NET Native (for UWP) Mono runtime


The original ASP.NET implementation that ships with the .NET Framework.Sometimes ASP.NET is an umbrella term that refers to both ASP.NET implementations including ASP.NET Core

What is the purpose of application domain?

The primary purpose of application domain is to isolate an application from other applications.

where is the source code of the dotnet core BCL contained?

The source code of the .NET Core BCL is contained in the CoreFX repository. However, the majority of the .NET Core APIs are also available in the .NET Framework, so you can think of CoreFX as a fork of the .NET Framework BCL.


The umbrella term for .NET Standard and all .NET implementations and workloads. Always capitalized, never ".Net".

How do you use trace in library classes?

Trace.Warn, Trace.Write

When should you use String and StringBuilder class?

Use the string class to concat, join, format . use the stringbuilder class to create dynamic strings

control which can't be placed in the toolbox

User control (User control)

What are web services?

Web services are components that deliver specific functionality and which are accessed over the web. They are functions exposed by server-side applications.

What is Satellite Assembly?

When you write a multilingual or multicultural application in .NET, and want to distribute the core application separately from the localized modules, the localized assemblies that modify the core application are called satellite assemblies.

What is StringCollection?

a simple resizable collection of strings

5) Generics are used to make reusable code classes to

decrease the redundancy

Is string a value or a reference type?

reference type

) What is stored in Heap?

reference types

What's the difference between SystemException and ApplicationException

systemExceptions are thrown by the CLR. ApplicationExceptions are thrown by the application


the build engine used to build projects

AOT Ahead-of-time compiler.

this compiler also translates IL to machine code. this happens before the application is executed and is usually performed on a different machine.

are strings immutable?


Is a String an object?

yes, all classes in oop derive from the base object class

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