Night chapter 5

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Why does Elie choose not to fast on Yom Kippur?

Because if they fasted they might die because they need all the food that they can get. Anyways they had been fasting for a year already. Everyday was like Yom Kippur. His father told him not to fast. There was no reason to fast. He no longer accepted god's silence. When he ate it was like rebelling god.

Why do the veterans of buna tell elie and the other inmates they are lucky to be in buna now

Buna is now a paradise compared to a while ago. Buna used to be a veritable hell. They had no water, blankets, less food. They have all of those things now. Lots of food now. They used to sleep naked in freezing weather. Hundreds died by the day. Work was very hard. They used to have to have dead a certain number each day. Also selection every week.

Which notorious doctor is presiding over the selection

Dr. Mengele

At the end of the chapter, what does elie have in his pocket and for what purpose

He has two pieces of bread to eat. He got extra bread to help him survive the journey and get stronger. It will help him live. He wont be as hungry and will have more energy. He is saving the bread for the journey through. Until he is starved to death because he doesn't know if the journey will be 1 hour or 1 week.

Why does elie go to the hospital

His foot is red and swollen and he cant use it very well to do work. They dont want him to die or be useless. They dont want it to be amputated. He has an infection

What is the importance of Rosh Hashanah, and why is it "a day unlike all others"?

Rosh thingy is the last day of the Jewish year. It was weird because what if it was the last day of the cursed year. What if they were all saved on the beginning of the new year. What if this was the end of their suffering. Everyone gathered to celebrate and have a service outside that evening. They had a thicker soup. Elie was mad at god and lost all his faith. He yelled at god.

When presented with the choice to evacuate or remain at buna, what do elie and shlomo decide

They both evacuate

What is the outcome of the selection for elie? For his father?

They both pass and get to live and keep doing normal stuff that they have been doing.

What was the fate of those who remained at the infirmary

They were liberated by the Russians two days after the evacuation. They had it easy and survived. They didn't have to endure further pain and suffering and death

What advice does the blockalteste give to elie and the others before the selection

To move your limbs and give yourself some color. Also to run as fast as you can. Don't look at the ss, just look ahead and run as fast as you can. Most important dont be afraid.

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