Network Automation

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Path and file name


Which of the following describes a key/value pair

A key describes the data and the value is the data itself

Which of the following are not typically used as configuration tools?


Which IBN feature installs policies that capture intent into the physical and virtual network infrastructure using networkwide automation?


Agent based

Agent on the managed device periodically connects with the master for its configuration information. Pull-based

What programming language are these API built upon.

Ansible and SaltStack are built on Python whereas Puppet and Chef are built on Ruby.

Tools for configuration management

Ansible, Chef, Puppet, SaltStack

Tools for configuration management tasks

Ansible, Chef, Puppet, SaltStack

Which of the following configuration management tools use Python? (choose all that apply)

Ansible, SaltStack

Which IBN feature is responsible for continuous validation and verification that the network is meeting the expressed intent?


Network APIs

Automate routine network provisioning tasks, enabling the administrator to select and deploy the network services they need.

A refrigerator senses that you are out of milk and places an order for more


Identify the term for the following definition in relationship to configuration management tools: Programmatically performing a task on a system such as configuring an interface or deploying a VLAN


Production levels are automatically tied to demand, eliminating unneeded product and reducing the impact on the environment


Robot are used in dangerous conditions to reduce safety risks to humans


The temperature and lighting in your home is adjusted based on your daily routine


Your GPS recalculates the best route to a destination based on current traffic congestion



Both read, store and transfer data.


Captured intent then needs to be interpreted into policies that can be supplied across the network. The activation function installs these policies into the physical and virtual network infrastructure.


Client -Server, Stateless, Cacheable.


Configuration script is run on the master, master connects to the device and executes the tasks in the script. Push-based




Data format shared between smart devices. It's a set of rules describing how one application can inter another, and the instructions to allow the interactions to occur.


Does not require XML, uses HTTP and less verbose and easier to use. It's the most widely use API service.

What is created by the tool?

Each tool has a set of instructions that is to be executed. Ansible creates Playbook Chef creates Cookbook Puppet creates Manifest SaltStack creates Pillar

TRUE or FALSE: White space in JSON format is significant and must be correctly formatted


The underlay limits the number of devices the network admin must program. It also provides services and alternative forwarding methods not controlled by the underlying physical devices.


Cisco DNA Center Five Main Menu Areas

Five Main Areas (Design, Policy, Provision, Assurance, Platform)

Cisco DNA Center

Foundational controller and analytics platform at the heart of Cisco DNA.


Function that enables the network administrator to express the expected network behavior that will best support the business intent

Which of the following data formats is typically used to display web pages?



HTTPS or other protocols such as FTP, SFTP, maillot, and NNTP

Data format (3 of 3)

How key/value pairs are represented. The key is usually on the left side and it identifies or describes the data. The value on the right is the data itself and can be a character.

Data format Rules (2 of 3)

How objects are represented, such as characters, strings, lists, and arrays.

JSON format

Human readable data format used by applications for storing, transferring and reading data.


Identifies the namespace of the resource without reference to the protocol.


In order to continuously check that the expressed intent is honored by the network at any point in time.

Which of the following APIs would be used exclusively between computing devices within Cisco?

Internal or Private API

What is JSON?

It is a data format for storing and transporting data.

Which statement describes an API?

It is a set of functions and procedures that allows a client application to access the data of the service application

XML data format

It is like HTML and which is the standardized markup language for creating web pages and web applications. Self descriptive and enclosed data within a set of tag <tag>data</tag> Unlike HTML, XML uses no predefined tags or document structure.

YAML characteristic

It is like JSON and is considered a superset of JSON, it has a minimalist format making it easy to both read and write, it uses indentation to define it structure, without the use of brackets or commas. An hypen is used to separate each element in a list.

What is an architectural constraint to which a true RESTful API web service must adhere?

It runs as client/server model

JSON characteristics

It uses a hierarchical structure and contains nested values, uses braces {} to hold object and squared brackets [ ] to hold arrays. Data is written

So why isn't SNMP used widely for automating network tasks?

It's not secure, and it's difficult to implement. Therefore it cannot serve as an automation tool for today's networks.

Data Formats

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), Extensible Markup Language (XML), YAML Ain't Markup Language (YAML).


Key is for authorization.

Which of the following make up the query portion of a RESTful request?

Key, Format, Parameters

Syntax Rules for JSON

Keys must be strings within double quotation marks "". Values must be a valid data type (String, number, array, Boolean, null, or another Object) Keys and values are separated by a colon Multiple key/value pairs within an object are separated by commas Whitespace is not significant

Benefits of automation

Machines work 24 hours a day without breaks, which results in greater output. Machines provide a more uniform product.


Messaging protocol for exchanging XML information. Developed in 1994 and it's considered slow to parse, complex and rigid.

IBN (Intent Based Networking)

Next gen of networking. Captures business intent and uses analytics, ML, automation.

You adjust the volume on the television set with a remote control

Not Automation

You open your car door with remote control

Not automation

You use online banking to pay a bill

Not automation

Which of the following APIs is used by Cisco to provide access to students to complete labs?

Open or Public API

Identify the term for the following definition in relationship to configuration management tool: The process of how all automated activities need to happen, such as the order they must be done and what must be completed before another task is begun


Which term describes the process of managing configuration changes of network devices in an orderly fashion?


RESTful APIs response methods


Which of the following APIs would be used exclusively between Google and Cisco

Partner API

Open APIs or Public API

Public available API and used without restrictions.

Which of the following APIs provides flexible formatting and is the most widely used?


POST (HTTP Method)

RESTful Operation (Create)

GET (HTTP Method)

RESTful Operation(Read)

API examples

Restaurants, directions, videos, Twitter feed, random quotes, generated images of space.

What are the types of web services?

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Representational State Transfer (REST), eXtensible Markup Language-Remote Procedure Call (XML-RPC), JavaScript Object Notation-Remote Procedure Call (JSON-RPC)

Benefits of Network automating

Software and version control, device attributes such as names, addressing, and security, protocol configurations, ACL configurations.


Specifies the API that is being requested. In this example it is the MapQuest directions API.


Specifies the data format and information the client is requesting from the API service.

An API is considered RESTful if it has which of the following features?

Stateless, Cacheable, Client-Server

Data format Rules (1 of 3)

Syntax, includes the types of brackets used, such as [ ], (), {}, the use of white space, indentation, quotes, commas, and more.

What defining characteristic will the data format have?

Syntax, which include the types of bracket used. such as []. (). {}, the use of white space, indentation, quotes, commas, and more. How objects are represented, such as characters, strings, lists, and arrays. How key/value pairs are represented. The key is usually on the left side and it indentifies or describes the data. The value on the right is the data itself and can be a character, string, number, list or another type of data.

What does the API act as?

The API acts as a kind of messenger between the requesting application and the application on the server that provides the data or service.

Four defined aspects of RESTful web service

The base Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), The data format supported by the web service (JSON, YAML, XML, but could be any other data format that is a valid hypertext standard) Set of operations supported by the web service using HTTP methods The API must be hypertext driven


The client handles the front end and the server handles the back end. Either can be replaced independently of the other.

Array Rules for JSON

The key followed by a colon and a list of values enclosed in square brackets [] The array is an ordered list of values The array can contain multiple value types including a string, number, Boolean, object or another array inside the array. Each value in the array is separated by a comma.


The process of how all these automated activities need to happen, such as the order they must be done, what must be completed another task is begun.

How are the devices managed?

There is a device called Master in Puppet, Chef, and SaltStack.

Partner APIs

These are APIs that are used between a company and its business partners or contractors to facilitate business between them.


Tool automatically performs a task on a system (Configuring an interface or deploying a VLAN)

Which IBN feature enables the network administrator to express the expected networking behavior that will best support the business intent?


An API is a set of rules describing how one application can interact with another, and the instructions to allow the interactions to occur


True or False: Agentless means that the controller or master pushes the configuration to the controlled device


API Server

URL for the server that answers REST requests. In this example it is the MapQuest API server.


URL has the protocol in the URI, while URN does not have the protocol.



Internal or Private API

Used by a organization or company to access data and services for internal use only.


Used to send information pertaining to request.


Usually the JSON, YAML, XML

What are Data Formats?

When two smart devices need to communicate with each other, they need to share a common 'language'.

This data format is self-descriptive through the use of the <tag>data</tag> structure


Data format is minimalist format that is very easy to read and is considered a superset of another data format


Uniform resource Locator (URL)

defines the network location with the specific resource on the network

URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)

Which of the following is a URL?

Which of the following is a URN?

In the RESTful API request example


Which of the following is a URI?


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