NHW Pre-Intermediate 4th edition, Workbook, Unit 12, p.83 + (Second conditional)

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I would live in a big house.

Bydlel bych ve velkém domě.

Would she go for walks if she had a dog?

Chodila by na procházky, kdyby měla psa?

What would she do if she had a dog?

Co by dělala, kdyby měla psa?

What would she have if she lived in the country?

Co by měla, kdyby bydlela na venkově?

What would she grow if she had a garden?

Co by pěstovala, kdyby měla zahradu?

What would she take up if she had free time?

Co by začala dělat, kdyby měla volný čas?

What would you wear?

Co byste si oblékal?

How long would you work?

Jak dlouho byste pracoval?

What car would you have?

Jaké auto byste měl?

I would go on holiday to Hawaii.

Jel bych na dovolenou na Havaj.

Where would you go on holiday?

Kam byste jel na dovolenou?

Where would you live?

Kde byste bydlel?

If Laura lived in the country, she would have a dog.

Kdyby Laura bydlela na venkově, měla by psa.

If she had a dog, she would go for walks.

Kdyby měla psa, chodila by na procházky.

If she had a dog, she would not feel lonely.

Kdyby měla psa, necítila by se osamělá.

If she had free time, she would not waste it.

Kdyby měla volný čas, neplýtvala by jím.

If she had free time, she would not take up playing golf. She would take up painting.

Kdyby měla volný čas, nezačala by hrát golf. Začala by malovat.

If she had free time, she would take up painting.

Kdyby měla volný čas, začala by malovat.

If she had a garden, she would grow vegetables.

Kdyby měla zahradu, pěstovala by zeleninu.

If she grew vegetables, she would not buy them.

Kdyby pěstovala zeleninu, nekupovala by ji.

If she grew vegetables, she would not have to buy them.

Kdyby pěstovala zeleninu, nemusela by ji kupovat.

If his dreams came true, he would be really happy.

Kdyby se jeho sny splnily, byl by opravdu šťastný.

Would she have a dog if she lived in the country?

Měla by psa, kdyby bydlela na venkově?

I would not live with my parents.

Nebydlel bych s rodiči.

She would not live in a flat if she had a house in the country.

Nebydlela by v bytě, kdyby měla dům na venkově.

I would not drive an old car.

Nejezdil bych starým autem.

I would not have a job without a holiday.

Neměl bych zaměstnání bez dovolené.

I would not wear scruffy jeans.

Nenosil bych ošuntělé džínsy.

I would not work ten hours a day.

Nepracoval bych deset hodin denně.

I would not work long hours - just four hours a day.

Nepracoval bych dlouhé hodiny - jen čtyři hodiny denně. /Neměl bych dlouhou pracovní dobu...

I would not get up at 6 a.m.

Nevstával bych v 6 ráno.

I would wear designer suit.

Nosil bych značkový oblek.

Would she grow vegetables if she had a garden?

Pěstovala by zeleninu, kdyby měla zahradu?

What time would you get up?

V kolik hodin byste vstával?

I would get up at midday.

Vstával bych v poledne.

Would she take up painting if she had free time?

Začala by malovat, kdyby měla volný čas?

I would drive a Porsche.

Řídil bych porsche./ Jezdil bych v porsche.

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